Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by helpbot

  1. Different Gaming Experience

    Glad you enjoy it My journey Jan 1 the Gods displayed their joy. The yellow dazzling sun rose with more vigour then usual. The sky filled with mighty shades of red splashing the clouds with endless rays. Bright and memorizing as it invited the new year. The new year was a time for celebration and renewing one’s pursuits. I had for awhile contemplated renovations for my home. It might have been the rye whiskey or the new year that pushed me over the edge. During his first stay with me I learned that Sam’s situation. He was simply looking for a small fortune. Like many other men that had uprooted their life in search for better opportunities. As he spoke recalling his adventures I realized I too was just a man looking to better my situation. The demolition took place relatively fast carefully salvaging all I could. The thatch and wood will be used in the new construction. Now that my reality was not as solitary as I feared I inspired to build a proper home. My little shack was not fitting for a man whose passage was destined for much greatness. It has always be my people’s tradition to build. Our homes are always long, they represent the family lineage. A long house would grow with every new member regardless of what realm they inhabit. Honouring them with a proper home was my deepest desire for the new year. The task was daunting one, for I was alone. The physical burden could not be shared. In my birth community the responsibility of building new homes would fall to the men. Every male understood the house was an extension of the road, and we are the keepers of the road. I had no such luxury. For months I worked. I pushed through sunshine and blizzards inching closer to a finish project. I wanted the Gods and more importantly I wanted my ancestors to be proud. I took the time for a small prayer before placing the last piece. Much sweat and blood was shed but now everything was worth it. Joy over took me. With the wake of spring an improvement in the weather, the snow melted revealing life once again. The uniquely seasonal sounds, smell and sight soothe the soul. I spend a lot of time admiring the lesser creatures. This was always my favourite time. Fishing is always a time for me to ponder. With the arrival of spring I had plenty of time for pondering. I took regular trips to the lakes side. On one of these occasions on my return trip I saw smoke billowing out from my home. Sam was back. Vespasian the wandering being had returned. He seems better off, winter had not stopped his drive to succeed. We drank and eat as he recalled his adventures. After leaving he found a merchant ship. Traded the logs and hitch ride to a southern settlement. From there he moved inland to find aboriginals. The land had riches to trade, He wasn't the type to allow such opportunities go by. He eventually found them and got into a pickle. His adventure about the group of old miners and the tribe with a bear the size of two man was rather fascinating. Sam my good friend brought with him the clay I needed so badly. Since the moment I woke I searched high and low for clay. To my disappointment the land was to dry. The clay was access to a better life. Just like last time Sam was most interested logs but Hickory not oak this time. I provided and was rewarded with coin. I traded some of the coin for clay and cinnabar. The red mineral captivated me, I had always seen the Great Elder use it to bring forward powerful energy. I didn't know if I could replicate the Gods power. He left rather quickly. He was heading out on a longer and deeper voyage. I have a feeling I wont be seeing him wont seeing him till 1002. A technique I learned from watching my older brother. He would get a clay plate fill it with sand, slowly and carefully he would rinse. The residue would contain copper. I implemented this technique to build my first copper tools. I hope you enjoyed the narrative. My Thoughts When I began building the new house I was unsure of the direction I was going to take it. After couple variations I came up with a long house design I was happy with. My first house was a single floor and very cramped. The new one Has a secondary floor for storage and is about 3 times the size of the original house. I was able to use the oak lumber to give it more detail and provide security from Hostile mods. The clay was essential for me to progress to copper tools. With the new tools I will be able advance much more quickly and build with more detail. I requested Sam to bring me some salt.
