Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by yubyub96

  1. I like this idea but i like more what renadi said, an inventory space like in diablo 2 or 3, and perhaps make more pile like log piles, for example: placing an ingot on a chest will be a waste because it will take most of the space, but if you click on the ground it will appear like a loose stone block, but with the ingot texture, and you can put more and more ingots in a single block, just to make space a bit more believable.

    Also for moving stuff, we need a wheelbarrow to be the cheap minecart, it will move slowly and it will need a premade road, with half-block instead of a 1block jump.

    And to lift stuff you can make a crane, it will be easier than making a road for your wheelbarrow.


  2. >___> either Bioxx left that in by mistake or he's teasing you mercilessly...

    I figure since Bioxx spilled the beans I don't have to keep secrets any more.

    This was his plan for wood all along, he originally showed me a picture of what he was trying to do:

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    IM gonna cry like a little girl if this is added, PLZ! PLZ! do!!!!

    just imagine the opportunities.


  3. Very very interesting idea, i would like to see some use for that garbage, but not an easy use, something that should really make you work to get something good out of that garbage, like incinerating wood to create fertilizer, or maybe do something with slag and gravel, but something hard to do, so its still garbage, and not just more usable things. i hope you can understand what im saying, give garbage an use, but to get to that use you will have to work hard.


  4. it takes a year, but if you use the /time set 0 it will reset the years so it wont work, also the terrain can have something to do with it.


  5. MMM i have a good idea to balance heavy and light helmets, its quite simple, just make the screen like the pumpkin but with the borders of a helmet, that will make you feel like if you were actually wearing a helmet and a very heavy one, for example a frogmouth helmet(i think thats the name) it will only let you see through an small horizontal gap, but will bring you lots and lots of protection.


  6. I like the idea of more types of armors, like light, medium and heavy.

    But this will need a new block, the working table, to make leather and gambleson stick together and to make gambleson out of wool, something like a sewing table. with an spinning wheel to make string out of wool. would be very interesting.


  7. This TP is amazing. I just found Jamziwhatever's channel on YouTube, making some amazing medieval houses with thatch rooves now. Cheers dude.

    Jamziboy minecraft.... whoa that guy is the best! he made me the awesome builder i am today, and if you saw some of his previous videos(1 year ago) you will see that they look like that thatched house on the OP.

    Im glad you like the pack, download it, play with it and please give me any feedback you may have, really anything works.


  8. Hey people just wanted to say that i fixed some issues that the TP had, now everything should work as normal, please tell me if you have any other problem please let me know.

    b68 changed some thing with the TP settings.


  9. yea, egyptians had pressurized water ;) naah, they just threw a bucket of water on a wooden wedge, because everything is so dry there the ood soaks it up and expands incredibly, (could be a limiter on the object, the effect based on humidity)

    Thanks for the information.

    About pressurized water, the egyptians might not have it, but the greeks and one of the civilizations on whats now Turkey had pumps to drain out all the water from their ships and later on to shoot people with greek fire.So i thought that the egyptians may have that tech as well.


  10. Isn't this sort of the idea already behind the chisel though? I mean if you have a metal chisel and hammer, you basically have a wedge... so maybe not introducing a new item, but just something else the chisel does but requiring more than one in your inventory. Interesting idea for a mechanic though.

    Yeah pretty much but chisels have a wooden part and are just one, you need at leas 2 for each side attached to the stone, and the have to be made entirely of metal.

  11. an interesting fact about wedges, the egyptians used them to get their blocks for the pyramids, just hammer a couple of em in the stone in the right shape, pour water on it, they expand, rock cracks, and voila, one pure bigass stone.

    on a gameplay aspect, the idea seems nice but the workout is sloppy, they should work kind of like if you hammer em into the ground and actually pour water on them, they break some blocks in a certain direction (as i'd see them be used)

    Yeah i will edit the post and make a clearer statement of how do you use them.

    How do you mean they pour water? they threw a bucket of water? or pressurized water? how does that works?


  12. Well first i have to say that im not a native english speaker so please excuse any grammar mistake,also about the name of the tool, im not entirely sure thats the name i want but i'll explain that in a sec.

    The Wedge

    Its function will be to make raw stone mining a bit easier, the wedge is like a chisel but smaller and you will need more than just one to get a piece of raw stone.

    The plan for it will go a bit like this:

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    And once its done in the anvil it will give you a set of mining wedges, they will work in the following way: you must have a hammer in your inventory and when you find a bit of stone that is with at least 3 of its sides free, some examples of blocks apt for the wedge,the ones with a wooden button are the block you want to take, the one with the stone one is impossible to take

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    This will make raw stone gathering still a bit of a challenge.

    Now for the actual placement of the wedges i suggest a new tool, the wooden hammer or a mallet ( will be made with a stick bellow a block of wood(i leave this open to discussion).

    Now this new tool will have to be on your hotbar to work with the wedges, first you place the wedges, just like if you were placing a lever or a button, and then you take the mallet and hit it wiht the right-button until they are completely stuck on the stone,this will be made with a model for wedges around the corners, like this:

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    After this you will get the stone block.


  13. Hey yubyub, the unfinished armor has no texture...'sup with that? <3

    mmm i will have to check that.Thanks for telling me.

    Edit: just checked them out, they are fine, it must be a problem with you jar or something else.Do you meant theres no item textures?


  14. Hey you are using my pack! thats awesome! do you have any feedback?

    Your world looks cool, TFC needs more screenshots, theres few people who like to show of their creations.


  15. for the sense of using stone to make the table, i would go with the stone one.

    Also, it may be stone age but your detail does reflect a artistic side of that time considering a lot of famous sculptors lived during that time. just a point

    Texture packs are free expression of the author and he can make every theme he wants. If you want a texture that reflects TFC, you need to search another. With this I mean that every texture author can make the texture that he wants ok :) ?

    Thanks for your replies but i was just asking which one did you guys preferred, i think i will go with the stone one, it just makes more sense to me.


  16. I mean the tree, i like those of blockhead :)

    i'm impatient to see your work to replace blockhead's texture.

    look i just made some textures for the metallurgy table, but i have two of them,which do you think its better? here they are:

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