Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by NikkyD

  1. Skills

    Imho the skill gain/training is way off. Cooking and Farming are trained super fast. Every (wild) plant you pick, BAM. Every meal you make (in my case, twice daily) BAM. I have master farming and cooking after 3 years or so and i didnt really push it. Smithing on the other hand just went from nothing to apprentice and i am about to make a black steel anvil. I had to kill about 4 to 5 animals over the years, never needed more, butchery skill is half-way to apprentice from just that. Been through 3 bronze propicks and im only apprentice with 50%
  2. Sandwiches

    I just want to mention that with animals you always have the risk of diseases. Something like bird-flu could have killed a small town just like the plague if people had still eaten the infected meat. Plants on the other hand can also have mold, fungi etc Life is tough!
  3. Skills

    There shouldn't be anything after master afaik.
  4. MapWriter, because i can zoom out and have a worldmap
  5. What do you do with excess food ?

    But it says "survival as it should have been" ... somehow ur statement is more a personal opinion
  6. What do you do with excess food ?

    I do keep that in mind, but if i would max my food production, i could single-handedly feed 4 to 6 players and multiplayer starts with 2. So even on a 3 player server i would expect there to be enough food.
  7. Sandwiches

    Reminds me, spices are totally missing!
  8. version, latest/recommended i believe if(fluid.getFluid() == TFCFluid.BRINE) + fluid.amount -= recipe.getResultFluid(origIS, origFS, time).amount * Food.getWeight(origIS); is the culprit, i multiplies with the full weight ?! should be divided by 10 or not ? Because with version 79.12 i have 9600 mB of brine used per 160 oz stack which is a bit much!
  9. The wiki states the INITIAL requirement is 60 per 1 oz not the CONSUMPTION afterwards. "only 60 mB of the brine will be consumed for each item sealed in the barrel, regardless of its weight." But it uses 600 mB per 10 oz of weight, clearing the barrel if u brined a full stack.
  10. House in the mountain

    I installed the shaders because i wanted to make some screenies but... damn, everything looks so different and suddenly some things look worse because they are in the shade or stuff like that!
  11. Some observations of how people play

    I would rather prefer something like... for as long as i enter the chunk with the torches at least once a day, the torches should auto-relight. This way, if i spend a month at home i never have to bother about the lights but if i come back from a long journey the house would be all dark... that would be a good feel, imho
  12. Sandwiches

    ok, but thats highly subjective, you wouldn't have to use them. I higher variety of meals would be a benefit all in all, realism or personal feelings aside.
  13. Some observations of how people play

    (tl;dr) just another opinion: I play completely on peaceful! Why ? I enjoy the mod as a means of relaxation and i dont want to light the entire world just so that the fantasy monsters dont spawn. I'd rather enjoy a quiet night looking over my homestead, gives me more joy than moaning zombies at night. When i feel like it, i take long boat travels, but sometimes i just teleport around because i am too annoyed to spend 3 minutes pressing the W key... again, i enjoy it more this way. All the talk about "thats cheat" etc, its a sandbox game, not a competition! However some things do make me angry and thats when i have to do stuff that i dont want to do but its the only thing to keep my bloodlevel down. Lights! Pumpkins here and there because i want to see stuff and relighting torches all the time is just pure annoyance and imho makes no sense at all. Its a dev decision and thats ok, my user decision is to bypass it, period. Being a dev myself i know how important user feedback is and imho it's not helping if a user is sugarcoating their problems with the game just to not attract the wrath of the developer. Instead, a clean and polite "i strongly dislike this feature" feedback tells the developer how someone and maybe even some more feel about it. Ofc there are bad devs who just like to play god "eat this (feature) and stfu!!!" but those games/mods usually die fast so i think we are safe. tl;dr; Give feedback, no matter what, but do it politely
  14. Sandwiches

    @Thrainn: for 100.000 years the homo sapiens didnt drink milk or ate cheese and they didnt have 20% less health... And as we are producing steel, we are at least somewhere in the 18th century, so a joghurt wouldnt be that far off, or a variety of cakes etc
  15. Forging.

