Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bletch

  1. Can you provide any more information? 1. Which version of TFC are you using? 2. Which version of the mod are you using? 3. What exactly do you mean the game crashes? Can you provide me a crash log? Sorry for the delay, being xmas time and all, we went away. I will have a look for you and report back.
  2. subarctic_guy, Glad you like the mod. Attempted answers: 1. Dried food decay rate is slower than normal food. It uses the same dried mechanic as meat does, not sure what the dried rate is, as that is defined in TFC. Yes, drying mats are food preservation tools. 2. I am not really sure how the whole nutrition profile works 100%, but yes I think it does have the same effect. 3. As for the hunger, no I think the hunger works off the amount of food, not the quality. But again I could be wrong here and only testing it would say for sure. I idea behind the drying mat was to make fruits and veges last longer in the earlier stages of the game. As you start planting more crops you do not really use it as much, as you just pick what you want, whenever you want from your crops. No real need to preserve. I hope this clears it up a little, if not let me know.
  3. Have just created a new guide for the Alloy Calculator. I have also added it to the zip file of the current version. If you want to download the guide only, a link has been added to the first post. As always, enjoy.
  4. I have updated the first post to include links to the user guides that are included in the zip file. I you download only the jar file, then you would not have gotten them. The user guides provide all the information on how to craft and use. It also provides the rules (if any) on their use. Let me know if you need any more information.
  5. New version released (0.2.29) that is compatible withTFC 0.79.26. Note: Milk Jug & Milk Bottle, fixed bug caused by changes with the food interface in TFC 79.26. Note: The new version is not compatible with TFC 0.79.25 or earlier. As always, enjoy.
  6. I am not re-registering the gems. I am not sure why you get that impression. If you check the TFC ore dictionary code, they only register the chipped gems as a collective (lines 257-269). I have added new ore dictionary entries to register the Flawed, Normal, Flawless and Exquisite gems as a collective as I have recipes that use these ore dictionary entries, as well as the TFC registered one (chipped). Should TFC remove the chipped ore dictionary entry in the future, not saying they will but if they did, some of my recipes would stop working. So I check that the chipped ore dictionary entry exists and if not add them, otherwise I skip it. I do not see anything wrong with what I am doing, it does not impact the TFC ore dictionary entries AT ALL or change them. Also please explain why this mod would become less compatible?
  7. I am not sure how I can help you here. If you are using a substitution alias (I have tried to use them but failed each time and would never use again), you would only be using the ore dictionary entries defined by TFC. As I do not modify any of the TFC ore dictionary entries and the method in question skips the adding of the TFC gems to the re dictionary if they already exist, I cannot understand why this mod would cause you any problems. I am still trying to understand why you are suggesting this mod is at fault and why you said 'I'm pretty sure that code is worse than redundant, and is in factactively breaking the main TFC ore dictionary entries.'
  8. I have just tested the creation of the protection meter in both single player and multi player and both work fine. Could you be more specific as to the bug and what happens? Are you able to provide a exception log? I have also checked the code you are questioning, I do not register TFC gems that are already in the ore dictionary. I have a very specific check in the code to skip the duplication. I have created a few of my own ore dictionary entries that include the TFC gems, these are not used by TFC at all, and I am unable to see how that would impact your game.
  9. 1. The Alloy Calculator is used to calculate which ore and how much ore is required to make alloys. You require 5 pieces of lumbar and 1 gem (any type). If you look at the change log notes for the0.2.13version, you can see the details. 2. The calculator activated by added ore chunks into the slots. It updates the calculator display each time an ore chunk is added/removed. 3. It uses the TFC glass bottle. I have just added additional fluid sources the glass bottle can pickup. 4. The glass bottle holds only 250 units. The ceramic jug hold 1000 units.
