Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by LiesTech

  1. Okay. I have been playing a SP world and just today I was tunneling down to Cassiterite when I noticed a massive rumbling! It stopped and I continued. Several blocks later more rumbling again nothing happened to me eventually I dig down to see a cave... The floor of whichwas completely covered in cobblestone for dozens if not hundreds of blocks around. My little 2 by 1 ladder well caused massive tectonic activity! (Believability?) Just my experience. I really do like the new mechanic for man made tunnels and think they should cave-in frequently, but not so much with natural cave formations especially with the domino like effect updating one block in them can have. Thanks,LiesTECH
  2. Cave rewrite or cave-in mechanic nerf

    To Palisight: YESS!! I feel redundant now though... To Regnilse: I like them as they force you to use support beams. I just want natural caves to be stable.
  3. Stupid Chickens...

    Chickensies tis the bestest food source for servers.... No input and massive output after a couple of days. Pluswith the chicken you are granted the ability to crash the server whenever you wantby just giving them more nest boxes. Chickengeddon is real and the metallic death screams of a thousand roosters oh so satisfying. The power of the chicken is unrivaled in the lands of TFC. And if you doubt it; leave one rooster and one henin a pen with nest boxes in SMPand watch the miracle and disaster of exponential populationexpansion in an undying world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Bruuf,since in 79the torches burn outyou areeither going to have to set that config to 0 or make pumpkins easy to get in the chest store. I am really looking forward to playing on this server.
  5. Slow down on animal model details

    3d Models for Vessels Nice!3d Models for drinking vessels, okay, but they fit in chests and in my inventory most of the time.3d Models for ingot molds, uh only if you really want to they are flat items anyway and stay in my inventory for the majority of their lifespan.3d Models for tool molds, see above.Nice new deer. Bear model does need work maybe stick the newhead on the old one? Instead of that adorable teddy bear face staring at me, the guilt is tearing me apart.
  6. LiesTECHRelatively experienced up through wrought iron level and know how to get a blast furnace. I am very good at prospecting/mining and routinely bring in more than I could ever possibly use.EST2-3 hours a day either in mornings or eveningsWrite down that you understand that for now there will be an event which will result in a faction/competitive gameplay that you know that if you will be informed of when the server will start if you are whitelisted. You also know that the server will need addons: I understand.
  7. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Sounds good, but you will have to set a server limit of private skulls (maybe 4-7)so we don't get one guy running around and claiming half the island, besides most of the builds in a game like this should be community builds. Also because we are mining around and stuff the claim should not go very deep maybe 15ish blocks making it prohibitively difficult to cave in someone's house while still allowing free mining. Also the skulls should delete on placement if possible. So we don't have that one guy who built his house out of skulls. I've been talking about this serverto a number of TFC acquaintances from another server I played onand they seem interested, though most will have little time because of jobs or school; at least initially. I'm talking 11 people if everybody wants to join, I've got three interested right now. LiesTech
  8. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I already replied and I am still very interested( maybe even more so.)So, correct me if I am wrong, but this issort of how this ideawill work: Villages are relative safe zones and it is a free area to build, farm and generally establish yourselfYou are free to trade with the othervillagesHowever, once in wild land not controlled by any village it is the wild west. PvP is enabled and the only law is the biggest weapon. There is no 'property' and all is owned by nobody. Of course people should still respect the land and replant/not completely ruin it.We will be ableship excessresources back to a 'homeland' in exchange for points. Farmable things like lumber, sticks and food will be relatively low value, while metals, stone and othernon-renewable resourceswill be more valuable.This will force trading between villages vying for favor with the homeland and riskyprospecting in the wilderness in order to maintain supremacy.This sounds like a great idea, the only thing is that the top village should have some sort of buff/reward for being top dog and likewise thelowest village should have some sort of debuff/punishment for their low performance. I suggest either occasional physical rewards/demands or potioneffects.
  9. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I like this idea. I'm EST and would be very interested in joining. This economic competition might be just what the game needs to stay fresh on a long term MP server. Please send me a message when/ifthis is going to start up. Sincerely, LiesTech
  10. [Offline] Vanilla TFC Roleplaying server (new) whitelist

    IGN- LiesTECH Age- 19 Time zone- EST (GMT-4:00) I've played long enough to know copper armor is almost impossible to make without complete attention.