Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by NikkyD

  1. Impressions on B79

    You can always travel before you settle down, killing animals along the way, collecting stuff. Too hot climate makes food decay too quickly, too cold presents farming trouble. Somewhere between 9000 and 8000 is best, it never freezes but comes close to it and the summers are not too hot. You can plant all year or leave plants as they never uproot. While traveling you might as well discover different types of rock but its true, some types are very dominant where others are super rare.
  2. What do you do with excess food ?

    Killed bull today, i have too many bulls. Chose the biggest... Dropped 11.8 stacks of beef O-O. With the "new" brining i needed 12 full barrels of brine and then something with the smoking didnt work properly, thought it was a 3x3 area that got smoked but only the "cross" above the pit got smoked and ofc i cant hang dried meat again to smoke so i ended up with 8 salted + dried and 4 salted + smoked. Enough meat for the next 3 years or so.
  3. For a happy kitty: Version #: (with recommended forge)SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): singleSuggested Name: see aboveSuggested Category: Severe if reproducable on other systemsDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: MapWriter (happens without as well) Config: no change Seed: -291621335819898294 I travel south by boat, suddenly the ocean chunks are no longer appearing. I am floating at the edge of the world, literally. Waiting doesnt help, game will not crash. If i save/exit and reload, i am about 200 blocks north from where i got stuck, so my position wasnt updated, thats why i assume something got stuck. However, if i exit the boat, i am dropping into the water about 200 block north as well. So somehow i can continue the travel but my internal player position gets stuck. I can reproduce this with the same seed! Create world with above seed, turn gamemode C, give yourself a boat, fly, tp to 27177 / 150 / -4140, put boat in water, sit in it, gamemode s, travel south. Whenever i do that, after about 300 blocks i hit the end of the world. Exiting the boat teleports me back (not the boat). Somehow the player position gets out of sync with the boat position (or client position, im not sure how exactly minecraft handles this)
  4. Ok, with flying there is no problem at all. So its boats at that specific area that somehow love to get out of sync for whatever reason. Honestly, next time i'll teleport because flying in c-mode is a joke as a workaround, sadly.
  5. No fastcraft, have to check the flying approach after dinner. How long did you wait there until the chunks appeared ? I waited 2 min or so, F3 showed 0 chunk updates, traveling left/right also didnt help, the Z coord seemed stuck
  6. I have 3g allocated and F3 tells me that not even 2G are used. Besides, it doesnt crash, i can float next to the wall forever, my position is already de-sync, but something causes my player to suddenly stay behind at this very bermuda triangle. I do recall that i once made a trip to the equator but it was before mapwriter so i dont know if i took exactly the same lane across the ocean.
  7. Well... see i traveled about 2k of ocean to that spot, holding down W all the time. Only there i hit "the wall". I log out and back in at about -4100 and i cant ever get past -3800 or so. Log out, log back in, i am at somewhere -4100. I could travel 2000 before and somehow at this very REPRODUCABLE position this bug hits really really hard.
  8. Any known workarounds ? I wanna build a regular travel route to the equator, sorta like a summer house, i get as far as -4000, what now ?
  9. Extinguished forge

    In case one has both, i would use regular coal as its pretty much the only thing where it makes sense to use it
  10. Extinguished forge

    I would always use regular coal for a forge
  11. Please Help Forge Build

    Wiki is still correct i'd say, use 8 charcoal to build it and make sure the whole chimney thing is set up properly
  12. Let me discribe my current situation, i have a roughly 20 by 20 fenced in area with cows, sheep, pigs, horses and donkeys. Almost all of them are tamed (white border), ALMOST, because there are some cows that i have for a long time right now and i could swear their fam. never increases... this is the part where the problem sets in. I do not know how long this animal has been in my pasture, i do not know how often i tried to raise its fam., all i do know is, that its 'heart' is empty. So there is a cap, makes sense, but how do i know that it is reached ? I keep feeding all animals, getting a bit confused with all the different animals coming at me because i am holding grains in my hand. Did i already feed that pig ? lets just try again... ok, wont eat means i already fed it this day. Some cow, the same... its just that is the only female cow left that doesnt give milk, so i know its "the one". I did feed her a lot of times and still am, because when i click through them all i look for is the heart icon. Male animals can be given food more than once until they are in breed mode. So when i try to feed every animal once and come across the same bull again but dont realize it, i feed it again... and again... and again and if enough time passed in between they will never enter breed mode, they just eat all the food. Often animals dont show the gender, my pigs never do and they dont breed but i couldnt care less and the heart icon seems to have like 5 states only or so, empty, 1/4, 1/3, 2/3 and full, never seen any others. Let me point out some things that i am missing some icons to tell me - - > that an animal is pregnant (maybe a baby icon above the heart ?) - - > the gender, just use the known male/female symbols. - - > more detail about when it was last fed (feeding on day 1 before i go to bed means i have to wait till evening on the 2nd day to be able to feed again and not miss out a day. If its not a specific time, i will simply have to wait and check from time to time to see if it works now which eventually moves the schedule more and more into the evening) Why i would like to have icons ? My animals have the tendency to crowd in a corner, for reasons i dont know/care about, and clicking them all once is difficult as i have to shove them around to "free" them up so i can click them properly without hitting the big cow behind the small sheep etc. My question to you guys and gals out there is simply: How do you handle / maintain your animals at the moment ? Do you have the same problems or is it just me ?
  13. B79 Food Preservation

