Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Leosallespoli

  1. aeroc, basically summarizing your post, it SHOULD be for singular use, for every person to do themselves, finding out themselves what works and what doesnt, thats what makes you a master in cooking, and gives you a tool to trade: you know how to make the best meals or the most replenishable ones, like the Joker said: if you're good at something, never do it for free, guess what you just did

    TFC, making me believe I'm socialist when I'm a bloody capitalist, but not that much.


  2. Most SSD's come with a utility disk to help you migrate your old data to your new drive.

    However, this is not always practical as the $1 per gigabyte price tag means you won't be buying a 512GB SSD to replace your old 512GB HDD.

    When I got my SSD I just did a fresh installation. All of my data files were already on a separate HDD so I just had to swap my system drive out.

    This being said... Solid State Drives are a luxury item. If you can't afford for the rest of your computer to be all sparkles and fairy dust I would advise against getting a SSD.

    Well, a OCZ Vertex 4 VTX4-25SAT3-256G 256 GB seems very cheap, compared to a new gpu... Plus I have one Tb here, I imagine that 256 is enough for my softwares... I don't really know.


  3. Late to the party, but here you go:

    • Are you sure it's the video card?

      • Most of the time when people are complaining about frame rate it is caused by the time required to load the game's textures from the HDD. Upgrading to a SSD can potentially alleviate these issues. More RAM is also a possibility, as the computer will then be able to store more information for the game in the RAM.
    • Notes on PCIe.

      • It took a while for PCIe 2.0 cards to actually use speeds greater than the PCIe slot is capable of. The same holds true for PCIe 3.0 cards.
      • I had a 560Ti set in PCIe 2.0 when Crysis 2 released and it ran smooth on full settings. However, my streaming in Skyrim and Minecraft was choppy and Skyrim itself would occasionally drop a few frames when modded with HD Textures and Water.
      • I now have a 660Ti set in the same PCIe 2.0. I don't play Crysis, but I can record smoothly in Skyrim with about 50 mods running.
      • I don't know what people do with anything higher than the 50/60 shelf of the various GeForce series. I have never felt bottle-necked by this level.
    • Notes on MoBos

      • Upgrade yours.
      • Make sure you get one with room for expansion. It should be able to handle at least 1600 RAM, I recommend something closer to 2133.
      • The Intel bridge chipsets are leaps and bounds ahead of your current model. The improvements there should equate to a reasonable increase in graphics performance. Your Northbridge is responsible for communication across the motherboard.

    Hummm... RAM is not a big problem, I got 12gb, but 1300Mhz.

    Btw, can I change to ssd without having to format my pc? And how?


  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if someone had the expertise, could they not merge this in with TFC without getting in trouble with the original creators?

    With a lot of expertise, maybe, but when TFC comes out of beta it would be easier and maybe it could be implemented...


  5. A video of the full session is online.

    About the 11 minute mark Jeb is talking about making money from the mods. Apparently you won't be able to sell through their repository, but it's not clear if you can sell your plugin otherwise. I guess they can't really prevent you from doing so (legally speaking) as long as you're sticking to just their API.

    He also says you cannot claim exclusivity over an idea, which I expect will anger some people. Of course, you can't do that anyway so it shouldn't be a big deal.

    There is no such thing as an original idea, nor it is yours, it is an idea. If you're a modder what you can do is implement that idea, the implementation, the methods and classes you use can be yours, although I can probably say that making it yours is just a set back when it could evolve when people can implement it in their own way. I'm against DRM when it restrain innovation and saying that an idea belongs to someone is just that.


  6. I was afraid all the promise of physicscraft would go down the drain when the coder decided to retire it. My fears were thankfully unfounded, as of November the 1st, the physicscraft devs made it open-source. So many suggestions here require physics, maybe someone here should take a look at it?

    I will, certainly.


  7. It's not pretty or polished, but here is the rough concept:


    Two things are happening. When you break smooth stone it turns to cracked/cobble stone, and rock debris entities are spawned. When they land they make gravel. Ideally the rock entities would make rock debris blocks, which I haven't implemented. The rock debris pile could grow in height the more debris lands on it. I wasn't able to get the rock debris entities to render, so they're not visible, but they do pop off and follow an arc like any other time you break a block.

    My other idea was to make smooth stone require multiple pickaxe strikes on it before it completely disappears. On each strike part of the block would be removed in a similar way to how TFC chisels work with the slab mode. Also why not have the rock debris entities continue to roll and fall, say down a mountain or hill, until they stop rather than have them spawn blocks the instant they touch ground.

    If you're interested in the code, message me, it's not very complicated.

    I see, what I was planning is not to have the full block, but the boundary increases, like you said, as the entities fall on top, so it doesn't pop blocks out of nowhere.

    If you want we can work together on this idea and improve all the effects.


