Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Hubertus

  1. Food trade?

    Well, couldn't you just cut out the decay and sell it right away? In my experience there's a bit of room between you cutting out decay and it getting 0.0% decay.
  2. TFC recontructed

    I think the main issue here is that you have one group of people, the people who know how to code, and the players, who want their ideas implimented. The developers of TFC work on things that they think will make the mod better, that the WANT to add. There are plenty of suggestions on the forums that receive plenty of support from the community, but don't get added. Why? Making a suggestion isn't so much about presenting your idea to the community as it is about presenting the idea to the developers. Say that you start a thread about getting salt from salt water. As I recall, that one was poretty popular with the player, but it got shot down. The developers didn't want to do it (For balance reasons). I'm sure there have been plenty threads about harvesting ice, that have gotten support, as well. But why should I, as a developer, make an addition to this community project if I don't want it in the game? There's nobody going around making addons for every idea that becomes popular on the forums, and for a very good reason. Nobody is going to spend their time planning, coding, and debugging features that they have no interest in. As a player who isn't planning/able to made addons yourself, your only avenue of getting things added to the game, vanilla TFC or not, is to catch the eye of somebody who could take the time to make that addon. At the end of the day, if the community votes to have gold coins, and none of the developers like the idea, it's never going to get implimented. At least, not unless you start paying people, then you might see it happen.
  3. I didn't want to hyjack somebody else's thread with post much larger than the opener, where it would either be ignored by people coming to the thread later, or forcing the origonal poster to update their opening post. In hind sight, I probably should have checked first about how to post it. Sorry! (<- best approximation of appologetic smile)
  4. A Bug Request

    You almost didn't add horse meat? But it's a delicacy in Dutch culture.... As for your list of meats, Christianity forbids: Most sea creatures, including many fish and squid. Leviticus:11:9-12 To expand: fish with fins and scales are fine, but anything missing those are a no-no Horses, since they don't have cloven hooves. Pigs, same reason. Also, eat filth (Can't find it. It's in Levidicus somewhere) Birds that eat carrion, or other birds (which includes chickens. Can't find a reason to rule out pheasants) Leviticus:11:13-19 Eggs (See birds) Cats, dogs, and bears (Not that we have those meats. Although consider adding bear meat: it's delish) Leviticus:11:27 Bible is fine with cattle, deer, and sheep. Levidicus 11:3/Deuteronomy:14:4-5 Then of course cattle is off-limits for Hindus. Can't think of anybody that disallows mutton or venison. Doubt anybody has a thing against soybeans Cooked Beef Cooked Calamari Cooked Egg Cooked Fish Cooked Horse Meat Cooked Mutton Cooked Pork Cooked Poultry Cooked Venison Soybeans
  5. Coal and Charcoal

    I'd answer, but I see Kitty is also reading this page and will probably have a much better response than I. Here's a goodle answer:
  6. A Bug Request

    Yah, but that's by choice, to make the game more of a challange. Not quite the same thing
  7. A Bug Request

    Are there actually people who refuse to eat pig in video games because of their religion? I'd actually love to meet such a person.
  8. make bushes.. unpickupable?

    I remember it saying somewhere that they didn't want to make berries cultavatable. Can't quite remember where, unfortunately.
  9. Thatch as of Build 79

    Because ravines break through the dirt/gravel layer, so using a propick in a ravine is a lot smarter than using it on the surface. Also, ravines cover a lot of ground which allows for checking of a lot of blocks without having to mine them out. Also, ravines save a decent amount of uses on your shovels and pick, getting you down through the rock layers faster. If you're lucky, a ravine will intersect some caves which will intersect some more ravines and get you down to the third rock layer without having to mine a single block. In my SSP world, the only tin I ever found was in my third rock layer, at the end of a ravine.
  10. early structures for latest builds?

    Starting homes.... Let's see.....There's the thatch and log box, depression in the ground with thatch roof and spider blockers, log home, hole in the ground with ladder at the top, cave mouth with wall, sitting on top of a tree, under the sea, the list goes on.
  11. Thatch as of Build 79

    I never have too many sticks, as I am always using them for ladders to access new ravines and caves. 64 item frames would only label 64 double chests. Personally, I need more than that. Hell, I use 52 just to show off my gem collection. 1 double chest per stone type (23) 4-5 double chests for stone of the region I'm in (28) 4 double chests for sand, gravel, dirt (32) 1 Double chest for each type or ore (Sometimes more, depending on how my mining is going. I don't have one for ores I do not currently have, so about 15 in total) (47) 4-5 double chests for planks and plank blocks (52) ect. And since I don't have a flint and steel, I use plenty of sticks on fire starters. Also signs, can never have too many of those.
  12. Water vapour from mouth when its cold

    Generally, I find that water freezing/crops dying/occasional snowfall are very good indicators that it's cold. Or, in Alberta, people walking in shorts is always a good indicator.
  13. Add in Disease and Medicines

