Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by aeroc

  1. Put the partially filled unshaped ingot back into the input slot, once it reaches liquid temperature it will drop back down to the output slot. If it was still liquid temperature to start with it should drop almost instantly. You can then continue filling it as usual.

    Thanks for the tip, but this seems to cause another bug which nullifies any of the tip's benefits. When the semi-filled unshaped ingot in the input slot empties its contents and becomes a regular ceramic mold, this ceramic mold seems to become a dummy/ghost mold. When I shift click it out of the input slot, to combine it with a ceramic mold itemstack in my inventory, it leaves the input slot but does not increment the itemstack. I also tried moving it to my inventory as a single unit of ceramic mold, and then manually combine it with the itemstack and that does the same thing (it disappears and fails to increment the itemstack).


  2. Ya that's a really good point about arrowshafts, maybe there should be two flavors of arrowshafts. Were primitive arrowshafts footed?

    My texture artist is MIA, busy with school I believe. I intended for the bows to all have unique textures, plus some of the textures he hasn't updated are still crappy ones I drew. If anyone wants to donate their spritework the best I can offer is to credit your work in the OP.


  3. I noticed in B75 crops grew more slowly with lower rainfall, was this changed in B76?

    In B76, I planted crops many RL weeks ago (thus many in-game years) at Z -8700, in rainfall 8000 soil blocks with maxed nutrition (and obviously irrigated) and it refuses to grow beyond the first or second step. Our server year length is set to 360. Most crops grow and thrive, others just sit there doing nothing.


  4. Bug report B76 HF18

    Suggested name: Unshaped Nickel and Pig Iron Ingot Textures Are Switched

    Suggested category: Minor

    Description: The textures for these two unshaped ingots are reversed.

    Suggested name: Shift Clicking Ceramic Mold in Firepit Moves Entire Stack

    Suggested category: Medium-ish

    Description: When you shift click a ceramic mold itemstack into a firepit output slot, it moves the entire stack instead of just a single ceramic mold. And if a metal happens to smelt into that ceramic mold itemstack, you could lose up to 63 ceramic molds. Also another annoyance that has bothered me with these firepit output slots is that it's impossible to move an already semi-filled unshaped ingot from your inventory into one of the output slots, please let us move these back in after we take em out.


  5. Just a few moments ago, I crafted 3 stacks of arrow heads. The first one gave me 16, the second and third gave me only a single one (though the use of the anvil was the same).

    Now, those single arrow heads do not stack, so I guess, that there is only a visual glitch.

    Edit: VegasGoat sent me a solution to this problem and it has been implemented in TerraBow 0.7.

    TFC anvils were not designed to output itemstacks with stacksize greater than 1. I'm hoping Bioxx or Dunk will accomodate this:


    If not, then I will probably change it so that arrowheads are crafted in a crafting table instead of the TFC anvil. Thanks for your comments.


  6. Suggested name: Chiseled wood block does not prevent rain from cooling firepit.

    Suggested category: Game Mechanic

    Description: I was cooking with 7 firepits in a large building with a full chiseled roof. As soon as it started to rain outside the firepits all cooled off and refused to consume fuel, despite no rain actually reaching the firepits.


  7. Edit: VegasGoat sent me a solution that will work instead, so please ignore.

    I have a small request for Dunk or Bioxx. On line 162 of TileEntityAnvil can you change this:

    anvilItemStacks[1] = result;

    to this:

    anvilItemStacks[1] = result.copy();

    When we make arrowheads from metal rods on an anvil, by default it should make 16 arrowheads and this works the first time an AnvilRecipe is successfully executed. However, on each subsequent attempt to convert metal rods into arrowheads it only outputs 1 arrowhead. This happens until the server is restarted because a few lines after anvilItemStacks[1] stacksize is set to 1. This also changes the stacksize of result in the AnvilRecipe instance.

    If you decline we have other alternatives, like patching TFC on the server we play on or changing this recipe from an AnvilRecipe to a crafting bench recipe.


  8. I'm here to report a slight bug where arrow sometimes get suck in air block as if there's a solid block in there.

    Also, is there any consideration on making arrows break not always on hit with the mob, but leave the chance to retrieve them? This will help to balance out the cost of high-tier arrows, as I see it.

    I noticed that bug too, but I believe it's a forge bug. Try removing my mod and then shoot a few vanilla arrows into a wall, I saw the exact same thing without my mod.

    As for retrieving arrows from mobs, it's a great idea. Sadly, I'm not aware of any way to implement this without modifying TFC itself. Once TFC adds its own custom versions of mobs, there is no way to substitute your own customized versions of those mobs in their place. Forge doesn't seem to have a method for removing or replacing other mods' mobs from the spawning system. There could be a way I'm not aware of, if someone knows, hopefully they will share.


  9. First, I think you could probably remove the "rough footed shaft" step. I think it's unnecessary. Just go from rough shaft to footed shaft with the planer. If you must, compensate by reducing the amount of rough shafts you receive from the sawn plank.

    Ya there are probably too many steps, it's probably better to skip some wood products in a few places.

