Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ECC

  1. Horse meat

    'do soldiers ride on horses when they are pulling artillery?' you do realize I already answered all of this in my last post... the one you quoted. Right? A: Carvans have been known to ride their animals who are pulling a load. Not commonly, but not uncommon either B: You are arguing with someone who will not sway... Telling me to not argue wont get you far. ;P C: Still friends? Are we? huh? huh? HUUUUHH?!?!?
  2. Horse meat

    'they can help plow fields, pull wagons and carts, be used in recreational activities, law enforcement work, and even in warfare! It's uses as a war machine, a method of ' Oxen(a form of cattle) can be used for the plowing and and pulling loads, the rest of what you mentioned are all 'ride, ride, ride, ride' further proving my point that you are focused on the fact they can be ridden. the only thing in your favor in any form of a debuff is that breeding. aside from that, I concede nothing.
  3. Horse meat

    explain how balancing a food because 'it can be ridden' is even balance. Install a craft-able sattles mod and pigs are suddenly OP by that standard. and crafting sattles by the way is actually reasonable, so dont even start on how OP that is in the first place.
  4. Horse meat

  5. Horse meat

    you do realize crysyn has been in the IRC this whole time... right?
  6. Horse meat

    No, just no, horse meat should be just like every other food product in game. it should and if I may speak out of turn will if implemented be designed just like other products found in game. I am very tempted at this point to write up on how even players should drop Human Flesh and the game based benefits of that. the only debuff that should exist on any food is stuff you are not supposed to eat. picked the wrong shroom? Nausea for an hour. Didn't prepare the blowfish? death in 20 minutes. bad preparation or eating actual toxic foods are the only things that should poison or harm you. Not eating something that in reality is not only done, but is common. as for making horse meat 'less filling', I ask you to turn to people who have had it. a few in this forum may have already spoken up. Is it filling as say... that beef you had? yes? no? then that is the answer and we should abide by it instead of going 'ohh, I was raised to think thats disgusting. Everyone should think the same, devs do something.' ask someone who knows rather then make up stuff to adhere to your own values.
  7. Horse meat

    Honestly, it is culture that determines what is 'edible' there is no biological reason why we cant eat horses. Only moral dictations based by a culture. I wouldnt eat my pets, but if I didnt know the meal was 'cat' It would do just fine in my stomach. +1, present the players with possibilities, give them the choice to decline. I want to go into other food products, including inedible foods, but I will leave that to you all.
  8. The Hades Code