    Hello hello! A couple things: 1. Flesh out your idea a bit more. Give diseases, descriptions, how to cure them, ect. Do more than just say: "We should have x", explain what is is and how it would be implimented 2. Graphic diseases fall under the "Do not suggest" list, so no STDs (or ebola).
  14. Rename Protein to Meat

    I think you'll have more luck argueing for new categories than renaming protein to meat. The fact remains that eggs and soy beans are primary sources of protein, and so don't fit in the meat category. Sure, you could justify moving soy beans to vegatables, but eggs? Where are they gonna go? Like you said, they're not dairy. Now, while it is true that milk is a source of protein, it is not primarily consumed for the protein. It's true that the 5/4 category way of splitting things up isn't perfect, but it's the system most widely used. Although, in the Canadian food guide, protean is listed as "Meats and alternatives". But that'd be a rather dumb category for a game.
  15. Improve Firestarter

    However, note that while flint & steel, fishing rod, pickaxe, ect. are all easily recognized names, whereas fire plough is rather obscure. If it were any other tool, I'd probably agree with you. And actually, I did stumble across the fire starter like that, though I couldn't fire out how to make a fire with it. But as Kitty has said: "The name will not be changed". There comes a point where you have to respect the developer's design decisions. If you want to change the name, it's like 1 line of code in the tooltips section. Torches were never believable. Eternally burning torches aren't believable because there is nothing about the world to suggest that they should burn forever. Forges burn out when their coal runs out, and firepits give up when they're out of logs. Why should torches be any different? Unless you made a change to the game world that explained how a stick can burn forever but a forge can't, it's not believable. Believable and realistic in this case go hand in hand. Eternal torches: Not Believable, not realistic Torches that burn out: Believable, Realistic Torches with bioluminescent stones on top that give light forever: Believable, not realistic I....can't actually think of anything realistic, but not believable. Remember that believability is "given what you know about the world, could you see this being possible". Torches burning out could certainly be possible. As an aside, there is presedence for calling it a fire starter: Not that another survival game giving something a made up name is any form of justification, just saying that it's not the only occurence of game developers giving custom names for minor objects. Thanks for clearing up the last part, makes sense.
  16. A couple points: 1. I thought this thread was about making multiple hoe heads from 1 rock? 2. Traditionally, flint knapping produced 10 or more knives per rock. It makes sense for us to be able to get multiple knives through flint knapping. However, good luck working two hoe heads out of a piece of stone. Just because it fits on our knipping grid doesn't mean it needs to happen. 3. As Kitty has pointed out, bowls not breaking 100% of the time is current off the table. We were presented with 2 options, not 2 options and <insert whatever stipulation you'd like to add here> While we're all latching onto the idea of bowls, I have a question: What's with the ceramic pot in the creative menu?
  17. Water vapour from mouth when its cold

    Not sure the added realism is worth the development time/annoying spray of fog in your face. Besides, who breathes out of their mouth in cold weather? Your nose heats up the air you breathe in to avoid lowering your core body temperature, and any air expelled from your nose generally dissipates before entering your vision.
  18. Improve Firestarter

    BOLD Is it a tool that starts fires? Yes. As such, fire starter is an accurate name. Hell, even I've made a fire by spinning a stick on a log, but never have I cared what the actual terminology was. I honestly think you're the only person who couldn't figure out the use for a "fire starter" just by looking at the name. How did torches move away from believability and into realism? If anything, the mechanic become more believable AND more realistic. UNDERLINED In the first underlined section, you are saying you couldn't figure out what the tool did or how it was made until you read the wiki. You seem to think the contruction and function should be obvious from looking at it. In the second underlined section, you advicate the use of the wiki for obtaining this sort of information. So which is it? Are the construction and function of TFC tools supposed to be obvious at a glance, or be gleaned from the knowledge base?
  19. Really, I'd only support storing the flint and steel in a tool rack. Firestarters are much to cheap to bother with storing them on the wall. If you REALLY want the storage space back, just toss it and make a new one. They cost two sticks. I think you'll survive the loss of resources. I'm with kitty on the rope arguement.
  20. Spawning in boring terrain. Mountain range generated in 79. You've just been unlucky.
  21. It most certainly is fixable, since they did fix it later on. But going back and adding functionality to an old version of a mod....
  22. Thatch as of Build 79

    As has been said many times before, you are more then welcome to put thatch on top of logs. Besides, thatch roofs have wooden frames for stability.
  23. [Solved] 79.10 Zombies Drop Iron Swords

    Updated OP with new information.
  24. [Vanilla Bug] ice - graphical bug

    I've seen this bug many times in vanilla, over the course of many vanilla versions. I'm surprised nobody else has seen it before.
  25. Ores in blocks

    Arrrrr, such a shame. But, on the plus side, the alternative actually sounds easier. Thank you very much for the quick response!