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If you could go back in time and stop any event from happening what would you do?

99 posts in this topic

This makes everyone happier. However compliments because it's hard to remain friends after this. Many people don't do this.

We had so much in common beyond our relationship, and I still love her, so I enjoy spending time with her, even if I can't be with her the way I want to.

I don't resent people for hurting me or hold grudges. My attitude is closer to "It's ok, just don't let it happen again, k?"


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We had so much in common beyond our relationship, and I still love her, so I enjoy spending time with her, even if I can't be with her the way I want to.

I don't resent people for hurting me or hold grudges. My attitude is closer to "It's ok, just don't let it happen again, k?"

School can be very tough on people. The stress alone gets many, but exposure to other ideas and values can also change people over time. Sometimes when the stress takes over people lash out or try to break off the relationships they care the most about. It can seem so counter-intuitive, but it actually makes sense... we tend to take the most risk and play the most loosely with those things we feel the most secure about. Time apart isn't always time apart then, it's just time where energy is focused on the task at hand, because we know that safe place will stay safe for us when that task is done.

*a whole lot of stuff*

Re FTL: All evidence points to this being impossible. The problem with going the speed of light is that the entire universe - everything - contracts to a point in your time frame. So going ftl... this is probably a non-physical state. No tachyons yet. There's ways around it, (wormholes) though and they require exotic matter to allow for stable states matter can move through. We don't know how to do this but it looks possible.

Re 1,2,3,4, and 5: The thing about infinite universes means that there is an infinite number of universes with people who want to visit here and don't give a flying-frack what happens. So those lines of reasoning sort of run into a brick wall there.

6: It really looks that way....

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There's a bright side though. The universe is ridiculously huge, so we're not going to run out of places to explore.


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There's a bright side though. The universe is ridiculously huge, so we're not going to run out of places to explore.

Not any time soon, at least ._. i wonder if it's even possible to reach the borders of the universe... And if it is, if we will reach the borders BEFORE the Big crunch (if it happens to our universe) starts.

Also, i would like your post, but my positive votes quota ran out : Dunk has been very active today...


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Dunk has been very active today...

dunk works like a "likes magnet". The strongest magnet of the world is in these forums. Hooray!

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Not any time soon, at least ._. i wonder if it's even possible to reach the borders of the universe... And if it is, if we will reach the borders BEFORE the Big crunch (if it happens to our universe) starts.

Also, i would like your post, but my positive votes quota ran out : Dunk has been very active today...

There's a quota!? Hmm... this implies many things.

Yeah... not any time soon. But there's a decent chance we will be able to live forever if we want (exempting homicide or accident). It sounds bizarre... but it is becoming increasingly positive with every year. So hey, there's hope.***

There is no Big Crunch. Our universe is in a state of accelerating expansion. This is a relatively new discovery so we're still not quite sure what to make of it over here in the physics community. There likely are no borders though. It's either open ended or a single surface (like a balloon - growing, but with no edge)

dunk works like a "likes magnet". The strongest magnet of the world is in these forums. Hooray!

Heheh... I've always found that phrase quite curious. Magnets repel as often as they attract! I think that says something about how our mind works.

[Edit much later]

And then this happened:

Relativistic TFC, anyone?


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Notes about the speed of light.

  • Einstein's theory of spacial relativity has been expanded by modern physicists in order to properly address speeds faster than light.
  • You don't need to travel at the speed of light, you just need to condense the space you are traveling through.

    • Shake your head if you must, but a team is working with NASA to research this.
  • Given current models of physics, it is highly unlikely that anything with mass will reach speeds near the speed of light. As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases infinitely.

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Can you exit from the universe?

No one knows.

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  • Given current models of physics, it is highly unlikely that anything with mass will reach speeds near the speed of light. As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases infinitely.

... Let's say we figure out a way to produce big quantities of a particular strange matter which's mass is negative. Let's also say, someone managaes to build a space ship which can reach speeds > or = to SoL, and it is made of exactly 1/2 matter and 1/2 of this strange matter. As the object approaches speed of light, the matter increases it's mass infinitely. However, at the same time, the strange matter decreases it's mass infinitely. This effects could counteract each other, allowing the ship to remain in the same relative mass while reaching or even surpassing SoL?

