Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Kimbblesrath

  1. Eerm...This would be VERY indepth programming..I think this would be way too much for the mod to handle

    And I don't really think that is something that has a place in TFC..for me it's just aestethic changes that are very low priority but REALLY hard to code..

    The Cubic chunks thing is more interesting IMO but probably also too much for this "small" mod and the team..

    Also i Love how TFC is not editing base classes and is compatible with other mods because sometimes you just want to combine things!!

    ALSO: Mojang is working on a new lighting system..maybe it fulfills parts of your wishes..?

    Meh, its just a suggestion.


  2. I have to say this: Robinton (creator of CC) is awesome! He left the source code there so anyone can edit it, this makes it easier, although the code is for the pre-beta... A LOT has changed, but if this comes true it is because of him!

    Really? WOW! I didn't know that. Can you give me a link?


  3. I've responded to that. Well, anyway, this is off of my league, I don't know how to color the lighting in Minecraft, I support who ever likes to try this.

    I know that. I was posting to remind you of it. And Dunk I hope you see this thread.


  4. psst, psst... *low voice* you are supposed to give him something when you say "here:"...

    Whoops I meant to go fetch a quote, and edit the post but I forgot, and double posted. Time to do some editing magic.


  5. But there won't be any compatibility and a lot of "place on .jar" in the end. The community will complain.

    Like I said in the CC thread, what is there to complain about, TFC used to be a .jar mod, and it was running fine. Does it really need to stay a mods folder mod?


    To back up my reasoning on "Does compatibility really matter?", here is Azdoine in the "Thirst!" thread:

    But why in fuck do you need to mod your mod? Both BTW and TFC have more content and playability than almost all other mods out there, and are designed to be played alone. Pretty much anything you can add will probably have a shitload of overlapping functionality, and probably be game breaking.


  6. What you want is not minecraft anymore! With CC and this, well... just throw minecraft out! There will be not a single base file unchanged.

    achartran is not leaving a single thread on-topic, and I am leave no base file un edited! LOL Let us not get this into a derail though...


  7. This would be a lovely idea, however it would require a COMPLETE tear out of the current lighting code as far as I'm to understand it.

    One of the Mojang guys was working on "fixing" the engine for the new update and gave up in the process because of how broken it is currently. This is also the same code that is preventing stained glass/colored lights/etc.

    If someone has the knowledge and gusto to go in and rework the shoddy code from the ground up, I heartily approve, and would LOVE to see it. However, I've sadly given up hope on that for quite some time now.

    I see. I was guessing that this would be a "built from the ground up" kind of thing like my cubic chunks idea, but then again, TFC itself is a "built from the ground up" sort of thing. Also Eloraam, the creator of Redpower2 had apparently tried this and failed, but I am just saying, this would bring a lot to TFC.


  8. Ok so I was thinking, what if TFC had a lighting revamp? It would allow for different types of lighting, and it would just look better overall.

    What I mean is, the sun would emit a strong, white or slightly yellowish light. Forges and campfires would emit brighter, stronger light as the temp got hotter. At first, dark red light, orange, yellow, then white. Same with campfires. Torches could emit soft(get more into this later) yellow light. Lava orangish light, etc, etc.

    Light could now have different values or properties instead of the one we have now.

    Brightness would obviously be how strong the light is. There would have to be weak light for things like dying campfires or forges, and the strongest light for the sun.

    Color would be the color of the light. There could be the typical 16 minecraft light colors. but leather armour can now be dyed in vanilla up to like 14 million colors, so I don't know how that would work. This would also allow for some really cool stained glass things, and some very medieval looking creations.Alos, colored light would mix so... yeah.

    Hardness is how fast the light dissipates. A very hard light would be very bright in the center, and quickly dissipate into very weak light. It would have a small AOE, but within that AOE, the light would be quite strong. A soft light would be just the opposite. It would be bright in the center, but it would dissipate slowly, and have a large AOE, but within the AOE, the average light level would be the same as hard light, but distributed over a larger area, therefore making it look less bright, and softer.

    So, what do you guys think? I will add ideas you guys have to the OP and let me know what you guys think?


  9. ok now that post was pure awesomeness. :o

    But my question still is: is it possible to implement something like this into MC without completly isolating TFC to itself?

    I am thinking that it would have to make a lot of changes to the files. To be reasonable, it would also have to make changes to fog, rendering, and possibly lighting. I don't know much about Java, so someone who does, please correct me if I am wrong. But I'm pretty sure Forge *could* do it.


  10. -snip-

    Good video, but you should see Spumwack's video. It is short and concise, andit is even the video on the wiki for making charcoal pits. But for people who have not seen Spumwack's video, yours is good too, just not as quick and concise. Here is Spumwack's vid:




    ">Edited by Kimbblesrath, 22 October 2012 - 10:02 PM."

    You see that? that's your fatal mistake, imposter. You still have your "you guys know how to make chainmail" post in this same section of the forums. It appears to be made by achartran. right now, but the thing is... you couldn't have edited a post unless it was you who wrote it, or you were a moderator; and i don't really think you are.

    Well, that, and the fact that achartran doesn't has a period in his name, of course :

    Oh, yeah, and the fact that you made this thread... :P


    NOOO!! He has figured me out! Retreat!!!


  12. You're claim is quite certainly of the false nature, the real achartran in still passed out in the basement. I'm looking the pathetic slob right now.

    Sherlock: *pokes achartran with his foot*

    achartran: * a slight groan escapes his lips and a puddle of drool is revealed*

    Sherlock: See, right where I left him. Now I'm absconding back to my study to continue this exchange somewhere a touch less blue.

    But how can we know that I am not you and you are not achartran and achartran is not me? Answer the question peevish fool! Don't make me start a cavil. I knew I smelt the rat when I saw you Holmes. Beslubbering beef-witted barnacle!


  13. As I've said, it probably will handle even better than vanilla, but the rendering may be a problem for low ends

    Definetly the rendering will be a problem. Dunk's idea would work 100%. I get now why this would call for crazy base edits.

    And a lot of people have polled.
