Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ECC

  1. this is loosely inspired and I rather like the core ideal behind this. it moves us away from creepers(which btw, are useless little shits) and more into 'lore of the land'

    Let me explain how I could see this happening(most likely as some kinda add-on as even I dont want this in my personal build unless I make some serious map modifications). First, im going to ignore the examples in the OP(btw, OP, you should label them as examples otherwise you'll get eaten alive because people assume...) and go on my own. In the IRC, talking to dunk about this very thing I mentioned a rare structure spawning. This structure only appears in the most inhospitable place in game and has a rarity akin to strongholds. its a place that defies the laws of the land, sitting in the coldest place imaginable it is in fact a very warm oasis, on the surface appearing somewhat tropical, inviting in many ways, as it draws you in with the aroma of fruits, the prospect of rare woods, and an exotic stone you've never seen before but hear its a prize to own. Everything about it is about appeal, literally everything. but that is what its supposed to be. but that is all what your told from afar. From within its a different story. yes, there are wonders within, more then could be expected from the cold edges. but from within you realize why this oasis has survived so long. Its filled with amazing and dangerous creatures and deep ravines. Even if you make your approach in, you'll soon find the only way out is down, into the dark twilight ravine. The inside is just as wondrous and dangerous. Strange glowing fruit, ferns larger then trees, and more dot this underworld. A fog sparkles around you, and fills every crevice. This fog though hides what is truly there. In this underdark world creatures exist stronger then even what forced you into this world. Eyes glow just outside of your vision, the chatter or mandibles and teeth permiate thoughout, and most of all the long distant and disembodied screams of those before you ring out.

    Its too good to be true, and taking a step inside reveals how much it really is.

    Surface: similar to current jungle 'biome' however contains a number of unique trees and plants. Despite being located at the poles, is always warm enough for all crops to thrive. Contains an abundance of naturally growing crops and fruit All rock in area is the same down to bedrock and is unique in texture.(turquoise is what I have in mind).

    Underground: does not allow caves,lakes, or ravines to generate though it. it generates umbrella shaped ravines frequently(long funnel shaped hole with a 'bowl' of water at its base) Bowl is dotted with small islands with trees. Generates its own VERY large caves(40+ radius) with soil along the bottom of the structure. Sizable trees and huge grasses generate here. Light level in the area is 4. void particles generate up to sea level. Fog is pushed to small render distance fog. Ores generated here are iron, gold, silver, coal, lead, quicksilver. the region naturally buffs the players strength and debuffs the players speed(and mining speed).

    mobs: generate with 3000 more HP then strongest player online, are either passive-aggressive or aggressive, vary between ranged and mele(and in some cases, both), and deal debuffs of all kinds when contact is made. Surface mobs are slightly weaker then underground mobs, there are no particular mobs I will mention(though making a Dunk mob that spawns in the 'bowl' would be kinda badass)

    yeah, I went overboard. sorry.


  2. Owl, I use the propick fairly efficiently, and know what to look for before digging. its intuitive once you understand it, but a horrible device if you dont. I agree the propick(and for that matter, mining all together) should be changed significantly, but changing the propick because a member does not understand it is absurd. I am no fanboy of the system, but changing it on me now after me learning how it works... just no. big, no. Everything about this mod is geared towards skills the player learns, not skill the player character knows.

    Edit: if you want to learn how to use it, ask me. I can show what I know.


  3. Unless I have my English wrong, peripheral vision is what is seen at the 'edges' of your sight. things your not looking directly at. There is nothing that can be simulated within minecraft that goes to that particular degree as your peripheral vision is mechanically forced down to if your lucky, 8-10 degrees(Rough guess at value).

    in any case, even if hardware supported full vision, your natural eyes would account for this on their own


  4. 'What about peripheral vision at night?'

    Unless you have a screen that covers 32 degrees of a sphere, there is no way this can be a thing. Your vision is highly limited due to the limitations of your hardware.


  5. 'coding be as simple as it may seem?'

    nearly all the code for this exists in vanilla EXCEPT detecting the light level on the player for anything other then rendering. Or so I understand.The hardest part of this is deciding the values behind it. This is assuming I am right, I really have not looked into any decompiles other then Tale of Kingdoms way back when I was on the team. If you were to look into matamos, which btw seems to function very well despite constantly looking around the player, I am sure any gaps can be filled with what is learned from its respective decompile

    'but there is a point at which, no matter how long you stand there, you won't be able to see if there's [complete] and total darkness so caves and stuff like that are likely to be that way'

    I know this and did mention it(in other words). My reasoning for allowing any sight in such situations lay with two factors: Gameplay, and the impossibility for 'dim' lighting in minecraft. Quite literally you cant light a house with a single candle quite like you can irl. Things are very limited and so sacrifices are made for the ideal of gameplay.


