Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bletch

  1. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    The initialAnvil should not be called during the initialise but when you log into a world. The template code I provided already has this in place. Also how do you know it is not working? What is going wrong?
  2. Thanks for the information. I will have a look and see if I can fix it. Questions 1. When you add the last piece of ore, the one that gets eaten, are you using the gui interface to add it? 2. Does it always get eaten or is it only sometimes?
  3. Animal Plus working?

    I have released a new version of my bridging mod with some bug fixes and changes.
  4. Animal Plus working?

    Ok, I have finished the mod and created a new thread topic - Animals Plus Mod. Just remember, I encountered a bigger spawn rate with some animals in TFC than I did in Vanilla Minecraft, which is why I included the config file to adjust the spawn values. I have set the default values to the ones used in the Animals+ mod. I also built it against TFC 79.18 as this is the current version I am playing with, it should work for earlier versions (79.17, 79.16, 79.15 etc) and will work for newer versions (79.19, 79.20). Let me know how you go, and thanks for highlighting this great mod. I am loving walking around TFC worlds with new creatures.
  5. Animal Plus working?

    Well I have had success it spawning the animals into the TFC world. The Vanilla numbers used in the mod are a little weird when used in TFC, I am getting butterflys, crickets and centipedes by the truck load. I have left the numbers the same as the Vanilla mod. Because of this, I have created a full config file allowing you to modify the values to suit you. This is something that the mod developer could add to the mod for vanilla. I am going to create a new thread for you, for the addon I created.
  6. Animal Plus working?

    While you are at it, ask them if they might provide us with a deobf version of the 1.2 version (minecraft 1.7.10) of the mod, in case they don't want to include the biomes. Looking at the TFC biomes, the TFC animals are added when certain temp and rainfall conditions are met, so not as straight forward as vanilla minecraft.
  7. Animal Plus working?

    I have just downloaded the Animals Plus mod, and got it working nicely with vanilla Minecraft. When I try with TFC it DOES NOT work at all. So I investigated a little and found that when Animals Plus loads up, the animals are registered against Vanilla Minecraft Biomes which are different to TFC biomes. So without a bridging mod to add the Animals Plus animals to the TFC Biomes, you will NEVER see them. I have for a long time been bored with both Vanilla and TFC lack of ambient animals, insects etc. So when one or more of these mods comes along, I am happy to use it. I am going to investigate how hard it would be to create a bridging mod to add the Animals to the TFC biomes. I will keep you posted.
  8. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    glad that was all it was, I was stumped otherwise! So everything is good now?
  9. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Can you clarify, the name of the file in your add-on folder is build.prop not build.props? Are you running the setup.bat file within Windows Explorer or Eclipse?
  10. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Is you add-on in the sub-folder TFCTemplateMod?
  11. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    would it be possible to post a screenshot of the dos window when you run setup.bat? I would like to see the error. A question for you, in my previous email on how to update I included this line,-forge_version= +forge_version= you just update the forge version or copy the whole line? If you copied the whole line, check if it has the + symbol at the start. If so, remove it.
  12. New version released (0.2.25) that is compatible with TFC 0.79.20 and Forge10.13.4.1448. Note: The new version is not compatible with TFC 0.79.19 or earlier. As always, enjoy.
  13. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Just a heads up, it looks as though 79.20 is ready to be released. This change also has a forge upgrade. I do not cover this in the document. Note: After this is done, you may not be able to build this against 79.19. 1. Open the build.props file of your add-on. 2. change the following line - -forge_version= +forge_version= 3. Double-click the setup.bat file. This will start gradle and download the new forge libraries. Note: only do this when 79.20 has been released, you have downloaded the release zip file and setup 79.20 in your workspace using the document. Let me know if you need any help.
  14. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    I created the template mod after my first add-on. As I mention in the document, it may not be the best way, but it works for me. I have spent quite a lot of time developing my first mod and am about to start another and needed a template to create the new one from. Setting up the main classes was painful the first time, so I just stripped down a copy of my current mod. As new versions of TFC are released, just follow the TFC setup in the document to add them to your workspace. Currently in my workspace I have TFC 79.15, 79.17, 79.18 and 79.19. Using the project reference (Configure Add-on Build Settings, page 22 and on) you can change the version of TFC you debug against. Which is great for testing against older versions of TFC. NOTE:If you do this though, always remember to update the DEBOF file in the libs folder of your add-on when building against a different version. Now the hard work starts. The best place to learn is trolling through the TFC code. Find something similar to what you want to build in TFC and study it. Good luck!
  15. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    I have updated the document to include the proxy issue and have included a section on how to build both TFC and your add-on.
  16. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Sorry guys, just logged on. Have you solved ALL the problems or are you still having trouble? 1. 79.20 should have worked, you should be able to download the current code zip and follow the document. I never do this as the dev build is currently changing and hard to keep applying the new changes. I just wait until they do their releases now. 2. I left something important out of the document - Building your add-on. I will add that section and re-upload the document. 3. ModCommonProxy & ModClientProxy are referenced as STRINGS in the main java class. This will NOT cause compile errors but will cause runtime errors. I might add a point to the rename section to get those. Can you make any suggestions for the document?
  17. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    I would just like to say that it is quite a huge task getting the environment working when you are new to it all. I myself had a lot of problem and received no help at all when asked. The problems I had did not concern TFC but to the lwjgl library. Anyway, I have created a document and a template project that you can use to start your development. I have constructed the document in order for me to setup new add-ons when needed. The template project is empty except some main java classes. Document Link - here Template Link - here Let me know how you go with it.
  18. New version released (0.2.24) with some bug fixes and some WAILA cleanup. As always, enjoy.
  19. I have fixed the issue you are experiencing in 0.2.22. But when I installed your mod pack and changed the config file to turn off the Limonite and Galena extraction, another bug was raised with the Sulfuric and Nitric acid, which I fixed in 0.2.23. If you update to 0.2.23 the problems with my mod should go away.
  20. New version released (0.2.22) with some bug fixes introduced in the last version and some new WAILA information. As always, enjoy.
  21. Wooden buckets and barrel liquids

