Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ECC

  1. You people should listen to this man^^^^^

    he might /look/ like a newbie but he is a old member here who really does know what he is saying /most/ of the time.(sun is green argument being an exception ;P)

    I, having checked a number of sources, can attest that bowmaking can and has been done in a number of ways with a number of materals with a... ehem... Number of results. Thats a lot of numbers.

    Let me explain how I see this. Bows when made should use a system similar to meals(minus the potion shit)

    each added materal has its own stats. wood A is hard and inflexible, wood B is soft and very flexible and wood C is perfectly balanced. With this knowlage you can create your wood based items for the bow. Next, you look at your string materials who have similar stats and you choose from them. In the end, your constructed bow has stats that work like meals: each sub value is added/multiplied to reach the total value which is what the bows worth is.

    this system could be applied to other weapons as well where the sum of its parts determines what the material is. of course for the /fun/ of it and to prevent meta gaming, the potions system could be used to have one material be much greater then the sum of its parts making for the whole server going out and experimenting the same way people do with current cooking.


  2. 'like you cant put a knife on a lamp socket'

    you understand that to me, just unplug it, get some duct tape, and that ends up being a polearm? Which is a highly effective long reach pierce and slash melee weapon. ;P

    I am of course assuming its a floor lamp and someone took the shade and bulb. in its place you added a nice combat knife with a 'little' duct tape.

    Come on, give me more 'Impossible' and I will tell you what its situational 'possible' it is ;P


  3. what is with people and thinking chainmail is weak? I've seen people make from simple bottle caps a form of 'mail' that in a little bit of effing about with, was quite resilient to everything except when we got crafty with sharp items. and that was made from Soda tabs(iirc, aluminum)

    by the end we decided that unless someone was trying to directly stab you(thrust motion), just fitting it over a coat would be quite brilliant.

    on a side note and totally off topic: No, thats not where my soda addiction came from... I think. Ok, probs thats exactly where it came from.

    back on topic though, dont think mail is a underling to plate or even platemail, it is much closer to a sister... a cheep sister, but one all the same.


  4. Mod list, basic install directions, Custom Configs. - Click this

    ---Original post---

    nice new post, buuut... you've got us labeled as '74' ;P

    Hey all, I am EveCommander in game, and I am one of the current moderators/operators on the server. I usually am the one who talks a lot, teleports around, and brags about waaaaay OP stats on my survival character(which of whom I need to fix the XP so its properly sitting at level 90 and not this extra level I got in creative mode :/) If you need anything, be it help with installing, a bit of screen share to get it done, or me sending you a few files(via legal routes), feel free to ping, highlight, or query me at #TFcraft on My name in the chat is 'ECC' and all you need to do to get my attention is to type my name 'ECC' without quotes. If I am awake and not at work, I will get to you nearly immediately. If you cant reach me, try bugging GoMySQL (who is Gwinans in game and is the owner of the server)

    again, if you need anything at all, feel free to bug me in the chat, I am usually available for 20+ hours at a time.


  5. No ideas honestly, I would however suggest that you post the following info:

    Name and FULL version number of your client, mod(s), plugins, etc. Server/computer specs, and maybe a screenshot or two of what you are seeing.


  6. Personally I would prefer chain mail simply as a visual alternative to plate. no buffs or debuffs, just the equivalent of re-textured armor. For the same reason why people carry around maces instead of swords: 'Because I like the way it looks'


  7. a number of questions here.

    - Lore: do you need someone to come up with something? I know you have an idea of what your doing, but do you want/need someone to go in depth with it?

    - Players: So this is a survival thing. I assume that means multiplayer is in fact a plan. Going on that, PvP plans?

    -- Player stats: what are the stats planned? I know the basic hunger system, and I assume there is hot and cold. how are you going to go about this and how deep will it be? Will I be watching 5 basic stats(that are probs much deeper then I see at first glance) or will I be watching over a dozen trying to balance everything from stamina to if I need to take... errm... a pee break.

    - Materials: You talked on this in the IRC some, I'd like to get it here too. Anything with anything, or will it be 'hammer CANT go with a rifle'.

