Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by VaiN

  1. I'd like to join in here with some ideas and examples from other mods.


    Some of the most awesome and believable environments I've seen in Minecraft are from Realistic World Generation + Biomes O' Plenty mods.


    TFC2 certainly doesn't need anything so extreme, but there are some concepts it uses that could possibly improve environmental aesthetics.


    One of my favorite things is the bushes:


    They are essentially just short trees (only one log). These really help to emphasize dryer areas that don't get enough rainfall for tall trees. I'm not familiar with how tree schematics work, but perhaps this could be accomplished by using the rainfall value to determine tree height?

    Also for dry areas, it doesn't necessarily have to be dry grass or desert. Another concept can be achieved by adding cactus and having trees with less leaves:


    Bushes can be added as undergrowth in forests to create lush areas (similar to vanilla jungle but less frequent):


    These could really help add to the believability, in having to slowly push your way through the brush or hack a path.

    Also in those screenshots you'll notice the smooth flowing hills. I really love those, but I understand that may not be possible with the current implementation of terrain generation. Worth a mention though.

    Snow-capped mountains are quite a sight too:


    Here's a good example of vines and moss in a swampy area:


    Anyways, just wanted to share some of these in case it helps inspire some creativity.


  2. It always crashes when trying to view recipes with the latest versions.I'll edit this post and attach a crash log in a little while, have to go to a meeting at work right now.Edit:

    See the + in the title? 0.79.17+ means it will work for any version after 79.17..

    FYI there's no need to be so condescending (you just lost a patreon pledge for that). I would have expected it to work too, but it wasn't.Since it was supposed to I went ahead and cleared everything out and set up the server again. I was able to locate the conflict and get it resolved.Thanks.

  3. We're having trouble getting this to work on my family's server. It's working just fine for me in single-player, but the exact same structure (same as in OP) in multiplayer is always saying "the cellar is not complete or is not chilled yet". I'm not really sure how to troubleshoot this, but I'd really like to get it working.

    Current Mods:






    Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.0 - MC 1.7.10.jar











    No errors in the logs, or anything out of the ordinary. I'm not really sure why it would work fine in single-player and not multiplayer. If you have any thoughts let me know.


  4. There's already a perfectly good alternative to wood when it comes to heat:



    peat can be used as fuel. It has industrial importance as a fuel in some countries, such as Ireland and Finland, where it is harvested on an industrial scale. In many countries, including Ireland and Scotland, where trees are often scarce, peat is traditionally used for cooking and domestic heating. Stacks of drying peat dug from the bogs can still be seen in some rural areas.




    That's not to say that alcohol as a fuel wouldn't be useful. It works for lamps anyway. But for heat, wood and peat are sufficient and fitting.


  5. I've experienced this issue many times and it's quite frustrating. When it happens, you can't drink without a jug no matter what. It's not user error. It usually fixes itself eventually, but sometimes persists for a long time. Reloading or re-generating the world sometimes helps. I've not been able to determine any cause, commonality, or way to reproduce it. Once it starts working it stays working as far as I can tell.


    This can definitely confuse new players who may not realize it's not working correctly. If it can't be found and fixed then maybe a note about it on the wiki would suffice?


    You can see it here:


  6. A sluice probably shouldn't be a prospecting tool. Nor does that make much sense within the mechanics of this mod. It should be used to extract ore, that's exactly what a sluice is for (and it's not "free" either way). By the time you can craft a sluice you can also craft a propick which is far faster for prospecting even with low skills.


    A gold pan is a prospecting tool. It's primary purpose is to check if there's anything of value in a small area, then you would use a sluice to extract it.  It's about as backwards as it can be right now. It doesn't really make sense to be able to make a gold pan or a sluice in the stone age, and so I understand we need something to start with. I'm just pointing out that the logic is a bit skewed.


    If believability is the goal, it would be more believable the other way around. But again, it wouldn't matter what everyone thinks if we could configure it how we like.


  7. MCServer is already playable with Minecraft, it's just lacking important features like A.I. and such. It's a lot of work but if you watch their IRC channel it's constantly spamming commits so at least they are active. Also, the mods/plugins are made with Lua. Anyone with basic programming knowledge can pick up Lua fast enough that I don't really see it being any huge setback. It would be starting fresh, but I think it would be worth it. It would also mean a larger community of modders as Lua is far easier to get started with. I won't jump into the C++ vs Java performance debate, there's plenty of other more suitable places for that and it's a tired old story. I don't expect this to take off without some huge updates and a major promotion effort. Again, just wishful thinking, and worth a mention.

