Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by vidaj

  1. Yeah, I'm Norwegian :)


    The Nether is not working with TFC at all, and some of the railcraft recipes requires stuff from the Nether. I do have a patch working on my computer that fixes all the Nether crashing and it seems quite stable. Maybe I'll release it as a separate mod, with severe warnings that this is extremely experimental and might corrupt your world.


  2. Yep, that's the correct rocks for native copper. Note that Tetrahedrite is also copper.


    Again, not exactly sure here, but I believe that rock layers are not dependent on biome. The rock layers also change individually from each other. That is, the top layer can change without the middle layer changing, and so on. Just move around, and you'll find other kinds of stone layers. It's not uncommon to travel over 10 000 blocks to find what you need. Or just get a better seed. There's some good starting basalt seeds in the Seed section on the forum.


  3. If you take a look at you can see which stone layers that copper can spawn in.


    Metal and mineral spawning are not dependant at biome at all, just which stone layer you have. 


    If I'm not mistaken, the small surface rocks appear when there's a vein within 30 blocks down, so surface rocks can spawn when the vein is in the second stone layer.


    How it spawns is entirely up to the random number generator, so it seems you are just unlucky. Or that you missed the rocks - that happens to me all the time.


  4. Hi everyone.


    I've finally started a compatibility mod for Railcraft! Sources are available at


    Curse download page:


    If you want to contribute, you can either create issues for recipe changes and whatnot at github, or make comments in this thread.


    Currently implemented:


    - TFC 0.79.25 compatible

    - Added wooden minecart with chest, to enable earlier and cheaper rails. Only 9 slots in the inventory. Recipe is 5 planks in a 'U' shape with a chest in the middle. Not restricted to wooden rails, but might be in the future.

    - Added gold ore dictionary support to wooden booster tracks.



    - Coke oven craftable from fire bricks and TFC sand. Makes charcoal from logs. 1 log = 1 charcoal. I'll see if I can get railcraft to eat several items to make 2 logs = 1 charcoal, but it will need changes in Railcraft, making it a low priority at the moment.

    - Wooden Creosote Bucket!

    - Wooden ties are made from sealing lumber in barrel

    - All railcraft steel tools have their crafting recipes removed.

    - Railcraft plates are oredicted to the same as TFC plates.

    - Tanks are craftable from TFC iron and steel plates.


    How do people want to play with Railcraft within the TFC world? What should be craftable in the crafting grid and what should be made with the anvil? How should the recipes look? All input is appreciated :)


    Modpack permission: granted


  5. I got basic magic forest biome worldgen working now: Posted Image

    It's a proper TFC biome with all TFC stones and oregen, decorated by TFC and treegen, nodegen and flowergen by Thaumcraft. All thaumcraft trees behave correctly with axes (cut whole tree), and the flowers generate near silverwoods. I haven't fixed saplings, so they don't grow as expected yet.


    What I didn't think of when I started this is that forests in TFC are scary. Really scary. Magic forest? Really really scary. It's soo many monsters in there.7


    When I get the code a bit more stable, I can create a pull request so you can check it out and include it in the mod if you want to.


  6. Sounds awesome!

    I started looking into TFC-Thaumcraft last week as well. Managed to get some of the worldgen working with a magic forest biome and silverwood. I'm currently trying to figure out how to trick thaumcraft code into believing it can work together with TFC, without me copying their code (which I won't do). I also believe I can get the trees to behave TFC-like with it chopping down all at once, and only with axes.

    If you like, I can help you out with the mod. Put it on github and I'll collaborate with you :) Who knows, maybe I can learn you a trick or two with java :)


  7. Yeah, it's the Flaxbeards mods fault that wooden buckets doesn't work.

    This little line in the boiler is the culprit:

    player.getHeldItem() != null && player.getHeldItem().getItem() == Items.water_bucket
    Instead of detecting what fluid gets added to the boiler, he checks for the water bucket, and then adds water to the tank and gives back an empty bucket.

    I'll try to put together some info for the flaxbeard team to change this to actually work with fluids, but it's something that has to be changed on their side.

    I can also see what happens if I make another huuge hack, and replace the vanilla water bucket with TFC wooden bucket.


    Yeah, Flaxbeards code really doesn't play well with other fluid containers than vanilla buckets. I have created an issue at their GitHub, so hopefully they will implement a more cross-mod friendly fluid handling for the boilers.