  10. TonyLiberatto, I have not done extensive 0.79.24 testing only. I have only just updated my server to 0.79.24, when the other users were experiencing the problems. I have applied a fix and am now using it on my server and all seems fine so far. As far as I am concerned the current version of my mod (0.2.28) is now compatible with 0.79.23 and 0.79.24. I am always happy to fix any bugs people find with the mod, just add them to this post. Thanks
  11. New version released (0.2.28) that is compatible withTFC 0.79.23. Note: The new version fixes a loading bug when used with TFC 0.79.24. As always, enjoy. AnonCrafter, Not sure why this caused a problem with 0.79.24 and not 0.79.23, but I have implemented a fix for this. Can you download and let me know if it fixes it for you. Thanks
  12. New version released (0.2.27) that is compatible withTFC 0.79.23. Note: The new version is not compatible with TFC 0.79.22 or earlier. As always, enjoy.
  13. ATTENTION: Addon Developers

    Kitty, are there likely to be any further changes that could break mod compatability? Or have you made them all now?
  14. Do You use any TFC Addons?

    I have been playing TFC since 78 and have only started modding TFC in 79. I enjoy playing TFC with and without mods. I myself wrote a mod that assists people in their day to day in game life and was born out of a need to change or enhance the players experience of TFC. I wrote the mod with the intention of trying to stay true with the TFC vision. As for playing with mods along side TFC I am very selective as I feel some mods enhance the experience and some mods change the experience in good and bad ways. All in all I think that having mods available to use and adding them at the players/ servers discretion is a good thing and allows players to enjoy TFC how they want. I am grateful that we have a great base mod in TFC to build from and explore new ideas. Also that we have such active mod developers to spice up TFC in different ways.
  15. Thanks for confirming Waz. I will need to have a good think about what is happening and why it is not working. Question - did you have the problem move ore around inside the calc Gui or transferring them to and from the gui and your inventory? Question 2 - are you playing single player or dedicated server? Again thanks
  16. New version released (0.2.26) that is compatible withTFC 0.79.22. Note: The new version is not compatible with TFC 0.79.21 or earlier. As always, enjoy. LordOfWolves, I believe I have found the problem with the alloy calculator eating your ore. I have fixed itin the new version (0.2.26).Can you please do some checking for me to confirm. Thanks. TonyLiberatto, I have added some extra checks, in the new version (0.2.26),around the tucker bag to try and prevent players from capturing other players. Thanks Red3Tango, after a little thought I decided that there should not be any reason why the tucker bag should not be able to pickup Bears, Deer, Pheasants and Wolves. So in the new version (0.2.26) I have added them along with a config option for each to turn them on/off. I default the new four animals to OFF. Just change in your config file. Thanks CheeseAlmighty, your suggestion and images seemed perfectly logical. I did not include them initially as it was not a requirement of the person that made the suggestion. But I have added ALL vegetable to the drying mat along with the existing fruits in the new version (0.2.26). They work the same way as the fruit, once dried they reduce in size by half. The only item not included is the Soy Bean, as in TFC it is defined as protein, not vegetable. Thanks for the suggestion. Morok, your issue should now be fixed in the new version (0.2.26). Can you please do some checking for me to confirm.Thanks Waz, I have made some changes to the alloy calculator in an attempt to fix the bug were you loss the items. Was able to reproduce the bug initially and with the new version (0.2.26) I am unable to reproduce it. Can you please do some checking for me to confirm. Thanks.
  17. Morok, I have found the code in question and there is no null check, have added one to the code and a few other places where theFloraManager is called. Stupid mistake, should have added the check in the first place. I am currently trying to get the 21 & 22 setup in my dev environment in order to test the changes, and also figure out why the problem occurred in the first place. Should not be to long now. Thanks for the bug report too. Waz, Thanks for the information, just setting up my dev environment with 21 & 22 to test your findings. It appears as though my merge stacks function might be flakey Hopefully should not take long to fix.
  18. No there is not. The wolves are able to be tamed and follow you so I did not bother. The tucker bag has the ability to be added to, to allow other EntityAnimal classes to be registered. I do not allow non passive animals to be picked up though, like skeleton and creepers etc.
