Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by NikkyD

  1. Are apples the new sugar cane?

    So my chances of going ARRRRRRRRRRR increase... slightly ?
  2. Are apples the new sugar cane?

    Sugar/Rum is one of the things that i have only very little of. I have all kinds of beverages (even in glass bottles... for the show effect) but i miss rum.
  3. Torch Poll

    @Kitty, I play on peaceful, so no need for the spawn protection. But i like to place torches here and there, look and feel. I would like to have a system that makes torches go out whenever i wasnt near them for some time, but all those in and around the house should (like the spawn protection) auto-relight.
  4. Torch Poll

    The point is not whether there are permanent light sources or not, it's what light means in MC and that that makes little sense in TFC. LIttle light equals weird monsters appearing. It's just off. From an atmospheric gameplay point of view, i love lighting, shady basement, bright living room. But when shady means my whole basement can be destroyed by a living bomb spawning in it while i am just a few chunks away, i get a pretty nasty GTFO feeling.
  5. Torch Poll

    honestly CouchSurvivor, either you didnt read or u dont want to understand what this thread is about
  6. Minecraft=Roguelike?

    Not LEVELs but DUNGEONS, MC doesnt have a world that consists solely out of dungeons
  7. Torch Poll

    I wanted to write something on this topic for some time but didnt really bother, but as the topic still seems active i just want to give my cents. I play single-player + peaceful for some reasons, one is the fact of lighting and how it works in TFC. I may not build the most artistic/beautiful contructs but i play for a certain personal RPG feeling. My house looks a bit like a real house, with tiny sheeds on the side and the furnace in the backyard etc. Everything on very small space even if i had all the space in the world but i want to be somewhat realistic. I do like the fact that light behaves realisticly... but that stands in major contrast to the game mechanics of MC. The fact that "monsters" pop up out of nowhere just because a certain light level has been reached is simply moronic. That would be fine in caves or swamps, stuff where i would expect monsters to be (in a fantasy world) but if i just do some smithing in the backyard and it gets dark... i dont want to run inside because a creeper could destroy hours of work (real life hours). What the hell is this ? A creeper... skeletons with arrows... the zombie apocalypse would be fine IF there were actual living people around who would have been turn into zombies! But mobs out of the void, gimme a break. Now if i was playing on a server and there was no peaceful, i had to light every goddamn block of my house and make sure that light level really is above 7 otherwise in the middle of a somewhat lit room an exploding creature could appear. To ensure the safety of my homestead i would have to spam torches like on a christmas tree... looks like a joke but hey. So i already destroy the esthetics of the house, now the lights don't even work for longer that 2 days. So i spammed the house with lights and have to "respam" every two ingame days. Ok ok, i just have to select a torch and click every non-lit torch... WHY ? If you want to be realistic, it wouldnt be like that. If you want to harass the player, just let 100 endermen spawn and let them pick up every block! if you simply want to occupy the player, make a minigame that makes creating torches as annoying as forging red steel. I dont see how it adds to the gameplay. It is an unnecessary chore that accumulates with an already unfitting mob spawning system. Do that and please underline words like "believeable" and "immersion" and you made a class A fool out of yourself. No offense, it's just my opinion on this topic.
  8. Expected release date TFC 0.80.0

    If you check the submits to the sourcecode you can see when someone "uploaded some code changes" to the "masterfile". Whenever some feature is finished, it should pop up there and once enough features are there, there will be a bump in version. Ofc only finished code is uploaded, so you will never know how much work a dev has done on their own computer but at least it gives you some idea.
  9. I am set for life. I have 10 cows, 4 pigs, 5 sheep, a nice pond with hundreds of blocks of farmland around it and enough seeds to fill it. Every season my fruit trees give me 2,5 full stacks and i have 12 trees. I have a basement with a full stack of every pickled food that there is (in a barrel with vinegar). I want to harvest and use the food, but i dont know what to do with it ? I'm thinking about a brewery but i could produce about 50 barrels of alcohol every year, with ease... drinking alcohol in-game is useless so i would never consume them. This really bothers me because i like to play, throwing food away is an ugly thing to do, so i'd like to know, what are YOU doing with all that excess food ?
  10. What do you do with excess food ?

    Was thinking about that, but veggies change flavor depending on the soil they grow on or sth like that. And if would find a perfect sandwich, i would have to eat even less
  11. volcano request

    On the contrary, it would be a perfect way to waste use food. You feed them until they are really fat and then the gods grant you even more blessings!
  12. Trenix's Farewell

    Move to China or Russia, they do exactly what you suggest/prefer. Leadership must not be questioned, any attempt to do so results in severe punishment. ... Hail Hydra!
  13. volcano request

    What's the benefit for the player ?
  14. TFC 1.8 ?

    Ok... but mainly thats ugly for forge, if forge cares about legacy, modders wont have to do much ?!
  15. TFC 1.8 ?

    I would appreciate an answer tho
  16. TFC 1.8 ?

    Help me understand this, im not much into MC coding but i am a java/android dev. Does mojang give a damn about legacy code ? Cause, usually method bodys may change but the method contracts stay the same unless you really do a complete rewrite which seems... crazy
  17. TFC 1.8 ?

    Why do you say that ? Forge will most likely do most of the conversion for you, API-calls will most likely not change so...
  18. Grain Preservation

    All those food topics are a can of worms. If you want noodles, the next guy wants to use cheese and tomato sauce along with it.
  19. [Solved] Why Can't I Find Clay!?!? 1.7.10

    Does anyone know if that applies to peat as well ? Is there some flower that tells me that there is peat around ? Never found ANY peat.
  20. Trenix's Farewell

    I think issues like this should be left to the people involved and the one who is eventually liable (owner of the forum). Bashing either side is only gonna start group dynamics in a bad way, so please keep it to a level that is out of elementary school.
  21. Trenix's Farewell

    Wowowow dude, tone it down a little. Kitty may have her flaws but from a little googling i'm guessing she is still going to some form of school/university so give her a break. I'd like to know how Bioxx thinks about this all, after all, he is the man in charge.
  22. Trenix's Farewell

    Because if you treat this like your own personal playground you will eventually fail and piss off a lot of people along the way. Ofc why would you care about people on the internet but i believe that no one who publishes a mod or tool or anything open source has that evil attitude. You want to provide something "good" and to achieve that it isnt wrong to stick to some industry guidelines because they have proven to be effective. No need to reinvent the wheel.
  23. Trenix's Farewell

    Two things: Both devs are young and most likely students with little industry experience, this is "their" project and they try to handle it best they can. They do it in their free time and if i had to handle a support forum in my free time, the word "attitude" would be written all over it... But it is true. The behaviour sometimes is very unprofessional. Only considering changes that will cost the dev little time is ... unprofessional. The question is how much will the product benefit and if the executive decides that this feature will make it into the product all the programmer hears is the question "can you get it done in time" and if you keep answering that "no, it will take me too much time" than sooner or later you will be replaced by someone more "productive". Its a f'ed up industry tbh.
  24. Sorry but when i hear that a minimap feels cheaty... do you walk around in reality with a 90° viewing angle and maybe 500m maximum viewing distance ? In real life you have orientation because you can spot landmarks over vast distances, you can quickly turn your head around and get a 360° image of where you're at. In a game you are limited, you turn around quickly and dont remember how much u turned, identical trees everywhere etc ... ofc u get lost! A minimap is a good means to help with that handycap.
  25. Drinking Water

    I had this a lot of times when i was testing seeds. Water could not be drank by hand until MC was restarted.