Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by flyingdutchman

  1. I know this is an old post, but We ran into the same problem on our server. With 79.18 it is still possible to duplicate the clay items infinitly with only 5 clay.

    knapping does not have the same issue.

    The question. Will this be solved? There had been no response yet from the dev. Team do i wondered if they were aware of the problem.

    Thabk you!


  2. Our HQM quest book is finished.

    it contains all the mission to guide you through tfc and our mods and also some really hard challenges for advanced players. We are now alpha testing with some of our members and will release it on the server soon!!


  3. It would be great if you could pull this off! One thing i noticed though that seemed worth considering:

    "Thaumium will be made in much the same way as it is in vanilla Thaumcraft, but can be made with either a Wrought Iron ingot or a Platinum ingot."

    I hope you considered that iron needs the bloomery to be made, while platinum can be smelted in a crucible without the need of a bloomery. Thus even though being high tier, is lower down the techladder.


  4. A simple solution is the jack o lanterns. They dont burn out. I use the decorations add on which features lanternsthat look really nice, are realistic and above all dont burn out.


  5. Hi!

    Actually on our server ( we are working with the same idea atm but indeed there are some issues.

    as far as the recipes go, the solution is easy. Look into minetweaker, a handy ptogram that allows you to change, remove or add recipes. In this way we allready have woolblocks on the server and the boatblocks can be crafted.

    other issues like water converting to vanilla water and the crashes caused by tfc chests when you try to open them when the ship is assembled are a but harder. Last time i spoke to aleksey terzi (known from the decorations and merchants add-ons) was thinking about writing a plug-in to make it all work. Check our pages if you are interested.

    i can only assume the tfc devs have enough work without introducing new mods to tfc, so i think our hopes will be with external coders.


  6. I dont want to go into all the skills seperately, some are good suggestions, other not so. I want to point out that skill usually is a combination of both muscle memory and knowledge, depending on what skill we are talking about.

    So it would make sense to aquire skills in some way. Knowlegde is very limited in games, as the mechanics of a game have their limitations. That is why devs came up with the idea of XP, combining both muscle memory and knowledge into something called a skill.

    A good example would be archery, i tried this with little succes. A lot depend on how you move your body, breathe, how you hold the string, how you release it.... things that would be no fun to actually all have to do in a game, translate this to a skill and you have an experience bar that combines all this little details into something you can master without having to go through all the details.


    Second of all i think it would be cool to extend the TFC experience, It is  through some things can be aquired by getting better tools. I play on a server in a town in which we aquired more than enough red/blue steel and we have a fulltime smith. All new players can just pick their tools and get going. So someone new in the minecraft world could just as well mine, quarry or cut trees as anyone else (i know that in mining there is a knowledge factor too, but i think i made my point clear). Besides, after having improved some skills there is little incentive to keep working on them.


  7. Check out our server: We have a large part of the mods that you are requesting and are looking into some others. Also you can apply for any mod to be included in our modpack.

    hope we can welcome you soon!


  8. i think we shouldnt. Part of the fun of TFC is the stress of trying not to die. If things got too easy we lose part of the challenge i think. 


    Btw: really love the server. Some of the nicest people i ever met on a server and i really love all the mods. So much different things to do. My favorite is the ships mod. I love building and sailing those

    beautifull ships
