Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by wildwestusmc

  1. standalone possible?

    I agree TFC could but at the same time I don't feel TFC has a big enough community to help fund what it might take Bioxx and Dunk to separate their masterpiece from Minecrap. Because for the two of them to be able to devote enough time to building this anew we as a community would need to fund both of them a full time paycheck. I just don't think that is possible with the size community we have at the moment. We really need to look more to building the community so Bioxx and Dunk can get the support and recognition they deserve.
  2. Why TerraFirmaCraft Cannot Have a Restricted Inventory

    I completely agree with this! Mainly because when in TFC or even vanilla minecraft has everything you do been done in a small area? Never, and that is the reason for near infinite space in all directions. You would literally never get anything done with a small inventory. I mean as it is most stack sizes have been reduced by half if not more than that (lookin at you vanilla planks). I for one get extremely annoyed by tedious tasks that have no actual purpose. Think if you will, what if your boss at work had you sweep the floor of the entire building with a box of q-tips! Then he asked you to empty the trash one item at a time, and carry it to the curb and place it in another can! Or to walk to the store to buy a brick then walk back and lay the brick and continue doing that until you had a building built! This in essence is the same thing as a tiny inventory! It makes no sense and serves only as a way to make things take longer to accomplish. That may work for some who require every aspect of life to be as ridiculously difficult as possible only so they feel challenged, but that is not the case for everyone.
  3. Agriculture and farming ideas

    I have some ideas on the farming. First, I believe we should be able to build greenhouses over crops this is very believable and would keep weather off crops (ie snow). I have never liked the idea of building a glass building for this effect though. I believe we should be able to craft a type of heat insulating block but only when all sides are enclosed... For example a building has 4 walls, a roof, and a floor. These enclose the structure in order to maintain heat but we also need to have some type of heat source. Now I have done a little thinking on heat source and other than fire nothing else seems to fit the mod. Along with this we need to be able to adjust the greenhouse temp with a window (one that can actually open). Place a window on either side and open them both to have the outside air flow through the building adjusting the temp. I believe this will help for those of us who decide to settle in the colder climate areas. Second, I don't understand why our crops have to be next to a water source... It rains in game, and blocks have a rainfall value, so why must crops be next to a source of water? That doesn't really make any sense to me. I understand the ground will stay moist nearer to water but crops don't need constant moisture. As a matter of fact most plants don't need constant moisture. As such you could also add a watering can ( I know this has been mentioned). This will allow for crops not near to water to get moisture when needed by watering them. A watering can can also be used to water plants inside the greenhouse.
  4. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    I didnt touch anything i put the bed down then the sign and i left
  5. Hey Entro I seem to be stuck under water and cannot get out. It isnt the ice because i can see holes it seems to me to be a lag issue where I bounce in one spot and cant move. My character is about to die, so I am not logging back in because I do not want to lose all my things to a lag problem. Is it possible for you to move my character to my bed location through files?
  6. TerrafirmaCraft b77 Tutorial series

