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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Kandid Kandace

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Everything posted by Kandid Kandace

  1. I HATE JEB.

    The game is built more rogue-like than an RPG, however it fails at both (To be honest I would be interested if minecraft was more rogue-like-like, and if Notch had thought it out more I think it could have been)
  2. These two games has caught my eyes

    I really like the idea of a open-world randomly generated roguelike space sim, but star citizen doesn't appeal to me for some reason. 0x10c actually looks better.
  3. I HATE JEB.

    Dinnerbone was behind witches. I don't see how any of this is RPG territory, though. I mean, it's really just content being piled onto the game, but it isn't an RPG or an RPG-Like.
  4. my little "Errrr..." about dirt/sand sliding

    If dirt is made a certain way it kind of gets stuck into it's shape, and it doesn't really have a problem staying like that until someone takes the dirt out, causing the rest of the dirt around it to shift and avalanche. If you try to place the dirt where it was it won't work because it doesn't have the (very) slow buildup time it originally had for it to get that way to begin with.
  5. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    What? I don't understand, it just makes the chunk able to spawn mobs anymore. It doesn't fill it with mobs.
  6. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Ah, here's an idea: Dying makes nearby inactive chunks (chunks where monsters don't spawn if you've been there long enough) active, making monsters spawn again.
  7. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    I think in a game like minecraft the only strength the player has are things they have gathered in the game. This could be things like armor or weapons that the player made, or a wall that keeps out monsters. Without those things, the player is weak. Similarly, I think the punishment should be to the world that made the player strong. The player losing all of their items is a good example of a punishment following this idea.
  8. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    I think you could remove the whole spawn point thing and make it so every time your die your spawn point moves from it's originally position 500-1000 blocks away in a random direction. This makes beds only useful for actually sleeping, though.
  9. Tool repair in Minecraft 1.4

    Enchanting in and of itself is fine in Vanilla, but I think it's kind of just too easy. There's no kind of tech tree really, its just Get Iron (Iron is extremely abundant and easy to get), Get Diamond (Diamond isn't that hard to get, especially once you get fortune) Get Enchantments (Enchantments have become pretty easy to get, even without mob grinders and such). All of that can be done fairly quickly without much thought put into it. Once you're set, you're set. Getting more ores and stuff is really easy, getting more enchants is easy, whatever. And I guess to a certain extent that's fine, if you want a game that's focused on building stuff. But I don't think that this should be my only option. I'd like that kind of game to be a "Peaceful" mode kind of thing, where things are easier like they are now, while you could go on the "Survival Mode" for more of a challenge, where setting up in your world is more of a feat, etc.
  10. Vanilla Minecraft getting anvils

    I kind of liked the idea of refining the repair feature, but I wish it was more balanced. Like, enchantments would get reduced every time you combined them.
  11. Chain World?

    We could have sets of 3 people at once, each on "Hardcore" mode. They play until all 3 people are dead, and then the next people come in and take up where they left off. The people can't give the next team any information on what they did, where their stuff is, etc. I think that would be the best way to go if we're trying to do something similar to the Chain World thing. If you just wanted to do a thing where people take turns adding stuff, you might as well just have a multiplayer server.
  12. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I think the most important thing is that the system seems natural. If there are block protections and stuff then it will start to seem weird and kind of unnatural (In games, I don't think there should be rules with no basis within the game world) The only thing I can think of is some kind of Guard NPC (I heard that NPCs won't be added, but whatever) that can be obtained somewhere in the world, and can be "set" to a Settlement's Boundries. The person who "Leads" the Settlement would have a flag or something that would be kind of like a command block, and there they could add players to a settlement, set boundries, etc. All of this is completely useless without the guards; the guards will approach non-settlement-members who are inside the boundries and breaking blocks, attacking things, etc. That way settlement's wouldn't be unnaturally invincible for no reason and could be attacked & sacked, but there is a protecting force within the game world. Of course, the NPCs would have to have really good AIs to not be just useless Iron Golems walking around an area hitting mobs.
  13. Ideal Minecraft