    With a small stretch of the mind, we can say you are using that in pitch black. Idk, if you wanna talk about this go to the IRC.


  6. Another one of my 'before we begin' things: First, this would probs do better as a standalone mod(excluding necessary forge/optifine integration/use). Second, this is only about how universal lighting works(its basically automatically sliding the brightness bar). It does not effect light sources, potions(directly), or anything other then your Gamma option in options.txt and your options menu.

    I am a hardcore player. Like seriously, I play for keeps, make big talk, all that jazz. Good reason for it too: I am level 88(thats a lot of extra HP. 25 hp per) on my server, obtained though a lot of dead mobs and a lot of metal. I have never died on this map. Wont lie, there have been close calls, far too many for me to list. Bioxx did right by the death mechanic: I didnt want to die already, but now I have a reason to go and take risks as I get stronger every time I come out alive. I know I can loose it all, I know shit can go wrong, I know that eventually I wont pay attention and find myself grabbed by a horde and added to the monsters. but thats what I like. I know I am too powerful to be properly challenged. I know that no matter what I do I will survive because I mastered nature. I worked hard for what I got, but that was not enough. So, I figured out how to make the night something even I have to worry about. I got into my options.txt file and turned my gamma down to -.5. This, as you can imagine, is quite dark when in a mine. Not as dark as I could go, as I believe -.7 is pitch black, but I am not going to brutally suicide quite yet, waiting to get level 100 before I do that ;)

    now, thats a lot of flavor text, so if your reading by now your probs wondering two things: what the hell am I going on about and how the hell did you get so much xp? The latter is easy: Farm morning mobs, get to about lvl 25, challenge the night and never forget the golden rule: Run.

    First one however is the idea inspired by setting myself up to fail. A mod/addition to TFC(either version.) that forces the client to a below average gamma, locks the option to turn up the brightness, then... adds in eye adaptation. Yes, eye adaptation, or the process where the eye adjusts how much light the eye can receive. Irl, humans and other beings eyes will adjust with light values. The higher the value, the less light the eyes allow in, the lower, the more. this does not occur instantly... usually. What I am saying is that if a user where to go into a dark room that their eyes would adjust the brightness so the player can see in even a unlit cave. a bit unrealistic on that point, but understand this is a game. the brightness would slowly move up or down depending on how much light they have at eye level and possibly if they are facing a light source or not. going from full night adaptation to daylight would cause a 'blinded' effect where the brightness flashes to one extreme. this effect lasts for a period of time. This works on the other end as well, though its less about throwing the bar to the extreme and more to kicking in night adaptation. This isnt entirely medically accurate, but this is the game mechanics as I see em:

    In darkness: brightness slides up to defined max

    In light: brightness slides down to defined min

    Sharp change from dark to light: Bar slides up(if possible) and rapidly slides down over a small duration.

    Standing still in darkness slides up brightness faster.

    walking in darkness slides brightness normally

    Sprinting in darkness slides brightness slow

    speed/slowness potion effects do not effect this(pvp benefit)

    Nightvision extends 'blinded' effect as well as reduces time to adapt to night


  7. actually... this is not bad in the least. Obviously it would not function in MP and in fact I would personally disable it for it, but in single player this would remove the biggest hurdle in game: Sitting around doing nothing because everything takes forever to grow. +1 because bumping is better then saying nothing and just liking.


  8. You fail to see what can be done with it then. the nether is an entire other dimension. If I wanted, I could though a few sly hands use it as a spawn point or a node for travel. I could use the End as a arena for my players. there is a lot I can do if Only it worked.

    Just cause you dont see it does not mean everyone shares your vision.


  9. The mobs were half assed anyhow, so getting this fix, which from what I understand is actually already in the source code, would provide more then enough excuse to deal with the simple work that is updating mobs. I assume that its just a case of copy, paste, change value/assets directory.

    Getting a fix for the nether and the end is not about making the game easier or imbalancing it or any of that shit, its about me as a server operator being able to open up a world for my use, give my players a chance to do more. The bug with the worlds prevents a lot of things I could do for my users.


  10. Vanilla sandstone does not currently exist, however with vanilla conversion or custom recipes, you can obtain it.

    on the suggestion of adding sandstone in, I agree we should have it, and go as far as having it in all the varieties of sand in tfc.


  11. Chill was the OT posting.

    Dunk, instead of just bluntly saying no to something like this which is in reality a bugfix, why dont you instead ask for the source of it and then ask for the current link to be taken down? Could go a long ways to make this game of yours a lot better for you, me, and everybody.
