Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Palisight

  1. Localized weather integration

    Normally I would agree with your statements here that it shouldn't be the mod authors responsibility to make thier mod compatible with total conversions that are incompatible with most mods, but in this case transcengopher/Kitty are right Its not unreasonable for the LW mod to be compatible with any mod that modifies the terrain height. Its not just TFC that does this. And making a pull request (or feature request if they don't have a github) to include TFC grass in the storm code is not unreasonable. People make similar requests for modded metals/stone/wood all the time.
  2. Make Stone Age Longer.

    A couple of points 1.) The thatching materials used in short term emergency shelters would be leaf based rather than straw based (straw requires agriculture) 2.) Real life short term emergency shelters are meant to only protect you from the elements. You don't normally have animals that want to eat you. And monsters don't exist 3.) A tech tree bottleneck based off of straw for pit kilns would be motivated by a desire to extend the stone age rather than realism. You could easily use charcoal and wood as a fuel in a pit kiln in real life instead of straw and wood for example 4.) This isn't Earth. Perhaps Minecraftian carnivorous animals are much more aggressive than thier Earth based counterparts 5.) Some mods have successfully made it so mobs can break through blocks to attack players. It works quite well and is fun if you are into that sort of thing. Obviously block breaking mobs would have to be a hard/harcore only feature
  3. Torch Discussion

    You will be able to make your base have spawn protection 24/2 (with default configs) once you have a chisel.
  4. Make Stone Age Longer.

    TFC is supposed to be "survival as it should have been". And when players learn to protect themselves from danger.....they use straw. In real life if you were going to build a house to protect yourself from bears, zombies, (or whatever), would you really build a shelter out of grass or straw???? Currently you do not need straw to build a roof. Wood blocks work. If wood blocks are planned to be made impossible to be used as a roof, then clay blocks still work. The 1st real need of straw in TFC is for pit kilns, not survival. You just WANT straw for survival shelters because......I have no idea why Its of course up to the devs if they think restricting player access to pit kilns until after the 1st harvest is reasonable
  5. Localized weather integration

    >1. Recipes are required for anemometer and wind vane Minetweaker 3 can do this easily >2. Clouds are too low (because TFC terrain is higher) A compatibility patch is probably the best for this. Alternatively you could suggest to the mod author add a configuration for cloud height. This setting would also be useful for Highlands and ATG players that change the terrain height >3. hail is not displayed correctly You might want to explain what is wrong here. Have you confirmed its different when not using TFC? >4. terrain is not always effected as it should be (grass doesn't disappear because of storms) A compatibility patch is probably the best for this (the mod assumes Vanilla rather than TFC grass).
  6. The reason to not go standalone is because writing the game engine would be really difficult and time consuming. It would be better to join a project of ex-Minecraft modders that wish to make a open source Minecart clone. Thats a much better idea than several ex-Minecraft modders each making thier own Minecraft clone In the long run it would make a better game than Minecraft 1 considering it would have cubic chunks and have much better water physics
  7. Make Stone Age Longer.

    There is no reason why a nuitrition effect should affect only mining. If you want to suggest fatigue penalties for poor nuitrition, its should also affect combat damage, digging, tree chopping etc. Possibly also movement speed
  8. Thatch/Straw bedding

    urbanmacgyver seems to not know about the straw and hide bed, but since urbanmacgyver wants to sleep the night away, urbanmacgyver might as well be suggesting the mechanics in the original post be added to the straw/hide bed I'm amazed that urbanmacgyver thinks the ability to skip the night is worth having to harvest straw every other day. I wonder if urbanmacgyver would rethink the suggestion if urbanmacgyver knew hides would be consumed every other day as well
  9. Make Stone Age Longer.