    Spumquack's ranting kind of inspired the thought: "What should minecraft be?" That is, ideally, what would minecraft be (As in the gameplay, content, etc) as opposed to what it is now. For example, Spumquack talked about minecraft being more unforgiving, more "survival" based, etc. I kind of imagined a game where the power the player had is based off of what they have developed in their world. As in, if a player totally walled off an area and lit everything up, for example, in that area they would be powerful. Outside of that area, however, they are weak and fragile to the harshness of the world, and they have to be weary. It's quite different from what it is now, of course.
  14. Ideal Minecraft

    I really like automation in minecraft, but I don't like the way a lot of mods do it. I think it's a good idea to give the player a few simple tools (Allocators, pistons, redstone, etc) that do very simple things in and of themselves, and let them make their own complex machines with them. I think that really promotes creativity and invention. In tekkit, you make really big machines, but as apposed to the method I explained they start out as complex, and I don't like that.
  15. The tiny little TFC Planet.

    I guess you could say anyone who would want to live on a TFC world had to be... pretty dense.
  16. I'm a YT personality who wants to do vids for TFC

    If anyone would be the one to represent TFC on youtube it should definitely be Spum (Although I'm probably biased being a long time fan). He's great at presenting ideas and concepts in a simple and efficient format, and his personality comes off as really friendly. As for SM, I'd rather TFC kind of incorporate their own deviation of it inside of their mod (I mean crawling, for example, would be added, but it would be nerfed and done differently). In it's own state I don't think it fits with TFC at all.
  17. If you could design a video game, what would it be?

    For a long time I've wanted to make a randomly-generated infinite world (The world being comparable to minecraft) where you play as a roguelike-ish style hero. You know, finding camps and doing randomly generated quests, plundering dungeons, advancing your character, that stuff. I really like the idea of developing your "Class" as you play, though (Similar to skyrim, but more natural). Where you can find teachers to teach you certain magics, and you can find tomes and such otherwise, or you can train your physical strengths, and you have to balance out all your powers and stuff. The problem with this is I think it'd be a bit aimless, so I think it'd have to have an over-arching goal that doesn't exactly have to do with plundering and loot, even if the goal itself isn't possible. In spore, the galaxy was randomly generated, but in the center of the galaxy there was always the Grox, and they always fucked shit up. The over arching goal of the game is to eventually deal with the Grox problem (Which is near impossible). I was thinking something similar, where every now and then you come across villagers, camps, kingdoms, etc and they will be at war with other villages and kingdoms, and you can either try to help conquer a kingdom in the name of another kingdom, or try to ally two different kingdoms. There could be this demon army somewhere that would occasionally attack a kingdom in massive force and maybe even kill the player itself, and the over arching goal would be to deal with them.
  18. Quality of Foods / GMO/ Organic etc.

    I haven't eaten meat in 8(9? I don't even know) years, and for a long time a majority of the food I've eaten is organic. I try not to be anal about it, if I'm out with friends I'll be liberal about what I eat. Usually eating greasy, processed unhealthy foods though now-a-days upsets my stomach, and kind of grosses me out, as to years ago it would have been fine. I'm definitely healthier than I would be otherwise. It's all about personal preference, though. The whole "Shit goes in, shit comes out" thing has been said to death and I'm pretty sure everyone knows what's bad for you to some extent. There's pros and cons whether or not your diet is mostly organic or mostly processed to some extent (Although, processed food isn't inherently unhealthy of course-Just like natural isn't inherently good. I am referring to the shitty unhealthy kind).
  19. Terrafirma minimap

    I'm probably late to the party, but although I think the mini map can work in other play styles, I don't think it helps the game feel for Terra Craft. Mini maps discourage knowing the landscape because of what it shows the player. Like said before, the only thing that should be used that is similar to a mini map is an actual map.