Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bunsan

  1. [Not a Bug] Acacia leaves don't drop saplings

    Not a bug. Acacia and kapok trees do not have saplings you can get outside of cheating them in. Sequoia leaves don't drop saplings, but saplings will spawn in sequoia areas when the reforestation conditions are met.
  2. Pit kiln doesn't work as expected on multiplayer

    Are you holding right click? Of just clicking?
  3. [Use Provided Form]Modded Ores

    No you can't just make it transparent. The only way to make it adopt the surrounding rock texture is to write an addon to add in a bauxite ore. Same with the surface nuggets. TFC-Tech adds this, but does a ton of other things as well. I have a WIP addon that does it as well TechNode-Tools. It is incomplete though If you are only having it spawn in claystone I'd suggest making background claystone. The propick should work to detect, unless it was broken in latest updates. Also spawning fluids works fine. TFCOre.cfg doesn't care if it is an ore. All it cares is if it is a valid block id.As long as you give it the fluid block it works fine. I've done it with PneumaticCraft oil and TFC water in testing.
  4. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    So I realize you are running our other pack.The issue lies with finger in the wind mod. I've recently moved to other side of planet and am not set up yet. I don't believe finger in the wind needs to be on server, just client, but that is my bad memory. I'll poke AnodeCathode about it as he is one maintaining pack while I'm MIA and is the one who added that mod.
  5. There is a call to height adjusted temperature in the crucible tile entity code. Didn't look closely at it though. Likely it is just used to set the ambient temperature of the unlit crucible.
  6. forge10.13.0.1180

    Even if TFC were still being developed they would not back port to such an old version of forge.
  7. Bear Taming?

    Yes you can rope. However if you are close enough to rope you are likely dead. They eat raw fish. The only benefit is they aren't as likely to try and eat your face. They don't breed either so you can't get a baby to get full heart of familiarity.
  8. [Solved] Can't smelt using ceramic vessel

    There are numerous alloy calculators available not really necessary to do a guide. All % must be in correct range and obviously the % has to equal 100% I'm not sure how you'd do the math to equal anything else.
  9. [Solved] Can't smelt using ceramic vessel

    Only certain ores can be melted in ceramic vessels. Copper, bismuth, zinc, gold, silver etc. But not for example iron. If you are making alloys you must have the ore unit % within the proper range for the alloy. For example 8-12% tin and 88-92% copper. If the ratio isn't correct you get ores back instead of an unknown alloy.
  10. Digital Miner

    Digital miner has a few challenges. First you don't have the ore block to put in for filter. Our solution was to register the TFC ore blocks in the ore dictionary. We used tfcIron, tfcCopper, tfcGold etc. Then players use the ore dictionary filter in the digital miner. Be warned that with silk touch mode (Mek doesn't use vanilla silk touch mechanics) players can get the TFC ore block itself. Kitty has said that these blocks can corrupt saves. We've forked Mek for our pack and among other things blocked ability to silk touch ore blocks.
  11. [Solved] Fruit trees and /time set day

    If you've done it 20 times or more your world may have some very weird things happening. Some might not be visually apparent. Animals are the worst for it. You may have "adults" that have some NBT data of an animal that won't be born for years. So they won't breed or give milk/wool or drop any meat when killed. TFC depends on tracking the total ticks that have happened in the world. Time set day resets total world ticks to something like 6000. If you don't like nights then either run /time add 12000 to go 12 in game hours ahead or cheat in a bed. To fix your world it depends on how long you've been playing it. Maybe 5 years will fix it. Also I'd suggest TooMuchTime-TFC. It is a modified version we did for TFC. It gives long summer days and long winter nights. It means longer days at start of a world and by the time you are in winter you'll have light to be able to do more.
  12. MC Forge not opening.