    Its not a gamebreaker but a bottleneck. Lots of options ("things to do") are only unlocked with fruit/vinegar or flux. Technically clay is the first one as you need it for a saw/pickaxe which are required for any woodwork or metalwork.
  14. B79 Food Preservation

    @Bunsan Thats where i was going. If you need vinegar for brine, it means all preservation techniques depend on fruits. Especially in the beginning 10 oz of fruit is difficult to come by. So drying meat or pickling food cannot be done in the beginning where you might have to survive from what little you have and where a little less decay could save you. fruit for vinegar is a gameplay-bottleneck, like flux or later graphite.
  15. Metal`s

    What you found in the russian wiki IS the durability. It should be the amount of "uses" for tools created from those metals.
  16. Maize/Sugarcane question.

    Is there a cap ? A temp at which plants die due to too much sun ?
  17. B79 Food Preservation

    best i could find (in english) would be where there is no mentioning of the vinegar, because its about the preservating kind. In some yt vid a guy explained that at about a 6% salt solution it turns from making meat more moist into making it more dry... but afaik that guy was just talking for talks sake. In all honesty, for quite some time i am trying to find a good explanation about the whole brining, drying and smoking process but all i can find are cooks/chefs who explain their secret formula that has been passed down through centuries and... you know, every guy knows it better than the last. Most of the brining i know is actually dry-salting. You rub a piece of meat with salt and pickling stuff and the put it somewhere and wait. The salt draws the liquids out of the meat, then u wash it to get the rest of the salt off and then u put it into a smoker. The wet-salting/brining is usually done with spices+salt, cooked up and once cooled down poured over the meat. However its considered the "cheap and easy" method and produces less tasty results... they say. When pickling, then people use brine + vinegar and whatnot to create special flavors. But the brine is then put into the vinegar, or mixed up. So brine in this case is not a result of saltwater mixed with vinegar. The vinegar + brine is the actual pickling liquid.
  18. B79 Food Preservation

    Erm, that is the brine used to make meat more juicy and stuff before cooking. We are talking about the other brine, the one used before pickling, there are two different kinds.
  19. B79 Food Preservation

    Because you dont put vinegar into brine...
  20. Animal feeding, familiarity and fam. cap

    My animals would have plenty of space! Its just that in minecraft animals seem to wander into a direction regardless of fences etc so they all end up in a corner. It is just that i want to be "humane" and somewhat realistic, they have plenty of space and i dont want to go all weirdo and rope them to the fence just so i know which animal was the one i was trying to feed. Why are you so opposed to more icons ? You act like they would be gamebreaking or counter beneficial.
  21. B79 Food Preservation

    Barrel full of fresh water + rocksalt = barrel of brine... why would anyone complain about that ?
  22. B79 Food Preservation

    I try to say this politely... i think the devs didnt quite understand how all the involved processes work in reality and made up their own version that may fit the gameplay but isnt very realistic.
  23. Disabling Grain Decay

    The weight gain was meant as a counterbalance to the decay i think. However this gives the immediate user a huge bonus, making grains very powerful whereas it punishes the "traveler" who has to leave his home alone for month. I think the problem somehow was that all grain items are of a category and if they had to add another category it would be too much trouble or sth like that.
  24. B79 Food Preservation

    I pickle everything. As you can make alcohol out of grains as well as fruit or even veggies you can pick whatever you like and then turn it into vinegar when fruit is in season which is 6 month of the year (about). With the new brine system it totally sucks to create a new barrel of brine after every single stack... and i live next to the ocean! ... pick up barrel -> run 20 blocks to ocean -> fill barrel -> press E -> place barrel on back -> run back 20 blocks -> press E -> place barrel in hotbar -> place barrel on ground... In my basement i have one barrel of every pickled stuff available, missing only a few berries. (barrels are full of vinegar ofc). I have salted+dried meat in a container + chest as well. If i need meat, i take out half a stack ( 80 oz) and cook it, this turns the salted + dried meat into cooked + salted meat. Cheese i can produce about one very two days if i push it, all you need is 5 cows that are fam. and ofc the vinegar but see above. The only real problem is the grains... which is kinda hilarious as it was the only kind that in reality could be stored for ages... and here there is ZERO preservation for it. Depending on the location you can just leave the plants in place, best fridge ever. Should there be frost and one or two plants die, just do an emergency harvest. You should eat sandwiches with all 5 ingredients to always be at max HP. Keep and eye on the amount that is used per sandwich, its 2/3/2/2/1 (=10). Rotate to adjust to your needs or amount available. Sandwich fills half a bar at least, so it gives saturation equal to 15 to 20 oz of food but only requires 10 oz. The sandwich GUI/Window has 4 empty slots on the side, i always place 4 sandwiches there and just take one of them, once they are dont, i refill etc.
  25. House in the mountain

    I'd like to add to the above, i returned to playing without shaders because the day passes so fast that the constant change in light direction is very confusing. I walk out of the house, light shines in my face, i do stuff in the garden and go back in and suddenly the spot is all dark and the other side is lit up...