Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ECC

  1. About detail mode

    Dunk never said anything against the suggestion much less stomp it. He stated he did not like how the other idea was presented and people began assuming.
  2. Redstone

    this is not a thread about something to replace redstone. This is not about using it or not using it. this is about giving us our redstone back for SSP use while we wait for 'the next big thing' I am well aware of the alternatives and how to get redstone like I want back into my ssp worlds. I should not have to resort to methods outside of tfc to get something so standard.
  3. Redstone

    From what I understand of the modding community adding recipes is one of the easiest things to do. From Dunks own mouth(or writing if your technical about it) it is in fact one of the easiest. as for redstone its self, its a fairly solid feature that would not need tweaking. it responds to the world on its own, bugs and all. This topic is not about changing redstone or adding to it. its about making the one great vanilla feature available in the one great mod. I am not asking for some extraordinary device that turns the sun into vanilla diamonds, I am asking for literally a few recipes in game to be able to build that drawbridge over my moat or the gate that closes at the press of a button. Basic stuff, literally.
  4. The Hades Code

    sad at how few try the new code. ~insert string of insults about intellect here~ ;D
  5. pile of ideas

    the thread maintainer is no longer active and has stated as much in the thread. Unless someone wants to remake the thread and maintain it, along with getting it stickied, Im sure that we can leave the long dead thread be.
  6. bioxx, to interpret the quote, would be saying 'thats an idea similar to what we are discussing already, Dont worry bout it' or 'im busy, heres something to shut you up' Not sure which. Dunk on the other hand hasnt quite said no either. From what I see, its a no about how this topic's method is, which honestly is a bit OP for any server which wants to maintain a monetary based Economy (moving away from pure barter and trade) so, what ARE they saying? Bioxx: 'I have an idea how I might do this already' Dunk: 'I'm not sure about this, best to err on a no for now' bare in mind that this is an interpretation based on prior info. also note the 'Might' that is a biiig word to learn.
  7. Slopes and Gates

    read the topic, two things came to mind: oh god, that deleted thread is back' and 'wasn't bioxx talking about...?' read the content, now thinking 'wait, so something that will take up all my time after end game? like Vredstone? +183173t7815356187354712647918762374715381' Im all for pointless end game stuff that fills your time trying to understand because of awesomeness.
  8. pile of ideas

    that thread is abandoned, otherwise I would agree with that statement. of thease, the ONLY one I disagree with is the last one, chicken nests. Im not against nests, im against the method described. Come at me with something else and I may give you my vote on this
  9. some of thease appear to have bad effects on the server. Like instocrashing... :/
  10. Command List

    I am not sure I understand. Would not the Date and MLength both cover this?
  11. Command List

    If I somehow add something to this list that exists in vanilla, correct me. All of thease are things that allow server owners/operators or map makers to powerfully and dynamically control the environment. Of thease, I only expect the first 3 to be implemented /heal <Stat> <player> <amount> /set <Stat> <player> <amount> /get <player> <Stat> /kill <player> /pvp <player> <mode> /hpgain <on/off> <player> /date <YYYY, MM, DD> <Time> /mlength <amount> Key: Stat - H(Health), F(Hunger), T(thirst) Mode - 0(server default), 1(Can not attack nor be attacked), 2(Can be attacked but can not attack), 3(Can attack but not be attacked) ~Heal~ Heal allows the Operator to add or subtract a value of HP from the player. Positive amounts add HP, Negative amounts remove it. Adding health SHOULD never exceed the players current limit(decided by players level) and removing health should kill the player if it reaches 0. Works with player detection values(@). When a stat and amount is not filled out, maxes out all stats ~Set~ Set lets the operator set the exact value of each stat. May cause bugs if user level is below HP|XP max ratio. Setting health to 0 should kill the player. Works with player detection values(@). ~Get~ Does not altar gameplay. Acts to check a players stats and return them to the operator in a text chat string. If <stat> is unfilled, returns all stats in the following format: H, F, T. Works with player detection values(@) however this usage is not recommended ~Kill~ Kills the targeted user by setting HP to 0. if <player> is unfilled, kills the Operator. Works with player detection values(@). *This is a fix for the vanilla /Kill command* ~PvP~ Powerful command that allows Operators to decide who on a PvP enabled server(via server config/gamerule) can fight. used to set safezones or arenas or simply to be a dick. Works with player detection values(@) ~HPgain~ Allows the Operator to turn off HP, Thirst, and Hunger gained from XP for certain players or if the <player> value is unfilled, the entire server. Works with player detection values(@) ~Date~ Sets the date and time. Both values MUST be filled out. setting the day to a value not within the month may cause bugs ~MLength~ Sets the length of each month(is setting the year by multiplying the value given by 12)
  12. alright, time to errm... fix me... again... for the 5th time?
  13. Connected Stairs