    I was also annoyed with the inability to move small amounts of liquids without moving the whole barrel. And the number of times I picked up a barrel without sealing it first and losing the contents . They do not have to be hard coded with their own separate textures. If they used the glass bottle example with an overlay, only two textures would be needed for all of them. And yes, it is as easy as registering them as a fluid container. It is easy to add, and the reason I know it is, is because I have added them to my mod. I added the ability to move most of the fluids with bottles and buckets. If the buckets used an overlay texture like the glass bottles do, then this would not be a problem. Something else that I found weird, you can move a bucket of water 1000mB without any problem, but moving a barrel of water 1000mB requires you to put it on your back. You can carry heaps of buckets of water without a problem.
  22. New version released (0.2.21) with a new drying mat. I hope you like it - enjoy. The idea behind this addon was this forum post. NOTE: I have separated out the alloy calculator into it's own config option.
  23. Grass Mat Dry Fruit

    All done. The new version of my mod (0.2.21)with the new drying mat has been released. I hope you like it - enjoy. My mod page is here.
  24. Grass Mat Dry Fruit

    Djakuta, I think your idea of a drying mat is great. The idea to dry fruits and make them last longer seems like a Believable idea and one that is worth exploring. I have completed what I hope is an acceptable solution to your suggestion and hope to release it in the next few days. I want to load it on my server and test it out extensively first. 1. I have used a thatch mat, instead of grass. You use a knife on a thatch block to get two drying mats. 2. I have included all fruits to the drying process. 3. While the fruit is drying, the decay rate is set to 3/4. 4. If it rains on the drying mat, any fruit will decay at 3 times the rate (spoils quicker), this also includes dried fruits. 5. Once the fruit has completed drying, the quantity is halved and the taste profile is doubled. 6. Dried fruit looks the same as the normal fruit, just adds 'Dried' to the start of the fruit name. 7. I have also implemented a recipe system behind it, so adding other items to be dried can be done without to much fuss. I am also in the process of creating a user guide for it. When I am done, you can download the addon from my mod post - Udary Mod in the Addons section.
  25. New version released (0.2.20) with a tucker bag addon update. See the first post for more details.