Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Udary

  1. [Solved] Question about world generation

    Try a few more seeds. I normally try a new seed in creative fly up in the air have a quick scout around and if it looks ok, clay, a fruit tree not too far, or berries. And most importantly, not a small island! That'll be enough for a start. Small islands aren't rare, but they also aren't that common for me, but it is all random. As was advised elsewhere, give some of the provided seeds in the Seeds foruma go.
  2. Any benefits of digging deep?

    One thing to note, you always see Igneous rock around lava or spa's. This is the same rock as in the 3rd layer. So if you are looking for Basalt (because it's black) and can't find much on the surface (maybe only around a lava pool), dig down and there will be LOADS of it. I don't have any hints for finding what the middle layer could be though, other than to dig! Oh, sometimes you can see it on the sides of VERY VERY high mountains. Chalk topped mountains then changes to another layer near the surface, that's the middle layer transition.
  3. Grass Mat Dry Fruit

    Would you expect to be able to use the dried fruit to make vinegar, like fresh fruit? Or once dried is it only usable for food. If so, why not just just use the existing preserving processes?
  4. Just to be clear, I was referencing the community when it comes to salt being a bottleneck, not Kitty. I even reiterated her point that it is optional! WTF?
  5. I support the evaporation pan, as the lack of salt is something that everyone complains about. Sea salt, is pretty common IRL. I can't use the evaporation pan where my base is, as it doesn't get hot enough. So it doesn't and won't work for everyone. It's just another option. I'm surprised you didn't have more of an issue with the animal pack. This seems to be a bigger "exploit" than a mechanism of getting salt, which as you say, is optional. Bottlenecks are fine, if they just slow progress rather than halt it.
  6. [0.79.16] Colored Steel with limited silver

    Extracting Silver from Galena is actually a thing, in real life. Galena is around 3-5% silver as one of it's impurities. Converting Lead into Gold, now that is alchemy!
  7. The "Magic" of TFC

    It is nothing like automatically giving you free stuff, it is about saving the time poor their most precious commodity. If it automatically completed the recipe for you then I'd have an issue as well.
  8. The "Magic" of TFC

    I don't see what all the fuss is about. The anvil is one thing that, in my opinion, is a limiter for a lot of people. People, no actually, why hide... I find the anvil incredibly annoying, and it took me ages before I figured out how some recipes worked, get a bit of lag and hit a button once too many and it would take ages to figure out how to correct it. You loose a) hammer durability, annoying time, annoying c) .... that's it? It doesn't make it more believable, more real,it's just annoying! Why make something, that even one of the dev's has gone on record as stating she doesn't like, harder, or put so much effort into stopping an optional tool to ease the tedium. At the end of the day it only gives a quick view on the optimal path to success, which you would eventually work out, if you have the patience. Then you could write it down on a piece of paper and pass it around, like in the olden days. If you mis-click you still have to waste a ton of clicks trying to figure out how to move the damn arrow to the marker! The anvil was the first point I almost gave up on the mod as "no longer fun".
  9. I did it! My first metal armor!

    You hate forging and you want to make the forging part harder by making the target randomised based on the world seed... and you help develop the mod! Wow.
  10. Crop Growth

    Crops care about temperature, which is related to time of year. Set up a base in an area that drops below zero in winter... Make the most of Summer and store/preserve food, because winter will be hard if you don't, unless you only eat meat and cheese.
  11. I actually meant that constantly pumping the bellows burns charcoal faster and you only need to pump the bellows to push the temperature over that of the burn temperature of the fuel. Test it in the forge, it plateau's at a point (burn temp of fuel) pumping the bellows pushes the temp up quite a bit, but then it drops quickly too... Pump it infrequently to maintain the high temperature. Once you get to the plateaued temperature; Pump once to get the temp up, then wait, then pump again and wait and once more. That should be all you need in the blast furnace to smelt 4 iron ores (holds 4 per level of blast furnace). IMPORTANT: The blast furnace needs to be up to max temperature, using the bellows while it's heating has no effect. It will use a small amount <1 charcoal getting up to temperature then 1 per iron smelted. If you pump like a mad man you'll use 3 or 4 getting it to temperature.
  12. First year progress!

