Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by eccentrus

  1. Boats and Ships

    perhaps the devs can peek a bit at vanilla villager and like we have to buy a ticket from a villager NPC to get on board, give it to the captain on the ship, and then get transported to the identical ship
  2. Boats and Ships

    as long as the video went, it didn't, although it was in SSP so we cant conmment on its performance in SMP yet
  3. Boats and Ships

    I'm going to add information to this thread in which Mojang will add in 1.9 boats with paddles As can be seen here in generikb's video featuring the new snapshot The interesting part is that the new boat might be able to carry another person/object, as evidenced by the squid that got "stuck" in the second seat of the boat there in the video. I think this mechanic alone can add depth to TFC2 because if we perhaps can place chests within boats, island hopping will become so much easier, and the new mechanics in boats may as well improve the shortcomings of the old boat. Otherwise though, the dynamic movement of the boat with its new mechanics also shows up what the new rendering and basic mechanics in MC can do, the paddle moving independently etc. might make it possible to have carts with moving wheels for example, and if the item or character attachment is true in the new boats, then perhaps a large-ish version of it can be made for TFC2 so that people can cross the seas with it.
  4. indeed, since TFC game scope doesn't actually fit to make all the quantum chemistry theories that is the basis for real life chem, but things based on a very simple system like alchemy would be believeable enough in TFC to work. Imagine yourselves without the knowledge of quantum orbitals and chemical properties and trying unequipped to comprehend the phenomenons driven by them, that's how people started alchemy back in the days, so I say that if it's all reformed into an alchemy preposition with at least the preservation of mass and energy being kept as the hidden mechanism behind all of this, I'm all for it.
  5. TFC in 1874: "The Mysterious Island" by Jules Verne

    Terra Firma means Firm Ground.
  6. Body Temperature: Simplified

    well that is a very nice way to put the body temperature, and it follows the real mechanism of body temperature working enough IRL to be believable, just add, like other says, the death factor of being exposed to the elements too hard into the equation et voila.
  7. Dog Sled/horse and carriage

    and even pullcart and oxcarts. Mind you the current game makes it possible for a single person to carry stones that IRL would only be hauled by a truck, I think there should be a mechanism in which blocks can only be transported at least with a pullcart
  8. Ambitious thoughts

    this have been discussed to death in the suggestion sub, and while it is a neat idea, the tick it will produce will kill most PCs so the consensus was on no.
  9. Tofu and Soymilk

    add boiled rice and I can open up a buddhist monastery in TFC
  10. Clay Tablet

    perhaps the tablet should also have a function in which it can be posted/attached to another block for people to see, and paper making can also be reworked to reflect how tedious it is RL, it doesn't have to use new items, the simple use of barrels to make pulp out of wood rather than crafting three reeds would already change the gameplay.
  11. TerraFirma+ : Medicine & Health

