Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by junweizhu

  1. Armor (durability/repairing)

    It's not like having more posts equals knowing more anyway. You know what, never mind. It's better to lurk in this forum for me after all.
  2. Armor (durability/repairing)

    I thought everyone decided not to respond with this kind of tone so we don't scare away new forum members and even future forum members? Okay, maybe not actually decided, but I think lots of people are trying to go for that direction. Sure, I wouldn't make the mistake and actually look for existing threads of said topic, but I'm very sure I would stop posting again if someone speaks to me like that.. For a while that is. Heck, I got turned off posting here a while ago by dunk so I know how that feels. Though then again, it's not like I post a lot in the first place, but still.
  3. No Durability / Weapon Sharpening

    I like the natural feel the tools will give you with this implementation, but I think there are some room of improvements if we want to make your tools truly unique. I saw that the sharpening of the tool is made very simple and I think this is where you could make it more complex. Adding choices where you sharpen the tool(I. E. Which sides and maybe even what angle?) and how much you sharpen it could have an impact on the tool sharpness, it's strengths(slashing, piercing etc) and the chances of breaking(completely or partially if that's even believable. It'll make sharpening also a form of skill that could be included in smithing. This is my two cents on how to make somewhat more unique tools. I'm sure there are more things where we can look into to make a perfect smithing and metallurgy system for TFC, so we can make tools with really unique properties. Would be interesting if length and width etc would also be added into the equation, though I wonder if that's necessary.
  4. Snow In Winter

    I remember the first World I spawned in with TFC had lots of snow and it slowed me down. Best thing since playing minecraft.
  5. Variable day length

    I could figure out a formula to use for the scaling day/night cycle since that's easy, I just don't know how the day/night cycle is programmed. Yes, I did say I wanted to study java for things, but never got to it after I got a job... Edit: I'll do it tomorrow, because I'm too busy to think too much. Edit2: I finally realized the difficulty of this. (no, not the formula) Isn't it possible to calculate length of day per chunk? Makes it somewhat more workable.
  6. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    It would just mean you have to know the timing when to let go so you still hit him and he can't poke you on time. In other words, Skills! hueaheaheuhe I only put that as a countermeasure in case the charges are overpowered over the small pokes. Not even sure if it's necessary.
  7. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    I'm still in favour of making the combat system work like the longer you hold the mouse button, the stronger the blows(using more durability of course) , with spam clicking doing damage equal to poking someone with a stick, which is not much. Being attacked will cancel the charge and you can't sprint while charging. Edit: Actually, prof's combat system sounds more interesting.
  8. Brewing and beverages

    That's how it is irl: in order for the liver to remove the alcohol from your blood, it uses water. That's how many people who drank a lot last night have a headache the next morning. I don't know the exact process since I'm not experienced in that part, but I 'm 100% sure that it makes you thirstier in time, along with the fact you can' t think and do things straight, but I think everyone knows about the last part.
  9. Additional structures

    Maybe if you have to reapply the camo every time a mob falls into it and the spikes should have durability as well. (believable?)
  10. Generic Item piles

    He did say it will turn into a generic item pile, so I assume any pile will look normal. I think if this will be implemented, it will have limited slots and items can't be stacked. This still gives people a reason to create chests and other methods of storage.
  11. That Damage Discussion: Round 16

    I've always thought it might be better to change the weapon's left click into something similar to how bows work when right-clicking; Holding the left click with a weapon will have it move more to the back to increase the power you can put into your weapon when swinging. Of course, after swinging you need time to recover and move your weapon back of course, like you would irl. The effect and speed of this charge will depend on the weapon's size and weight to calculate its possible damage. Light and small weapons gain more power in the first part of the charge, but the gain will become less and less after that(something along the lines of a square root graph) Heavy and large weapons will charge slower, but the power will increase exponentially the longer you hold up until a max. This will make both heavy and lightweight weapons just as useful and believable at the same time and it will also make you think what weapon to use at what job. I think someone might have already suggested something like this but I'm not too sure. Might not be the best suggestion about this, but I think it's at least better than vanilla's current fighting mechanics. Didn't feel like creating a larger post because too lazy and tired, but this is what I'm thinking about ever since reading those combat overhauls.
  12. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Okay, maybe saying unlimited slots would be exaggerating, but we never really tried creating a large kingdom or anything did we? Maybe I should check that raisercraft server to see how towns would look like in a 100 slot server. Also I only talked about NPC because everyone else thinks is a necessity because they think it's impossible for players to guard everyone's things, which is debatable. And then I got ideas so I figured why not post that as well?
  13. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I think the real question that many might have, how will server activity be when there are unlimited slots and several of the kingdom update is added? Lots of people are saying we need guard npc, seller npc and whatnot, but do we truly need them? I was quitr serious when I said we should make a test server with as many of tfc players as possible so we could see how the town will develop in the current state. It would be good analysis for both us and Bioxx and dunk. If we do add them though, here's an idea to limit too much relying on npc. Npc's will only spawn when 1/6th of the town's population(with an absolute max of..5 people) is online at the time and will instantly despawn when that limit is reached. Amounts of npc that can be spawned should also be 1/6th of the population with also an absolute max. Players who play on irregular times will still be able to do things in town while players playing on busy times won't rely on npc to do their work. I said 1/6th sounded fair enough, but if you have a different opinion about that, do tell me. Although I said all that, I'm still against npc's, because I think the players can handle without them.
  14. Item recognizing tool or book

