Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Hubertus

  1. Well, I recently generated a world that fits some, but not all of your requirements.




    The surface stone is dolomite. It is grey, it is a flux stone, and it does not bear copper. However, the second layer is basalt (which you were looking for), and the third layer is gabbro (Which looks pretty nice, and carries important ores like gold, nickel, tin, and most importantly diamonds). There are many very deep ravines in the area that take you straight to the basalt layer.


    The grass is nice and lush, and there are many ponds, rivers, and hot springs. The major trees around spawn are acacia, sycamore, birch, and kapok. The area is quite flat, but you'll have to deal with the profusion of trees.


    The basalt ravine is at 9426, -5722.


    Yes, -5722 z, which is quite outside your desired coordinate range.


    I'll post some pictures soon, but am currently making tea for my sister. The door workshop I recently posted about is in that area, so you can get a feel about what it looks like there.


  2. How did I find TFC.... I think it all started with VintageBeef's Steve vs. Steve series. Those were the only videos I ever watched. One day, while checking to see if a new installment had come out, I saw a video entitled "UHC". I thought it sounded interesting, so I checked it out. I can't really remember what UHC it was, but I watched it until Beef died. Then, a couple months later, I was once again checking to see if a new Steve vs. Steve installment had come out. Again, no such luck. But it just so happened that another UHC was being uploaded, so I figured I'd watch this one as well. That was the UHC where Beef's team went into the nether and ran into another team. One of Beef's teammates killed one of their team's, but the other two somehow escaped into thin air. Moments later, the second team member dies to lava. So, I rewound to figure out who the last person was, a youtuber called OMGchad, so I went to his channel to figure out how the hell he managed to escape. Well, I get to his video (which introduces me to Mindcrack, despite chad not even having been a mindcracker) and all I think is daaaaaaaaahhhhhmmmmm he's good-looking. So naturally I watch every video he has ever made. Well, I stumble upon the last episode in his TFC series, and I see a lot of cool things. I figure that I might as well check out what TFC has to offer, since I was planning to make a survivalist mod for minecraft. Well, TFC was even better than I thought, and so I never even made my own mod, since everything I ever wanted is right here.


  3. So somebody asked how you would store extra doors, to which the answer of just placing them was not well received. The discussion inspired me to build the workshop of an old carpenter who spends his days building doors and relaxing in the hot springs. Full album here:


    Posted Image


  4. For this case, it would probably be smarter for us to add olive oil bottles, not buckets.

    Quite agree with you there.


    *EDIT* How expensive is olive oil to produce, anyway? I've only ever seen Pak do it, and I never saw how much that produced.


  5. The only reasons I can think of as to why somebody would need to seperate barrels are limited supply and trading. It is possible, I suppose, for somebody to have so little vinegar or limewater that they would like to spread their limited supply between two points, say a farm and a food larder, or the home and a construction site. But really, if you have so little of those liquids, then you wouldn't be using a lot of it anyway, and so would save little time by spreading it out. The better reason I can think of is multiplayer. Given how precious olive oil is, I could see people only wanting to sell it in lots of a fraction of a barrel at a time. The buyer might need need a full barrel and be unwilling to pay for the lot, or your supply might be so low that you only want to sell part of your supply and keep the rest for yourself.


  6. Bioxx, on 29 May 2014 - 7:52 PM, said:Posted Image

    Believable does not mean that everything has to be accurate. The idea behind believable is that it gives us much leeway to change facts as we see fit to provide a desired gameplay outcome. A great many things are possible in the real world, but that does not mean that all of those things are beneficial to providing a progression based gameplay experience.


    While I completely agree with you regarding the growing conditions of various TFC crops, I'm not sure this suggestion would add any value to gameplay. Since you have two related but separate themes in your post, I'll address them separately:


    Sticks for tomatoes and green beans: You have a point, in that there is clearly a stick that the plant grows up. And really, the increase in cost is exceedingly minimal, since sticks are very easy to acquire in great numbers. What concerns me is that unless you already know these plants require sticks when you try to plant the seeds, new players mind get confused as to why they can't plant tomatoes and green beans. But other than that, I do rather like the idea of having a stick sink. But, as a game designer, I am always asking myself "what value does this change add to the game?" Since there isn't really a tech progression or anything like that added by this suggestion, I have to wonder if it adds any value.


