Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. 0.79.28 nice starter seed

    seed: -824573480859063935 youre going to spawn on the sea so swim to the bigger island u see then youre going to find limonite ore , platinum ore and chalk if you explore a bit on the beach youre going to find lava and if explore a bit on the plains youre going to find copper nuggets and if explore more on the plains youre going to find a lake that u can drink water the only food you will find on that island its seaweed :/
  2. Silver from Galena Extraction After reading a forum post from user Udarytitled 'A use for Galena', he mentions a way to extract silver from the currently unused ore Galena. As I had never developed a mod before and I love playing TFC, I thought it a good idea to try a create a mod outlining the process Udary mentioned. After a little research on the subject I have created a mod that allows the user to extract Silver from Galena. The process is expensive in terms of the amount of silver returned from the Galena ore, but I did not want this extraction process to become the main source of silver. It was designed as a stop gap until a more viable source of Silver was found. Some ores are not used until later stages of TFC and I will be the first to admit that after investing a lot of time in a world, only to find some ores impossible to find can be frustrating. Nickel from Limonite Extraction In my current world I was unable to find two ores, Silver andGarnierite. I had already solved the problem of Silver, so now I needed a way to get Nickel. After a little research, I found that Nickel is present in Limonite. So working on a similar method as the Galena Extraction, I created a Nickel from Limonite extraction process. Again this process is expensive in terms of the amount of nickel returned from the Limonite ore. This was not designed to replace the main ore mining, but provide a way to get small amounts of nickel to move forward. Tucker Bag A new item called Tucker Bag that allows players to capture and release animals from one location to another. Evaporator Pan A new device that allows players to extract items from fluids via evaporation. Full Feature List 1. Silver extraction from Galena ore. 2. Nickel extraction from Limonite ore. 3. Transporting animals with Tucker Bags. 4. Extracting items from fluids via Evaporation. 5. Drying mat to dry fruit. 6.Alloy Calculator toallows players to check alloy combinations. 7. TFC Additions (To enable these, set the enableTerraFirmaCraftAdditions option to true in the config file "appdata.minecraftconfigudaryTFCUdaryMod.cfg") a. Additional Recipes * convert 1 x lumber to 8 x sticks. * ore breakup recipes using a hammer. 1 x 35 unit ore = 1 x 25 unit ore and 1 x 10 unit ore. 1 x 25 unit ore = 1 x 15 unit ore and 1 x 10 unit ore. b. Additional Items * Added bucket support for most of the TFC fluids. Right click an empty wooden bucket on a barrel/vessel that contains the fluid. * Added glass bottle support for most of the TFC fluids. Right click an empty glass bottle on a barrel/vessel that contains the fluid. * Added Bottled Water. Can be drunk to replenish your thirst. Right click an empty glass bottle on a barrel/vessel that contains FreshWater. * Added Bottled Milk. Can be drunk to replenish your thirst and diary level. Right click an empty glass bottle on a barrel/vessel that contains Milk. * Added Milk Jug. Can be drunk to replenish your thirst and diary level. Right click an empty ceramic jug on a barrel/vessel that contains Milk. c. Heat bar for the following items * Blooms * Ingots * Metal Sheets * UnfinishedArmor * Melted Metal (metal in molds) * Sand d. Hoe Detailed Growth Mode * When player has a agriculture skill level of expert or master, a more detailed growth mode is shown. Users Guides Silver from Galena - download Nickel from Limonite - download Tucker Bags - download Evaporation Pan - download Drying Mat -download Alloy Calculator - download TFC Additions - download NOTE:There is a config file that allows you to turn one or both of the mods on and off. They areonby default. I have zipped the mod and user guides together for easy downloading, just unzip and put the mod file into your mod folder. Feel free to include this in your modpack. Changelog: Current Version TFC 0.79.29 0.2.33(zip download, jar download) Note:This version is not compatible with TFC 0.79.28or earlier. Previous Versions
  3. Limonite in SMP

    Ok seems that placing limonite into a bloomery with plenty of coal, will cause it to eat up all the coal - overtime, of course - and come out with 0 output. Eventually the "Type:Limonite" will change to just "Type:" with the same amount of ore as first placed. Anyone else having this issue? EDIT: just tested it in a desert and mountain biome, temperature is not a factor. Neither smelted. EDIT: Ok tested with magnetite as well, they both seem to break the bloomeries.