Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Nebula111

  1. Background I am looking for mature players interested in joining our small community. The aim is to focus on fairly dense villages with a bit of trading here and there. It is essentially centred around a communal aspect and focuses on realism and cooperative efforts. So please keep all this in mind when playing. If this sounds like something that you're interested in and are able to contribute time and dedication, then please apply below. Due to the fact that space is limited I will be rather conservative with who I accept so do not fret if you do not make the cut. We also have extrafirma installed which add a couple new blocks to the game. It can be installed fromhere. Rules Use common sense Avoid excessively large animal farms Do not raid or steel from others PVP is allowed if agreed on by both parties Don't be an asshole Have fun Whitelist Application -Open Username: Skype(Optional): Age: Timezone: Why would you like to join? What can you contribute? How would you describe your play style? Ip:
  2. Denied, sorry Accepted Accepted Accepted :)Also sorry for the late response guys! I will now be around more... Busy, but around
  3. Accepted Ip is above Also note that over the next couple weeks I won't be on as frequently as I would like.. If anything arises you can contact me on Skype @nebula323 and I will get back to you asap. The majority of us players have started to build in the mountainous region around spawn, so feel free to find a spot around there to build.
  4. Accepted Ip is209.250.254.70 ---- Also for future reference to others... The ip will be in theoriginal post ---
  5. Accepted The ip is209.250.254.70
  6. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    IGN: Nebula111 Age: 18 Why this server?: I would much rather play multiplayer then single player! Combine that with some TFC and it should be a blast! I like the fact that it is whitelisted as well making it a more secure and tightly knit community! 2 sentence desc: I like to adventure and get loaded up with essentially a constant supply of all materials. I enjoy playing alongside others and typically build with a more rustic theme.
  7. Age: Minecraft Username: Nebula111 Why would you like to join?: Im really looking to be a part of amultiplayer community asI'm not much of a fan ofsingle player. Of coursethat fact that this is TFC makes itthat much better! What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Loads with minecraft! I have done everything from plugindevelopmentto server administration. I have also tried a number of othermodpacks. Withtfc Ihaven't done that much however; mainly just messing around insingle player. Any additional information that would help your case: Not really, just looking forward to a friendly multiplayer community and I will contribute everything that I can to help make that happen. Time zone, location, name(*Optional): GMT, Canada
  8. Username: Nebula111 Age: 18 Location: Canada Why do you like to play TFC? Its really neat, a nice change from vanilla minecraft. It also has a challenging aspect that is rare in many mods andmodpacks. But mainly I happen to love the way it parallels real life, it has a lot ofpotential as a multiplayergame. Why do you want to join? I find multiplayer minecraft a lot more exciting then single player.Combine that withtfc and it will be a blast What will you add to the server? A friendly positive and helpful attitude. Thanks
  9. [Offline] Vanilla TFC Roleplaying server (new) whitelist

    Username: Nebula111 Age: 18 Timezone: GMT Look forward to trying out some multiplayer