    The material cost of metal arrow heads is way way too much. You should either find a way to produce multiple rods from an ingot, or perhaps you could have the recipe produce a "pack of unfinished arrowheads", which then must be combined with a "sharpening stone" tool in a crafting grid to produce X amount of finished arrowheads. Four to six would be acceptable, I think.

    By default each metal rod produces 16 metal arrowheads. The TFC anvil doesn't show the quantity of an item stack when crafted, but once you click to pick up the stack the quantity appears correctly. The number of arrowheads from a rod is also a configurable value in the config file.

    This is a friendly reminder that editing TFC files is prohibited when making mods of TFC.

    This mod does not edit any TFC class files, nor does it distribute them.


  10. - From the looks of things (metal rods, mostly), there will be crossbows eventually. Is it true?

    I considered crossbows, but this was as far as I was planning to go with this mod. The example I saw of people smithing arrowheads was from rods. A lot of my production lines involve multiple steps which TFC authors avoid, maybe for good reason.

    - Is it possible to do so metal rod does not requre a plan in slot, much like metal sheets do?

    It certainly is.

    - I think hand plan recipe should require a plank in place of a stick, or maybe both, as stick is used as handle.

    I agree, I was considering making it plank instead, but ultimately I went with sticks to be consistent with the other TFC tools and weapon recipes. Stick and plank is even better.

    - Maybe glue bottle should have a durability bar and "break" into an empty bottle, so less swapping is required when making a lot of arrows. These also don't stack atm, so inventory gets quite flooded too.

    They should have a durability bar, are you not seeing one when you use it? Glue bottles should be multi-use. Breaking into an empty bottle is a good idea, I'll add that when I get the chance. Thanks for the feedback.


  11. Yes, in B76 I've found many lapis lazuli deposits in limestone and siltstone. It appears as both veins and solid deposits, with no marble anywhere nearby. The pro-pick says "Found very large sample of", then nothing.

    Also some ores and minerals render strangely, allowing you to see through walls. Another server member reported seeing this too.


  12. Abandoned: September 2013


    I just wanted to let people know that I have no intention of updating this mod for B77+, I'm too busy with real life. The source for this mod is available on github. I don't agree with copyright, so feel free to copy/edit/distribute any or all of my code at your leisure. Thanks to everyone who left suggestions, there are some quality posts that took people some time to type and I would've gladly used your ideas to improve the mod if I had more time.



    Terra Bow mod is a bow and arrow mod to compliment TFC. It's a work in progress, just waiting on some finished textures. But I figured it was a good time to get it out there and have it play tested so I can work out any bugs. Please post up any bugs you find in version 0.7 only.

    Download & Install

    Download and place .zip file in the /mods directory. - Version 0.7 - MC 1.5.1, TFC B76, built on Forge 639 - Version 0.6 - MC 1.5.1, TFC B76, built on Forge 639 - Version 0.5 - MC 1.5.1, TFC B76, built on Forge 639 - Version 0.3 - MC 1.4.6, TFC B75, built on Forge 486


    • [*]
    3 Bows: Primitive, Longbow & Composite [*]15 Arrows: 13 TFC Metals, Stone & Bone [*]3 Anvil Plans: Plane Blade, Metal Rod and Arrowhead [*]New Metal Tool: Hand Plane [*]Longbows and composite bows have variable durability based on the "quality" of the woods that produced them. [*]Highly Configurable: Configure arrow damage, bow accuracy, durability, velocity, wood quality, stack sizes and more.


    Terra Bow mod adds quite a few new items and recipes so I made a simple page to help reference them (not accurate for version 0.3):

    Other Notes

    It is still very much a work in progress. Some of the textures are redundant placeholders until the final textures are ready. All credit to Kwink007 for supplying the already finalized textures and many thanks for the feedback from the members of Roanoke server.

    My research was limited to watching youtube videos and looking up wikipedia, so forgive me if some things don't make perfect sense. But feel free to leave feedback and complaints.

    I will write about the config file settings soon, to explain what they all do. It's possible to mess up the way the bows and arrows work if you put some values out of certain ranges.

    Change Log

    Version 0.7 - April 29, 2013
    • [*]Fixed arrowhead/anvil crafting bug, where executing an arrowhead recipe twice would only produce 1 arrowhead instead of 16. (Many thanks to VegasGoat for the solution.)

    Version 0.6 - April 24, 2013

    • [*]Fixed bone and stone arrows mix up when picking up arrows in ground. [*]Added two new config settings: ChanceToDropArrow and ChanceToDropArrowhead. The chance should be a double between 0.0 and 1.0. [*]After an arrow strikes a living entity, there is a chance that the arrow or the arrow's arrowhead will drop immediately, based on the two new config settings above.


  13. TFC cactus is quite common. Based only on the recent server map I play on it seems deserts are more common in B76 too. Plus cactus is renewable.

    Also it is quite easy to add your own plans with TFC's scribing table and to craft custom items using TFC's anvil. Luckily for modders, Bioxx or whoever made those classes quite accessable.