  2. Different Gaming Experience

    Different Gaming Experience I scraped my earlier rendition and redid it, I wasn't happy with It. Here is hoping the second time around goes much better. A Overlook at the concept for this play through. Started by dissecting TFC Looking at the Priorities and Progression paths that were available. Rearranging them to fit better with my Gaming desires. TFC 1.0 Primarily: Metal workingTraveling/ExplorationMining/Gathering Secondary: BuildingFarming/HusbandryCookingPvP/PvE Tertiary Redstone TFC 2.0 Primary: BuildingFarming/HusbandryMining/Gathering Secondary: Metal WorkingCookingPvP/PvE Tertiary: Traveling/explorationRedstone I created Some new concepts and mechanics to fit better with the changes I made The Market, The Middle Man, The Building. The Market I created a Fluctuating Market with Every item I wanted to use.This includes TFC, Vanilla, DecoCraft, and a couple of other mods from Both inside and outside the TFC Community. Every item has Been given a Monetary value. This value is fluctuating on a individual basis. I have Set up Modifiers such as: Seasonal Modifier. Every two season or half year I Reroll This modifier on each Item. The modifier Is anywhere From -30% to +30%. The results can be that beef is up 17% in price, then down 25% the next season. Work Modifier. Every item that has stages In its completion has this modifier. The modifier Is anywhere From 5% to 50% depending on the item. Simply put it 100 units of ore Will cost a tiny bit less then the cost of 1 ingot. This includes but not exclusive to Food, Hides, Ores, Woods, Stones. This modifier is determined at the beginning of the game and will not change. Seed Modifier. As every Crop is available in the market Place so are the seeds. This modifier Is expensive anywhere From +100% to + 300%. The seed modifier is more expensive for Slow growing Crops and cheaper on Fast Growing Crops. This modifier is determined at the beginning of the game and will not change. Livestock Modifier. All animals are available in the market. This modifiers Is anywhere From 0% to +130%. The Modifier is based on the Individual interpretation of the animal. The categories are Size, Speed, Health, Jump, and New record. each element is added Individually if the animal is equals or beats the previous best. Individual Modifier. This is a modifier is for each individual Middle man. This modifier Is rerolled every season. It is anywhere from -10% to +10%. Some seasons It is just better to buy from a specific Middle man and sell to other. Personal Modifier. This Modifier Only affects me. I am always going to be in disadvantage When I deal with the market. I will sell Everything at 20% below market Price and will Buy everything at 20% above market Price. Finally each Item has been given a numerical value that I named Wealth Value. This Wealth Value is determined by the The monetary Value of an item. It ranges From 1-10 which equates in Monetary terms to 1-1200. The Middle Man The Middle Man is the facilitator Brining the items to me whether I want or need them. I will not have Direct access to the Market. Each Middle Man is a NPC. The Middle Man has Wealth. The Wealth will determines what kind of Items he can sell or buy. He too has limits when dealing with the Market. The Middle Mans wealth ranges anywhere from 2 - ∞. To figure out Exactly the correlation between the Middle Man’s Wealth and the items, take His wealth and have it equal exactly on the other side using Wealth points. This will show the quality and the quantity of the Items he can sell or buy. Example Middle Man’s Wealth = Wealth Point + Wealth Point + Wealth Point… 16 = 10 + 3 + 1 + 1 +1 Wealth Points are the “Wealth Value” x2 . Wealth Points are as shown 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. The highest Wealth Point achieve will also be the Wealth Cap for buying items. The Middle Man will not be able to exceed the economical power of this Wealth point. A solitaire Hunter can not Buy from me a Grand Piano he doesn't have the economical power to do so. The amount of Wealth points used will also determine the exact amount items he can sell and their respective Wealth Value. A solitary Hunter can sell me Sea weed, Oak lumber, Vodka, Large Hide. The Middle Man will also Have a limit to how many items he can buy. Every NPC will have a number of Barrels to fill. Once they are filled The NPC will no longer buy anymore. The amount of barrels range anywhere from 1 - 20. Every season the correct number of Barrels associated To the individual NPC Will emptied. The Building Everything Will revolve around Building. The Middle Man’s Wealth, Spawning, Despawning Will be dictated by the Infrastructure. Buildings/Infrastructure Will be tier based. This Will affect the amount of Wealth they Provide as Well any Special Benefits If applicable. A Chapel to a Church to a Cathedral to a Basilica. The tier LvL they are part of will based on the Level of detailed, Size, Connecting Buildings, Material used, Previous Building renditions and Special Criteria. Certain Buildings or Infrastructure can dictate the creation of NPC. If I can make a logical connection to building with a Specific Middle Man then I am in full liberty to create the NPC Into the World, with Specific Characteristics and wealth. Some buildings or Infrastructure Will allow the spawning of NPC only for a limited Time. If I can make a Logical Connection For a NPC to despawn for Parts of the year It will. If I Have created a Road I can spawn a Merchant; But unless he has a shop the Merchant Will be a Traveling Merchant, requiring him to despwan for 3 of the 4 seasons. Buildings will Calculate the “Wealth” of every NPC. If I can make a Logical Connection For a building to a Specific Middle Man then it will Have a numerical impact on it’s Wealth. Example A Market, Lighthouse, Dock, Bar can all be logically linked to a Sailor; Therefore giving this NPC More wealth. The END Game My END goal is to have a functioning city with maybe 1 or 2 Smaller Villages. This will be a Long Term Project, Bringing all my Artistic Knowledge and Creativity for something unique. I envision that my city will go throughout a lot of Changes from Start to End. Should be an interesting challenge when all is done. The Extra content For this Project I have used Additional Mods and a Resource Pack. This Will give me A huge Amount of Variety When building and interacting With my World. INFO: TFC Decoration add-on TFC leather Water sac TFC Cellar add-on TFC Scales TFC Udary Mod TFC Finger in the wind Animal Plus (With out the TFC enabling .jar) CustomNPC Decocraft JourneyMap NEI Conquest Resource Pack 1.7.10 (Gotta love meta data) And lastly I do have Wrold edit, this is ONLY for the Meta data on the resource pack. If anyone knows adifferentway to change the meta data in asingle playerworld please share. As well as I do Use Creative When creating or changing the NPC it would be impossible to do so with out. No other uses for these tools. This is a survival Game play and cheating would just null theexperience as well as the Hard work I placed in creating this. If your wondering I have Created Spreadsheets for everything allowing quick access to everything. Anytime Its required I stop my game for a few minutes and go throughout and roll for the modifiers were needed. And yes I know its a lot of unnecessary work but it is creating some really interesting things with how i go about Playing the game. The Future I am currently reediting MY Journey when I am done ill post it right here So you guys can Follow me through My Progression. I hope to be making some Epic Builds but in all Honesty that will take sometimes. 1st I need to build the Infrastructure and Economic power To do so. If you have any Questions, Constructive criticism, want Elaboration on something or have an idea feel free to Comment.
  3. Different Gaming Experience

    My journey My first days were tough. I had been without a proper home for a while but this was a completely different situation. As a curious little boy I had always wondered what lay beyond the hunting grounds of my Ancestors. Now here I was, unsure where exactly but definitely not in my birth home. Everything happened all too sudden. I had planned for weeks. The hunt was going to be the final before the Beasts were too far to catch. For them it was a final test before reaching what the elders called HavenShores. For us It was The Great Hunt. The passage through our lands was the defining moment for the Beasts those that did not survive were not worthy of a more godly realm privy to Beasts and Gods. My breath were long and steady as the hunting party was pushing through the leafage flanking on every direction. We heard them slowly approaching. I took one last big breath, all of the sudden everything exploded. Adrenaline over took and The Hunt began. My actions were swift my partner was rushing with spear pointing at a Great Beast, I took the rope and jumped It. All to quickly I felt searing pain on my back side. I turned and saw him white face and stunned. All I could do was hold on to the Beast. Unfortunately for me the knot had worked and now I was tied to the Beast. The pain was too great and consciousness was starting to drift. I saw him last, staring fearful at the occurrence before the darkness over took… The first days were very peculiar. The wound was gone but the memories were too real. I found my self aimlessly wondering this new land. Gathering stones and sticks trying to piece together the events. The refreshing breeze from the ocean was new to me in fact, everything was new. Living in a community brought benefits I no longer could call upon. I was alone, trapped working for my survival. I found a hill near the salt water mass I made a shelter on top of it. A very simple home. The land was very dry, but held a plentiful amount of resources. I found oak, hickory, white elm, and willow trees. Tall grass was everywhere and food was in the immediate surroundings. If I was to survive I had to make the best with what I had. The land was not just vegetation, there are other creatures that walk these lands. It had never crossed my mind the existence of other beings. I was always taught about the Beast but these, these are different. Their meat not assavourybut never the less equally filling. I found cow, horse, donkey, and sheep. I miss my hunting wolfs, the land as far I can tell does not have any wild packs. The solitary life is a hard one and a companion would help with that. I could attempt to train one of the new creatures. The sheep looks the most promising with its horns and smaller physique. The weeks passed as I explored this new reality. I came to the realization that I was inhabiting an island, there was a narrow peninsula on the eastern side that connects to another land mass. I promised I will explore this some day. In the middle of the island there is a huge lake with plentiful amount of fish. I see potential for relocation but the mosquitos are more then enough to deter. Just like mother taught me every time I harvested the crops of nature I would ensure to pick up the seeds. It was my responsibility to bring forward the new generation of this crop. The gods had instructed and man must follow. Life is a passage through different roads the seed is a continuation of this passage. This was the philosophy of my people. The road was essential to me. Just like plants and Beast, man too had to walk the road. Here in the new land there was no road, No passage to the Gods. I began working on the road. This physical representation of a spiritual journey was long and enduring. the gravel from the sea slowly been placed down