  8. It was announced today that 1.5 will come with an official modding api system.

    Jeb, Dinnerbone, Grum, and EvilSeph have been discussing the upcoming Mod API in detail! This is only a small look at the massive amount of information provided about the Mod API, so let's dive right in!

    API Questions:

    • When will the Mod API be released?
    The API will be going live with the 1.5, which has a tenative release date of January, 2013.

    • Will mods have the ability to modify text?
    Mods can have config files that, when initialized, will be able to dynamically print text in a variety of ways.

    • Will mods like Optifine (which modify the engine directly) be supported?
    The API will eliminate the need to write to the engine directly, allowing modifications that affect the game (as any mod will), without altering the game code itself. Among other things, this will greatly simplify mod installation.

    • Can vanilla block behavior be modified?

    • Will there be official community resources (tutorials, forums, etc) for modders?

    • How will mods be distributed by modders, and downloaded by players?
    Players will be able to download mods from the game client itself.

    • Will the API be able to add new mobs to the game through mods?
    Yes. Additionally, it will be possible to modify animated blocks (water, lava) as well as custom animated blocks.

    • Will the API be like Bukkit (an outside resource)?
    No, the API will be integrated into the vanilla game, hopefully bypassing the need for exernal APIs.

    • Will client-only mods be supported by the API?
    Not at this time, but as the biggest client-only modifications are already covered (texture packs, splash screen text etc), it didn't seem necessary.

    • Will the API remove the issue of mods being rendered inoperable when the game updates?
    It is a target we want to hit for certain, but it won't really have that capability at launch, we don't believe.

    • Will mods need to be re-written from the ground up with the API's release?
    While mods will need to be changed to accommodate the API, total overhauls shouldn't be necessary. Even if a mod requires an overhaul for the API, it would only be a one-time occurrance.

    • Will there be any sort of content filter?
    By and large, the community will police its own mods as it does now, but we are working to put a system in place to prevent malicious mods from being distributed.

    • What can be modified in the game using the API?

    • Can the phsyics be modded?

    • Will the API be on the XBOX or Pocket Edition?
    Not by us, but you can ask the developers of each game, respectively.

    Minecraft Questions:

    • Will mods like Optfine be added to vanilla?
    Something even better. Overall, the game engine is being simplified, taking most of the load off of the client, and having the server doing the heavy work, greatly improving SMP.

    Smoothstone stairs are not planned.

    No new mobs are planned.

    What you guys think about that?


  9. walls of text in my opinion are when people write long postst with no spacing between lines and a constant word flow i dont mind gramma not being perfect hell i suck at it too and punctuation and commas i forget also but a little line shift can do wonders still walls of text if interesting ill read em i dont mind it but if there are no spacing no line shift to break it up i will get distracted and not know where i was at also i will tire of reading if i do not have a natural pause like a line shift and that will again make me lose interest and make me stop reading a post now i on purpouse have not made line shifts in this post just to show what i mean i am sure it wouldent qualify as a wall of text just yet but i can continue writing loads of bull shit here and im sure you will end up giving in with out finding the exiting meaning of the post i like pie and we should have more of it in thsi forum also walls of text are very differently percived by different people so when people complain about walls of text it is either they are to bussy reading or they have like me problems concentrating for longer periods of time and if the wall of text they are reading dosent help them with natural pauses or places to see they can start again from they will get frustrated and give up now reading for 20 minutes isent that bad hell i can read a book of 500 pages in a day if it is interesting enough to me same with forum posts if they are interesting enough ill read em how ever long it will take me if they are just rubbish ill not read very far also alot of the walls of text we see here are complaints about this or that and how people want it to be instead so i am guessing people dislike walls of text for this reason aswell good suggestions have been made with out it being walls of text aswell tbh walls of text can be both good and bad im indiferent all i want is a bit of easy reading when i try to understand what a person is writing is that so bad ?

    sorry but this is my example of what i percive as a wall of text if you read it all good god you are tenacious

    I see what you did there...


  10. As far as I can tell, the only thing that can be made for rendering CC without massive hits on performance is to not calculate block updates. Maybe calculate lighting updates more rarely, but that's all. And I'd rather write this system from the ground up than try to adapt Anvil for this. TFC is not compatible with older worlds anyway, this will be second huge jump in incompatibility, but many people on the forums wouldn't mind, I feel.

    Well, blocks aren't updated like entities, they activate when their tick comes, without that fluids wouldn't flow and redstone wouldn't work. I don't think this is actually a source of any problems since when blocks are too far they are just stored in the chunk, they are not active anymore.

    yeah... building from the ground up seems to me as the better choice too and just built an option in the main menu *click here if you want awesomeness* so that it would have both the vanilla chunk and CC


  11. I tried a similar thing in MCP with rock debris. When you break a stone block with the pickaxe, it spawns some rock debris entities which fly in random directions and when they land on the ground they form a rock debris block. This would mean the player would make a mess wherever they mine and have to clear the area of rock debris with a shovel from time to time. But I like your idea with leaves.

