Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by renadi

  1. What do you think about TFC2?

    Eh, 2km is pretty small, and unless Bioxx is secretly working on improved transport over the water I'd rather the islands be bigger, but if not then 2km islands rather close together would be fine for me. I like that he's willing to actually add his own flavour for it instead of just modifying essentially what is current minecraft generation.
  2. Looking for MMORPG suggestions

    I think I played Drakensang Online for about an hour before it was fully finished, seemed like a decent game, for that kind of thing, I'm just stuck with non sandbox style games now, I try them, I get pissed off they don't have the things I want. Every night I try to think of the features I want in 'the perfect game' and very little out now(besides EVE, maybe minecraft?) fit the open sandbox style. Pathfinder Online sounds like a good idea though, and a few more kickstarters, though they all have impractically low budgets except for PO. You don't make an mmo for under 1 million dollars.
  3. Medical Mod [SP/MP] [1.4.6]

    Do roses spawn? Most definitely, I always pick them to dye my armour.
  4. Towny for TFC?

    Just wanted to notify people that there is a Towns plugin available for Forge now, I'm trying it out as bukkit seems to be collapsing and this is something people want, I'm not a great fan but after having a few raids with no way to locate or prosecute the perpetrators I feel it's a good idea. Minecraft Forums Link anybody else who tries it out feel free to tell us your stories, I'll install it tonight but I'm going to bed after I ensure the server still runs.
  5. Spelunking.

    I've thought that would be a good idea before, give it a m ore natural and rough feel, and honestly it's happened to me before exploring caves, but I assume it was from me digging somewhere and causing reactions through the wall or something.
  6. Spelunking.

    There are no excuses really, and I have a hard time believing someone who honestly has any of the disorders listed would be so confrontational, but I have an easy time believing they are just a generally rude person and when it comes to that people should definitely do what they can to inform others of unacceptable behaviour and if they don't adjust themselves I definitely think we should not go out of our way to cater to them.
  7. Im wondering if TeraFirmaCraft has any role playing servers.

    I was just going to say there's one buried in the post directly above yours OP, it's the one mbolz mentions. Do you have that posted in this forum, I think a lot of people would be interested.
  8. Spelunking.

    This is one of the reasons I love what could become of Blockscape so much, instead of squares things can have angles, you can have big smooth, sloping crevasses into the ground, tight claustrophobic corridors and also the great large caves, I'd love if minecraft could do that. But it really can't.
  9. Medical Mod [SP/MP] [1.4.6]

    Is this server you posted actually online?
  10. Towny for TFC?

    I'd been looking for something like it for a while, and with how bukkit has become less common with all these forge mods I knew it'd spring up some time! lol I saw it from my phone at work when checking reddit and took my lunch to read up on it, one of the primary reasons I was interested was the local chat feature.
  11. [Solved] Can't craft protection meters.

    I've never had a TFC crash, unless I'm just overloading my whole computer trying to stream videos, download music/podcasts, and skype. and even then this is rarely what happens, however it does lag... about as much as vanilla without optifine. Which is to say, some, but not enough to make it difficult to play. if it lags, optifine it, if it crashes there's something wrong on your end or you are SERIOUSLY in need of a new computer.
  12. Clay Mechanics for the Clueless Developer

    If he had information to add, that is exactly what a wiki is for... I don't use it, so I really don't care, but how is that in any way not helpful advice?
  13. Use for bones

    Hey, I'd love a freshness value on food, so long as we get bones from animals too, I don't think skeleton bones could ever be considered fresh.
  14. Use for bones

    I see so few games with that idea as a mechanic, and even then it's usually monster hunter where the leg bones are not just from large animals but freaking dinosaurs and dragons. lol
  15. A poor copy of Terrafirmacraft

    completely 100% off topic, is there any way in this forum to -ignore- users?
  16. Some recipes question

  17. Some recipes question

    Or because someone said they said them on reddit...
  18. Use for bones

    I've been REALLY wanting to do this lately as well. Currently though I'd like to remind everyone bones can be used for taming dogs(that despawn when you get too far away) or more practically tool handles.
  19. Clay Mechanics for the Clueless Developer

    Then ask to get on the team that modifies it if you can help, wikis are public and only as good as they were last updated, this isn't unique to TFC.
  20. Yet again trouble getting TFC to work

    I've had problems with both Magic Launcher and MultiMC in the past, if you've got weird problems try the other one.
  21. Improved wood

    I think we should get 4 planks or more from the axe, but get rid of the solid plank blocks and find a better solution for the things that need that. Also, this probably won't happen now that Bioxx has gone into a fey mood.
  22. Book and Quill?

    I've been doing it on my server to record recipes, so it's working; book, feather, ink sac.
  23. You can't eat vanila minecraft food

    Yeah, there are a few foods that need to be added still, but given that we've had a few updates since this came out with no increases in the food I think it's important to post it here to at least make it known if it isn't. It kind of sucks to have a survival game where a large number of foods are craftable and yet all you can do is admire their appearance.
  24. Cobble, Brick, Surface rocks

    That's not exactly how discussions work lol We're not trying to discuss with you but with the rest of the community.
  25. Cobble, Brick, Surface rocks

    I like it. I'm also drunk so even if I had more opinions I would not be able to articulate them, I will likely try to later, but I'm not sure if I have any problems anyway.