    Indoor pit kiln, ouch... I love the double forge, I've seen a few of them and sometimes wish I had the same setup, but for some reason never do it. Same goes for the permanent charcoal pit, I still have a hole in the ground with soil to cover it, so lazy.
  13. When using the Blast furnace you actually only need to blow the bellows 2 or 3 times... However the UI does not provide any feedback as to what's going on internally. Initially, like you, I was blowing the bellows all the time, burning through more charcoal than I could grow trees for. Then I looked at the code. No spoilers I'm afraid. Nice idea but once you know how the BF works this becomes a little wasteful. Although I do wish you could access the bellows from within the BF and Forge UI, which this kinda does for you.
  14. Melting Tool Heads

    Only things like sheets and ingot can be smelted as I believe if you allowed finished products to be smelted without loss you could quickly power-level your skills making them pointless. Making sheets either doesn't affect skills or it's general smithing, I can't remember. I hoped to be able to smelt tools and weapons exactly to do this.
  15. Return of Auto-Drinking Milk

    You can sneak milk a cow before you can standing milk a cow can't you?
  16. Leaf Culling

    The reason leaves don't "back-face cull" is because they are transparent. Any mode that changes that will change the performance significantly.
  17. Return of Auto-Drinking Milk

    Re-read...Early on... Which is when it'll be scarce and loosing stuff hurts. Later on when you've got familiarity you'll probably have plenty of goodies in the production line and you won't care so much if you loose some precious milk.
  18. Return of Auto-Drinking Milk

    And to milk and feed animals (early on)you need to be sneaking....ouch.
  19. Brass

    If you are making a rose gold anvil rather than a bronze one, you won't be able to make a Bloomery anyway, as I'm pretty sure you can only use bronze for that? If you get yourself into this position, you're better off just generating a new seed. I get to bronze or at least have an idea of viability pretty early on, before I have fruit, and much in the way of crops. So you aren't wasting too much time. As for the original question, yes I did once make brass (as that's all I could make) and expected to be able to make a pick with it. When I looked up why and realised it was an alloy used to make...whatever it was... it sat in the vessel for ever. I swore a bit, probably grumbled a lot, and moved on. Stone age, Bronze age, iron age...I can't remember there being a Brass age! These ages define what material tools were made from. I'm not so sure where the "Modern age" fits into that though.
  20. Return of Auto-Drinking Milk

    I get a similar thing with grain after feeding animals, I often get an extra crunch and a bite of grain is taken. With milk I use the "quickly scroll off the bucket" trick. But it is annoying when I forget!
  21. Scaled world generation