    double posting as its relevant: [15:48] <Ditto|work> The figure walked over to the flowing water and knelt to drink [15:49] <ECC> grats. [15:49] <Kreicus> victory is highly unlikely without mods or hacks [15:49] <ECC> so, what was the progessive code? [15:49] <ECC> no [15:49] <Ditto|work> had to take a smoke break, then all was clear to me [15:49] <ECC> loool. [15:49] <Ditto|work> I don't know... It just made sense [15:50] <ECC> Hmm... cigarets that help you think... thats... intresting [15:50] <LordOfWolves> ^ [15:51] <ECC> MQKTFRYXNKPLEOCSJWBYHNJXQMGIIVPURHVODGKLAWFRUGIFEHT [15:51] <ECC> .MQKTF RY XNKPL EOC SJWBY HNJXQMG IIV PU RHVO DGKLAW FRUGIF EHT [15:51] <ECC> The figurF walkGd ovHr UP VII GMQXJnH YBWJS COE LPKNX YR FTKQM. [15:51] <ECC> The figur* walk*d ov*r ** *** *****n* ***** *** ***** ** *****. [15:51] <ECC> The figure walked over to the flowing water and knelt to drink. [15:51] <Killster550|Wailing> what [15:51] <Killster550|Wailing> the [15:51] <Ditto|work> lol why is that one fkn 'N' not encrypted [15:51] <Killster550|Wailing> actual [15:52] <Killster550|Wailing> fuck [15:52] <ECC> every letter moves to the next letter in the alphabet. if it occurs more then once, it moves twice. so, e is f then g then h and so on [15:52] <Killster550|Wailing> how is M a T? [15:52] <ECC> the twist is when I hit Z, which almost occured in this phrase [15:53] == shadoskill [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 202 seconds] [15:53] <Ditto|work> yes, but... [15:53] <Killster550|Wailing> first letter, M being T, WADAFAQ [15:53] <Ditto|work> the encryption starts seemingly randomly [15:53] <Ditto|work> it doesn't encrypt every letter [15:53] <Killster550|Wailing> .MQKTF RY XNKPL EOC SJWBY HNJXQMG IIV PU RHVO DGKLAW FRUGIF EHT [21:51] <ECC> The figurF walkGd ovHr UP VII GMQXJnH YBWJS COE LPKNX YR FTKQM. [15:54] <Killster550|Wailing> how does that translate? [15:54] <ECC> it encripts only the second instance of that letter. [15:54] <Killster550|Wailing> even the word syntac is messed up [15:54] <Ditto|work> Oh... computer counting... start at 0 [15:54] <Ditto|work> fuck me [15:54] <Killster550|Wailing> fml, and f you ecc, your coding is pure bullshit [15:55] <ECC> its not bull, its just a pain. ;D [15:55] <ECC> in the ass. pain in the ass [15:55] <Killster550|Wailing> no [15:55] <Ditto|work> So ECC is a girl, and she writes about figures drinking from flowing water [15:55] <Killster550|Wailing> anal rape is a pain in the ass [15:55] <Killster550|Wailing> this is a trainwreck in the ass [15:55] <ECC> wait. what? [15:55] <ECC> god, you all still think... you know what, nm, too much fun to leave it at that [15:56] <Ditto|work> exactly [15:56] <Ditto|work> that's the whole point [15:56] <Killster550|Wailing> stfu and eat a cookie [15:57] <ECC> EEEEEEEE in the code is EFGHIJKL [15:57] <Ditto|work> I knew the answer was EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [15:57] <ECC> XXXX however is XYZY [15:57] <Killster550|Wailing> the word syntax is messed, where dafuq is a space? [15:57] <Killster550|Wailing> WHY XYZY [15:57] <Ditto|work> negatives [15:57] <Killster550|Wailing> same setup as eeee [15:57] <Killster550|Wailing> oh [15:57] <Killster550|Wailing> wait i got that one [15:58] <Killster550|Wailing> first it twists then it hits the z so goes 1 further [15:58] <Killster550|Wailing> making y [15:58] <ECC> Horseshoes [15:58] <Killster550|Wailing> still mindfuck but less of a mindfuck [15:58] <ECC> time to apply another code!
  9. The Hades Code

    i directly copy pasted and left the joke in there for fun ^^ [14:48] <ECC> well, Im going to see where I went wrong in the encoding on mine because this is unreasonable... Its saying two charicters are missing yet the code says they are not.. at the same effing time [14:49] <Killster550|Wailing> lovely [14:49] <ECC> either that... Or I added a letter somewhere it should not be... [14:49] <Killster550|Wailing> your code is so good it messes up your mind [14:49] <ECC> which would give me the same result [14:49] <ECC> its a very minor typo and aside from those charicters it would decode and say the same thing [14:50] <Killster550|Wailing> unless its the entire hexadecimal to binary code behind a great game, i am not impressed [14:54] <ECC> ok, in the encoding I added a space where I should not of and took a charicter out from the code... since there are no spaces in your version the space is irrelevant. but you are missing the A next to the W [14:54] <ECC> MQKTFRYXNKPLEOCSJWBYHNJXQMGIIVPURHVODGKLAWFRUGIFEHT
  10. The Hades Code

    relevant: [13:52] <Ditto|work> ECC I bashed my head against that damn code of yours [13:52] <Ditto|work> nothing good came of it [13:52] <ECC> the new one? [13:53] <Ditto|work> yes [13:53] <ECC> god... that one I didnt even try hard to write. Like literally the worst I did was mirror the text.. which you all already figured out. [13:54] <Ditto|work> It's simple for you, because you know the answer [13:54] <ECC> no, look at the first few letters. [13:54] <ECC> look at the words [13:54] <Killster550|Wailing> choto wika woki flame [13:55] <ECC> there are at least 3 distinct words in the phrase and that my friend is the key [13:55] <flamestrider> Vi ska se om du förstår mig när jag pratar på ett riktigt språk Killster ;P [13:55] <ECC> DEVILS TOUNGE! KILL THEM BOTH WITH FIRE!
  11. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    you know... In MC forums a dev speaking in a topic is a whole big deal. here... its 'meh, cool, now we know. Lets move on' then... the derails.
  12. Add "mode" toggle to log placement