(note: where it now reads "strange matter", i was originally saying "antimatter". However, i figured out while writing the post that it's probably not how it works... :)


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Can you exit from the universe?

Really, we don't exactly even know what the universe is, strictly speaking. So the idea of exiting it might be completely moot because you can't exit 'everything that exists' without ceasing to exist. It's a possibility that there are many uiniverses, but that then just means that you change the question (the 'moving goal posts') to Can we exit the multi-verse? So the short answer is that until we have more evidence, the question itself is sort of ill-formed, from a strictly logical point of view.

... Let's say we figure out a way to produce big quantities of a particular strange matter

Exotic matter! lol

Actually what you're saying here is sort of like the idea behind stable wormholes. It needs to be of the wormhole configuration though, because you can't have something that is both regular matter and exotic matter. They sort of get rid of each other. But that means each atom, each quark, each invisibly tiny chunk of you made of matter would approach infinite mass.


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... Let's say we figure out a way to produce big quantities of a particular strange matter which's mass is negative. Let's also say, someone managaes to build a space ship which can reach speeds > or = to SoL, and it is made of exactly 1/2 matter and 1/2 of this strange matter. As the object approaches speed of light, the matter increases it's mass infinitely. However, at the same time, the strange matter decreases it's mass infinitely. This effects could counteract each other, allowing the ship to remain in the same relative mass while reaching or even surpassing SoL?

(note: where it now reads "strange matter", i was originally saying "antimatter". However, i figured out while writing the post that it's probably not how it works... :)

There currently exists a single type of matter which we know very little about, and may be able to do this. Dark Matter.

However, Einsteins equations do really WEIRD things when you throw negative numbers at it. I can't wrap my head around it right now, not after a day of work.


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we don't need to travel at light speeds. Look up albucierre drive(? I'm not sure of spelling)

Like Ditto said, NASA is researching this. It involves compressing space in front of a ship and expanding it behind it to create a "warp bubble". This sort of acts like a wave and the ship "surfs" it to another region of space. Maintaining the warp bubble doesn't require energy, but you need energy to close the warp bubble. The warp bubble allows the ship to travel huge distances while not actually going anywhere (ie it's position in space doesn't change, but the location of that position in space does) This means it won't experience relativistic effects like increase of mass or time dilation. It has been theorized that this would allow a ship to arrive at it's destination as if it had flown there at 10 x light speed. One posited problem with this is that as nothing can move faster than light speed (nothing) and because all points in space are relatively the same, travelling to any point in space at faster than light speed would cause you to arrive before time did. (it doesn't matter from which direction you go, it happens on the way there and back, you can't reverse it). For example, if you travelled to the nearest star (alpha centauri? idr) which is about 4 light years from here, it would take 4.8 months in the warp drive ship. Because time moving at the speed of light would take 4 years to get there however, you would arrive 3 years and 8 months before you left, and if you came back, you would arrive 7 years and 4 months before you left earth originally. Interesting stuff.

Maybe you can imagine it as a river, where the current is time. You're being pulled by the current, and everything around you is moving at the same rate. You some how manage to shift laterally (perpendicular to the current flow) violently enough that objects that used to be travelling with you now move ahead and now you are adjacent to particles that were behind you previously



(I realize that this is a horribly inaccurate representation of events, but I thought it might help some people)


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Heheh... I've always found that phrase quite curious. Magnets repel as often as they attract! I think that says something about how our mind works.

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Like Ditto said, NASA is researching this. It involves compressing space in front of a ship and expanding it behind it to create a "warp bubble".


One posited problem with this is that as nothing can move faster than light speed (nothing) and because all points in space are relatively the same, travelling to any point in space at faster than light speed would cause you to arrive before time did.

Ooo right, that is another cool way around it. I'd forgotten about that one.

There is still some debate about the whole ftl time-travel-by-distance thing. It arises because we're sort of defining light speed and time as one and the same, instead of the space itself. There's another way to interpret it that separates the two, meaning that you will see the light arrive from an earlier time, but it doesn't mean that if you flew back time wouldn't still be as it was. So there's a relativistic lag, but not one significantly different from Galilean relativity that we experience on a day-to-day basis. In other words our experience of time is fixed to our velocity, but our velocity is not a determinator of others' time.

