Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Treyflix

  1. TFC FANART!!!!

    As much as I hate to say it guys, Menoch apears to be unemployed and lost all the music he was working on. "This is exactly what i got. My Pc is hosed and wouldnt you know it yesterday i got laid off due to lack of work. When it rains it pours man it really just never seems to stop. But on the bright side, at least I still get to pay taxes! Yaaaaay. So no TFC for me for a very long time... My music files are lost that i have been working on for the tfc soundtrack too. This sucks monkey nads!!" (
  2. TFC FANART!!!!

    So since Menoch lost his job, what's going to happen to this project? P.S: JAG, my flying-awesome-big-colorful-dragon-thing is better than yours
  3. Zombie Steel Claws.

    Yeh the wiki does need work, but it's user updated so if you feel it is inadequate, go over there and update it yourself
  4. Artist looking to help out

    You don't even have to ask! O.O
  5. Artist looking to help out

    ....HOLY F+CK!
  6. WARNING!!!

    Oh Menoch, I feel for you man . Stay strong, be positive and look on the sunny side of things! We at the TFC forums are rooting for you!
  7. Zombie Steel Claws.

    The good news is you won't have to deal with Zombies forever. All the Vanilla Hostile mobs will be confined to underground dungeons (much better than the vanilla sorry excuses for dungeons) and will be replaced by aggressive predatory animals. Edit: Oh yeh WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!!!
  8. WARNING!!!

    Sorry to hear this Menoch thank you so much for the warning though!
  9. Cool Dante, sorry for the shortness again. I was having a bad day. but I am having a much much better day today! all those reasons look good, looking forward to seeing more in the future
  10. Artist looking to help out

  11. Well, you have to admit the Phylite cobble does look like plastic Dino turds . I was not trying to say ANYTHING in this texture pack has not had the proper effort into it. heck even if it was, it wouldn't matter. This is Dante's texturepack and he can do whatever he wants with it. I just wanted to point out a few textures that were below the par of the others IN MY HONEST OPINION. I'm sorry for being frustrated.
  12. I'm sorry, what the heck Ditto? why are you calling me a jerk? did you NOT see the part where I said: "So I just wrote an entire long post with constructive criticism and my computer randomly restarted so I lost my entire post... I am determined though so I will write it again, but this time with no fluff as I am PISSED at my computer." and: "PHEW! That's all for now. Sorry if I sounded rushed or frusterated, cause I was. Just not at you. I was determined to get you this feedback even though I didn't have the time after my stupid comp deleted the first post I made." Huh? I was simply trying to give this amazing artist some personal opinion on his texture pack because he ASKED for it.
  13. So I just wrote an entire long post with constructive criticism and my computer randomly restarted so I lost my entire post... I am determined though so I will write it again, but this time with no fluff as I am PISSED at my computer. First off, your Anvils frankly do not look like metal IMO. The look like overly compensated coloration of a bad stone texture and would benefit from being more "Shiny & shit" . The bronze & red/blue steel HUES look good, but as I said, the textures do not look like metal. Secondly, your stone textures. They look too awesome man, you need to work on that. LOL, In all seriousness the stone textures are one of my favorite things you have done so far. However there is a few things that bother me. I will go from top to bottom of THIS ( post. This is NOT IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE, just in order of the picture you posted. 1: Andesite Cobble. You did a great job on the different cobbles all looking like they have been "cobbled" without all looking the same with a few exceptions. The first is the Andesite. It looks bad. Like some one took small rocks, carved them into the shape of pizza slices and threw them into a vat of gray plaster to dry. The result is a very plastic, fake looking cobble that resembles a mutated raw stone more than cobble. 2: Mudstone Raw. I think you just over thought this one and put to much time into a texture that should be really simple. This result looks forced, plasterish, and fake. Mudstone in the default textures has a very nice look, just take a step back and you will do fine I think. 3: Mudstone Smoothed. I am having a hard time saying what I don't like about this other than it is not smooth, it looks like bricks, and its blurry. 4: Claystone Cobble. Out of all the textures, I dislike this one by far the most. It simply does NOT look like cobble, it looks like a close of photo of micro sand grains! 5: Conglomerate Cobble. I hate to even include this as this may be my favorite texture out of all these, but it doesnt look like cobble. it looks smoothed and polished like bricks, not like cobble. 6: Conglomerate Smooth. Bad Bad Bad BAD! I'd scrap this texture, use the bricks texture as the smooth, de-randomize the cobble a little and use it as the bricks, then make a entirely new cobble texture. 7: Chert Cobble. Same problem as the Claystone cobble. 8: Calk Smooth. Looks really... flat... and plastic 9: Phylite Cobble. This one is my second most disliked after the Claystone cobble. It looks like plastic Dino turds. 10: Marble Cobble. Last problem texture in the stone for me. Let me just say I LOVE the marble textures, they look really ornate just as they should. however, the cobble does not look cobbled. I think you just got carried away making the marble look really pretty and forgot to make the cobble look rough PHEW! That's all for now. Sorry if I sounded rushed or frusterated, cause I was. Just not at you. I was determined to get you this feedback even though I didn't have the time after my stupid comp deleted the first post I made. This is all personal opinion! take it or leave it and don't be afraid to as for clarification if needed. Let me end by say this texture pack is... well... a work of art
  14. Spawn protection

    I'm sorry, you have to show us now.
  15. Spawn protection

    Dude, his house is the entire world on every computer that has TFC installed on it. From Russia to Argentina to Canada to USA to Italy and more! *whispers* I bet his house isn't very good because he spends all his time coding awesome stuff for us...
  16. Spawn protection

    GEEZUS MENOCH! Got a big enough house there?! O.o Post more pictures please, that is really pretty! Mostly talking about that front gate
  17. My personal review. +Hi

    Hahahahaha! That was PERFECT! I couldn't have said it better myself ^.^
  18. Anvils to hard to make

    Too. Not to, not two, not 2, TOO!!! See the "oo"??? /grammar Nazi. Must...resist...the urge to make a Dunk meme!
  19. Alloys Like Meals

    Thank you ECC (& Leo) for returning to civil conversation. Unless some one has something to add in a calm and positive manner, I suggest we let this thread be laid to rest. Unless you're feeling lucky... well? Are you? ~Clint eastwood quote FtW
  20. Crossbows

    Ohhh now you gone an' done it son. Mmm-Hmm! I fear for your life.
  21. Naval suggestions

    SPOON everyone! PARTY TIME!!!
  22. PvP mode

    1SDAN, will you kindly Stop with the F+CKING double posts now PLEASE!!! You know, I rather Like talking like this...
  23. Alloys Like Meals

    Vlad, what did I tell you? let the thread die and try again later. I'm not impressed at ALL with how ECC and Pux are handling this -which is even made worse by the fact that they are experienced and respected (respected by me at least) users- but you are doing nothing to help your idea by arguing with them in a insulting way. We both know you have logic on your side so why not just debate politely? Thanks for trying to break them up JAG. I don' know why Pux of all people is fighting. Or why everyone hates this idea
  24. Bloomery and charcoal...

    Correction: too bad you can't use Coke. Luckily Coke has already been added to the creative inventory so Bioxx likely is planning on adding it.
  25. Mastery

    I am not a master of much, yet, but if I had a matery it would be Prospecting. I know each and every rock type, what can be found in it, wether it can be found in clusters, the approximate height it may be found, the most efficient way to use the pro pick for it, and more I don't feel like revealing. I hope to become a maker of perfect tools soon. Honestly I'm mostly just good at surviving. I can pretty much take anything TFC can throw at me.