    I do agree that sponge is far more likely to see success and I'm hopeful for it. With the support of Forge it is likely to be a far better option than anything we've seen thus far. And I'd certainly love to not have to deal with hackish wrappers to run separate API's just to get the needed MP features. Until Mojang stops slacking on the official API there won't be any standard. Hopefully something takes precedence so we don't have to worry about these issues. Right now it's most likely going to be sponge since that's what everyone is backing.

    It may be worth poking around the API to see how things will work, but if it's going to have forge support than it may not be too drastic a difference to worry about yet. I doubt the forge side of things will stray too far from it's own API. This early in the game things are bound to be shifting around and changing dramatically, and without a proper testing platform there's not much more anyone can do than glance.


  8. Bit early for anything more than a glance. Unless you are wanting them to join the development of it. Personally I'd rather they just stick to bug fixes and improvements using what's currently stable. I gave up on the MP side of things. For a small group of trusted friends/family it's great without the extra fluff, but for a huge community there aren't really any good options available presently.


    While we're on the topic of MC server projects...

    I'd rather see the MC community be excited about something with more potential like MCServer as the performance benefits of C++/Lua would be exponential, not to mention how much less resources would be needed. This would mean smoother gameplay and less cost to hosts. But it doesn't seem to get much mention anywhere. Just because the game is made with Java doesn't mean the server should be. Just saying.. But convincing a crowd of Java dev's to leap over to C++ is a hell of an undertaking in itself. On the other hand, Lua for plugins would mean potential for larger plugins, with better performance, at a fraction of the development time. It's all just wishful thinking in it's present state though, like everything else. I'm not going to hold my breath for it at any rate.


  9. I agree whole-heartedly. Sadly I doubt it matters. There are plenty of arguments about other features as well. But there are reasons for why it is the way it is.


    I'd just like to be able to configure these things myself is all. If we could get values exposed in the config for panning and sluicing thresholds that would be awesome.


  10. I can confirm it absolutely does help. Hadn't used it in the past and this issue was basically unbearable. I recently upgraded to all the latest versions of everything and even added an SSD drive to my setup. I honestly forgot that it was ever even an issue. I have not had a single dip in frame rate for more than a split second while generating terrain, and I'm also using JourneyMap (webserver off).  :)


  11. More exposed ores than I've ever seen before. Thanks for sharing this seed, EastAPOLO.

    Here are some interesting screenshots from my travels:

    Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

    I also have yet to find any graphite. Been searching for a long while now. I've found large biomes of gneiss and marble, but still none of that elusive mineral.


  12. I have to agree about the seed generation. I'd like to point out that I really do like the concept of it, but sometimes you get a world that just doesn't have what you need. For example, our multiplayer server we had one world where there was no clay, another where there was no copper (panning worked out okay) and also no cows. Being stuck without a resource can easily leave you trapped in an age with no way to advance short of finding a needle in a stack of hay stacks, or with no way to gain your full max hp potential (lack of dairy). I ended up trying over 15 seeds in single-player before finding one that seemed decent enough to use for the server. Things have been great since then. I think the lack of land, and really large biomes makes the chances slim to find a world that has everything you'd need by default.


    I definitely do not envy the dev's in trying to find a balance for all of the wonderful content they've added. I do salute them in their efforts though.


  13. i understand the butcher skill as far as cleaning a fish, but that shouldn't mean you can't catch a big fish.. it makes sense to skip the cleaning step with large animals as there's not really any mechanics built-in to make that believable. but you could most certainly catch a raw fish and carry it in your inventory. the reason i mentioned this is that the 'butcher' in your team in a multiplayer game wouldn't have to be a fisherman if someone could catch raw fish and bring them back to be cleaned. that would certainly be more believable to me than fighting to land a 0.3oz fish for hours.


    if you want to make fishing less exploitable without nerfing it so much, you could also consider adding bait. for example digging for worms in grass-covered dirt or something. by controlling the spawn rates of bait you could control the amount of fishing being done without taking away from the experience itself.


  14. I really enjoy the fishing mechanics. It makes it far less boring than vanilla. But it's far too tedious to justify actually doing it. I spent an entire in-game day once fighting a fish only to have the line break anyway. I threw the pole in the lake and never bothered with it again. I can far more easily, and quickly, dive in and use a weapon. It's a shame really, because I'd much rather use a pole and stay dry, but the protein you actually get when you finally get a fish doesn't justify the time it takes. At least until you get your butcher skill up (which has nothing to do with fishing IMO).


    Is there a way to tweak the settings for this?
