Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by wodahs

  1. uh.. i dont look at my name enough, i forgot to add the i to the back of my name, wodahsi
  2. Age: 4_? physically mature, mentally is still a question.Minecraft Username: Wodahsi Why would you like to join? Looking for a vanilla server to take part in, I hate doing alot of mods, and plain TFC servers are few. What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general? Been playing MC for the last 4 years, and TFC for about a year. Any additional information that would help your case? U.S. Army Veteran, with too much time on my hands. I used to consider myself a dwarf, but the new cave ins are making that a bit more difficult. I like to help people out and have a decent understanding of TFC so would be available to assist in projects. Time zone, location, name: U.S. Texas, central time zone USA, Albert
  3. why are you guys down?
  4. [TFC 0.79.23+] Journeymap TFC animal fix

    will this delete any other saved waypoints if i have rei's installed?
  5. Shallow Grave,

    Version #: 7.7SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): single player, hardcore modeSuggested Name: shallow graveSuggested Category: Severe-Annoying Description: while hiding from critters in a new game, i build a hasty hut, Plus "+" shaped center hollow, the bottom layer was dirt, to conserve on wood, second level was wood since dirt does not like to stack, and a thach roof.. i put a hole 1 block deep in the middle cause i thought i hears a spider outside and got ready for a long night.. well the zombies or something hit the wood "?" and the next thing i know i am suffocating. i recreated this a second time with the same affect, suffocation. i further experimented with a 3 blocks of dirt around an empty center piece. a plus "+" minus a side. once it is set, dig a hole in the center just 1 deep and all 3 blocks will jump into the center hole, one will fill the hole, one will sit on top of that location and the third will disapear. I dont know if this was intentional, of if there is a stability/sensitivity issue with unsupported dirt, but all 3 trying to jump into the same hole isnt right.. it also does the same with all 4 sides, and the will all merge into the center. 2 disapearing. Is this an intended result? Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes*If you answered no to the above question, delete your config files and try to reproduce the bug. This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes - Rei's minimapIf yes, which mods?
  6. Starting Hardcore and chash

    weird crash after starting a new hardcore world.. dont know whats happening. here is the report crash-2014-10-14_18.14.04-server.txt
  7. Shallow Grave,

    the problem with that is that monsters will then call you lunch. the object is a quick shelter when you cant outrun the mobs with them spawning in front of you. if you put dirt in the corner you will have to stack them up 2 high.. hence more cave ins..
  8. how are you building a sluce? the directions in the wiki are not visible.