Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Kimbblesrath

  1. I use to make this with some high grade wire. What kind of metal are you using?

    I used 16g agw aluminum wire. Then I polished it up to make it shiny. While I am using aluminum in this, I have some other metals. I can post pics if you want.:D



    These are Ingame. Right? ;)


  2. I do. Its really cool. It makes me feel like a medieval craftsman when you do it. Granted, I'm not the best at it, but I'm pretty good...

    Currently I am working on a small patch of European 4:1. I'll post a pic when I'm done.

    EDIT: Here are some pics of some patches I did.

    First Patch,

    Second Patch, Close Up View

    Second Patch, Top View:


  3. If they were to implement a few more slots, one option would be to make it so you choose between a piece of jewelry that possibly contains an enchantment of some kind, or a piece of armor that makes you a heavier melee type. This would help diversify combat roles on SMP to be sure.

    Read these threads they are all about diversifying combat. It is so big, it is in 3 parts. It's totally a combat overhaul thing.





  4. On the mod's website:

    ...did my best ... but subtle.  ※ I have respect for TerraFirmaCraft. ◆ / Information Details


    EDIT: Also look at this, another one of his mods. The description he puts for it:

    I raise to 10 times the rate of appearance of monsters.

     Also, there is a daytime only day one, evening I will never dawn again and once at night.  ※ It can be changed in the config.  ※ I have respect for Creeper-Zombie Apocalypse Mod. ◆ / Information Details-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    It looks like TFC isn't the only mod he's ripping off.



  5. So uhhh wasnt this about nails?

    Derailment my friend. Derailment is the official sport of this forum. It is a thing to jest about between the senior members of the forum. The claim that there is not one thread on this forum that has not been derailed.


  6. Yes i am, i was refering to that you striked ._. the norway thing

    So, yeah, kind of a fail... :P

    Yeah ikr. I dunno where the norway came from either lol.


  7. This is why.



    ... where did i said that? O.o Maybe you confused me with Jed... wait, no, he was... scottish, i think?

    I dunno, confusion is mine!

    BOOM! You said it here: http://terrafirmacra...aming-the-wild/

    ... .-. huh, wierd... the only thing about that post that actually surprises me is that you used "quazi-". I thought that was something only used here, in Argentina :

    And for being "moderators", we start a ton of derailments ._. like this one, for example


    i'd like to say "i see what you did there" but honestly i don't :blink:


  8. ... where did i said that? O.o Maybe you confused me with Jed... wait, no, he was... scottish, i think?

    I dunno, confusion is mine!

    Wait, you're not from argentina?


  9. Aren't we always?

    Aren't we always?

    ... Agreed.

    Heck, we're in a derailment in this thread right now! This has nothing to do with grass!


  10. Ranma 1/2 (drama and martial arts)

    Outlaw Star (action, space and SciFi, better than Cowboy Bebop)

    Cowboy Bebop (action and space)

    Rune Soldier (action, drama, comedy, just awesome)

    Excel Saga (never fails to cheer me up, WARNING don't watch two episodes back to back)

    Full Metal Panic (comedy, giant robots, do I really need to say more?)

    Neon Genesis (drama and giant robots, very trippy at the end)

    Love Hina (drama and girls, girls, girls!)

    Rurouni Kenshin (drama, feudal martial arts)

    Dragon Ball (classic, but also the only one in the series I would recommend cause Z and after just didn't do it for me)

    Why not?

    You may not be aware that you actually helped me, because english is not my first language, i'm still learning :P and, a long time ago, i asked people to correct my mistakes so i can practice. So, yeah, letting you know, and thanks.

    Oh, yeah, i forgot Dragon Ball. I have watched every single chapter :3. Just love it.

    Oh yeah. :P I remember seeing a thread where you said that you lived in like Norway or Denmark (or some country in Europe, idk).

    EDIT: Nvm, you actually live in Argentina :D


  11. Yeah, 'cause at the stone age, you break diamonds and emery into dust and make sandpaper with them all the time. It just won't work here :

    But it isn't the stone age where you'd get it, its the metal age. It's only require for sharpening Metal tools. and you need metal to get the diamonds/emery.


  12. Did you just... ask yourself a question? You just posted an empty post, with nothing but my quote, which had a question to YOU.

    Confusement is mine.