    -- World based: materials such as a table, can I literally flip it and use it to balance a gun, brace a door, break line of sight? Can I break it apart to use it for other things? Can I pick up something in the world and crack a skull? If need be, can I rip out a nailed down 2x4 and use that?

    -- Inventory based: I know we can make things in inventories, can we break it down? Can I make a huge item in my inv of nearly any size?(assumes that th limit is only your max carry limit)

    - Weapon depth: How deep will a weapon be? Does a knife have a clear advantage alone over it being used with a gun? If I die, can I have a rigged weapon set to explode when i am looted?

    -- Chemistry: Will I be able to break items down and make bombs, chemicals, and the like? Will gathering all that scrap materials actually have a use in one way or another?

    - Medical: Am I going to rely on finding prepackaged materials or can I make my own? Will prepackaged materials be found in the proper places(bloodbags would be in a cooler, pain pills in a Cabinet, etc)


  8. Let me argue that: It tells me what metal I am looking at already. Why NOT tell me what rock its in? Telling the difference between dacite and granite Dolomite and Shale can be troublesome at times, even for seasoned players.(I am probs mixing textures up, but I have found very subtle transitions that lead to confusion: when did I get this other rock?)

    it has its uses, I for one would like to not have to guess what someone else used in a build and instead of asking which can be impossible at times(offline, no longer visits server, etc) and instead of greifing it, I can just rightclick and know for sure.

    in the back of my mind, Didnt this argument pop up back when the suggestion to add this exact feature for telling what metal we were looking at was made?

    Edit: I apparently mixed textures. Thanks ejzzje for catching that.


  9. to lazy to copy paste so... Guy above me:

    I am not speaking in terms of area. I am speaking in terms of radius. The radius is simply 'half way to the middle' and thus the total distance between any two given points on opposing ends(at sea level) is approximately 4k. Again, I could be wrong on the distance, Bioxx already corrected me about the 2k buffer space(its 1k, making a total of 2k for each)


  10. the islands are 4k, with a radius of 2k(source: IRC) This is a rough number due to psudorandomization. There is an approximate 'buffer' space of 2k between grid squares the islands generate in. This makes for a total of 8k. I may be wrong in this and could have misread, but that is a lot.

    Mineral and ore depots are in nature not dependent on relative distance to any object(however surrounding rocks do play a role). the ores we mine and use today are the result of tectonics and erosion. Smaller depots ARE generally found closer to the surface however quite large ones can be found as well. If ore changes at all, it should be to disassociate ourselves from the depth system and move into simulated tectonics pre-mapgen. My point in this is that simply saying 'distance from surface' is not where we need to go with this as a blanket rule.


  11. That moment when you understand everything going on in a conversation and are afraid if you pipe up someone is going to look at you funny. Yep, thats right, Im geeking out here and trying to keep my mouth shut.


  12. inspired by the /me wars in IRC that pop up from time to time, heres a way to kill everyone n such. No real rules, just all out mass murder or hugs or whatever. just start your post with /me and see how far we can take this until somehow all of us have died yet never died at all :D I'll start us off.

    /me burns the house down


  13. Three rules for this game:

    1 ) last comment wins

    2 ) There are no rules

    3 ) Didnt you read? I said there are no rules.

    lets begin, I win.

    Weekly winners: get added to this list if your the last to post every 7 days from the time of this posting.


  14. Two new announcements:

    'This doesn't mean too much for the server users.

    For members, I'll be implementing the "home" and "sethome" commands... Read more!'


    'Not going to talk much, this is mostly a vote based on what is being discussed between me and gwinans.

    We are looking at a number of mods and modders to add more fun content to the server. We would like to get your opinion on what you would like to see...Read more!' - Poll attached, please vote!


  15. For the sake of posting it:


    What is an encounter: An encounter is a system to replace mob spawning and chunk protection. this system acts to spawn hostile, passive-aggressive, and passive mobs. Generation related spawns(IE, livestock) continue to function.