    And what happened to your try?


  12. you never did respond to this :D also BUMP ALL THE AWESOME IN THIS THREAD!

    Sorry, I didn't want to respond this without having more time and I have a big test monday.

    Anyway as far as the code for 1.0.0 didn't had much on the rendering part, it did affect, yes, but just in order to the render handle far objects.

    Look at public void loadRenderers() on RenderGlobal, this is the best response I can give you now.


  13. In that case can particals cause staining in your system? Example: Dirt falls and leaves semi-permanent dirt staining on your stone wall? This would be a layer effect otherwise you would need a new block for every placeable block in the game which seems like a lot of work everytime new ocntent is added.

    Depends of what you mean by stain. in the test I've made I set the particles to change the block they got near to ID 1 (stone), but the idea is to place a small block of leaves on top of the block the particles fall. But you could do anything with it.


  14. Actually, we will hear of it again. What could help is Q&A of some sort with that kind of stuff pinned down somewhere.

    Just hoping for common sense isn't working... First thing is that technic pack doesn't have permission from the modders, they just packed things up like they wanted to, second there is no support from the modders if there is a problem in technic pack, they will curse you if say you're using it, lastly TFC has nothing to do with tech.


  15. Ok, its out....added full 1.4.5 support and some more work done on TFC...^^

    ALBION v3.00 ~ Kenget Flavor

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    1. Have in mind that the amount of work needed to update this from 1,9,3 beta was a lot. Thus, I am not anywhere near done, expect revisiting most of the new textures (especially those that have placeholders in them).

    2. As always, use McPatcher of Optifine for HD texture packs. I prefer the latter due to its mipmapping ability, but either will do.

    3. I decided to do the Kenget variant first, next comes the Kantos one.

    As always, any and every feedback is vastly appreciated! Salutations from sunny Greece, Dante80 C:

    Impressive! I will have to increase the size of my house just to hang those paintings!


  16. No, man I wasn't laughing at Killster I was laughing at his "and up in me getting thrown over the table". Made me laugh at work.

    And in regaurd to the game mechanics I was talking as in right now. Currently they are focusing more on mechanics than they are visually appealing additions to the game.

    I mean nothing negative or hateful in my posts.

    I thought that to, but then Crysyn said

    "If Cubic Chunks ever moves forward again and it gets integrated into TFC then you can be assured this sort of thing should happen :D

    As for the issues about world gen. I do not think by any means that the world gen is finished so do not frett about that. Bioxx tries to get most of his current-needed World Gen done at once (As was see in the last set of updates where we now have oceans that are OMG big)."

    And shortly after came an update which changed how the layers are implemented in the world gen... so... yeah... Go figure...


  17. Let me give an answer to this topic

    A volcanic eruption doesn't have to be that hard on the hardware. It doesn't have to be a 100 blocks tall mountain that springs into existence in 10 seconds.

    It can be just a 10-20 blocks high hill that formed in half an hour or an entire day, and spills streams of magma from time to time.

    I honestly don't get why people keep making lag an issue when there are obvious ways around it.

    It would be actually cool if it was done with research, and if it took multiple IGT days for each phase of Volcano-making to take place and signs to become visible that, just like in real world, can warn about a soon-to-be volcanoe before it's visible on the surface.

    It could take place in such phases, like magma filling up a cavern that has a magma lake in it, and then forming a shaft that resembles a 5x5 circle and 'grows' upwards one block level every minute or so. And when it erupts on the surface, the dirt layer simply collapses over it and magma starts spilling out that slowly cools into obsidian and forms a small hill.

    It might be unnecessary and excess, but non the less it would be cool and certainly not as hard as you try to make it.

    Such magma flow could also be triggered by the palyers by altering the balance of magma caves too much.

    It depends on how it would be done, the creator of CC made a volcano mod, but it looks, for me at least, awful... Eruptions are huge events, if it would be believable or realistic enough to give the sense of the real thing you would have to first make an earthquake, which can be done server side and cause a LOT of lag from the huge block-update (imagine that the server has to deal with not one player but almost multiply the effects to all players), or on a client side that would just shake your vision(most games do this) but this would need to be really cleaver or change base classes. Anyway tl; dr too much work for little benefit, there are other stuff that could be done, yet there is no actual interest in them now.

    btw dunk, should the Cubic chunks ever make it, would that make it easier or harder to affect stuff on this big a scale, or would it be unrelated entirely and end up in me getting thrown over the table

    It would be different, many things would be more accessible like how layers of rock are generated, clients and servers would have less to deal with, but things like huge amounts of block updates would still be a problem.

    *laughing out loud while at work*

    You clearly know a lot about servers, more than me that's for sure, but try to give actual responses and don't laugh at other people's questions. The focus of this mod isn't only game mechanics, actually a huge amount of things that were made don't have any mechanics or usefulness, I wouldn't try to say "this is the focus of the mod"... Many people have failed to.