    Possible it is pointing at a newer version of Java that 1.6.4 TFC isn't compatible with.
  13. [Outdated TFC Version] Server Crash from Anvil Usage

    Form Changelog. 0.79.24 Changelog Bug Fixes Fixed anvil crash when the arrows are lined up but the rules aren't met. You are using a very old out of date short lived version of TFC. Version 0.79.24 was push soon after due to that bug. Current version is 0.79.29.
  14. If you are doing a "fixer" addon we should chat. I have my WIP addon I've had on hold whilemoving. I really want to provide a good framework for pack makers/addon devs to work with for basics. Right now it is just worldgen of TFCesque ores and alloys.I'veaddedin the ingots sheets etc. I've also added metal blocks, nuggets, dustsand will add gears and rods. Nuggets I have as 10 units and they are crafted with chisel. I'm planning on adding a machine which players add in raw ores and outputs a 100 unit ore pile, which substitutes for standard ores ie oreIron, oreGold etc. The TFC mold stuff is limited in how it works/volumes you can use. I'd love to make either an addon to crucible or a new crucible that allows you to pour out into molds, maybe a bit like TiC.
  15. Fences and animal AI

    Animals always behave oddly with fences and partial blocks. Doubly so for mod fences/partial blocks. I've seen it in non-TFC as well.
  16. [Solved] Fruit trees and /time set day

    Yes newly plantedtrees will be fine... However. If you have done time set day a lot more than your fruit trees will be broken. All animals will have gone back in time so they may look like adults, but will be babies. Anything dependent on games total ticks will be messed up. Seasons might even be messed up. How old is your world? If new you might want to conciserrestarting. Otherwise you need to run /time add # to push your worldto the date it should be or later. The # is number of ticks to add. 24000 is a day. The number of ticks in a month and year depends on how many days per year in config. 96 days per year is default so a month is 8 days. I wouldn't push the time forward more than half a month at a time. Then give world time to catch up. 15-30 sec should do. This is because many calculations won't do all ticks in one go to keep from lagging client. If if you are SSPbefore you do this I would harvest all crops, empty inventory and try to move far enough away from all your stuff so that the chunks unload (if you are in spawn chunks then your stuff likely will rot to nothing). This is done so any food you have has a chance to not rot to nothing. Your player nutrition will be ruined. If SMP then harvest crops, log out and advance time via console.
  17. [SOLVED] Question about Modded Ore Compatibility

    Meta data is a separate field. You just need S:oreName=ImmersiveEngineering:ore
  18. Bug:When I heat the mold

    Remember for fire starter you hold right click, don't just click.
  19. [Solved] Can't feed animals

    I'd suggest either cheating in replacement animals or using NBTEdit in game tool. Look at the animals and run /nbtedit you'll see all the animals data. I'd suggest setting age to -200. Age is the game day they were born. Naturally spawned animals have a negative age so they are adults on generation.
  20. [Solved] Anvil hammer laying down/floating?

    Flat is fancy graphics and sticking up is fast graphics.
  21. Water update

    The various water issues are due to the way worldgen works. The ravines and such generate after the water. Falling sand/gravel do cause a block update only worldgen leaves the unupdated water. There really isn't a good way to fix these issues without delving into the web of worldgen code and would likely result in laggier worldgen. Not to mention TFC is not being updated anymore unless a major bug isfound.
  22. The 4c9459e commit should have fixed that. I can build it without issue, however I use IntelliJ and build using command line gradlew build. Prior to 4c9459e it was failing for me though.It was first changed in commit 99b8735. So if the current version on the repo won't build for you just revert the Blocks/BlockStair to what it was prior to that commit.
  23. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    LiteLoader is for voxel map. If you don't use that you don't need liteloader. It actually shouldn't even put it in your instance, but there is a bug with ATL where if you select an option with a dependency and then deselect it still keeps the dependency.
  24. Spawn normal monsters not from TFC?

    Your best bet is With characteristics of vanilla mobs you might as well play peaceful. They can't hurt you and bare fist easily kills them. Vanilla passive mobs are useless. You can't use most of the drops. The food items also can't be eaten.
  25. [Solved] Questions about gravity

    TFC sand, dirt, gravel and cobblestone. Vanilla and other mods blocks are not changed by TFC.