Umm... ok? I just think it's kind of cool. The sides of twinned relationships that our minds choose to associate things with. I'm not clear why that warrants the response it got. But I'm also not really sure what that response meant. I apologise if feel that my post was in some manner insulting. It was not intended that way.


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you can't have something that is both regular matter and exotic matter. They sort of get rid of each other.

Wasn't that a property of antimatter only, or it apply to any form of matter which is not... well, matter .-.

(horriblest explanation ever of what antimatter and strange matter are, but i couldn't find any other both good and easy for me to translate in english -i just woke up, so it's natural for me to be lazy right now...-)


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Wasn't that a property of antimatter only, or it apply to any form of matter which is not... well, matter .-.

(horriblest explanation ever of what antimatter and strange matter are, but i couldn't find any other both good and easy for me to translate in english -i just woke up, so it's natural for me to be lazy right now...-)

Sorry I didn't say that very clearly at all. It's more that because they behave in completely different ways, they don't much like to be put together. As a simple example, exotic matter of the type we're talking about moves in the opposite direction of applied force, but regular matter of course moves in the direction of applied force. If you manage to somehow make a material consisting of both, it will tear itself to shreds very rapidly - there are always little forces being applied to individual atoms as they bump and jostle in a material.

Wrt 'strange matter' - I think you might want to look that one up. I don't see how it has any role in the discussion... it sounded like you were confusing it for exotic matter (or possibly antimatter), but all three are quite distinct.


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Sorry I didn't say that very clearly at all. It's more that because they behave in completely different ways, they don't much like to be put together. As a simple example, exotic matter of the type we're talking about moves in the opposite direction of applied force, but regular matter of course moves in the direction of applied force. If you manage to somehow make a material consisting of both, it will tear itself to shreds very rapidly - there are always little forces being applied to individual atoms as they bump and jostle in a material.

Wrt 'strange matter' - I think you might want to look that one up. I don't see how it has any role in the discussion... it sounded like you were confusing it for exotic matter (or possibly antimatter), but all three are quite distinct.

In fact i didn't know it actually existed, and i was using it instead of "antimatter" 'cause i realized i'm really not sure what antimatter is...


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In fact i didn't know it actually existed, and i was using it instead of "antimatter" 'cause i realized i'm really not sure what antimatter is...

Antimatter has positive mass but reversed spin and charge. So an electron would be positively charged (positron) and a proton would be negative. In terms of the experience of the universe, you wouldn't know which you were in (a matter universe or an antimatter universe) because it's sort of arbitrary - they behave the same in every other way. Contrast that to exotic matter some of which has the negative energy / negative mass - the two may coexist a little easier (no giant explosions) but they behave completely differently. Strange matter on the other hand is still just regular matter, but that also includes a strange quark.


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I just remembered that I saw a program in my physics class (professor actually just showed a movie for class that day) where they were discussing quantum entanglement, and that two quantumly entangled particles (they were using photons) would be directly affected by any actions performed on one. They created the two photons, kept one in a lab and sent the other 400 m under a river to a lab on the other side. When they altered the state of the first photon, the second immediately altered it's state too at the EXACT same moment, there wasn't a lag due to information of some sort traveling at the speed of light from one laboratory to the other. This could help us develop a technology that would allow us to overcome the issue of traveling across the galaxy where radio waves take YEARS to travel between earth and the space craft.


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EDIT: just talked to her, and it seems that she's just under a lot of stress with her classes atm. We agreed that for now we'll be friends, but we're going to start our relationship over after christmas.

scratch that, it seems I'm allowed to attempt to win her back after christmas :/

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scratch that, it seems I'm allowed to attempt to win her back after christmas :/

Time to show up all what you got, before you lose her :

Figuratively speaking. I doubt taking and following the previous sentence literally would end up in anything but you in jail. And we still need you for coding And nobody wants to see you jailed D:


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I would genetically replace toes with thumbs.

LOL :P then more people would be able to do this:



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