Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Kandid Kandace

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Posts posted by Kandid Kandace

  1. Hematite, technically. But it doesn't make the best tools in the game, you need multiple ores to form alloys.

    However, iron is used to make rails and minecarts, which pretty much means it's all you need.


  2. We could do it as a community project. I doubt we could get the eld-pack maker to do it, but I'm sure if anyone interested changed a bit here and their to make the pack as much like Eldpack as possible, we could get it pretty damn close.

    Just keep playing around, I'll try my hand at a few tiles.


  3. I haven't had any luck finding hematite. I've found small veins, but only enough to make a few ingots in each vein. You can't just walk and pick up rocks, you have to mine for that shit. So many branches that my mine is a labrynth and I get lost all too often. Iron has evaded me.


  4. Uhh, I try to play Portal about once a day and atm my time is 33 minutes.

    I don't know, I played Alice Madness Returns recently. I wanted to stop, I was in physical pain because of how repetative and mind-numbing it was, but for some reason I really, REALLY wanted to beat it. I have never so un-satisfied with a game. It was like cutting off an infected arm.


  5. ... Then i don't get what you meant by "gate" ._. like, at all.

    And also, this kind of things could go into the OP, you know... The more detail, the better.

    It's a gate because you can open and close it. The "Filter" system just uses the item size mechanic.


  6. -You can control water quite easily by just forcing it into one direction, and this can be done by just blocking the others (aka, aqueducts). Slopes don't help that much there either, if allowed the water could quite easily flow around the slope and not through it.

    -And how exactly do slopes move items into chests, then? they magically teleport them inside a near-by chest? or they let the items fall into the chest? water would also allow the items to get into the chest, then. Anyways, chest isn't the right term, barrel would be; if you use a chest, you will have to leave it open, which kind of defeats it's purpose...

    -Can i take that as an agreement, then...?

    -Filter does fit pretty well, actually : but meh, it's a minor detail.

    No, items do not slide into chests automatically, that's what gates are for. Gates can be placed anywhere on the slope, but when placed on a chests they let items in. You can imagine that you saw it open first or something, but whatever.

  7. Water is finicky and hard to control, and slow, and you can't move items in and out of chests. Slopes are simple, fast, and you can move items in and out of chests.

    To make use of these items you have to be pretty far into the game, It would require a lot of work and planning to make use of it. And even if it was easy, I don't see why that's such a problem.

    And I like the name gate, I don't think filter fits here.


  8. So basically, by crafting two diagnal logs you get a slope. It would look like a stair, but have more steps. Water slides down the slope quickly, as well as items. In addition, you can make small, medium, and large gates, that work with items. Only small items can fit through small gates, small and medium items can fit through medium gates, and so on. There could possibly also be a way to make a gate that goes on a chest that when opened lets items slip out/slide in.

    The purpose of this is a way to move items around, similar to how you can move items around with water in vanilla. It's a very simple mechanic that makes way for a lot of creations that where previously not possible. I know that Buildcraft has pipes, which work much better than this, however I don't think something like that would fit into the mod in any way, while this is believable and makes sense within the context of the game world. I searched the forum and I didn't find anything like this, but if something similar has been posted then awhoopdaopp shoot me in the headddd.


  9. I personally would like to have a "Stew" system in addition to the cooking system. While the cooking system involves experimentation and discovery, I think the stew system should be a lot more simple, and will average out all of the properties of what you add. If you put in a bunch of low-filling foods, the stew will end up being a low-filling stew, and vice versa for high-filling stews. To make a stew, you would just make a cauldron and then keep it over a campfire. You would toss in ingredients, and each time you toss one in it has a chance of "registering", and once it does a smoke-cloud or some other indicator would appear that shows the player that it registered. Once you have one food-type in it, you can finish the stew there, or you can add more foods to make it better and have a bit of everything. In any case, you can simply right click it with a bowl and you will have the stew, with all the averaged attributes that it would have, depending on what you made it with. It can fill, say, 5-6 bowls, making it a good decent meal.

    This is simply an alternative to the cooking already in the game - a cheap way to refine your foods into something a bit better. The only advantage the stew system has to the cooking system is that it's simpler and you know what you will get when you throw in foods. It would be used for stone-age players, when they want to have a more refined food source but they don't have enough foods to play around with to make meals. Later as you play in your world, the stew system would be naturally abandoned as you discover the best combinations your seed has to offer.

    I have a feeling this has nothing to do with the thread, but I wanted to dump this somewhere.


  10. I'm not really good at conveying ideas, so I'll try to jump in. The idea is to implement two items, a quiver and a shield. Pressing the "Use item" key while having a quiver selected will open it up, showing a one-item container, holding up to 16 arrows. When firing a bow, it will draw arrows from the quiver. This makes way for being able to make specialized arrows, like poisoned or tranquilizer arrows. I originally thought that there could be a slot in the inventory screen for the quiver, but now that I think of it this is a lot cleaner and works with TFC pretty well.

    Shields are kind of a side-idea. While right clicking with a sword will block a small amount of damage, right clicking with a sword while having a shield on your hot bar will make you will block much more damage. Right clicking with a shield selected will block even more damage, but you will be completely immobile.


  11. I really just like how he makes his videos. It isn't just playing a game while recording, cutting up the video, maybe doing a timelapse, I feel like he puts a lot of effort into each second of video. I've watched him for a long while, and besides a few jokes I can't really find anything wrong with his videos. I could totally fangirl over everything about him, but I'm sure everyone here already likes him enough.


  12. I don't think you can just list off a bunch of mobs and then be like "ayup, that's it, gg cya next year". You need to have a thorough description of of what the mob does, how it would act, and what niche it fills/what purpose it does. If it's like every other mob except it looks different, I don't think it's neccisary. For instance, Creeper, skeletons and spiders are all unique mobs because they behave differently and serve different functions. The creeper explodes, the skeleton shoots and strafes, and the spider is quick and can climb. Skeletons drop bones (and arrows, I guess), creepers drop gunpowder, and spidies drop string. They all fill a niche and they add a new concept into the game, and they aren't similar to the other mobs in the game. If you add new hostile mobs, they should all be unique and not variations of eachother, and fill a role or purpose in the world.


  13. The game is built more rogue-like than an RPG, however it fails at both (To be honest I would be interested if minecraft was more rogue-like-like, and if Notch had thought it out more I think it could have been)