    Well I did some calculations. You spend the Northern hemisphere summer looking for wild crops. During autumn you travel to the southern hemisphere to plant your crops, and harvest them in the southern hemisphere autumn 96 day year length You will get your first crops after ~26 hours and 40 minutes of real life time 360 year length You will get your first crops after 100 hours of real life time That would be a really long stone age....
  10. The Night

    In the early game of TFC, you have no bed and can't skip the night. Once you get metals, you can make a pickaxe, a prospector's pick, and saw and make a bed. Once you have a pickaxe and prospector's pick, you can use the night productively by mining Once you get a bed in TFC, the only differences between this in Better Than Wolves is A.) The prospector's pick vs branch mining with stone pickaxes. B.) Its impossible to skip the night in BTW It would basically work the same in TFC as it does in BTW. The difference here is a significant portion of the TFC userbase wants beds But at the end of the day. If you want Hardcore Bedding and beds work, you don't use beds. If you don't want Hardcore Bedding and beds don't work, you are annoyed at the lack of the option of sleeping Personally I think Minecraft is too Easy has better nights than TFC and BTW. The mobs make surviving the night difficult and there is a significant resource cost if you choose to sleep through the night once you have a bed. Of course MITE has some other issues....It takes on average ~15 m^3 of gravel to make a flint axe
  11. A Microsoft statement stated they expect to break even on the deal by the end of 2nd quarter 2015 There is always the possibility Microsoft has been developing Minecraft 2 already, and wanted to buy the brand name and eliminate the competition #3....well I basically reposted the idea from the Minecraft forums. I don't personally think this is something Microsoft would do, but other people think its possible. Maybe they are right
  12. The Night

    While I would agree that beds are terrible additions to the game that basically allow you to play peaceful even on hard mode, the fact is a significant portion of the TFC userbase wants the game to be easy. I can't fanthom why this is the case, but it is The devs have considered this issue before. They just prolonged when beds can be made. The people who want the game to be easy do have a point. Just because beds are in the game, doesn't mean we have to use them
  13. So Microsoft thinks it will make around $2.5 billion from this by the end of 2nd quarter 2015. Ways they could do this 1.) They bought Mojang for the Minecraft brand name and they are going to release Minecraft 2. 2.) They want to sell expansion packs/DLC 3.) They want to tap into University funding by charging licence fees. Minecraft is a educational tool used in Universities. They could theoretically make lots of money this way. This would of course alienate the gamer crowd, which they wouldn't care about if they only wanted license fees. Somehow I'm doubting they would be able to pull this off with Minecraft 1 Somehow I'm thinking the 1st one is by far the smarter move, and the one that Microsoft is most likely to make. #1 and #3 do not bode well for the future of Minecraft 1, which they wouldn't want to support. #2 would basically mean business as usual, possibly with useful features from expansion packs If #1 or #3 is the plan, then the TFC devs need to figure out whether they want to adapt TFC to a open source Minecraft clone that some mod developers are thinking about making if things go bad (notably Cuchaz), or they want to try to make thier own commercial game Just don't go standalone if you don't want to make a sellable product. You aren't the only ones thinking about separating from the Minecraft brand if things go bad. Join a team that will inevitably be created if things go that way
  14. Mod or addition to TFC

    Before .77, you could use a axe to break a log into 3 TFC planks. In .77, this option was removed. The add-on was created because the author did not like the change. The justification for the add-on was not that it was more realistic, but that they did not like the change The change in fact made one part of the game ridiculous. Boat construction. As we all know vanilla boats are extremely fragile and break a lot And they were changed so you need to create a metal saw before you can make one. This is a mod where the oceans are huge and you have to travel vast distances to find things. And in future builds, you won't be able to swim for long periods of time in cold water due to body temperature mechanics. You broke your boat and you forgot your saw? Well better go back to base instead of making a new boat like you would in earlier builds This is why the add-on was created. This is why the canoe thread is so popular. And why the mentioned canoe apparently will be made with a axe rather than a saw. The ability to be able to make a boat without a saw is definitely a good thing. What the add-on author should have done is made a alternate 2x2 recipe for a boat instead of re-enabling the old recipe for planks. But he wasn't creative enough to think outside the box, and could only re-create previous gameplay. Gameplay that was now considered cheating
  15. Mod or addition to TFC

    Kazerima if you haven't figured it out yet, the real goal of TFC is like all devs goals to implement what the devs what to implement They want realism when they like the idea of it being realistic (like other devs) They implement unbelievable and outright ridiculous ideas whenever they want to (like other devs) They implement changes for game balance (like other devs) The only real difference is very few devs want to change Minecraft gameplay as drastically as the TFC devs do For any suggestion you don't know if the devs will like it if noone suggests it. They also change thier mind about what is a good idea frequently. For example the original post in this thread is about re-adding a feature that used to be part of TFC, but is now considered overpowered and cheaty if re-enabled.
  16. Why stone block yields 0-3 rocks ?

