Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by YouMarshMallow

  1. Better tree models

    I think the reason these aren't implemented in tfc is that it would break the tree harvesting since the trees are connected due to the over hanging leaves chopping one tree would kill a lot in a very short time which in my opinion would be deemed overpowered but it would make it look a lot better just have to space them out and maybe base it on the real life space trees need.
  2. Reading/Learning

    A simple idea I have is that you make a book and you can right click it to "read it" to give a single skill point to one random skill would be a nice incentive to make books have themto only read one book a day and once you right click a book it will be "read" and you will not be able to learn anymore from it just a simple thing and on severs I would be cool to make libraries.
  3. Tool reworking

    I had an idea for tools instead of enchanting them with gems they get different values based on the percentage of materials used so a bismuth bronze pick is made of 10-20% Bismuth 50-70% Copper 20-30% Zinc we could make it so that a 50-60% Copper bismuth bronze pick has a slightly higher mining speed with less durability and a pick with 60-70% Copper bismuth bronze pick would have a lower mining speed but a little more durability this could also be specific to seed so players cant know exactly how it works and maybe have it also be influenced by their tool smithing level also making amaterial of a "perfect mix" would give other "enchantments" such as silk touch or fortune but making fortune work for only the probability of getting gems cuz I like finding them when I dig that's my idea for a realistic enchanting in this mod
  4. Add Slabs and Stairs as a Creative Block edited

    i think this would be a great addition as building massive structures and having to chisel the stairs is very annoying and the don't make the corner stairs so wed have to chisel them one little peace at a time
  5. Different variants of trapdoors

    the same can be said for the chests I would love hickory chests
  6. Woven Grass

    But with the idea of having animals attack back some early game protection from them may be helpful
  7. Sanity implimentation

    I would like to see an idea of going crazy and having a sanity or paranoia to the game where being in the dark or seeing monsters can cause this to go up while other things like fishing finding gems can reduce this at high levels it could cause some things to appear as they are not like water looking like lava passive animals look like hostile ones and or slight debuffs like slowness and such also could add happiness and sadness eating the same venison for months straight would make me very depressed and tending to animals could increase happiness and give buffs accordingly and I don't believe this could be that hard to implement let me know of other thought you guys may have
  8. Woven Grass

    I also think along with those some very basic weak straw armor could be added in history soldiers used to stuff their uniforms with straw or hay so maybe have a straw and wool armor for the early game maybe half as effective as leather with 1/3 the durability I find that I rarely make leather armor before I get to the point where I can make metal armor.