    I kept poking only to find bioxx dead in a pile of his own code. for now we just should use the current modes I suppose. or if you prefer, use vanilla conversion items.
  14. Balancing the Chisel

    some balance is needed, but what you propose is entirely too much. It would effectively turn a super vein into literally nothing within only one play week because what you propose it to only give the chisel 3 hits in extreme cases. I would much rather have a second counter on the chisel to tally percents of a hit and once it reaches/rolls over the max, it simply takes form the durability.
  15. The Hades Code

    [01:21] <Marcopolo1613> ECC, you around? [01:21] <ECC> yeah [01:21] <Marcopolo1613> i tried your code [01:21] <Marcopolo1613> its rather difficult [01:21] <ECC> and? [01:22] <Marcopolo1613> i see many patterns but none of them lead anywhere [01:22] <ECC> Well if it was easy I would have just converted each letter into a number... 1=A and the like ;P [01:22] <Marcopolo1613> each o is trailed by three letterns [01:22] <Marcopolo1613> er and numbers [01:22] <Marcopolo1613> i found that your numbers are just added confusion [01:23] <Marcopolo1613> as no letters below 10 exist [01:23] <Marcopolo1613> and a letter as early as k (12) is shown [01:23] <Marcopolo1613> sa abcdefghi are all numbers [01:23] <Marcopolo1613> so* [01:23] <ECC> alright, so where are you with the code? [01:23] <Marcopolo1613> im assuming that snosnosnos is seperating words [01:24] <Marcopolo1613> and keys into the shift in the algorthm of change [01:24] <Marcopolo1613> so i focused on the three letter words [01:24] <Marcopolo1613> and they all have a six in the middle [01:24] <ECC> so, rewrite the code to show me where you are with it. [01:25] <Marcopolo1613> also all the n's are triald by five letters [01:25] <Marcopolo1613> well i havnt rewritten anything [01:25] <Marcopolo1613> thats the problem [01:25] <ECC> Often simplisity is guised as complexity [01:25] <Marcopolo1613> multi tier encription has so many exponential possabilites its reduculas [01:25] <Marcopolo1613> 26^2 is not my game of cards [01:26] <Marcopolo1613> and you said you had three levels? [01:26] <Marcopolo1613> 26^3 [01:26] <ECC> well, level 1: Encript layer [01:26] <Marcopolo1613> 17576 seemingly random places to go [01:26] <ECC> Level 2: false layer [01:26] <ECC> level 3: Encript [01:26] <Marcopolo1613> so you shift [01:27] <Marcopolo1613> hmm [01:27] <Marcopolo1613> false layer [01:27] <Marcopolo1613> still [01:27] <ECC> the more false layers I add and reencription the harder it becomes, even more so if there is no true pattren to it other then the seperate incripts [01:27] <Marcopolo1613> assuming you are using a normal shift encription [01:28] <Marcopolo1613> 1 to 1 [01:28] <Marcopolo1613> no patterned keys like mine has [01:28] <ECC> that