    Mound required for potatoes, onion, garlic, etc. : Sounds like effort. The big turn-off for me with a lot of farming mods in the huge amount of steps it takes just to get one plant growing. First they want you to build a frame, then you have to set up an overhead sprinkler system, and of course you can't forget about fertiliser, and soil ph, etc. etc. etc. I know it's realistic, and it might irk people who know anything about plants, but as somebody who has never really considered growing a vegetable garden, I'd be lying if I said that the particular growing patterns for crops effect the believability of TFC. And as an intrinsically selfish being, an update that adds no apparent value while decreasing the yield of improperly planted crops is unappealing to me.


    Now that I've rained all over this place, I do want to say that I like the potential of expanding on the agriculture system. I'd say the major issues currently is the lack of added value, and a lack of rewards for the player (since everything currently makes the game harder).


  7. The 9x9 spawn chunks are always fully loaded. This usually isn't an issue, but if you have a lot of complex machinery tunning in those chunks it can have a noticable effect on the whole server. Also, if you load a 5x5 area of chunks using redstone, the center chunk can also process entities (Meaning the tnt would explode even if you're not in the area).


    A lot of these chunk loading mechanics can be seen in action in Etho's Enderporter video, in which you can see the effect loading and unloading chunks has on things like active enderpearls (which are entities). He lists the conditions to load a chunk at about 18:11 (the 5x5 chunk trick is missing, but he covers that in the next video).


  8. Howdy! The main purpose of hot springs is healing you. I'm not entirely sure what the rate is, but it is a quite significant boost to your healing rate. I've spent many nights hunting mobs and using the hot springs to quickly regenerate my health.


  9. That is fine. Was just pointing out the point it isn't a 79 addon. Kinda important info to relay when suggesting it.

    Fair enough, fair enough. I'd be interested to see what would happen if you pull out everything other than the rope stuff and just put it with build 79. Who knows, it might work.


  10. Extrafirma craft is not updated to build 79.

    So choose which you like more, the features in extrafirma or the features of build 79. Maybe somebody will take over the addon and update it. Maybe somebody will take just the pieces of the addon they like, and update those. Regardless, there's really no point in the devs spending time to add something that has very little interest and has been suggested multiple times over. Not to mention it already exists, so there's a great deal of redundancy right there.


  11. I've gone and done some testing, and have found your problem. That is not a valid chimney. From your pictures, I can see the hole in your roof is 1 left, and 1 back, from, your forge block. BEHOLD!


    Posted Image


    The red squares are your chimney hole, and the block it is situated over. Note that that block diagonal to your forge block. This is not allowed. The dark green square is the block directly above your forge. It is valid. The lime green squares are also valid. I tested these in a creative world, and as long as one of the green squares was left open, it worked. The moment I closed them and left only the red square open, it stopped working. The following image is a useful reference:


    Posted Image


    Note that the bend can only happen in 1 direction, not two.


  12. It's also really annoying when it comes to wireless signals. We used to have this box that handled all the signals between the tech booth and the various electronic implements on stage (lights, microphones, ect.) that was painted with leaded paint. It caused endless headaches when it ate signals. We had to sand off every spec of paint before the thing started behaving.Unless tfc implements wireless signals I think we're probably going to be okay...I'm not a moderator or anything, but try to keep things relevant

    Merely pointing out that lead has an endless array of problems, and worrying about all of them is going to get nobody anywhere. While in reality the use of lead causes an endless amount of headaches, there's no real reason any of that has to be brought into TFC.


  13. It's also really annoying when it comes to wireless signals. We used to have this box that handled all the signals between the tech booth and the various electronic implements on stage (lights, microphones, ect.) that was painted with leaded paint. It caused endless headaches when it ate signals. We had to sand off every spec of paint before the thing started behaving.


  14. I find this idea rather interesting. Instead of a sluice producing local ores, it produces ores according to the gravel you put in. However, the way sluices work now is that it only produces ores if there are veins in the area. You'd lose that believability aspect in exchange for a different one, namely producing ores that could exist in that stone type. It's a shame you can't tell the gravel what veins existed nearby, instead of just going off of possible spawns.


    One major balancing thing this would change is the function of sluices. Previously, sluices were used for a small boost to your metal supplies, that eventually gets counteracted by you overworking all your nearby areas. Eventually, sluices lose their usefulness. With this change, a single sluice would remain forever useful, since you can just keep dumping gravel in it. While this helps late arivals to servers, this also creates an almost limitless supply of metal, so long as you can keep stuffing it full of gravel.


    It would also bring about the reemergence of strip mines, with people creating great ugly pits to get at the gravel.


    As to your other discussion points:

    1. Unloading chunks generally causes what's happening in those chunks to freeze.

    2. NEVER CHANGE THE TIME. A lot of calculations in TFC are time based. Changing the time causes an endless host of problems. The reason it's killing you is because time is never subtracted, only added. When you change time to day, you change it to the NEXT day. Time passes, and your hunger and hydration are updated by the passage of time. For a fun bug caused by changing the time, take a look at this.

    3. See above

    4. A javelin is a ranged weapon that causes piercing damage (just like arrows). Skeletons and wither skeletons have 100% resistance to piercing damage (it just goes right through). Try using a knife (weak, slashing damage), or a hammer (stronger, crushing damage). Skeletons are weak to crushing damage. Once you get metals, you can make the mace, a powerful crushing weapon. Even a copper mace can dispatch a skeleton in 3-4 blows.

    5. In the stone age, you have access to: bow and arrow, javelin, knife, hammer, axe. Once you can smelt copper, you gain access to the sword and mace, which are stronger than the knife, hammer, and axe in terms of melee damage.


  15. --Snip--

    You can use the BB codes: [.spoiler] [./spoiler], just remove the periods.  And a single example does not a counter argument make. If you had a basket of red apples, and one green apple, the statement - "Most apples in the basket are red" - would still be true, even if you pointed out the green apple.


    Also, as per the wood, I'd like to point out that Çatalhöyük has undergone basic restoration. The wood you see in the picture is a later addition by archaeologists for structural support and reconstruction.


  16. That is like saying to my that I'm stupid. You said it.


    I dont like the idea of using logs, because they are long to brake, ugly, and I think making houses like in the REAL neolithic is better than making Full thatch house or wood and thatch house. I think adding adobe/mud bricks is just adding another possibility for building houses.



    (Sorry for  bad grammar, I'm french.)

    Not to nitpick, but that was in response to bilbobuddy :D And by the second time telling people to use the search bar, I get more creative with my language. I'm sorry that you interpret my flamboyance as an insult.


    I agree that a log home is not the most aesthetically pleasing building imaginable (although there is a guide on home to make a very nice looking one), the point of early survival isn't to build a shelter that you think looks nice. Your first shelter is about surviving. Also, shelters in the Neolithic leaned wooden, not stone. That's why we have such a hard time finding dwellings of that time period, because wood rots over thousands of years. In terms of basic shelters, the resources are there. I don't think we really need another material to build starting homes with, since that category has pretty much been filled. That said, mud blocks are a nice aesthetic addition. Extrafirma, a plugin for terrafirmacraft, has them:


  17. I just forgot to search for it, and please don't talk to me like that, I'm not a idiot. I know what a search bar is.

    I was happy to see that my tread got a fast reply, but the reply was just like "hey there, you are too stupid to use a search bar? This is already suggested. Have a nice day!"

    Talk to you like what? All I did was inform you that your post breaks multiple forum rules. If you don't like being informed to follow those rules, then I suggest not breaking them. I did not call you stupid, so don't put words in my mouth.


  18. The funny thing is that I've never managed to find out what our mysterious mb measurement stands for. Wikipedia offers these:

    • Millibar, a unit of pressure frequently used in meteorology equal to one thousandth of a bar
    • Millions of barrels (Mb, Mbbl or MMbbl), one million barrels of oil
    • Megabase, a unit of measurement in genetics
    • Body wave magnitude (mb), a type of seismic scale
    • Millibarn, a unit of area used in nuclear physics and particle physics
    • mb, a rarely used unit of Imperial weight equal to 1000 lbs or roughly 453 kilograms
    • Millibel, a hundredth of a decibel

    Then I searched milibuckets just now and found out it was made up. Gosh that took longer than it needed to :D
