Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Leosallespoli

  1. The easiest change and that people will feel the difference is

    All animals off one group run away if one gets attacked

    Damn it is sad to slaughter a cow with the other one looking, just waiting....


  2. That remindes me, what happened to ocealot? Maybe I've missed a change-log, but I've grown fond of them in vanilla.

    And wolves despawn, I've lost many tammed wolves, just by reloggin, maybe I'm doing it wrong, don't know.


  3. BAM!

    plus, that lighting discussion was particularly grueling, it was... oh god, the flashbacks! They're... they're starting!

    -assumes the fetal posisition-

    Nevertheless they do come back and Crysin, as far as I know, is the one that shuts reposts, rediscussed and flashbacks down... So just wait 'till it get on an admin sight OR give the link to that topic... I think it is a better attitude then "shut this idea up", even more when it is not just about lighting.


  4. yeah, just us :P when our other project comes out, you can play it too.

    Well, I bid you if you guys ever stop working on this mod make it open source like Two, would be a great thing to do. Anyway I hope this is too far in the future.


  5. guh, we are NOT talking about lighting again, it's been discussed to death, trust me.

    Like we didn't go over the same subject again and again, with every single subject it goes like that, get over it.


  6. any of these good?

    i have tons of pics of ore thats come directly from the ground at my mine site near Smithers BC

    You are a geologist, aren't you?

    Those 3 came from the same mine? The last is also in calcite I guess, but the second... Is a clean iridescent chalcopyrite, really good.


  7. Some biomes are looking gorgeous and could be implemented, those spruces and mountains... damn!

    But he doesn't seem to like forge, so... yeah... compatibility goes out the window.

    Anyway, why did you said he codes this crap in his sleep? Has he done anything else amazing as that? Just asking...


  8. Woah obsidian is like... totally white (at least that specimen). What the heck was mojang thinking?

    WHITE?!? I think you're looking at the label.

    thanks for sharing these with us. I find it funny how two sample of the same ore can look so different

    Yeah, it depends on the matrix rock and if there is any other ion that affects the ore. Now, iridescence is a really cool feature caused possibly by some inclusions like gas cavities or some mineral intergrowth, anyway those are considered to be more valuable as gems than as ores.


  9. Sulfur

    Posted Image

    (Sulfur Crystals from Spain, yes that is me...)

    more Copper:

    Posted Image

    (Oxidized native copper from the border between Brazil and Paraguay)

    Posted Image

    (someone has asked how it is done the exploration and I have said something about diamond drilling, this is a testimony(?- I don't know how to translate that) of Chalcopirite)


  10. I'll now post a lot of iron minerals, Brazil is the largest exporter of Iron and mainly due to Itabirite.


    Posted Image

    (the left is Iridescent Itabirite and the one on the right is Hematite)

    Posted Image

    (hematite, Morro Agudo Mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil)

    Posted Image

    (Iridescent Hematite from Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil)

    Posted Image

    (Iridescent Hematite)


  11. Since this is from the geology department the minerals are way more evident and they are prettier. The others were from the mining engineering department. If anyone has a request or want to know something else about geology, gemology or mining, please ask and if I don't know I'll find someone who knows


    Posted Image

    (amethist geode from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

    Posted Image

    (another amethist geode)


    Posted Image

    (a little galena geode from Marrocos)

    Posted Image

    (galena from Kansas-US and Capão Bonito-São Paulo, Brazil)


  12. There IS oil in Europe, it's just not nearly as common as in the lets say, Middle East. And of course there's much less of it.. But it's still there. The same concept could be used in TFC too. It's not too rare, but in some places you can find more than in others.

    I don't really care much about that type of oil tho, animal/plant oil is enough since the only use for oil I can think of (that fits TFC imo) is for lanterns or something.

    But then again, seeing an oil fountain on the surface just like that would be pretty cool :P

    I can't agree with you more! In middle east you can almost dig a hole and find oil but with the development of shale exploitation you can find it almost everywhere.

    And yes, there is no big use for it in this mod, if you want to see it on minecraft download buildcraft, although is a very poor implementation.


  13. ok, since im not interested in getting into a debate on the finer points of crude oil, i'll concede on this one. You know more about this than I do, I prefer biology (you know, DNA and the like), not geology or whatever this is.

    So congrats, YOU WIN!


    Just sayin' ;)

    Sure enough, it is a crazy idea, just so you know to prove a point they made a well 10km deep and found oil. I don't know how to justify it with the biotic theory since we have something called the oil window, but hey... There could be a explanation.

    Anyway I find the DNA thing way cooler too.


  14. i just edited that post, so scroll up and read it! I expand upon my knee jerk reaction and tell you my detailed opinions! its quite fascinating to be honest.

    if i must, i shall do so again


    Let me explain a little something something about crude oil, it doesn't need plant and animal remains to decompose. Impressed right? You will doubt it! And you should but you have this theory that the russians are really trying to prove. Plus that what you've said is a THEORY.

    About the scarcity of Oil on Earth: I have to say it is not that scarce and I know what I'm talking about. Asphalt and tar was exploited, but as I've said not in an significant way to make anything that matters in TFC.