go'es without saying that my encription may not be what your accounted to [01:28] <Marcopolo1613> then i still have to dencript and unfalsify [01:28] <Marcopolo1613> and then dencript again [01:28] <Marcopolo1613> while blind [01:28] <ECC> want to know wat I love about this code? [01:28] <ECC> it starts with sex. XD [01:29] <Marcopolo1613> six or sex? [01:29] <Marcopolo1613> and is that a word? [01:29] <ECC> no, thats not a hint or anything, it literally has a 69 in the beggining [01:29] <Marcopolo1613> oh [01:29] <Marcopolo1613> yea lol [01:29] <ECC> I add in so many unintentional things [01:30] <Marcopolo1613> so basically [01:30] <Marcopolo1613> ive analysed it up to the , drudge through number crunching point [01:31] <Marcopolo1613> i tried finding patterns in the three letter words and tying them back to common words, like the [01:31] <Marcopolo1613> but i havnt put a ton of time into it [01:31] <ECC> honestly at this point I dont think anyone can decode this one. [01:31] <Marcopolo1613> at this point its kinda really hard to know where to go, and the question i have, is am i doing anything wrong with my assumptions? [01:32] <ECC> well, honestly when I did this I didnt code anything aside from the letter|number thing [01:32] <ECC> Y means Y in this code [01:33] <ECC> as does D means D [01:33] <ECC> etc etc [01:33] <ECC> its not like the last code where E could end up being anthing. [01:33] <Marcopolo1613> so its linear [01:33] <Marcopolo1613> all occurences of some letter under a given encription set are the same [01:33] <Marcopolo1613> ? [01:34] <Marcopolo1613> say 66s [01:34] <Marcopolo1613> 66S rather [01:34] <ECC> however, the word Fish can end up being anything depending on its placement within the structure [01:34] <Marcopolo1613> the last three letter word [01:34] <Marcopolo1613> those sixes are the same letter later on? [01:34] <ECC> 6 is a letter, I wont speak for what letter though [01:35] <Marcopolo1613> ok, but its not this six is a letter, and because this other one is in a different spot in the word then its a different letter? [01:35] <ECC> as you already figured, the numbers were put in to throw you [01:35] <Marcopolo1613> [01:35] <Marcopolo1613> none of them are in sets within 26 [01:36] <Marcopolo1613> except two 16's [01:36] <Marcopolo1613> and a fifteen [01:36] <Marcopolo1613> but those didnt seem to be letters [01:36] <ECC> Well to be honest, I WOULD have encoded the entire thing in numbers but found that an issue when trying to do 10 numbers inside a 26 system [01:36] <ECC> so i err'd on lazyness [01:36] <ECC> instead of using Char's [01:37] <Marcopolo1613> as all the S's are trailed by seven letters except the first word [01:37] <ECC> !@#$%^& etc [01:37] <Marcopolo1613> all the O's by three [01:37] <Marcopolo1613> and all the N;s by five
  16. Moving chiseled blocks