    I know this idea got mentioned a few time before but im bumping this topic in hopes that this tidbit I myself very much want will get implemented. Its annoying as hell when I want to build and keep placing a pile when I want a log and vice versa
  13. [Apparently solved] [B69] Cactus damage bug

    to be honest, Touching a cacti in real life is an annoyance at best. Aside from those with low blood viscosity(cant remember name of the Illness) I have never heard of someone dying from touching cacti. If anything, I hear stories of people surviving off of them. They apparently are great water canteens and hallucinogenics XD
  14. Scorched ground

    Action:~keeps checking thread to see if dead~ Reaction:~keeps being disappointed~
  15. The Hades Code

    its not complicated at all. surprised ditto hasn't piped up
  16. The Hades Code

    I think you should stop buying your keyboards from amazon ;P and no.
  17. The Hades Code

    No. This code is a variation of my 'master code' that is far more simpler. Hint: Reflect on it
  18. SMP: Prisons

    'if the griefer infestation ever gets THAT bad' obviously your under the idea that all greifers work alone. I know a few greifer teams and they can be VERY organized in an attack taking a solid week to prepare for a full out assault. look, if this idea is all that great to you, make a plugin when development leaves beta and go for it for your own server. I do not agree with such an obviously flawed system. This system is great irl, but on a game where death means literally nothing it has no effect. the system you continue to push for is not a system all servers could want and putting it in the core game can and will push players away.
  19. im bugging out... again. Fix me please? again... Im really worried that I may have just lost all my gear again over this damned reoccurring bug.
  20. RSS feed for the changelog page

    ~insert smartass comment about how its ok for spAnser to have more work but not bioxx~ ;D
  21. RSS feed for the changelog page

    The person who would take care of this feature is not bioxx. its SpAnser. just saying, as its true
  22. RSS feed for the changelog page

    would it hurt to get this option though? We really should look at it less like 'but you can do this' and more like 'Would it hurt to add this?'
  23. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    'Do you imagine starting of, gathering stones and sticks, then droping them on the ground to be able to have one tool, and later throwing everything on the ground to maybe place a chest, and then to gather anything at all, run back and forth a hundred times, and if you happen to have bad luck not encountering any bag-making materials, having to endure this for how long exactly, with wild animals on your toes especially?' that sounds almost like an introduction to an Epic(literacy term) a bard would tell You are a lone survivor of some unknown fate lost in a strange and hostile world. Every night brings forth beasts from the deepest reaches of the evergreen forests, every night you struggle to keep your fire lit hoping it will fend off such beasts. Every day you scramble to gather more wood. In the end, you are alone in this desolate waste. on the idea: An inventory you can expand over time is perfect. your problem in this is getting hung up over two slots. I myself call that unplayable and could not bring myself to agree to it. However, it has been agreed that a few slots, 3-5 would suffice to start players off. on that premise, this argument is over and we can settle knowing that as long as we give the user base that much they can work to continue. 'If you plan on looking for an easy early game you've came to the wrong place, go find EE.' I dont care how long you've been in these forums, this is not how we do things. TFC is an expansion and overhaul of Vanilla and caters to the same audience while providing us with a greater challenge and depth then vanilla users are used to. Simply saying 'this is not the mod for you' is wrong as this mod can simply not be defined as such. saying that is saying 'Stop playing minecraft' because like it or not this is minecraft.
  24. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    'to make two slots inventory, for what ever period of time, you would have to change the entire game, and for that instead of moding you might as well make it from scratch.' No. Core class's will get changed, but not the entire game. On that point however, realize what TFC is. TFC is a total conversion mod that only uses minecraft for both its user base and a fairly well established gaming engine. the smallest you can change the hotbar to is 3. you need at least three slots to craft a crafting bench and from there you can craft your next stage of necessities.
  25. Aesthetic blocks list

    just posting to say : Updated with that shield thingy.