    As has been discussed in numerous places, stone seems to spread a loooooong way in the new builds. This leads to more exploration, but travelling by foot is something that is slow and can be dangerous. If you need to travel a really long way, pray to the server admin you can have multiple /sethome's. So..... I did some experimentation and started to "scale" the world generator. Sorry, I am going to be a bit nerdy and talk code for a bit here, so most of you will probably just close the thread now.... Still here? Ok, up front I would like to say I would really like Dunk's, Kitty's or preferably the creator Bioxx's feedback on what I'm going to discuss. I hope they follow the forums, even if 2 of them are very quiet these days. If they don't, maybe Kitty can you nudge them tl:dr: Scaling: found it, tweaked it, works well, has issues, looking for help! is responsible for the creation of the rock, trees, and pretty much everything you see in the game, except the actual layout of the "seed" landscape. I've yet to find anywhere that works, so I assume it's vanilla Minecraft stuff. As I said it's responsible for rock formation, which got me thinking as to how it did it. return this.rockCache[index].getDataLayerAt(rocksIndexLayer[index], x, y); This is how... so it relies on an x and y and seems to be the chunk reference, could be player, but I don't really care for this series of tests. Whatever is in the rockCache for this position is presented to the world. I created a world with a known seed, and get a feel for the landscape. I happened to be at an intersection of 3 rock types, ironic really... Then went in to the code and changed it to: return this.rockCache[index].getDataLayerAt(rocksIndexLayer[index], x * 10, y * 10); Sure enough the stone was completely different! not just scaled, but COMPLETELY different. Then I realised I was at a z of 7000. So I got to my original world, head to 0,0 and check out the stone layers. It's all one stone for a really long way. Make the change and see what happens... The stone layer changed pretty close to the spawn. I didn't want to go too far and see if it was the same shape as in all but north the stone went for a realllly long way. So, it's based from 0,0 and expands from there, this is good! I carry on tweaking the numbers and stone does indeed change, I went crazy and changed the scale to 100 and pretty much every chunk was a different stone. I'm getting pretty excited by now... until I realise debris was do I put it...screwed! Debris didn't match the stone it was over. So I fiddle more and scale pretty much all theLayerGeneratorData methods to include the same scale factor. This all seemed to work, except everything else is broken...climate is all screwed now. Locally it's fine, but go 1000-2000 north and it's tundra/arctic, go further and it's tropical! So, this is where I need a professional's opinion. I assume climate is related toloadEVTLayerGeneratorData? But thengetTreeLayerAtwould have a direct relationship to this. If you change the climate you'd need to change the seeded trees? But I don't want to change the climate in the same scale, only the stone. Somewhere in this is the Debris generator, but this doesn't seem to be linked to theloadRockLayerGeneratorDataas this didn't work on test 1 and 2. Regardless, could someone more intelegent than me please help me understand? My new world's are brilliant, new rocks every few hundred blocks or more if I want, but a little screwed up with regards to climate, unless you only worry about local changes and not the overall big picture, in which case it's fine. I've settled for "fine", but would like to understand a bit more, as I feel I've broken TFC's core. BTW,thanks for exposing your code and allowing me to do things like this. You don't have to, but from one nerd to another, I really appreciate that you have opened it up for a fantastic mod.
  22. Has WorldGen changed?

    I have a world which was created in version...old. I wanted to experiment with something and tried to recreate using the same seed in the latest version (with graphite fixes/changes). The world is COMPLETELY different. So, I assuming the changes to graphite spawning have affected the RNG of world creation, can someone confirm this? To resolve this can I create the world on a server using the old version (without any users logging into that world), then migrate that world to 79.15. Is the WorldGen enough to seed the new world in the old structure but use the new version of the graphite changes, or will the world diverge because of these changes as a user connects and creates new chunks??
  23. It works fine if you approach on foot, but I was excited to see how they looked, so I TP'd... It's not problem, there was only me and one other online and we were both there to check your rivers out. Mass chunk generation has a serious issue though. Interesting approach to the creation. It's completely the opposite to how I would have approached it... but I get where you're going with it. Water falls would be neat, rather than fully eroded mountains! I should generate the same world without the river mod to see what it should look like....maybe it was a weird area to start with?? I'm very excited to see how this progresses.
  24. How do i gather drinking water?

    I've never seen this problem drinking, but have experienced what Kitty said. Just move the cursor around while keeping the right mouse button pressed, eventually you'll get a slurp. Keep slurping...
  25. Djakuta, this is really painful on a server. I tried it last night, although not a great server it runs an unlimited TFC world with 5 people pretty comfortably. As the console announced a river I'd TP to it, and get disconnected. Try again...same thing.Single player was ok, so I just used that to explore. It LOOKS AMAZING, but needs a bit of a performance tweak before it's really usable. I was using: - seed -6532926471628831407 - tp 2905 165 -8647 (in creative or you'll fall into the river)This is near the mouth of a rather extensive network of rivers, if people want to see it in action. Rubbish seed though otherwise. Other comments, from the experiences of the seed above: - the rivers are very angular, straight, straight, 90 degree turn, straight, 90 degree again; Recommendation: would be great is they flowed a bit more naturally - the erosion of the landscape (I assume this is what you do) can be pretty extreme; in the example above there are quite a few 10 block high single thickness remains of mountains!Recommendation: smooth the remaining landscape a little to remove these odd looking pinnacles! - performance... even though the server didn't seem overly loaded, CPU was ok, memory use was ok, it mass-disconnected pretty much every time I TP'd to a river area. My guess is that the chunk generation somewhere goes crazy. - have I said: it looks AMAZING!! This is something Minecraft is lacking! I have some amazing river based TFC seeds; but flowing, height displaced, "naturally created", eroded rivers... wow. I can't wait to get my teeth into the code, to tweak this up.