  19. Capturing and releasing animals are both done using the right click. Releasing can be a little tricky, best way to release is to walk to the position you want to release, look upwards (so not straight ahead) and then right click when the bag is in your hand. It takes a little practise but I do a check if there is something in the way of you and about 1m in front, in your viewing direction, then the release fails. That is why if you look up a little you should be good to release. Remember to release the tucker bag must be equipped in your hand.
  20. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    just stumbling through, reading TFC and other mod code to work out what is happening and why.
  21. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    these are OreDictionary strings defined by the TFC devs. When you use the strings instead of an item or block, it allows the player to specify any of the items/block defined in the ore dictionary with that key. Keep in mind that the user can mixes planks types using this method. If you look in the file under the core folder of the TFC code, you will see all the ore dictionary definitions.
  22. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    try this To use Lumber - GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.itemPistonBase), new Object[]{" ","PRP","PPP", 'P', "woodLumber", 'R',}); To use Planks - GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.itemPistonBase), new Object[]{" ","PRP","PPP", 'P', "plankWood", 'R',});
  23. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    There are two java classes for the ores, they are ItemOre (15, 25 & 35 unit ores) and ItemOreSmall (10 unit ores), they are under the/src/Common/com/bioxx/tfc/Items folder. The meta used for each ore is based on it's position in a metanames array in the class. MetaNames = new String[]{"Native Copper", "Native Gold", "Native Platinum", "Hematite", "Native Silver", "Cassiterite", "Galena", "Bismuthinite", "Garnierite","Malachite", "Magnetite", "Limonite", "Sphalerite", "Tetrahedrite","Bituminous Coal", "Lignite", "Kaolinite", "Gypsum", "Satinspar", "Selenite", "Graphite", "Kimberlite",/*22*/"Petrified Wood", "Sulfur", "Jet", "Microcline", "Pitchblende", "Cinnabar", "Cryolite", "Saltpeter", "Serpentine", "Sylvite",/*32*/"Borax", "Olivine", "Lapis Lazuli", "Rich Native Copper", "Rich Native Gold", "Rich Native Platinum", "Rich Hematite","Rich Native Silver", "Rich Cassiterite", "Rich Galena", "Rich Bismuthinite", "Rich Garnierite", "Rich Malachite","Rich Magnetite", "Rich Limonite", "Rich Sphalerite", "Rich Tetrahedrite","Poor Native Copper", "Poor Native Gold", "Poor Native Platinum", "Poor Hematite","Poor Native Silver", "Poor Cassiterite", "Poor Galena", "Poor Bismuthinite", "Poor Garnierite", "Poor Malachite","Poor Magnetite", "Poor Limonite", "Poor Sphalerite", "Poor Tetrahedrite"};In your case by counting through to find the first instance of Magnetite you would get 10 (arrays are 0 based). At the bottom of the class you will find a method calledGetMetalReturnAmount. This is a big case statement of the return metal amounts for each of the ores.Find 10 and it returnsTFCOptions.normalOreUnits (25).Starting at 35 (the first number of the next case section) count the same number down and you get the rich ore meta number. In this case 45 is Magnetite (35 units).Starting at 49 (the first number of the next case section)count the same number down and you get the poor ore meta number. In this case 59 is Magnetite (15 units).To get the small ore meta, use the same as the normal, in this case 10.So Magnetite is meta values 10, 45 and 59.To use them in a recipe you create an ItemStack and the meta number is the third parameter. E.g.ItemStack smallMagnetite = new ItemStack(TFCItems.SmallOreChunk, 1, 10); // 10 unit oreItemStack poorMagnetite = new ItemStack(TFCItems.OreChunk, 1, 59); // 15 unit oreItemStack normalMagnetite = new ItemStack(TFCItems.OreChunk, 1, 10); // 25 unit oreItemStack richMagnetite = new ItemStack(TFCItems.OreChunk, 1, 45); // 35 unit oreI hope this help a little.
  24. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    There are three places the initialise anvil method is called. I am unable to tell you where at the moment but searching for the method should let you know. As for the recipes and plan they seem fine to me. Can you check something Start your mod, debug mode and log into a world. Look for the console output generated by the initialiseAnvil method.