Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Glass

  1. Age: 20Minecraft Username:"andyfuji"Why would you like to join?: Just looking around for a good server, and well, yours seems about that. I tried one of the other servers, and some questionable rules managed to draw me away more-or-less instantly. Also, it's nice to see that there are actually applications actually being rejected (even if mine happens to become one of them.) Rare to see a whitelist that's at least a bit selective.What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Probably over a year since I started playing TFC, maybe around four or five years of good old regular Minecraft.Any additional information that would help your case: I'm pretty alright at building things with blocks, but unfortunately I don't have any TFC screenshots to show off (thank you Imageshack for deleting all of my photos) I have a couple of shots of a town I (was) working on at a vanilla server, though. Likely not the prettiest thing I've ever made, but it's the best I have.Here And here Time zone: UTC-6Location: Wisconsin, USAName: Andy Fuji
  2. IGN: "andyfuji"AGE:Older than a breadbox.WHY:I guess why not, your server seems somewhat populated. The addons and such seem pretty neat-o too. But I was planning on playing in a sort of nomad-y manner, I hope that's okay with the whole faction thing.
  3. On the Kiln and Ingots

    Unless I am missing something, is it currently impossible to re-fire ingots in the pit-kiln? Soft metals, of course. Surely if the kiln is hot enough to smelt the ore, it should also be able to melt whatever ingots result. No? Ingots can fit back into the same clay vessel they came out of, even back into their mold, but re-heating them does nothing. They're just as cold as they went in. Is this some sort of design oversight, or is this on purpose? It's awfully frustrating to have made a sizable mound of ingots only to find out they're wholly useless without a forge.
  4. Make Ingots Meltable in a PIt Kiln

  5. Griefing is not.
  6. On the Kiln and Ingots

    Turning ingots back to liquid metal is the result I need. "Because there is something else that does the same thing" isn't a very good reason to neglect implementing a rather obvious, and useful feature; as some of us enjoy having piles of ingots lying around. For ease of access, or even just aesthetic purposes. It's silly that copper melts just fine out of a rock, but a bar of it is impervious to heat that isn't belting out of a pile of charcoal. Pre-iron, every operation, save re-melting ingots, is do-able without charcoal. It's a design choice that's questionable at best.
  7. Mountable animals & more realistic mobs

    I think you're sort-of mis-understanding him. By NPC's he isn't referring to humans, but to the things we have come to call "mobs." But if you got that, I don't see how fleshing out the quite obviously barren areas of the mod that don't have to do with metalworking is at all such a terrible thing. The fact that there are still vampire zombies and skeletons roaming around in what is supposed to be a real-world themed mod is just shameful in my eyes. I'd rather a roaming lion, or even re-skinned barbarians, be my demise than a group of nocturnal Halloweencostumes. Half-implemented, meatless, deer are just about the only thing we have separating TFC's animals from vanilla Minecraft's.
  8. I hope I die from lung cancer too. Life sucks.
  9. IGN: Andyfuji Real Name: Fujinaka Age: Not dead yet. Why you want to join: Your server looks alright. I can't say the name wasn't altogether off-putting, but the way you denied Webbob and Tesik, convinced me to reconsider. Agree To Rules: Yeh, sure. Why not. Know that TerraFirmaCraft is a hardcore mod which is very difficult: Hardcore like butter in a microwave. That is to say, not. Who Referred You: Post d'Forum.
  10. In-game name: AndyfujiAge: Physically, too young. Mentally, ready to die.Where do you come from: The land of freedom, ingenuity, and obesity. In that order.Native Language: Sarcasm. I know some English too.Read all server rules?: No. I didn't read any of them. Not one. Single. Rule. Also, why do the questions magically get question marks at this point. I mean. "Where do you come from" should probably have one too.Where did you hear about our Server(s)?:Oh, I saw your late-night TV commercial. And that billboard on 5th avenue. I suggest you invest in a town crier and hire some taxi drivers to push your server.
  11. Metallurgy Mechanics