    I think that the whole discussions have largely ignored the temperature effects, and body temperature is making its way in 0.79 In Medicine we have these categories (just out of memory) Frostbite - Hypothermia - Cold stress - Euthermia (normal) - Heat stress - Heat shock so how this works is that both Heat shock and Hypothermia will make you faint (or more or less immobile) Heat Shock and Frostbite takes away your health bar Cold Stress and Heat Stress slows you down Heat Stress gives you nausea as well. And as someone have made a thread on clothing I'm going to leave it to them to make the solutions for these problems which leaves us to the next topic "Shock" In Medicine, we define Shock as the conditions in which the blood fails to pump into the brain, and talking about TFC, there are two types of shock that are highly applicable to the game 1. Hemorrhagic Shock 2. Hypovolemic Shock Hemorrhagic Shock happens when you lose too much blood, or health bar in TFC, in here you will gain nausea and slowness since the oxygen fails to be delivered to your brain, the cure will be simple, protein and water, so how this can be applied is that if loosing blood will increase thirst depletion as well. Loosing more health bars also will deplete your health faster the next damage comes, this is actually makes the game more accurate and believeable, IRL, it is almost always the first blow that is going to kill you. Hypovolemic Shock is actually a larger subset of a group of shock that includes hemorrhagic shock, but for TFC purposes, this will be defined as only loosing too much fluid, how? too much heat or diarrhea (can be included in infection effect but not rendered for memory reasons). It will be present as increasing thirst depletion and slowness but no actual health damage until the thirst bar is completely depleted. The cure is simply water, yes Hypovolemic shock is just fancy words for Dehydration. And yes the mod should totally make dehydration as damaging not only slowing. The Last would be Infections, I'm going to try to recap infections and how the RL and the suggestions have been discussed here and try to streamline and make them more applicable into an algorithm Infections in the Stone Age are various but for TFC purposes these should be only two: Cold/Pneumonia and Diarrhea/Dyssentry Why these two? it's simple Cold/Pneumonia is very simple and very easy to catch even in the modern age, and even though the old wives tales are based on the wrong assumptions, but they do have a grain of truth in it, windy weathers carry bacteria and viruses which makes you catch cold, and when not treated, Pneumonia. And then there's Diarrhea/Dysentry, which of course fits like a glove with the concept of decaying food. So how do these be treated? No antibiotics since that wouldn't be believable let alone realistic, cavemen fought infections by relying on their own immune system, so it can only be healed by a balanced nutrition and of course certain herbs that ails some of the symptoms, peppermint for the cold, and charcoal extract for the diarrhea Both diseases will give you slow effect, but only diarrhea give you nausea, and diarrhea also will give you a chance to vomit (eating will actually deplete the hunger bar), and gives you dehydration effect as well. And of course both should include fever which depletes the hunger bar faster than normally would, we wouldn't want to emulate this too deeply since that will take a toll on the processing power, and it may be ailed with some other extracts or sleeping in the bed for a whole day. Of course if the stamina bar eventually makes it to this mod, the nausea and slowing effect can just be emulated over there, making the whole concepts much easier. EDIT: Just as the previous commenters have said, higher levels will give you better immunity, you know to keep people from killing themselves.
  12. Body Temperature Mechanics and Implementation

    Hello dunk, I'm wondering if the dev team have thought up about the effects of extreme temperatures to the body? In medicine, we have a gradient between (on complete external influence of temperature, not including fever) frostbite/cold stroke - hypothermia - cold stress - normal range - heat stress - heat stroke. What this means is to take account of the body's Heat capacity as well, and in certain temps (I have to consult my books for that), the body start to decompose/take damage due to the large gradient between temperatures as well as from denaturation of the enzymes and proteins meaning that the more extreme the temperature goes the more damage the body will take and will certainly affect the performance of the metabolism inside the body. What this means in TFC might be that Steve will slow down and have hazy sights for example before succumbing to damage or even blunt out fainting, or in the most extreme cases, death, but from programming point of view I can understand that these whole effects might not pass to the game, but just a little bit of simulation on this will make the game much more fun and challenging.
  13. New to the mod

    well Palisight is more accurate but furiousuk is not absolutely wrong either, I do know little about herbs and stuffs that historically were used to treat wounds and diseases which were ultimately a rudimentary form of how the modern medicine works, but yes, my knowledge on those particular matter is rather limited since we Meds studies only the interaction between the active substances and the body, not the whole herb in and of itself. What would be more applicable from my own arsenal of knowledge would be how the body will react to the environment, including the body temp which will be applied in the near future. For example I would be more useful on modelling how diseases or trauma would emerge and its consequences. Although researching what herbs can fight fevers or infections would not be too far out of my scope of knowledge though.
  14. New to the mod

    Hello, eccentrus here. I'm new to the mod and I find it awesome since you can't just jump into industrial age like the vanilla minecraft, I've been playing in Rhodance's FFA if anyone recognized me from there, and I am delighted that I have to gather round with my friends to achieve a very rudimentary form of civilization, I can't wait to see how this mod will unfold further and its own sub-mods. I'm a Medical Student IRL with only a year left before I'm bestowed my MD, so if anyone want to consult on health-related mods (I hear that body temp is coming, wow how that excites me), just give me a PM, I'll be glad to help.