    Smithing confused me because i assumed the buttons move it left/right for equal amounts, once i looked it up in the source-code and wrote it down on a piece of paper it became easy. But i also looked for Flux A LONG TIME in my first year. Didnt want to cut all the trees in the area and so i couldnt build a house and ended up with a thatch hut (walls n everything).
  16. House in the mountain

    Can i adjust the color of the light in the shader mod ? Right now i have the ugly orange glow that he has in his first 3 images, but i want the white light from his latest pics
  17. THE forest

    Screenshots are Acacia, i know my Willows
  18. House in the mountain

    How do you get those realistic shadows and mirror waters ?
  19. Sandwiches

    Well... as single player i've got more food than anyone can eat, so the saturation would only be of interest when out in the wild, so i have to carry less sandwiches. But it is more important (i'd say) to have all 5 categories present than having a high saturation, so i'd rather just throw into the sandwich whatever is ready and ignore the whole feature which is somewhat sad. Im not very fond of the whole system anyway. I'd like to prepare sandwiches as i do in reallife, onions, tomatoes, salad, thin layer of meat and cheese. In TFC this gives me major malnutrition because i dont eat fruit and besides i can only use 4 layers within the sandwich. Just my thoughts
  20. Sandwiches

    Whats the benefit of being close to perfect ? What determines the taste ? I have 2 stacks of onions, both have different sour values ?!
  21. When i have 5 oz of raw fruit or whatever and 150 oz of pickled food and i hit S on them, they both combine to 155 oz of non pickled food. Not a big deal, but annoying still. Edit: V: (with recommended forge) No other mods. Ok ok, its pickled, somehow my german brain added an R into that.
  22. I think it happens with all food items that have a simple change, just tried it with salted fish. Fish + salted fish will always combine to just fish. Same with brined and pickled. I know its difficult because of possible exploits but at the same time its frustrating to "lose" the pickled status. I dont have much meat but its possible you lose the smoked or dried status which requires even more work and resources.
  23. Version #: [1.7.10]TerraFirmaCraft- SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): single Suggested Category: Severe Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes, MapWriter (but also happens when started without) Happens with recommended and latest forge, happens with Java settings from 1G to 3G. Description: Ingame i explore the world and i hit a certain area. I probe the ground with the propick every 10 blocks, walking into the undiscovered, and suddenly there is no more message. From that moment on, the internal server seems to hang. The client still works, but eating drinking or interacting with the world shows no effect. If i kill the game immediately and restart i spawn a bit before it happended. So while the server hangs i can run around all i want, doesnt change a thing (why should it). If i wait, then after some time everything becomes sluggish and the blockentity cputime goes up and up. After a minute or so, crash. only server crash txt is created, no client. Relevant Stacktrace (i have 3, same issue all the time) Description: Exception getting block type in world java.lang.StackOverflowError: Exception getting block type in world at Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.checkPackageAccess(Unknown Source) at at com.bioxx.tfc.WorldGen.Generators.Trees.WorldGenPineTall.func_76484_a( at com.bioxx.tfc.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenForests.generateForest( at com.bioxx.tfc.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenForests.generate( at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld( It's always "block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);" in different tree classes causing the exception. Possibly a parameter that is outside specs (couldnt find minecraft source) Now my world is somewhat explored, about 4k north and east, 10k south but only 500 to the west. The issue happens at 2 different locations in the west! My house is at about x26100 z-9900. The 2 areas where i have this bug are both somewhere at x25600 but one at about z-9k and one at z-7k and it always small islands with lots of water chunks to be generated. Maybe there is a biome to the west that causes invalid forest generation or sth like that. Again, i can reproduce this! I load the game, walk about 50 blocks into the "wrong" direction and the propick stops showing messages and the server hangs. 2 Different spots in the world. Additional observation: If i walk until it happens, walk about 30 blocks more and wait there until it crashes, the savegame now has this location as spawn, so at some point it is updating but imho it hits a heap barrier. Already been to the highest mountains and deepest forests, amount of entities is not the issue. General computer performance, is also not an issue. I dont think the full stacktraces (each 360 kb) are helpful, but if you really want to see them, just tell me.
  24. Just took a look at your commit, what do you think caused it ? Algorhythm didnt find any block to place the leaves ?
  25. Just did the same, can confirm it as well, cant even get near the spot now. Chunks stop being created, screenshot was after hovering there one minute (later, mem kicks) Screenshot: