Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by jose.rob.jr

  1. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    I discovered why the mobs are not spawning. JustAnotherSpawner is setting the gamerule doMobSpawning to false when the world loads.
  2. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    May be I can help, I can create a tiny coremod to make them work together, I'm going to look into it in few days. I'm also having an other issue, the mobs aren't spawning naturally, I've tried to remove Peaceful Surface but I couldn't get them to spawn even with a new world, do you have any idea of what could be causing this?
  3. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    If we try to open a TFC chest in an undocked ship, it closes the save. A tiny ship with a chest is enough to test it.
  4. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Can you share a transparent png file with the Technofirma logo to be used on video thumbnails on youtube?
  5. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    I'm having some graphical issues when it's snowing... It also seems to be making rain sounds when snowing Im using2.14.1 I tried removing fastcraft, betterfps but it didn't fix the problem.
  6. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Did you remove Thut mods? I noticed that it's missing after I updated today... Was it causing issue? I was so happy when I found that volcano blowing under a ocean and now that I entered my world there was a big hole where it was
  7. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Thank you for the information, I just restarted the game and the recipes and plans are there, now I can start thaumcraft. Actually I can't because I just entered the copper age lol I thought I could start it using copper instead of iron as TFC copper is obtained first but I'll have to wait, at least I can play with Bibliocraft until I reach the Iron age. I have a suggestion, since thaumcraft consider copper a tier above iron and the iron cape uses nugget to be crafted, why not add a custom recipe to allow crafting the iron cape using TFC iron ore nuggets? So, we could start using the basic wand and do some basic magics earlier
  8. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    I'm also trying to find a way to start thaumcraft, the iron wand cap doesn't show any recipe in NEI and I couldn't find the plan to makey any wand cap in any anvil, I also tried the thaumic anvil in creative with a spawned wand and iron/gold/copper TFC ingot but it wasn't showing any plan...
  9. [Solved] How do I put a saddle in a horse?

    Thank you! It worked
  10. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No): Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. TFC Version #: Forge Version #: SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): SSP Description:How do I put a saddle in a horse? Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No): No Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No): If yes, which mods?Yes, NEI, Damage Indicators, Opis If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No): No I crafted the saddle, the horse has familiarity but when I right click with it the horse but its front paws up.
  11. People commented on my video saying that when a spider jokey spawns only the spider is from TFC and the skeleton is vanilla. They also said that if I killed the skeleton the game would crash, I think I was playing with 79.7 in that video, I don't know if that was fixed... As you can see here at 37:00 The skeleton shot me an arrow and tooke me only 6 damage, and I think that 2 was because I had more health than my max health... I had no armor. And at 37:22 you can see in damage indicator that the skeleton has 19/20 health:
  12. Any server that supports Brazilian?

    Meu server é brasileiro: O único mod requerido além do TerraFirmaCraft é o Smart Moving
  13. Terrafirmacraft wikipedia only returns 404 error

    Everything is fine here too...
  14. The chest bug is also happening here and happened only in SMP so far. Here is a client crash report: (only TFC installed) And the client log from that crash report: And a server log from that crash report: (only TFC installed) latest.log - fml-server-latest.log And a video showing that crash: EDIT: I noticed that I was running forge 1225 on the server instead of 1217, so I installed forge 1217 and the bug happened again: Client: crash-2014-10-27_01.07.46-client.txt fml-client-latest.log latest.log Server: fml-server-latest.log latest.log Video:
  15. Here they aren't like baby zombie but they aren't holding the bow correctly and they are doing melee damage:
  16. [Solved] Graphical bug?

    I have a friend that is experiencing some graphic issues when he tries to play TerraFirmaCraft, I tried to help him but nothing we tried worked and today a member from my site asked help with the same exact problem: That's happening only when TerraFirmaCraft is installed. They tried to play only with Forge + TerraFirmaCraft but that keeps happening... I asked one of them to send me the system information, can you help me to fix that issue? System information: