Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Trenix

  1. The current way of making a fire pit is pretty annoying. The idea is great, but that wanted realism just doesn't work well in the game. I can't tell you how many times I've dropped my sticks, attempted to light them, and had them return back to my inventory. It's very frustrating. The way we setup a kiln pit is way more fun and convenient so here's my idea.How to Build a CampfireShift clicking on the ground while holding a rock would begin the creation of a campfire. You would then have to continue placing down rocks until you form a circular pattern with them. Once that's finished, sticks could then start being placed which will begin forming a teepee in the middle of the circle. At the end, you put your straw in the campfire which will appear inside the stick teepee and then light the campfire to start it up.When the Fire DiesUnlike the fire pit where once a fire dies, you can simply add logs and relight them, once the campfire goes out, you're only left with rocks that are forming a circular pattern. That means you must redo the whole teepee process and add straw at the end to start it back up. This would make the idea of keeping a fire alive, more important. Any items within the campfire will still remain and the campfire would be an inventory as long as the stones haven't been removed.
  2. Agriculture and farming ideas

    If I'm going to be forced to link a bunch of old threads to start a new thread, I mind as well just write in the old thread. This idea is also going to cause a lot of necroing, causing more duplicates to appear, making it counteractive. Why not just auto lock threads which are 6 months old?
  3. Remove Gold Pan

    But this is the equivalent to converting an axe from a tool to a weapon. There is no need for this process, an axe should be both a tool and a weapon. Why would I need to covert it into a weapon when it already can be considered a weapon? It's the same with a ceramic bowl, while you can now call it a gold pan, it's still ultimately a ceramic bowl since that's what it's made out of. The only problem is, you can't convert it back into a ceramic bowl. So now the tool has became a waste of resource during mid-game because of a concept that really doesn't make any sense. Aside from that, pans are containers that are made out of metal, they're not ceramic. You can even see the icon change from being ceramic into becoming a metal, it's just really confusing and makes little sense, for what reason? What kind of sorcery is this?
  4. Agriculture and farming ideas

    I read into dry farming and you're right it is possible. However it's challenging and involves a lot of luck. All crops will behave differently in those conditions and you're always on the edge with them. Even location matters, so every spot will act differently. Lets say that it doesn't rain for a while, there goes your whole field. Maybe instead of stopping your crops from growing from the lack of water, they would instead have a chance of dying, yielding nothing. Therefore you could get away with dry farming your crops, but you're putting them at risk for doing so. I agree with you entirely, but kittychanley has been locking my threads because some of my ideas have already been suggested. I also don't like the idea of reading through an old suggestion's thread, it's off-putting.
  5. Agriculture and farming ideas

    We're not talking about weeds and grass though. Yeah, plants can grow everywhere but have you ever attempted to farm domesticated crops and had them rely on rainwater and a close water source alone? If farming was that easy, everyone would have acres of farmland for themselves. We wouldn't even have to pick them up at the store ever again. I don't know about you but every farmland I've seen required to be watered. Weeds and grass require very low maintenance unlike our domesticated crops. That's why farmers need to find ways to get rid of them because they make growing domesticated crops, more difficult. I would like to start a new thread but it'll end up locked because watering can have already been suggested, so I gotta do what I gotta do.
  6. Traps

    My idea for hunting traps is allowing us to make fish traps and deadfall traps, these will be for your early game protein. Fish traps would be used to obviously catch fish and deadfall traps would be for catching small game, such as rodents. To catch anything bigger you'll need to hunt. Fish traps would be made out of sticks and can be placed in the water, after a period of time you may catch a fish and it'll appear in the trap as if it's a container. As for the deadfall trap, it'll be made out of stick and rock. After a period of time, you may obtain a dead small animal within the trap.In addition, we should have a skill called animal trapping. As you build traps, your skill will go up, allowing you to make more reliable traps. Having a low trapping skill will make your traps unreliable. What this means is that traps built by you may not catch anything or may break easily. Also if you have low skill, you deadfall traps may go off without reason, requiring you to reactive it by right clicking the trap. If the trap isn't reactivated, you simply wont catch anything. Traps also shouldn't be allowed to be put next to each other, they'll need to be spread out.
  7. List of new monsters

    I honestly hate the idea of magical monsters. I'm ok with religious magic or something, but monsters really kill the atmosphere of EVERY survival game.
  8. Compost

    My input...A simple solution to fertilizer which doesn't involve animal waste is having us create our own compost. Simple way to do it, make a compost bin. The compost bin would be made out of planks and would turn organic materials which are placed inside it, except meats and dairy, into compost. It does this by speeding up the decaying process of the organic materials that it contains. Once the organic material fully decays, it will turn into compost. Compost should also have the weight feature.
  9. Compost Bin

    A simple solution to fertilizer which doesn't involve animal waste is having us create our own compost. Simple way to do it, make a compost bin. The compost bin would be made out of planks and would turn organic materials which are placed inside it, except meats and dairy, into compost. It does this by speeding up the decaying process of the organic materials that it contains. Once the organic material fully decays, it will turn into compost. Compost should also have the weight feature.I've realized people suggested compost before, but no one talked about a compost bin from what I've seen.
  10. Compost Bin

    Sorry I thought because I was suggesting a structure, that it would qualify to have a new thread. My bad...
  11. Agriculture and farming ideas

    There are many more reason for living next to fresh water and I'm not trying to eliminate that, but we just shouldn't be directly next to it or be planting your crops around it. We need to be at least a few feet away from it. In fact, you should also have bears around these areas occasionally to show people the dangers of living next to water. Along with the watering cans, if you do decide to implement them, I highly advise you to look into adding wells to make farming easier at higher elevations or places that are away from water.
  12. Agriculture and farming ideas

