Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by heptagon_ru

  1. Try older stuff, from albums "Caress of Steel" or "Rush"; or if you're feeling you want a story (Led. Zep style), go for 2112 (20 mins of music in 6? parts is one coherent story)

    Oh, right, Rush. Had listened them some time ago, have few discs somewhere :) Thanks for reminding and albums advice :)


    Sabaton. Amazing. I enjoy tasting music that other people love, but usually it doesn't fit me, people are different :) . But Sabaton is great!

    It combines glorious heroic style (which is present in e.g. Manowar songs, but is overused there. And in old Nightwish.), great rhythm (which invites to shake head), frequent changes of style - melodic guitar solos, beating sawing (idk the term, when guitars make rhythmic zhig-zhig sounds :), like buzzing solos), strong vocals fully fit into the music and sometimes without music, persuasive but not excessive drums. It also feels like it is something new, i.e. the sound doesn't repeat all usual heavy metal templates, despite surely it is heavy metal.

    And I realized I have heard their Prima Victoria already, but as a cover by Van Canto.


    And since most of the songs are about war, they would be a good background for war games. :)


    Btw, EastAPOLO, just wondering, considering your signatire ("It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. - Bill Gates"), have you also heard about "survivorship bias" ( If you have not, I hope it will be interesting for you. I liked that military example.


  2. Not sure about all the styles definitions, but:


    Accept and U.D.O., mostly old albums.  Also Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Helloween and a bunch of others.


    Thanks for your favorite band names, will check them out.


  3. Does anyone know and use some website which keeps track about Steam's discounts and their history?Google instantly gives one, but I would prefer a site which somebody uses for some time and can vouch that it is a good one, without any traps, etc.


    Also - got Total Annihilation full pack and Carmageddon 1+2 on Sweet old days ... HappyDiggers TFC server will have to wait :(

    And got most of games on my list ... Is there a site where I can buy the time to play them? :D

    Update: and now Terraria 1.3 is out 30th June. Seriously, can we destroy all games in the world and leave TFC only? :D


    How about you? Good sale or not?


  4. Age of Wonders 3


    Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth

    Spore (yeah, wanted to replay, played soooo long ago)Just Cause 1Cities: SkylinesEndless LegendSTAR WARS™: TIE Fighter Special Edition


    and some others which are not expected to have good discount yet.


  5. Meh, wanted to write that I would simply prefer drying fruits by the existing strings method, as less complicated, but then found this:

    It's not a matter of how hard it would be to implement. Historically the only fruits that were traditionally dried were raisins, figs, dates, apricots and apples, and only one of those is actually available in TFC. When we implement a preservation method, we cater it to entire food categories, not towards specific foods within a category. Out of all of the fruits that are in TFC, the majority of them can be found dried today, but that is only because of modern technology that is outside the scope of TFC.


  6. TFC Version #: 0.79.15Forge Version #: (Single/MultiPlayer): Singleplayer (and multiplayer).Suggested Name: Javelins duplicate with an empty quiverDescription:

      I have 2 javelins in my inv (hotbar) and zero in a fresh quiver. Quiver is installed, I see it's HUD with number 0 for javs.

      I toss both javelins into the ground. Now I have zero javelins in my hotbar and zero in quiver.

      I come and they are picked into my hotbar. Now I have 2 javs in hotbar and 0 in quiver.

      But! When I open inventory and hover mouse above quiver and press shift, I see that javelins number is zero, but number of a specific type of javelins which I use (e,g. Red Steel Javelins) is one.

        I toss 2 javelins into the ground and still have one available in inventory (it's replaced from quiver by that ghost javelin). I throw the third javelin, now I have zero javs in hotbar and quiver.

      I come and pick up them - now I have three javelins. Can repeat to get lot of them.

    Tested with stone and red steel javs.


    Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes, all three.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? FastCraft 1.19.


  7. TFC Version #: 0.79.15Forge Version #: (Single/MultiPlayer): Singleplayer (and multiplayer).Suggested Name: Arrows and javelins pickup (update an existing fixed bug)Description:

      I have 1 javelin in my inv and one in quiver. Quiver is installed, I see it's HUD with number 1 for javs.

      I toss the javelin into the ground. Now I have one javelin in my inv.

      I come to the place it is stuck in the ground. It is picked into my inventory, not into my quiver a I expect. Now I have 2 javs in inv and 0 in quiver.

    Tested with stone and red steel javs.