    How it works: The Encounters system acts by tracking an analyzing data contributed by the world and players. Taking into account temperature, elevation, 'biome', local world, time of day, lunar cycle, and local population(mob), the system tracks the 'world'. based on this information it will move to the next step in the encounter progress, the Players data. Every chunk traveled over will record three new things that only the player can change. Travel, Stationary, last visit. These stats are all a chunk by chunk basis and alter the potential encounter. The other half of the player data is level, Held item, buff, health, hunger, Is mounted. These are all directly effected by the players condition. Once all of this data is recorded the final step in the process comes, Defining the region. Based on what region this chunk is defined as, certain steps are taken to spawn a mob. First, the game decides if the encounter is hostile, neutral, or passive. Once this is decided, the game then decides if this is an action encounter or a passage encounter. In the case of an action encounter, the mob is told to group with, attack, or avoid a target mob or player. If this is a passage encounter, it simply tells the mob to go from A to B ignoring all other input excluding hostile action(IE: Skelly runs by, you attack it, THEN it fights back). Finally it tells the mob 'Point A' where the mob will spawn. The game will attempt to spawn the mob on the nearest possible Y axis as possible to increase the odds of the encounter actually being an encounter. at that point, the AI takes hold and the mob carries out its simple task.

    What defines a region: As mentioned above, a region is a chunk that has calculated all the data given by both the player and the world and is now preparing to spawn an encounter. This region should always be far enough away from the player that they should rarely see the actual spawn, but close enough to prevent unloading of a chunk. Regions are named based on the encounter it is most likely to produce. all regions may spawn any kind of encounter, however weighted values will usually produce only encounters based on the region name. IE: you'll almost never have a tundra nature encounter when in a desert city. It can happen, but it wont.

    What kind of encounters are there: In short, there are only a few basic encounters. In long, there are upwards of a hundred. Each encounter defines a region, task, and a type. to name but a few,

    Desert Road, Passage, Bandit -

    Spawns a Hostile Desert-native bandit type mob native to (skeletons are the only current one to fall under this) that passes from A to B without doing anything in between unless attacked. Once it reaches B it follows normal despawn and AI routine.

    Plains City, Task, Pest - Spawns a passive-aggressive plains-native pest type mob(lets go with silverfish, they are pretty close) that spawns and attacks livestock, dropped materials, players, crops, etc. Mobs are usually fairly weak.

    Wooded Nature, Task, Bandit camp - Spawns a group of various Wooded-native bandits in an area that simply move about. this is an example of a 'oldschool' spawn, but done in a way that fits the system.

    As you can see, thease 3 examples show a wide variety of ways this can add to the world. This gives the player a dynamic effect on his or her own world and keeps them entertained with a variety of new things. Some players may decide to stalk a mob, others may record mob battles, others may end up on the bad end of a massive bandit attack. there are more possibilities then I mention so I'll end this section with one last example of a spawn and tell you what the game would have read

    Polar nature, Task, livestock - spawns a food producing mob that specifically passes by the player IE, a deer

    what the game read was that this was a cold place, was not a road, the player was low leveled, low health, and hungry. not all encounters are bad, many would be just like this, helping a player along. I wont go into saying it will be common, but I will say it will occur.

    Universal application for mobs: In order for this to function, all mobs spawned by this mechanic would need to ignore if they are supposed to despawn or stick around(hostiles despawn in current release, passives do not). Instead ones spawned by this would need to record when they were spawned. if the chunk is unloaded, then when the mob is reloaded, it quickly checks its birthday and if its been a while it 'dies'(despawn). ALL mobs spawned by this will have that mechanic. However, mobs tamed by the player(IE livestock) or spawned with eggs, would not have a birth/death mechanic and will not despawn unless killed or forced though some form of /butcher command

    Extras necessary to make it function: Literally its simple on the surface: a command for every option that controls the world aspect of the encounter system. This allows admins to define what is a road ahead of time before players come though and break things. also, the ability to lock chunks from changing the region type they are so as to allow support for heavy RP servers, adventure maps, and similar. Fundamentally, this is to let us play the way we want to play. also, there needs to be a functionality to clear a region of data and define a region as a 'spawn protected' IE, for servers who have large player friendly spawns and dont want hostile mobs to constantly attack

    so, anything I left out?