    Because people don't normally plant their crops next to lakes and rivers, especially in a survival situation. They're prone to wildlife and incests. Also who knows what's the quality of the water and what about floods? Unless all these mechanics can be put in the game, I really don't think it's right for us to exploit the irrigation mechanic. Besides, it makes the game too easy.
  13. Agriculture and farming ideas

    I really don't like that concept, we should be forced to water our crops and not by the means of putting them near a water source. Maintenance is what makes games like these fun, it keeps us involved so we don't get bored so easily.
  14. Agriculture and farming ideas

    Please add watering cans. This really gives you a big appreciation for rain and farming. Planting crops near water should not hydrate them, that's way too easy. It's one of the things that I extremely hated in Minecraft, you shouldn't be able to plant crops and have them grow without any effort to raise them. Soil that isn't hydrated shouldn't be able to grow crops until it gets hydrated again, basically the crop's growth will be stunned if you don't water it. The first tier for watering cans should begin with pottery, making a ceramic watering can. Afterward you can move onto metal which would provide more durability and maybe the better the watering can, the larger area you can water without watering each space individually. I'm really dying for this mechanic, harvest moon had this concept and it was amazing. I'm not saying we should water our crops daily, but at least every 3 days or so.
  15. Drinking water

    I drank from a body of water before in real life, I simply put my face in the water and starting drinking. I don't know why anyone will be cupping their water and drinking right from their hands, especially if they're truly thirsty. That's just not very believable in my opinion, guess you need to be in that real life situation to understand though. The whole "cup and suck" concept never even occurred to me and I wasn't even dying from thirst.
  16. Mushrooms in TFC

    Mushrooms should without a doubt be edible in TerraFirmaCraft. They're perfect for an early game food source and would be very useful for the stone age. That's one thing I hated in vanilla Minecraft, being forced to make a stew in order to eat my mushrooms. If mushrooms do become edible, allow us to eat them raw. As for the nutrition aspect, they should fall under the vegetable category. Unlike crops, they shouldn't be able to be domesticated and as soon as they're picked, their decay process should begin because yes, mushrooms do in fact decay. Mushrooms should start popping out after it rains and overtime they should begin to disappear, this would make people go mushroom picking right after a rainy day, just like I used to do in real life.As for poisonous mushrooms, using them for potions, and all that other stuff, lets first just make them edible.
  17. Fishing with spear or net

    After reading this and finally finding squid, I was go happy to go spear fishing for some meat. Yet it was really hard since they took many shots from my spear. A successful hit from a spear should kill the squid instantly. It was so difficult killing them, that I didn't even get one! If we're going to have spear fishing, it needs to be easier.
  18. Tracking Skill

    Wolves actually don't attack people, unless they're protecting their den, their cubs, or have rabies. Coyotes on the other hand will most likely attack you, however even around my area they also tend to flee. Don't believe what you see in the movies. There is little to no death reported from wolves nowadays for some years now.
  19. [Solved] Stair Mode Bug

    Version #: 0.79.12SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): BothSuggested Name: Stair Mode BugSuggested Category: MinorDescription: While using a chisel, if you go to detail mode on a block, break off a few blocks and then switch over to stair mode, use it where you just chiseled from detail mode, the chiseled blocks will reappear.Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No
  20. [Solved] Help with meals

    Alright thanks for the help, I think I know enough to finally use the mechanic now.
  21. [Solved] Help with meals

    What if everything was perfect, would it be above perfect?
  22. [Solved] Help with meals

    Thanks, very informative. This should definitely be added to the wiki, it was very helpful. But one more question, if I'm making a salad and all my foods were not bitter except for one which was perfectly bitter, would my salad end up being perfectly bitter? I assume so since you said they're not averaged, right? Or is it like doing basic math where lets say three not bitters would become somewhat bitter?
  23. [Solved] Stair Mode Bug

    I didn't mean people are pointing fingers at me. I meant to me, it feels like there is a whole bunch of finger pointing. To say, "Please note that the TFC devs did not implement the new stair mode feature, and it was instead a community contribution" was a defensive comment. It was rather negative if you ask me. I donno, I think I just have a different attitude than you guys. When I'm not hostile you guys think I'm being hostile, but when you guys are not hostile, I think you guys are hostile. Maybe we're from different areas and we intrepid things different. Oh well, if no one is being aggressive here than I hope the bug gets fixed.
  24. [Solved] Stair Mode Bug

    Two ways to look at it, I saw it negatively. Maybe everything was sarcasm with a bunch of joking involved, but that's rather difficult to sense through text. I just hope I didn't stir up anything because it looks like a bunch of finger pointing to me.
  25. [Solved] Stair Mode Bug

    I really don't get why we're pointing fingers here and I honestly don't care who's responsible for it. We're all human and things happen, this bug isn't really that over the top to the point that we need to get pitchforks and start hunting down the person who did it. It's actually kind of disrespectful the way this was handled. If lipki was the one who did it, you should be happy that someone wanted to contribute to the mod without getting any credit or even a donation from it. The mod is great, but you guys need to be a little more civil to your community. Even if the TFC devs were responsible for this, I honestly wouldn't care. It's not going to make me think anything less of them and don't make it seem like all their releases we're completely free of bugs. I just submitted this because I didn't know if anyone knew about it so maybe it could eventually be resolved.And yeah, thanks lipki. I really hope this isn't going to make the devs completely block out the community from contributing. We're all here for the same reason, to play a good game.