    +1(bumping is better then liking)
  17. Connected Stairs

    thats fairly reasonable blade. Time to go poke bioxx until he yells at me. probably will say 'use the detailed mode' or something.
  18. Aesthetic blocks list

    k, sooo... Love the obby. I would SOOO cover my area in that. and is that endstone or is it sandstone? as for jade, im back and forth as I keep forgetting what it really is. Its a jem drop... crafting 9 of them together has been discussed and thrown into a wall then out a window just to be kicked by a horse and finally doused in oil before being left on a single block of wool over a large pit of lava where 5 ghasts are overhead and the only viable 'dry land' is 4 blocks away and populated with 20 blazes. The wool burns away and it falls though the lava held by signs and lands before finally being marched over by a prehistoric fish and a entity known only as 'B'. Crafting table recipes for gems is kinda not happening based on how brutally it has been stomped. ):
  19. Aesthetic blocks list

    aesthetics blocks list I am sure you all know where this is going. This thread is to be dedicated to something mechanically pointless: Ascetics. Effectively, any item discussed here ALREADY EXISTS. The reason this thread is here however, is to have users(thats us) ask for a variation of something that exists so that we can pretty up our homes. This is essentially for adding to the creative mode aspect, something that TFC lacks. Why this is not the metathread: Because organization. Some things in the metathread change the very mechanics of the game. Items in this WILL NOT. Note: If it emits light, Include - The light level(1-15. For examples, see http://www.minecraft...emitting_blocks) - If applicable, the side(s) of the item that produce the light - is Toggleable?(by redstone.) Make sure to include what existing block it functions as(IE a Cot would act like a Bed) If it requires special crafting, DO NOT PUT IT HERE. Special crafting means you are not using an ordinary crafting bench for this. If its not a block, DO NOT PUT IT HERE. This thread is dedicated to aesthetics, read the title of the topic for a better understanding. If it explodes DO NOT PUT IT HERE. Do I need to explain this? I think that covers it. Short and too the point. Now, lets begin. Bedding: -Cots(Bed equivalent.) --Crafting: 3 wool and 2 sticks --Why: Why not? -Coloured beds --Crafting: Unchanged except wool colour determines bed colour. --Why: So many people ask for this. Might as well, its easy as hell to do. -Fur pallet(bed equivalent) --Crafting: 6 fur/hide lengthwise --Why: It fits into the period and looks nice in your cave home. Doors/gates: -Wood type doors Added! --Crafting:6 'plank' However all wood used must be the same type. --Why: Because I spent 5 hours looking for that kapok tree, I want my purple door. -Reenforced doors(and types)(Vanilla Iron door equivalent) --Crafting: 6 'Planks' --Why: No real reason. -Wooden gate variants --Crafting:Unchanged, however requires wood specific items.(I believe there is support for stick variants in place, make those obtainable and this recipe would work) --Why: Tittle of the thread, duh. Lighting: -Lamp(torch equivalent) --Crafting: --Why: Title of the thread, eh? --Lighting: 14, Normal lighting effects. Not effected by redstone --Extra: Can be 'hung' from ceiling. -Candle(Torch equivalent) --Crafting: 1 wax(pending item. I know its coming eventually) and 1 string. --Why: Its useless, but still allows users to give the world some more atmosphere. --Lighting: 8, Normal lighting effects, Not effected by redstone Flora: -Flower variety --Crafting: none. Found in world. --Why: No reason other then variety. Theres more to flowers then daisies and roses. Storage: -Thatch/Hay Blocks: --Crafting: 4 reeds/wheat --Why: I don't think the why is necessary on this thread -Unrefined Ore Blocks(vanilla iron block equivalent) --Crafting: 9 ore(full size) --Why: Museums, additional pallet colours. (would look like ore that is NOT embedded in stone) -Wood type Cabinets(Chest equivalent) --Crafting: Same as chest but has a stick in middle. Wood type used determines colour. (placeholder until someone comes up with something better) --Why: A kitchen/workshop should look like one, shouldn't it? -Barrel(chest) --Crafting: 4 wood, 4 copper(?) --Why: Name of the thread bro. Name of thread. -Wood type Shield rack(Tool Rack equivalant) --Crafting: 6 plank 2 stick. 3 planks on top, 3 on bottom, sticks on the sides. Wood type determines colour --Why: Because placing your coat of arms on your shield then mounting it over your fireplace is just badass. BADASS Other: -Wood type Fence --Crafting: sticks of the same type make a single type of fence. --Why: Title of the thread bro -Wood type Crafting bench --Crafting: Unchanged, however if planks are all one type, a crafting bench of that colour is created. --Why: I want a frikin green willow crafting bench -Ice bricks --Crafting: Ice+chisel --Why: Inuits do/did it, and I do it every winter. Why not in game? -Wool Carpeting(Vsnow equivalent) --Crafting: three wool blocks lengthwise give 24 wool carpet of the colour used. --Why: Name of the thread bro -Hide/skin Rug(Vsnow Equivalent) --Crafting: None. Obtained from mobs(as [MobName] Hide/Skin) --Why: Because I want to line my floors with creeper skin just to show how badass I am.
  20. New tool: The wedge