    Well conservation of mass isn't really a argument (you are mining, it is reasonable to lose some of the stone) Of course mining 1 m^3 of stone and getting no rocks at all makes no sense, so the 0 drop makes no sense One could argue that mining wouldn't always give the same amount of usable rocks, so a numerical range would make sense The cave-in issue is a point. Mining cobblestone shouldn't be more profitable than mining smooth stone as not to encourage cave-ins Perhaps mining both smooth stone and cobblestone should give 1-2 rocks when dropped.
  17. Torch Discussion

    Isn't it true that pumpkins not being able to be planted is more of a accident than a designed feature that will probably be fixed some unknown time in the future? If so shouldn't that be taken into acount that pumpkins will be farmable? Of course one could argue the farming would require pumpkin seeds to justify the inifinite light source Another issue that hasn't been mentioned. The chisel. Am I right that chiseled slabs/stairs work the same way as in vanilla for preventing mob spawns on that block? Of course one could argue that chiseling your floor uses up chisel durability (and therefore metal) to justify the mob spawn prevention
  18. Torch Discussion

    Lava already works as a light source, so once you have blue steel you will already have placeable infinite duration light sources without needing to make a "blue steel lantern"
  19. TFC is missing a goal

    It really depends on whether or not TFC is designed to be played in PVP, PVE, or both Currently the game lacks any sort of PVE progression, which is fine if the game is designed to be PVP based. The mob enemies would be minor obstacles with the focus on competing with other players. If this is how the game is supposed to be, its working properly Of course it may also be planned to also have a focus on PVE, in which case PVE might be overhauled at some unknown time in the future.
  20. New Torches and Light

    There are good reasons to do it the way the devs do it. 1.) They probably fix more bugs this way as they discover more ways people try to cheat the system 2.) They find out the extent the problem they have caused, so they can better design a solution The devs aren't omnipotent beings. They don't know the full implications of what they implement until after they implement it. They also can't evaluate the success of solutions if they implement the solution the same time as the problem This isn't a professional game company. They don't have sales to lose if they upset people. By downloading the mod, you are basically becoming a beta tester to test the game for them. If you don't want to test this system for them you can disable the burnout in the config (or not play the mod anymore)
  21. Topple the pillars!

    Combat -->danger which may or may not create death Basically the problem is: if players pillar up, there is no danger. An obvious solution is to create some danger if players do that Of course given the mentioned sources of danger were dinosaurs and dragons....... well new sources of danger are needed
  22. Topple the pillars!

    This fix was implemented in Better Than Wolves about a year ago It really didn't solve the problem. You could still do it as long as you pillared higher than skeleton range It just makes pillaring twice as expensive in blocks. It is realistic not being able to jump and place blocks though If TFC was fantasy based, they could solve it by spawning dragons if players go to high elevations. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any flying modern animals that could be used....Pterosaurs would be really cool, but thats outside the TFC timeline
  23. New Torches and Light

    Also a half lit torch would have a light level of 7, which would be dark enough to spawn mobs So for all intents and purposes (other than PvP related scouting) they would be burned out
  24. Glitches with Mobs Spawning The mod list on this server might give you a idea what has been proven to be compatible with .78 Mind you however that .79 should be out soon. And that version won't be compatible with 0.78, so you might want to wait a few weeks?, a month? (I'm not asking for a release date. These are just guesses) But yeah unfortunately mods like reactorcraft, gregtech, and galacticcraft aren't compatible yet. Maybe in the future
  25. Glitches with Mobs Spawning

    It'll probably become compatible automatically once traveling to other dimensions issues are fixed As for when that will happen......Well it was a known issue since 2012 and its still not whenever the devs feel like it Basically it may happen sometime in the future This mod is one of those mods that might be best played one playthrough a year to see what new features have been added since the last time you played it The devs are very ambitious and TFC most definitely lives up to the name of Total conversion. Just expect a development cycle similar to Dwarf Fortress and you'll be fine