    It would be kind of interesting if no names are displayed when viewing items, leaving it up to the players themselves to name the items however they like. Books or museums might become something worth creating this way to record names everyone or part of them agree to use in a server for example. Not to mention you get to see what names people pick for those different items, if they give serious names that is. So yeah, an unknown world with unknown items. I think this will give problems with specific things like coins if this happens though so I'm not sure myself if it's actually a good idea.
  15. Official modding API

    I think I like these the most, for a lot of reasons. Especially if the last one is actually possible at all.
  16. Security

    Just posting this here. It's a very good read if you go through all the pages. http://terrafirmacra...-brainstorming/ Yes, I'm just secretly saying most is already suggested before. You'll have to find out where, not going to help you with that. Not sure about poison plants and whether or not we actually need this much. Traps could be nice though.
  17. Cubic Chunks in TFC

    Wasn't 1.0.0 still a test version or did I read it wrong in his thread? I don't know if picking a more stable version is any better or not, since all I want to know is how the chunks are rendered and the differences in coding between cubic chunks and vanilla minecraft.
  18. Cubic Chunks in TFC

    Since I started learning java like 2 weeks ago, I might need to learn a bit more before I can be useful at all, even with some programming I did with another language. Shouldn't be too hard to get the basics though, since I have some good video material that gives nice examples. Maybe I'll start looking at minecraft 1.7.3 beta's(That's when cubic chunks worked well right?) codes in the meantime/
  19. Cubic Chunks in TFC

    Starting to learn java now in my free time, I might be able to accept this challenge when I learned enough, which is probably in another month or two. I have enough free time anyway, for now.
  20. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Have we ever tried creating kingdoms on a large server (raisercraft server large) just to observe how it the kingdom would be? i.e. checking if it's actually possible to have a few players patrolling the kingdom at any time and protecting other people's items etc. I think it would give us more and better ideas on what's needed in the kingdoms update and what isn't. We don't really have any experiences in creating a large in city tfc do we?
  21. Flags Make War and Picking Makes Grief

    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. -Albert Einstein
  22. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I can understand some type of simple guard npc, but workers? Aren't the citizens supposed to do the work?(mining, smithing etc) If we ever add NPC, I give a big NO on NPCs that does things we could do ourselves. We're not supposed to make survival any easier for us so even I'm wondering now if a guard NPC is actually necessary at all. What I do want though is that any person that logs off will be replaced by a 'dummy' NPC that carries your items but does nothing except standing where you logged off. In case of theft or anything else, people could actually find the thief and punish him in some way or another. Of course you could get your items back this way. Obviously this also means you need to store your goods safely and be in a safe place order to log off without dying and losing your stuff by mobs or griefers. Storage and some kind of security system will be really needed for this. At least this way griefers/thieves can't just magically disappear by logging off when it gets tough.
  23. Aesthetic blocks list

    I thought that if you make variations of texture of a certain ore, you usually make them in a way so they line up. Like how they do it on 2D games with slight variations of roads used together.
  24. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    If anything, the only thing that is close to skill system and would actually look believable would be training your(Steve's) body muscles. Training yourself to be stronger or weakening if you don't use your muscles regularly. Not sure how this will work and I think it might become too complex if we do add something like this(not even thinking about smp right now), but maybe it's something worth discussing.
  25. Damascus steel

    Remove the last dot and it should work.