Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kazahied

  1. food preservation

    Things like natural disasters could follow a semi scheduled path, like rain storms "destructive ones" would be more common in spring, blizzards in winter and so on. This would require an overhaul of the weather system but natural disasters could cause even more violent temperature swings. A heat wave would threaten water reliant crops like rice, and raise temperatures drastically above normal for that chunk. Blizzard would be several days of snow and lower temperatures An arctic vortex would be dry but super cold Monsoons would coincide in parts of the world that blizzards are prevented due to temperature- these could drown plants that are more arid in nature
  2. food preservation

    The problem with "We don't care about exact freshness" is that java cares, unless you want it to randomly decide all food is bad it needs counters on every single item or stack of items. Anything in minecraft that requires constant updates will cause lag. Many of the mods like rail craft and build craft that add machines that update constantly limit this by how many can be in a given place at a given time. With food, an item that takes up no physical space, you could have over a hundred thousand instances in a single chuck, all of which would need to be updated. Even if scheduled all you would be doing in this case is making a timed lag spike. -end rant- The main point-- Java needs to track exact numbers to function correctly you can't short cut it by being lazy
  3. War Comes to TFC

    You figured out my secret.. shhhhhh.... but good luck drinking or eating while someone is attacking you. Besides the movement penalties only apply when on foot, your gear weights would determine your horses penalties if any
  4. War Comes to TFC

    The real difficulty of wearing plate armor is not moving fast, it is stamina. The reason i came up with a small flat percentage ms penalty is to compound the fact that hunger/thirst drain faster. If you have to sprint longer then you are losing more food and water. A 10% penalty means where you would normaly sprint for 10 seconds you now have to do in 11, which adds another 20 ticks of increased drainage. The speed penalty is just a means to an end, and that end is the reduction of stamina in battle/mob farming
  5. food preservation

    Need to come up with a way to make it not lag though. That is the real nail in the coffin, heck a few people on my server with lower end computers complain when enter my shop since i have over a dozen blast furnaces running at any given time with dozens of ingots cooling. Them blast furnaces are not gentle on ticks
  6. Explosives, a use for gunpowder.

    Ever watch Shawshank Redemption? Although you have a point, but we should make explosives a science, not a place and done like many mods in the past that add explosives. A great mod doesnt answer all the problems with an end all solution, thats no fun. A great mod adds challenges, but also tools to alway the players to conquer them with their own creative way.
  7. War Comes to TFC

    The intent is not to make wearing armor an impossibility, just to make the armor that makes you neigh invincible have some cost to use. An addendum to the OP about the armor and movement speed--- ONLY plate mail will slow the player down- and if ANY plate is worn the effect is in full( to reduce coding nightmares about mix and match penalties are based on the heaviest worn piece, wearing chain but a plate helm means you get the penalties of full plate) Chain mail would provide a minor increase in food/thirst consumption Lamellar would provide an average increase in thirst/hunger Plate would provide a major increase in thirst/hunger In addition wearing any metal armor will increase ambient temperature effects by its cost factor (1 chain ,2 lamellar, 3 plate) Plate mail would apply a slowing effect that takes away 5% of all movement speed. let me elaborate- You can still sprint, jump, do what ever. However the speed at which you move across x and z will be reduced by 5%. You walk at 95% movement speed, you sprint at 95% sprinting speed. This isn't a lot and is barely notice able. Since many don't believe me that a slight penalty to movement speed isnt a bad thing here is some math; Standard minecraft movement speed is 4.3 m/s the movement penalty is .05 4.3*.05= .215 4.3-.215= 4.085 so movement speed is reduced by less than a third of a block per second (not much to cry about) in fact you probably wouldn't notice it unless chasing someone Sprinting speed is 5.6 m/s same penalty .05 5.6*.05= .28 5.6-.28= 5.32 Not much more of a penalty, even if the penalty was doubled we are talking .4 and .5 blocks per second At speed differences like this we are talking a one block distance over roughly 3 seconds. The real killer is the thirst/hunger drain, while sprinting to try and keep up with the lighter armored enemies your food and water are plummeting (visibly while sprinting)
  8. is terrafirmacraft growing as a mod?

    Let me be the first to say this..... Welcome to the internet. hell even in face to face discussions people almost always will not see eye to eye, so every thing will be wrong to at least one person and since its the internet that one person will make an ass of themselves and be as negative and caustic as they can be
  9. Explosives, a use for gunpowder.

