Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by capt_slowpoke

  1. I had these done for a while and never actually added them, they're done now. Yes I know the rose is called a poppy, it's going to look like a damn rose for now because that's what the filename called it. Also there's apparently an unused single peony. Other updates, short grass and cattails have also been fixed. 


    Posted Image


  2. Is there a reason the plank textures are duplicated in the assets?


    I'm also getting an error, it looks like it's trying to find NEI, which I don't have installed. Can't see anywhere in the configs to disable NEI compatibility.

    NoClassDefFoundError: me/otho/customItems/compability/NEICustomItemsConfig


    Does it require NEI as well or can I just delete that class from the jar?


  3. If you're in need of textures I have a few I did. Redid the stained glass based off your normal glass, as well as a burned out torch texture based off your torch texture.

    Thanks, I'll add this in, go ahead and link it here.

    The ores in this texture pack are some of the best. However, seems that they now cover the whole block face from all directions. This really makes the blocky nature of minecraft stand out, which i do not like...Can we have the smaller ore patches back?

    Those textures were made before the split. I might have the original file somewhere but they'd need to be separated.


    Minor update: I fixed the single line of pixels that were off on dacite and color matched smooth basalt to the bricks. Who knows how long it's been like that?


  4. Love this pack SO MUCH. The ores are definitely working for me. Excellent work!!! 


    Did you change the ore textures from the picture on the OP? 

    Yeah, I did. They're more contiguous now, but unfortunately there's no way to place them and take a picture now, or if there is I'm not aware of it.


  5. hey cap is the large container texture bugged or just not done yet?


    the top of them look like i was doing some acid

    Oops, that's the texture I was using to do the default and I forgot to remove it. Should be fixed now.


  6. This is pretty much why I made the ores the way I did. Like, I can't see anything in the OP image either, and I'm not colorblind. You can just take any pack you like and delete everything that isn't the ore textures if you want everything else to look the same. 


  7. I always try to keep my nutrition up. One time I forgot to pause it when I stepped away and came back to having max 50 health. Even taking a small amount of fall damage is enough to kill you there. I also tend to go out and fight at night a lot though. 


  8. New update, did the acacia items and blocks, all the gravel types as well as some vanilla stuff I can't remember right now.

    Also single chests are done

    And double chests


  9. Pack is semi updated for the new version, all the berry bushes are in, as well as the water plants. Bioxx made the unfortunate decision to update the mod right as Dark Souls 2 released, though. I've got 32x versions of most of the new stuff I did graphics for, finding where I saved it is the problem. I'll work on the blocks first, then do the items.


  10. Wow this is what the potions should have looked like in vanilla. Currently the mortar and pestle has one use, making bandages, right? I assume this is gonna give us more to do with it? If not, I'd suggest making all the dye powders crafted in it instead of with a regular hammer.


  11. Would you consider supporting the ExtraFirma addon? It would be a lot of work, but it would be cool. And I know a lot of people like that addon.

    Yeah I'm thinking about it, because I'm using it too and also a masochist.


  12. This is really unneeded with the new texture pack format. Since everything is loose files inside a zip, you don't have to do  any image editing like you used to. You can just make a copy of whatever texture pack you want, name it something else, then just overwrite whichever textures you want to change with the files from another pack.


  13. As far as the leaves go, they're just overlaid with a color and the actual textures are different colors. Changing the base color would change the leaves's hue in whatever direction you changed the color to. Like, for instance, default is a greyscale image, but if you make it a shade of green they'll look different.


  14. It worked the same way as vanilla like two versions ago, but I haven't had a chance to try it in the latest one. Really the only thing that's changed is the file structure, maybe somebody else knows where to put them? I want to know too.


  15. It's been updated for a while now actually, I just kept forgetting to update the OP, since the dropbox link never changes. I'm in IRC like Kitty said, and also can't stop playing KSP.


    I've got some CTM stuff made as well, but I have no idea what to do with it with the new format. It's in the zip file, too.