    I ASM-ed in a more generic fluid handling for the steam boiler, and it worked like a charm with TFC wooden buckets and steel buckets.


  8. Note: I have abandoned development of this mod. Please try Dries007's TfcTweaks instead.





    Hi everyone   I have made a small utility mod that lets other mods use TFC fresh water instead of vanilla water. Download:

    Download version 1.3 at

    This mod supports currently: - Railcraft - RotaryCraft - ElectriCraft - Steamcraft - Forestry - Thaumcraft Changelog:


    - Added support for Forge with the changes in FluidRegistry. Should fix things.


    - Added support for the changes in API for version 0.79.16+

    1.1: - Loading mod before thaumcraft. Fixes issues with crucible and fresh water 1.0: Initial release. Supports the following mods: - Railcraft - RotaryCraft - ElectriCraft - Steamcraft - Forestry

    Note: This mod doesn't change any other mods, it just replaces vanilla water in forge with TFC fresh water. The supported mods is just listed because I load my mod before they do. Sources and issues can be found at Mod pack devs: You can use this mod in any modpack, no restrictions. If you do use it, I would appreciate getting a ping so I can check out the modpack, but it's not a requirement.



  9. I for one really like that there are "useless" ores in TFC, since that means it's much easier to create addons to take advantage of something that isn't currently used ingame. Creating some recipes and blocks/items is quite a lot easier than integrating with the world generation.


  10. That recipe needs balancing, because right now 1 log isn't exactly 1 charcoal. It goes from 4:1 to 2:1 wood to charcoal when making charcoal pits, depending from how much wood is in the pit.

    Yeah, it most definitely does. I just added it to see if it worked, which it did. I didn't want to create charcoal at all, but the TFC forge is hard coded to only accept coal and charcoal. If it had a FuelRepository of some kind, I would just have added coal coke to that list and everything would be groovy. 


    One issue that came up rather quickly with Railcraft is the lack of vanilla water. I have a solution for it, by making a tiny mod that loads after TFC and before RC and does some reflection trickery with the FluidRegistry and replaces vanilla water with fresh water. So whenever RC asks for water it gets fresh water, and it works like a charm. Steam engines run off fresh water, water tanks produce fresh water etc. I will do this mod separately from the RC integration mod and maybe toss in some other small water-compatibility mods for things like rotarycraft etc. That should make life easier for modpack creators.


    Palisight: I like the idea of a gold and redstone alloy, so I think I'm gonna do just that :) Then maybe weld that to the rails, or weld it to iron and then create powered rails from that. 


    I still have no idea how to do the circuit boards for signals and such in a believable way. I totally agree that one shouldn't make sulfuric acid in a wooden barrel, though. A large ceramic vessel would be more believable, but I don't think I can limit the recipe to just ceramic vessels. Need to look into that. One rather complicated recipie would be to smelt rock salt in a crucible to create hydrochloric acid, and mix that with iron powder to create ferric chloride, which is used for etching circuit boards. Due to the mechanics of TFC, this can be quite strange, since I would most likely have to create an ingot of hydrochloric acid. Maybe I can manage to fill a vessel from the crucible and use that to transport it to the large ceramic vessel. 



    Anyway, thanks for the input, and keep em coming :D


  11. Hi


    I'm tinkering with a small compatibility addon to bridge TFC and Railcraft. I just started today, so it's really just a hack at the moment.


    But, I would love some input on how you would like the crossover to work!


    Some things I think might make things interesting:

    - Not using the Rolling Machine. We have an anvil, so let's use it.

    - Not using the RC Blast Furnace, TFC has it's own. 

    - Not using the rock crusher.


    Some of the things I already have working:

    - Making rebar in the anvil. (current recipe is a double ingot -> two rebar)

    - Making coke oven bricks from TFC sand

    - Making charcoal from TFC logs, turning 1 log into 500mb of creosote and 1 charcoal.

    - Using wooden bucket to extract creosote from coke oven (still need to figure out how to texture it)

    - Making wooden ties from sealing lumber in a barrel with creosote.


    Some things I have observed that I probably won't be able to do without serious trickery:

    - Making the forge accept coal coke as fuel. Therefore I'm thinking the coke oven can make charcoal. 


    What I'm planning to do:

    - Implement TFC recipes for the detectors. I'm really not sure about the animal detector, and how it will work with TFC animals, but I'll give it a try.

    - Make standard rails with the anvil. RC recipe is 6 ingots -> 8 rails, so maybe 1 double ingot -> 3 rails can be a nice ratio.