connecting my home to the peninsula. Now the Gods when glancing down they will see the passage to my home. The Gods rewarded me. I was out scavenging walking the Road when I saw him. Sam Vespasian was a traveler what my people referred to as a wandering being. This was a relief the truth is I was unsure if I was alone, the only man. As customary for my people I offered my home. The elders talked about man and how we are to treat those that walk the road. The Gods made the road for us to use, some of us make a home other simply walk them; but we are all privy to the road and our home is an extension of the road. His stay was through all of autumn. We talked and shared life stories, I found he was a simple men. I helped him on his quest, he told me he was most interested in trading oak wood. He rewarded me with coin for the help. I used some of the coin to buy oak lumber and rye whiskey from him. The day he left I told him he was welcome to travel this road again. He simply says he would be back sometime next year and that he would not forget to bring some clay with him. The winter season approached. My survivability depended on harvesting the remaining crops. The season in the new realm was good to me. I lightly cooked the harvest. I knew that preservation through cooking was the only way the food would last till next harvest. With the oak lumber I obtained I was able to build barrels to store the food. My pursuit for a companion had been unsuccessful. The sheep where not responsive, for weeks I attempted to lure one with the flesh of a bovine. The response completely baffled me until I pulled out my lunch. The harvest had given me plentiful amounts of corn. It seems the sheep are not the carnivorous type. I settled down for a long winter. My new companion with one or two more friends joined me at home. I build them a small shelter so they too weren't exposed to the harsh elements. The new year lay before me as I sat drinking the last of the rye whiskey. I hope you enjoyed the narrative. My thoughts The world I spawned is not ideal for the early game but with the mechanics I put in place progression will be possible. I have no clay. I decided to build a road very early in the play through to enact a Merchant. Sam Vespasian is the first NPC he is a traveling merchant. When I first started the game I told my self that I would only domesticate one type of animal that is in my surroundings. I chose sheep all other animals are going to food. Next year Sam will bring me clay as a request. I have access to only one request all other trades are unknown to me. My builds so far are very simple but they are true to the resources and tools I have available. The building style will continue to reflect the situation I am living in.
  4. Ageing Alcohol

    Ageing AlcoholThis idea came to me as I was preparing leather every time I sealed a barrel the date I sealed it in was shown. This got me wondering on how could an ageing process for alcohol be implemented in TFC. Here are a couple came up.Alcohol is and has been a recreational drink used by every civilization in every part of the world therefore is has huge diversity of colour and taste; but one constant is the use of ageing to improve flavour. depending on the alcohol and the region some require longer or shorter period of ageing.In TFC alcohol comes in a couple different types. Each type has a very small change of giving you a potion affects. My main idea works with this mechanic.The concept is the longer an alcohol is aged the higher the chance for potion affect to take placeSo lets say I were to seal my barrel and let it age for a whole TFC year when I open it the alcohol would have 10% higher probability of giving me a potion effect (with a limit of 5 years of ageing so u could not get higher then 50% probability)Another aspect I came up works with taste and cooking skill. As I’m sure the nutritional value of Vodka is quite low alcohol taste should not affect the amount nutritional value but the duration of the potion affect good and bad.So If were to seal a barrel depending on my cooking Exp lvl this would determine whether additional secs to potion affect will take place.(this will take into account only the Exp lvl I am when I sealed the barrel not the Exp lvl I am when opening it). As well with taste if I find the taste more desirable a slight increase of duration time will occur.And my finale thought works with TFC region/climate this thought is a lot harder to implement. Some alcohol require shorter period of ageing this has to do with climate. Take whiskey and tequila: whiskey is produced in colder climate takes at least 3-12 years to produce and age. Tequila is produced in warmer climate takes only 2-3 years to reach peak. Climate help with speed up the aging process.If I were in a warmer climate when I seal it for ageing maybe the % is slightly increase when I’m done creating it. Instead of a flat 10% per year i get 11or 12.As I am not a programer I would not know exactly how hard it would be to implement these changes but I do have some suggestions. In the new version of TFC food has 2 bars one to show rot and the other for quaintly. You could use this mechanic to show how long this alcohol is aged and how long is the base duration of the effects. (so a fully aged fully Exp lvl cook alcohol would have both bars full) you might want to use the rot mechanic in revers and slow down for the ageing process.If anyone has any more ideas or have a different take on how to implement ageing alcohol in TFC please feel free to add on in this thread
  5. Ageing Alcohol

    when I 1st noticed it i thought it was implemented in the new system but when checked the log it hadn't been. Anyways thought i would still give my take on how ageing would work on TFC but great to hear that it will be implemented in a later time