    Come to the IRC, great place to actually talk things like this out.

    and because I know how this forum is, Crypts were obviously dropped a while ago. Its a quote that got out of hand JUST like the NPC quote in the kingdoms thread. This is a new idea that is set up to allow many many new mobs and move us away from randomly spawning and doing nothing(vanilla style).

    Edit: So apparently I forgot to explain what each tag in a region does or how its recorded. so here is the quick:

    World: not a tag, just a catagory. Includes elevation, 'biome', local world, time of day, lunar cycle, and local population(mob)

    Elevation: This is the Y latitude, telling you how high up or how low down you are. or a spawn case, it decides if this is a cave/mine, a valley, or a mountain. You should rarely come across a undead miner(example) while climbing Olympus Mons, but you may come across a mountain goat(example). Depending on how this is done, it could decide depth by what is the highest block exposed to daylight or it could be checking the Y axis relative to the world.

    Biome: This is checking what exist within the chunk to decide what kind of biome this is. Biomes can be made artificially in this case and have no real effect on what vanilla actually calls a biome. In this case the encounter checks a 16 cubed area and records what is in the area. Lots of logs(tree logs) mean its a wooded/forested area. lots of water means its a swamp/ocean. its not that simple, but you get the idea. Ultimately it records whats there then chooses what mob fits best there based on the weighted values.

    Local world: this is a simpler check that checks other biomes around the biome its spawning in. This simply acts to add more weight and prevent deep swamp monsters like a giant crock(example) from spawning at the edge of a swamp/plains.

    Time of Day: this just checks if its day or night or noon, or witching hour/etc. This lets your oldschool spawn only at night mobs spawn such as a bat(example) or a newschool mob such as a flaming chariot horse(example) spawn at the respective time of day.

    Lunar cycle: This checks what the moon is doing. Some mobs may spawn only under the full moon, others dont care. Its all about giving that feel that there might just be a warewolf(example) around the corner. you'll never know

    Local population(mob): This records all nearby mobs within range of the player. If there are a lot of livestock, it may generate a hungry wolf(example). If there is a lot of existing hostile mobs, it may choose to not generate another hostile mob. this is about checking the population so as to not overload the player but keeps it at a nice average nonetheless.

    Player: not a stat, another catagory. Includes Travel, Stationary, last visit, level, Held item, buff, health, hunger, Is mounted.

    Travel: This counts how many times a player has passed over the chunk. the more passes, the closer this chunk becomes to being labeled as a road region.

    Stationary: This counts how long players spend in a chunk. the longer, the more likely it is a home/town/city. The less, the more likely it is a road/wild

    Last visit: this is simply a check to see when the last time a player was here. if a city becomes abandoned, after a while nature may take it back.

    Level: this checks a players level. high levels require powerful hostiles. This acts to balance the mob for the player. if someone farms levels but really is an inept fighter, this may also kill such 'cheaters'

    Held item: this checks what a player is currently holding. If the player is holding raw meat, predators may approach and prey may scatter. holding a weapon may also effect if your approached by a bandit or if they scamper off as well.

    Buff: this checks the status buffs/debuffs of a player. if a player has speed, faster mobs may appear. if a player has bleeding, predators may seek them. each buff would weight different sets of monsters and wildlife

    Health: This checks the health of a player. High health implies a harder target. it also implies that the player may be doing too good. Low health does similar.

    Hunger: this checks the hunger of a player. no hunger may not effect play, but low hunger may present the player with a easy kill so they may eat. on the flip side it may also tell encounters to not spawn food bearing mobs and let you die. Nature is cruel

    Is mounted: This is a yes/no check for if the player is riding a mob(or if a mob is following the player). If this checks yes, faster or more powerful mobs may approach, if its a no, then mobs geared to on foot battle may approach.

    TL;DR: ultimately this is a replacement for the current mob spawning mechanics. it acts like a roll of a bunch of weighted multisided dice and based on that chooses what will spawn where and what it will do. Instead of mobs that wonder in circles, mobs will have simple tasks such as move from one point to another, attack a mob/player, follow a mob/player, and more.