      Basically it's an addition to the existing "Arrows pickup" solved bug. Since I'm a jav person, I want to double-check that for javs the issue is fixed too :)Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes, all three.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? FastCraft 1.19.


  8. Has just finally started playing b79 survival and now can say something backed with real experience.

    Thank you developers, b79 is awesome. It takes time to learn stuff and understand, but the experience has became better and richer.

    Once new mechanics are learned, they are pretty easy to master and use. Supports/cave-ins , animals/familiarity, food preparation, skills, new barrels/vessels ...

    Thank you, you are awesome!


  9. Any information, when this issue appeared, from what release/build? b78? b79.14 only?

    This can be important for servers with pre-generated worlds, to understand if lack of graphite should be expected for players.

    I.e. if the issue was introduced in b79.14, and the world was generated in e.g. b79.10, then no problem with rarity of graphite for the server players.


  10. Version #:

    Forge (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP (and SMP)Suggested Name: Crash when chiseling a side of a stone with rock laying on itSuggested Category: MinorDescription: In creative mode get a copper chisel and red steel hammer. Switch chisel to slab mode. Found and approach a stone with a rock laying on it. Target the crosshair to any of vertical surfaces of the block (not bottom surface and not top surface where the rock is laying). Press right mouse button to chisel it, i.e. take one slab layer off.

    The game will crash immideately in single-player. (In multi-player the server will kick player off with "Internal server error" message).

    After logging back in the chiseled stone will look normal, with the layer chiseled off. Rock still laying on top.

    Tested for several raw and smooth stone types, e.g. slate.Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? FastCraft 1.11 (also tried 1.9)If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? None is link of the Crash Report:


  11. Thank you, Kittychanley, now I understand, both with sand and snowed dirt.

    Now I finally know, why in my sp all top grass turned from gneiss into shale :) I first thought it was my animals polluting soil :)))

    Will try to persuade our staff to add an artifical schist desert :)


  12. Spent hours yesterday searching for schist sand :) Found this topic today.

    Is it possible to find schist sand in b78 at all? If schist dirt (stone) region has gabbro sand, maybe some other region (gabbro?) has schist sand?

    And how did u understand from creative menu all those matches? By some additional mod? I see only numbers like #2081/3 and they have no matches. Why schist is stone1 and gabbro is stone2 ?


  13. Resurrecting the topic :)


    Could you please add one crop, which will be hardy and allow gathering by right-click, without destroying?


    Reason: on multiplayer servers where builds are protected by e.g. Towny, people sometimes make free food plots near spawn. Unprotected area around spawn is usually emptied from food, sticks, rocks, so such small gardens help newcomers to survive first days on server. Currently berries and fruit trees suit this greately. With fruit trees it is even possible to let people harvest branches - planting trees at the edge of protected area. It would be nice to have at least one possibility with vegetables. It is not always possible to have server spawn at equator. Even in close areas harsh winters happen and crops die.

    To keep balance the crop could give small yield.


  14. Ok. Again I failed in my preliminary search. I did search History sections in Minecraft Wiki to see when it was added, but now I see that I totally missed the clear and totally visible statement on Written_Book page, about introduction in 1.7.2 . I feel stupid and I'm very sorry for taking your time. And thank you very much for reply. Especially I enjoyed the clarification edit, can't stop rereading it :)


  15. The vanilla receipt for copying a written (signed) book, i.e. a written book + any quantity of book&quills, doesn't work. Could you please consider returning it?


    Reason: a person on our server had a cool idea to write a short TFC guide by book&quill, copy it and include it to the free shops. I liked that idea and just could not wait to support it and see how it would work for newcomers. Unfortunately, since the copying does not seem to work, it failed. :) So ... please ... :)


  16. The Books section of the Crafting Differences page states it needs 3 paper to craft book, when actually it's one paper.

    Also TFC doesn't allow vanilla copying of written books, but I will put it into a new Suggestion topic.Thank you for your time!


  17. Been practicing again and gotta remember the alloy ratios again, but time to throw myself back in the wild wild world. 

    Since you was not playing for long time, you have the unique opportunity to compare server at different times. Because when people play for a long time, all changes pass insensibly, by tiny portions, and you can't distinguish them well. But you have different situation.

    I'm new to the server and it will be very interesting for me to read about your impressions from the server now and long ago. What changed, what did not, etc. I understand that describing this could be not interesting for you - no problem :) Most likely I would not be able to describe it :) Just asking :)
