Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ECC

  1. Why read something when you can write it? MWAHAHAHAHAH
  2. Dont eat something I have never head of? done.
  3. I've seen things in real life that would twist your stomach(pro tip, Avoid aluminum cans). But still.. the image of seeing someone put their ENTIRE body inside someone else's ENTIRE body... Uhhm... Ew.
  4. Aesthetic blocks list

    I believe, and dont quote me on this, you can make randomization on center blocks only. In any case, ores like what you want would fit better in the metathread.
  5. Go inside... Okay, that is just... Ewwwwwwwwwww
  6. Tents.

    That is just a bad excuse. Unless you have some major issues, that excuse fails to work. And thats coming from someone who used to use that particular line.
  7. Aesthetic blocks list

    Tweaked, and added: -Wool Carpeting(Vsnow equivalent) --Crafting: three wool blocks lengthwise give 24 wool carpet of the colour used. --Why: Name of the thread bro -Hide/skin Rug(Vsnow Equivalent) --Crafting: None. Obtained from mobs(as [MobName] Hide/Skin) --Why: Because I want to line my floors with creeper skin just to show how badass I am. No: Curtains - Requires a mechanic that is not solved easily/effectively as a block. Better suited to be a entity similar to a painting. Metathread sounds like a better choice.(yes, I know all about doors and redstone. But when used this thing needs to be able to do a massive block update all across its self. Entities work better and cheaper for this. Again, if you have an issue, state it.
  8. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I cant follow this topic due to its shear size. Shouldn't a subforum be made dedicated to this?
  9. Aesthetic blocks list

    Jeez, you should probably see a Doctor about your throat. That sounded TERRIBLE. /joke Yes, I know I practically redid the point of half your metathread. But organization ;P
  10. Tents.

    I hate you. I was waiting all this time to post that line at the right moment and YOU steal it. Damnit Eternal ;P
  11. you sure he isnt a dungeon himself? I imagine that would make for an interesting RP session 'Oh btw, your comrade is a walking dungeon. You cant kill him, but you cant leave him behind either'
  12. Metal blocks

    3 years? Sounds like that equates to 'the community will be dying by then'
  13. Aesthetic blocks list

    Mineral storage: Errm.. Yes I guess. Not sure about it, added anyhow.(added as 'Unrefined ore blocks') Cabinets: Yes, for the simple fact of 'just cuz' Thatch: Noted, however I ignored that as a fact to simplify it as a 'storage block' Personal addition: Other: -Ice bricks --Crafting: Ice+chisel --Why: Inuits do/did it, and i do it every winter. Why not in game? No: metal blocks(its has its own thread.) colored glass(it requires special crafting and as such needs to be discussed elsewhere. Also has its own thread if I remember) Ores(can be done with texturepacks: connected textures mod/optifine. I dont know how to make the textures, but it can already be done) hopefully no issues with my reasoning. Feel free to chew me out later for it though Sorry it took a few hours to get back to you all. I was sleeping and checking a few other sites (:
  14. Aesthetic blocks list

    fk your green, My pink workbench is better! added.
  15. Aesthetic blocks list

    The why was there just for arguments sake. Get it out of the thread before people even begin on it. I mean, mechanically speaking, Nothing in this should be any different then an existing item. somehow... I did forget the hay/thatch. Added
  16. plant genetics = allsume

    Shutup grammer nazi ;P Of I KILL YOU WITH ROCKS AND FIRE /joke Yeah, I know. But I was quoting my workaholic uncle. If I could have recorded my voice, It would have come out proper. Internet makes communication a challenge.
  17. plant genetics = allsume

    That not only sounds like an excuse, but is an excuse. Try again
  18. Metal blocks

    redundant, I said that ;P its on this page... Wow... lol... lazy
  19. Using torches as a firestarter

    I have never ever had a cat sit atop something I was trying to use(except my bed when I have been out all day. They get up when I walk in usually). The most annoying thing any of of my 6 cats have ever done is lay on my arm and fall asleep with me. well that, and never shutting up when I walk into the kitchen. as for the creeper thing, I believe that came from a large user base calling for 'cats to have a purpose'
  20. Cartography

    I dont see a point. I mean assuming it gets implemented we'll all feel that warm and fuzzy feeling. Dont need the credit, we ourselves know who did what. besides, No matter how good the idea is, best not to assume its getting implemented. I have seen ideas that were great. Perfect even and they did not get implemented for any number of reasons. And no, not just this game, others too. I think im saying 'Im not counting my/our eggs yet'
  21. Using torches as a firestarter

    Personally, I never liked vanilla cats. The 'personality' of the cats is too stereotypical and is built entirely from meme. I would like to see something totally unique in that regard. oh and... any jungle cats you DO add... PLEASE make sure its got at least one way to tame it. I love big cats. (: Just make sure its damn hard as hell to do.
  22. Metal blocks

    thats why I suggested NOT to allow multiple different ingots in the structure. so a question... any personal issue with being able to use the hand to pick up an entire pile?
  23. Oil! [not petroleum]

    I am the darkness. I was not always the darkness. I once was light. Then you all said no. And I died. NOW I AM BACK FOR VENGEANCE! We need lamps we need lights Legitimate way to get glowstone MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH I am entirely kidding. though... I really do want ascetic blocks. Cause... they are awesome n all.
  24. Oil! [not petroleum]

    'I've been following this topic the entire time... sometimes I just like to watch you guys squabble' You sadistic little - hahaha. As far as lighting gos, the ONLY thing i want is some torch like blocks. Lanterns particularly for ascetics and the ability to hand from ceilings. Just stuff that looks nice.
  25. Using torches as a firestarter

    5 bucks says you didnt find any cats. ;D