    - Making advanced rails? Could make some interesting welding recipes where you weld gold onto standard rails and maybe hammer some redstone onto in, if it's possible.

    - See if I can make TFC fresh water compatible with the RC water tank.

    - Make metal posts in the anvil.


    Thing's I'm unsure of:

    - Making RC tanks at all. Iron plates can be substitued for wrought iron plates, but does it fit? Maybe I'll just implement the recipe and make it configurable.


    Things I have no idea how to implement:

    - Circuit boards for the switching motor. Erm. Anvil? Seems a bit crude, don't you think? Maybe one could make an acid solution in a barrel and etch the circuit boards in it. Maybe.


    RC is a big mod, and there's lots of stuff I haven't even touched in it.



    I would really appreciate any tips on recipes or how some of the RC features might be implemented in TFC. Keep in mind that this is my first mod ever in Minecraft, so things might be a bit rough at the beginning. But I do have over 8 years of experience with Java, so I'm confident I will get things working :)




  12. Yeah, I thought as much ;)


    My guess (without looking at the code) is that the leaves now blocks the sky. I tried planting crops under a tree, and they either wouldn't be planted at all, or they popped after a short while.


    I don't mind having this "feature" at all, I feel the wall of trees were kind of OP :) Now maybe willow trees will get some tree-farming love, instead of douglas first being the king of the crops.


  13. In b78 we could make treefarms where the saplings were planted in line, and they grew into a "tree-wall" for easy chopping. I might be wrong/impatient, but this seems to no longer work in b79. I planted a row of douglas firs, and after a while some of the trees grew. But they would only grow such that the leaves are touching, and no "rogue" trees would grow into the leaves of others.


    I have no idea if this is intended and that the developers frowned upon the tree-wall-farming.


    (I post this in discussion, since I have no idea if it's intended or not.)


  14. Version #: 79.6

    SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP

    Suggested Name: Irregular safe zone around support beams

    Suggested Category: Annoying



    In b78 the protected area around support beams were 4 out in each cardinal direction. This is not the case in b79. One of the directions is 3, one is 5, and the two remaining is 4. The directions change depending on which direction the support beams are placed in. Either the west or south direction is 3. Beams in east-west direction has 3 in the east direction and 5-4-4 going counter-clockwise. Beams in north-south direction has 3 in the south direction and 5-4-4 going clockwise.

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes
    *If you answered no to the above question, delete your config files and try to reproduce the bug. This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes

    If yes, which mods?


    - NEI

    - NEI TFC Plugin

    - Fastcraft 1.9

    - JourneyMap 4.0.5

    If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?
    *Both Optifine and Cauldron edit the base classes of forge that TFC uses. Because of this, we cannot officially support any issues that happen only when these mods are installed. link of the Crash Report: N/A


  15. I might be wrong about this, but to me it seems that now you should avoid cave-ins like the plague. Support beams stop cave-ins from happening while digging in the protected area. But it seems that digging anywhere outside the protected area can trigger a cave-in anywhere. In my mine I had all of my horizontal support beams destroyed by a cave in. 


    Now I dig four blocks out from the support beam, place a temporary support beam, dig four more, place a permanent support beam and then I collect the temporary. This seems to eliminate the cave-ins.


    I have yet to design a good mining strategy for digging out the heart of the veins. Start at the bottom of the vein, working your way up? Or start at the top, working your way down?


    Also, how do you safely dig down? Just a hole in the ground with a ladder, or a staircase with a ton of beams?





    After playing around in creative with the support beams, I found something really really odd. The "safe zone" around the support beams seems to be skewed.

    The safe zone around the support beams is NOT 4 in each direction, as I thought. It's an unpredictable 4 in two directions, 3 in one direction and 5 in one direction. That surely must be a bug. I'll submit a post in the support section, if one isn't filed already.


  16. I have the same problem. After exiting world, prospecting gets reset to 0. I thought there might be a problem with some of the mods, so I disabled them all, and raised the prospecting skill again with no mods installed, and it still resets. I run TFC b79.6


  17. I'm having a really, really hard time mining some ores in some rock types. For instance, sphalerite in gneiss: - in this picture the upper stone is sphalerite, and the lower is gneiss. I can't see any difference at all.


    I'm looking for a resource pack that just make the ores somewhat more visible, but doesn't change any of the other blocks. Any tips? 
