Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by renadi

  1. Don't bee like buildcraft

    In theory I really love the bees mod in my FTB Unleashed, but it does all rely on engines in the end, and that seems not only not fun to me but just very odd.
  2. What other mods do you use with TFC?

    As far as I know most people use a minimap mod, On the one hand I do feel like it's a bit cheaty, on the other the in game maps are so horrible to use that I think it's OK.
  3. It's 1 or 2 weeks, I'm not sure exactly, if it's not good enough I could lower it but I know there area few people that don't get on more than once every week or so.
  4. Towns automatically get cleared if players don't log on for a while, but the fact you haven't seen any admins online is by design. I don't interfere with the game and the few people I've trusted don't either unless there are serious problems. As to build 19 I'll be uploading that tonight.
  5. Not at all, it will restart on the hour if nobody's on, or every 3 if someone is, probably just tried to login when we were resetting.
  6. Server is set to restart on the hour when empty and every 3 otherwise, should mean it's up quickly if it does go down unless something is wrong on host's end.
  7. For those looking to support the server: Currently this is hosted at my expense but practically what we have is only worthwhile for about 10 people, we've been seeing greater numbers so if we could get donations my support could be spent on upgrading to increased RAM or an SSD to make it run smoother. Also I've now tried to post this a few times, is the forum malfunctioning for everyone else?
  8. Smart moving is installed and working just fine for me. As far as towns go the restrictions are more or less in place to prevent griefing by locking people in, it is a pretty large space requirement but I am OK with people having to be a tad bit further apart anyway.
  9. I'll be out of town until monday, if anyone needs to get in contact facebook is the best bet. Not sure about the town issue, no new update, if there's anything interesting or worrying about that chunk I'd build a wall around it to be safe.
  10. xD maybe they're just saying we should restart for every update then.
  11. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    my server is currently not broadcasting online status properly, it was working before 76.
  12. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    Whenever I make limewater it creates a new bucket right now.
  13. Literally saw that as soon as I was ready to test. I guess really that could be considered good timing, better than seeing it immediately after I'd confirmed it worked. lol
  14. got a 'hopefully' final hotfix version up, one more file to download.
  15. There was an update just an hour ago be patient lol
  16. I got my stuff and the map all backed up but I deleted it from the server, and now the server seems to be stalling out so even if I could upload it back it probably would be done tomorrow anyway. I'll try to get it working tomorrow morning if possible but I can't guarantee that as I have work earlier than usual. I'll stay up for a couple hours and see if I can get in, but I'd say find something else to do unless you're really bored x]
  17. Yup, definitely not working well. lmao, not even close... I had forgot this is usually the way it happens. OK, well, I'll start up a new 1.4.whateverwewereon server in the meantime I guess. Hope everyone's got their backups.
  18. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ. Dug into the ground looking for one of the names I could see through the ground, fell, hit the ground, saw it was a skeleton, crashed. Just before that I got a low memory warning and I was only using I think 1GB while usually running with 2-3 but I'm not sure what caused the issue. It claims something about two worlds at once as well, maybe someone else can make something of this but I've never seen the error before.
  19. It'll be up tonight, but probably not for 20 minutes.
  20. No, the bug existed well before that, and it has appeared on a number of TFC servers.
  21. For example people not being able to craft items? lol My main annoyance was the cannot locate sign bug.
  22. We'll see what happens with the new version, I hope it solves a few of the odd things we had going on.
  23. Dunno about that. Still only about half done with the final download.