    They DID work, you seem to have broken them.
  12. Metallurgy Mechanics

    I entirely agree. Metallurgy shouldn't just be a matter of progressing through a list of pretty colored anvils. I really don't think that between the stages (stone, metal, alloy, steam, arcane) there should be a linear research path, as in: a player who starts on an island with iron will be able to smelt and use iron somewhat early on, without ever having made copper or bronze previously, similarly a player who starts with copper would use that. Progressing stages, then, would require trading resources inter-island, but islands wouldn't be unsuitable for starting out simply because they lack "starting metals." Mixed with unique ways to procure each metal, it could make for quite interesting gameplay.
  13. A sneak peak at fast travel; coming to a server near you!
  14. Improved wood

    I love the new smaller blocks, especially the new planks; however, they are extremely difficult to use as a building material as there is a significant loss in volume between plank blocks and individual planks. 1 log can be split into 8 planks with a saw; those 8 planks contain a total of 64 micro-cubes of volume, almost a 90% loss in volume from the log If the 8 planks are crafted into two plank blocks, the total volume created is twice that of the log (1024 micro-cubes), and thus building with individual planks is not only more tedious, it is also 93% less efficient. Even assuming the plank blocks are hollow, they would still contain 12 times the material used to create them. I suggest abstracting the wood hierarchy further, for example: - 1 log splits into 8 wood "slices," or 8x8x1 squares with the saw - 1 slice can be split into 8 planks with the saw - 8 slices can be combined into a full block of planks - 1 plank can be split into 2 sticks with a knife It could probably be handled better, but there's my idea. This way no material is lost (as is the case with the individual planks) or gained (like the plank blocks.)
  15. Cobble, Brick, Surface rocks

    Yes, but while stone buildings do in fact exist, they are quite rare and require extreme amounts of labor to build. Mining, hauling, and shaping stone isn't worth the effort for anything short of a mega-structure. Rarely would you find a common building made of stone before the industrial revolution.
  16. Cobble, Brick, Surface rocks

    Ceramic bricks anyone? After all, stone bricks were, and still are, rarely used in construction. Most brick structures, especially in pre-industrial times have been made of sand, mud, or clay (and trace amounts of other materials); even nowadays, most structures which make use of stone bricks only use it aesthetically, as stone is a notoriously poor choice as a building material in nearly every aspect. Concrete bricks is another idea, as even in ancient times civilizations such as the Roman Empire made many of their more ambitious structures with them, most notably the Colosseum and Pantheon in Rome. All-in-all, stone and stone bricks are somewhat unrealistic historically, considering there are more popular and less tedious ways of making sturdy building materials with items already available in the mod.
  17. Cobble, Brick, Surface rocks

    I like the idea, but I suggest the bricks be 1/4th blocks for two reasons. One, the brick texture physically shows they are 1/4th the size of a block each. Secondly, mining one full stone block yields an average of 4 small stones; however, if the texture would be changed (perhaps to something similar to vanilla's clay brick texture, and you assume half the stone is lost in the brickmaking process, 1/8th bricks would work perfectly. Thigh-high bricks are somewhat absurd anyhow.
  18. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Me and a friend started a little town on the TerraCraft server: Inn and row-house Gerry the spider says hello. Interior Trade Depot WIP Synagogue in the background Interior WIP Manor house Interior
  19. andyfuji request whitelist gamename andyfuji server look plusgood andyfuji follow doughnut BB If you fail to recognize the blatant reference above, I can indeed write complete and fluent sentences; complete with correct capitalization and punctuation.
  20. Not exactly sure what happened; I logged in today and not only was my inventory wiped, but I spawned inside one of those missing chunks at spawn and burned to death. When I re-spawned I ended up back at the server spawn point and not my bed. Edit: A piece of cobblestone in the spot I logged out and all my things are missing... hmm... *Andyfuji leaves and goes someplace without hackers.
  21. Some more support with the server would be nice, it's been down for two days now.
  22. D: My entire house has been erased along with all my things, I'll PM you about everything I lost.
  23. The lag has gone from bad to unbearable. The time from input to response is something like 5 seconds now. The creepers spawn and explode before I even have a chance to see them.
  24. I didn't lose my inventory or spawn or anything, but I am experiencing some rather awful lag. It's just me (Andyfuji) and my friend (Doughnut189) who are both in the same chunk. Our messages take about a second and a half to appear on screen and the blocks do the same when broken.
  25. A work in progress: Loving the server It crashed, BTW.