    Im sooo screwed then. I... I.. Screwwwwed No, do not turn the chisel function into 'make this form, get a item' as that ends in 'every time I try to do my 1:1 scale statue of X it pops out a dozen CARSWHATEVERIDONTEVENKNOWTHISISANEXAMPLE'
  21. Terrafirmacraft Launcher

    as much as I am against installers(all of them), and my belief they promote ignorance and stupidity, I have to agree that we could use one. sure, aside from basic API install which requires modding the Jar(a process so easy the 6yo can do it) and that followed up by a drag and drop into the mods folder(6yo kept trying to put this in the jar... I told him to do it another way but he caught on). we need one on the principle that people want to have a one click solution to everything. I highly disagree with the sentiment, but tell that to the thousands of users who say otherwise. lets get someone to make the damned thing so we can stop seeing thease topics pop up once a month.
  22. Cartography

    Cartography, as defined by wikipedia: 'Cartography is the study and practice of making maps. Combining science, aesthetics, and technique, cartography builds on the premise that reality can be modeled in ways that communicate spatial information effectively.' So in light of giving this its own thread, and a solid proposal of how to make this a challenge while being fun and even useful, I present Terracraftian Map making. For arguments sake, I only mention landscape cartography in this thread. In the real world, before the age of computers, and even before the industrial revolution, cartography was a High risk job full of.. Well, paperwork. People, usually those with a knack for remembering things, would go out into the world and would draw the landscape, with great care for detail. They traveled the seas, the lands, and the dark reaches of the forests and jungles. The lifestyle was somewhat akin to an adventurer, though that analogy might just be me trying to sell this idea to you all. So heres what I actually propose. Users who wish to map will carry paper, ink, and a quill(feather). While standing anywhere on the surface(exposed to the sky), crafting with those three items records a small map 'segment.' A segment consists of only the chunk you are sitting in and the directly adjacent 8 other chunks. The recorded chunks are a 1 pixel to 1 block scale and are the most accurate you may get. The only real difference between this map and its vanilla counterpart is it is a static map. It will never show a live update and will never display player locations. In effect, it stays the same unless you, the user manually change it, a matter I will discuss later. Segments of a map can be combined, however the recipe is very exacting, and once done can not be changed. Using whatever crafting grid available, users place a series of printed segments into the grid. Based on what is contained on each segment, the information will be transferred to the larger product exactly as it was in the grid. So, you could effectively take a north segment and place it directly under a south segment. When segments are combined they are relabeled as 'maps'. Maps can be further combined to expand indefinitely. In order to incorporate this massive amount of detail and expandability, a new GUI will be needed. This gui will feature a scrolling option as well as the display. manually changing a map is possible, and can be done if the user places a printed segment into a grafting grid with a feather and ink. This opens a GUI that allows a user to draw over the map. This allows users to define certain elements, from writing in the name of a place to marking where you left your treasure. Ink colour is defined by ink used. Yes, I am aware this allows people to 'paint' in game. I think thats a rather nice and balanced extra, dont you? My own concerns: Lag created by server size maps - How to reduce lag when looking at a map that is 10000 blocks round. Is there lag even for that? Skill argument - No real skill other then not dying and having a large supply of papyrus and ink. User ability defines this mod, and the task behind this is 'So easy a cave man can do it' Cost - Its relatively cheep and does not require metals or minerals. Personally, I think it fits better like this, but I've seen the argument for cost in other related threads. notes: The feather is given back(similar to buckets in some mods) No fancy work should be necessary for this. Its hard enough to go out and map all you can see. the world presents danger. Users can in fact make paintings with this. As per usual, I've hit a deadblock in coming up with an idea. Thread is unfinished.. Talk it out, might allow me to bounce around a few things. Conversation on this before this thread was made:
  23. Mining and mine carts

    not to mention upcoming vanilla features centered around minecarts... that I am sure you all will hate because they imply automation
  24. Piles of stuff

    coding wise, make it a cross between charcoal and log piles. I would imagine that if held only 12 items peer structure it would be relatively underpowered
  25. New tool: The wedge

    Honestly, not really complicated. I could sit in the grass and do the same stuff I do at a table. COULD, not SHOULD. on an off note, why am I arguing? I dont think either of us will win... not for a long while