    Back in the time frame of Tfc picks and shovels were it. Explosives didn't really come into mining applications till much more modern times. But since we have an abundance of powder, we may as well make the barrels able to be used for mining. Possibly make it able to detonate will less than a full load and have a radius based on this
  10. War Comes to TFC

    The intent is not to make armor unwearable due to penalties, even the casual renny fan can move fairly well in a 20 kilo suit of chain (only the capability to jump is significantly reduced). It is the heavy 50 kilo suits of plate that would make noticeable changes. wearing chain or even chain with a lamellar chest would not hinder the player noticeably unless you sprint everywhere and race unarmored players. The advantage is that there are several ways to deal with current problems and soon to be problems. With the devs moving mobs underground it is likely that they will be more dangerous.( And note since tfc is scaled for multiplayer this would allow a more intricate soldier class). Having a dedicated guard in full plate would be a good idea, he could deal with mobs while being relatively impervious, as a trade off he has high thirst/food requirements, expensive gear, and moves slower than a standard player. Other advantages would be the cheaper armors are usefull in situations where you (1 don't want to waste resources on heavy armor, (2 dont have the resources for heavier armor, (3 dont want or need the benefits of heavy armor due to cost, (4 want to wear something cheap so you don't waste durability on the heavy armor. The weapons are usefull to those who can find ways to use them, regardless of armor issues. And you say that players would rather fight unarmored than take a slight movement penalty?, i propose skyrim which has the same thing but players love heavy armor Rhapsodyman2000said "On the other hand, I do not believe that Armor should fully prevent players from being able to run (maybe a speed faster than normal walking, but slower than normal running)" What i meant by movement penalties except for plate armor plate would have a flat 10% reduction in speed
  11. War Comes to TFC

    Even trained knights who sole purpose in society was to wear plate on the battlefield, couldn't move unhindered. with chain and lamellar you wouldn't really notice much difference as walking speed would be the same but it would cap your sprinting speed
  12. War Comes to TFC

    The difference between what i have posted and the combat revamp thread is that this is not a complete overhaul of combat with things like angles and what not. It simply a way to diversify combat based on the already existing minecraft principles of combat using the methods available to the devs. If we want a combat revamp it would need to be short, to the point, and not a nightmare to code.
  13. When is it time to throw in the towel?

    I second that, steel or no quit
  14. Mechanical Power. Doing things Better, Faster

    Yea, mechanical systems are the most common suggestion
  15. food preservation

    The problem with food spoilage is not that its impossible to code, its that every instance of food would have to tick and update, causing tons of lag eating memory like its no tomorrow.
  16. Cats, Rabbits and other Pets

    Although you will die from protein poisoning if you eat nothing but rabbit for lengthened periods of time.
  17. Cats, Rabbits and other Pets

    one problem though. Pet creepers. Zombies and skeletons would be like throwaway soldiers guarding larger area where you dont want to spam torches. But creepers are know for only one thing.....
  18. Changes in quern recipes

    Not very difficult when we had 5 people harvesting and grinding.
  19. Water Changes

    Would be difficult to code but Biomes O plenty did it. Not quite how you have it setup but they have like 30 different water colours
  20. Underground Ecology

    Finally conquered the arctic, this definitely needs to be implemented. Even if it makes it near impossible to survive without surfacing at least it would make a challenge for those that have colored steel and endless resources to through at developing a dwarven city.
  21. Archaeology

    Although in history civilizations were built on the ruins of older ones before them. in several places around the world there are structures that were constructed that we have no idea who built them, and upon closer inspection find that they were built on the ruins of a city of a people no one knew existed.This idea would be plausible, if not probable
  22. Ships

    Ships definitely need to be added. Long before roads there were pack animals and ships of various kinds and sizes. The massive ship of the line that alot of people think of when talking about ships with sails are a little out of tfc timeline but a sloop, trireme or longboat would well within believably. The reason many ancient cities were near rivers were 1 water access, and 2 water routes for trade.
  23. Cats, Rabbits and other Pets

    Sounds good, a little like the mo creatures wyverns
  24. Heat Sources

    Actually many mods use a simple class to check for temperature. To tie into it would simply need a small bit of code for each major mod that incorporates heat (mostly just Railcraft and buildcraft). Also by incorporating this you make it easier for others to make addons for tfc involving temperatures.
  25. Heat Sources

    Heat sources would be awesome, and they would make surviving in the frozen a heck of a lot more doable. I've got this idea from the dozen or so Canadians on my server who traveled up to about -20kz. They have to import food wood and other materials even though it gets well above freezing.The idea is that any source of fire (fire pits, forges, blast furnaces, ect.) would raise ambient temperature around themwith a range based on their overall heat.Maybe add a heater block made from wrought iron or other metals that then has to be fueled with peat or other burnable materials. Essentially, add heat sources to melt snow and raise temperature, but make them take resources to run. possibly make them more efficient if they are enclosed, as heating a 1000 cubic feet of air in a building is about 5x easier than heating the outdoors.