    Hey, just a tip: Please... Don't... Talk... In... Short... Choppy... Sentences... It is very hard to keep the attention of your viewers when you speak that way. If you must, (because even reading from a script can be horrible) jot down what all you'd like to talk about before you make the video, so you know before hand what it is you will present to your viewers. You don't have to write a script, just notes for reminders. This will help keep you on track and keep your flow going vs speaking like Captain Kirk from Star Trek. I personally wasn't able to sit through the entire first video because it was painful to listen to. Your voice is fine, you just need to flow better. Hope this helps!
  7. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Hey BigE I put the bed in your house but it wasnt because I took anything... I put the bed there because every time we were trying to sleep that day you had to log off so I figured I would make you a bed and leave it in your house for you so you didnt have to log off anymore! Just trying to do my part to help people ya know...
  8. Username: wildwestusmcAge: 32Location: Oklahoma (US)Why do you like to play TFC? Because it is far more interesting and real than vanilla MCWhy do you want to join? Because the server I have been playing on is frequent with crashes and wont be up for hours upon hours or I try to log in and it crashes me immediately multiple times so I will end up having to wait a few hours to try and log in again.What will you add to the server? Well, I like to build, I play very well with others, I enjoy an active community, and I like working as a team to see through large accomplishments!
  9. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Jacciee do you have a way for me to contact you away from the forums so we can do everything at the same time? like skype or maybe the teamspeak servers that Rhodance mentioned in the first post here on the thread?
  10. Okay, well I don't know if this is a regular occurrence on this server or not, but judging from posts I have read here it doesn't seem to be. I signed on to this server for the first time yesterday and of course in TFC fashion started looking for rocks. There were none around spawn so off I went. There were a few people online I think maybe 4 or so... I half expected at least someone to post up a hi or hello or something, but they didn't and that was fine some people just dont pay attention to the chat that rolls up on their screen. So I didn't say a word just kinda headed off, and was immediately met with I believe the market area??? IDK what it was but it had a few buildings that didn't really offer much advice. I did go into one building and noticed an NPC to which I spoke, and found out there are 2 towns and a possible 3rd as he put it I think... So with that I decided well if there are towns I might introduce myself so I can get away from spawn and to a town where people are playing at, right? So I say hello, and am met back with 2 greetings from people online. Then I ask, "so I take it there is a town or two?" Silence for a good 5 min or so. I kinda thought ok well maybe they just aren't friendly. So I start wandering off into the mountains on my own looking for rocks. Still no rocks anywhere around, but finally someone spoke up and said "yep" and that was it. At this point i was in the mountains in the dark with no rocks and no way to make simple tools. So I start probing to find out where a town is so that I can get away from where I am. The basics of that conversation went a little something like this... Me: Where are these towns located? People: We aren't accepting new members. Me: Um ok so im just on my own? People: Yep, pretty much! Me: ok well guess ill go play on my own in ssp. Logged out. Now this was not the whole conversation word for word but the gist went just like that. Now I am not trying to be a whiny baby or anything of the sort, I promise! My main complaint is this, do people not join servers to play with other people? I don't know, I kind of thought that was the purpose for playing games online... with others... to play together... or hell at the very least pvp against each other, which is still playing together! So why would I stay on a server where I have no idea where anyone is, I can't find the proper items to make my basic tools, and the people basically told a brand new player to the server to piss off and play by himself?
  11. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Hey Jacciee where do you live on the server in location to Rhodance? like in what direction from Rhodance's base do you live? I can try to see if I load the chuncks of your property while you log in if it will let you in.
  12. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Hey Drakfyr this is a fairly regular occurrence on this server unfortunately! I don't understand why it does this but there have been many times when I have attempted to sign in over and over only to be met with frustration because it will log in and immediately crash me. This or the server just goes down all of a sudden and is down the rest of the day. Problem is I know nothing about servers or who maintains this one so I can not be much help in solving problems but we also have a problem with growing crops for some odd reason. They just do not grow... at all...
  13. [Offline][Beta 0.77.21] Small Community, Be Gentle

    Age: 32Minecraft Name: wildwestusmcFavorite color: blue or black or purple not sure which one i really like bestFavorite aspect of TFC: I would have to say the realism. I mean I like vanilla Minecraft and all but TFC brings a more realistic feel in terms of how you create things and seasons and all that.
  14. [Private] SoranityCraft [Whitelist-No Banned Items-]

    [username] wildwestusmc [Age] 32 [How much can you witstand a jokeful play] yes, I was a Marine when I was younger so if you know anything about military and how we joke you'd know we can! [Can you take sarcasm] yes of course [Do you like to have fun] Im 32 and still playing video games on a very regular basis...
  15. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Hey, I am pretty new to TFCraft and have been playing around in SSP for a while trying to get the hang of things and realized it would probably be a lot more fun playing with others on a server. So, here I be! If you'd be willing to whitelist me IGN: wildwestusmc