Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Trenix

  1. Rename Protein to Meat

    Well fair enough, I figured out where you got your source from and if that's what you wanna go by then I'll respect it even though I don't agree with it. I'll rely on the tool tips and the wiki to make sure I'm doing it right. However I don't agree with this concept and my suggestion still stands though.
  2. Improve Firestarter

    Unfortunately the primitive tool that we’re using actually has a real name, it doesn’t need a new one nor does it require an adjective to describe it. That’s like calling a fishing pole a fish catcher, its equivalent to baby talk. Take for example Steel & Flint, it’s as much as a fire starter as a ‘fire starter’. You see that’s why we give tools their proper names, because things get conflicting. So no, that’s not an accurate name. Once you invent or discover something, maybe then you could properly name it. I didn’t think we were here to make up new words or start a new language. I’m not here to be an ass, I’m here to give feedback of how to polish up a game. If I didn’t use the proper terminology for an item that actually exists, I would be more than happy to change it rather than get defensive and say, “It’s all about believability, people understand what it means so leave it alone.” Also you didn't understand what I said. First off I know for a fact no one here picked up two sticks and knew that it'll create a 'firestarter' except for the developers themselves. Instead they went on the wiki and found out that in order to make a fire pit they must create something called a 'firestarter' first. So changing the name of the item wouldn't cause any confusion whatsoever. No it pushed away from believability because the fantasy aspect of the torches was that they lasted forever. To have them burnout and then require you to relight them would make things realistic and that would make things also more tedious, which it has. The believability went down significantly and the realism went up. Still, people enjoyed the realism aspect, as well as I did. In fact, I wish it was even more realistic to some extent. What I’m trying to say is that everything should be found out in the wiki and there is nothing wrong with that. Minecraft itself is revolved around the wiki. Even with this Mod I’ve used the wiki throughout otherwise it would be impossible to do anything. Kittychanley says that she won’t change the name of firestarter because right now it’s easy to understand and people won’t have a clue of what a fire plough is, unless they look it up on google. I mean that’s what the wiki is for, right? My face is in the wiki majority of the time I’m playing the game anyway. It's just not a very good argument.
  3. Improve Firestarter

    I have a very good idea of what it means but I feel like the word is being greatly manipulated in this situation, to the point that I can’t even comprehend what’s believable anymore by your definition. You don't run with realism, I completely understand that. Aside from realism ever being possible in a game setting, which is impossible, to get close to it would be overly complicated and annoying, yes I get that. However you’re throwing realism out the window when it does act hand to hand with believability. For example magic isn’t realistic, but if you put it together correctly through some truths it can become believable. Using the term ‘Fire Starter’ when it’s actually ‘Fire Plough’ isn’t anything to do with believability though. It’s just flat out incorrect terminology. This isn’t something that can be exploited or will overly complicate things to the point that people will get confused. I just recently started playing this game, I didn’t recognize what this tool was or how it was made based on its name, but rather figured it out through the wiki along with the other items and features. As for the accuracy of item's recipe, it would make the game more fun, it’s even more understandable than making a fire pit in this game, because that process took me forever to understand along with the kiln pit. If you guys truly didn’t want to go in depth with realism, then why can’t I just craft a fire pit like you would make a furnace in Minecraft? It seems like anything that I suggest can’t have a single thing to do with realism or accuracy regardless if it will improve gameplay. I mean if people don’t know what the tool is after they make it, there is a wiki and the internet for that information and that’s not a bad thing. I thought I’ve just read that you like the idea of getting educated through gaming, well this is how you go about doing it. Teaching them incorrect information will only make them stupid. I mean let’s take for example logs in the game, they burn at different temperatures and you think anyone seriously knows that kind of information outside of using the internet and the wiki? It’s like when I attempt to correct the game you pull the believability card when your whole game already has plenty of realism all over it. Torches even got changed recently and they pushed away from believability and more into realism. It seems like everyone liked it probably because most realism is actually fun to deal with. I mean why are people here in the first place? I’m pretty sure it’s because they probably got fed up with the lack of maintenance and realism in Minecraft. Minecraft is just way too basic to the point that it’s boring. With this Mod however, I’m getting occupied figuring things out and it makes for an amazing experience. If I were the person that suggested for torches to burn out, would it be similar to this exact situation? Well that’s my counter argument, believability works hand to hand with realism, but not entirely as I've just explained. Avoiding realism altogether will require you to make a completely fictional game.
  4. Torch Poll

    I already know about this, but the mechanic seems glitched if I have to first light the torch before I pick it up otherwise it'll disappear when broken. Maybe a stick should drop instead....
  5. Improve Firestarter

    In order to make a torch you first need to create a fire using the current firestarter that we have, so that really wouldn't work. Also the idea of using a torch to light up everything is very exploitative which is why dont fully agree with that concept whatsoever. It makes things too easy..
  6. Rename Protein to Meat

    I see what you mean, the American food groups for the food pyramid are very misleading and not once have I ever used their terrible system in the real world. They make it seem like only the foods in the protein food category actually give you protein which is rediculious. This food pyramid is probably not even taught in schools anymore as is anything that has to do with eating healthy which is a real shame. Its no wonder why our country suffers from obesity.I can argue and even prove to you that the protein food category isn't even really required whatsoever in order to be healthy. In fact you'd be much healthier avoiding it altogether and relying on dairy to get those missing nutrients. Having a protein deficiency by simply being on a vegan diet is impossible.Sorry but I still am confused with this system, it just does not make sense to me. If it was called meat instead, it would be much easier to categorize all my foods rather than doing trail and error or using a outdated and highly inaccurate food pyramid. I'm ok with eating all food groups to keep the game fun and challenging, but only if its categorized correctly so I don't have to guess what goes in protein when technically, everything should.
  7. Rename Protein to Meat

    Do soybeans increase both protein and vegetable bars in the nutrition section? Because if that's the case, than so should the other foods. If it only increases potein than that's weird because it's also a vegetable. An egg is a meat, it's most definitely not a plant or a dairy. Even a simple internet search can tell you that. I don't get what you're saying, so making people think that only meats provide protein is a good thing? No, that’s actually a very terrible thing, to the point that it’s irritating. I know a lot about dieting so this stuff really bugs me. Its concept isn’t even believable at the very least because it simply isn't true. Also everyone will know what a meat is, more so than what protein is. So renaming protein to meat would just be fixing a mistake and it'll be a lot more easier to comprehend for everyone. No one will get confused and even if they do, that's what the wiki and the internet is for.
  8. Torch Poll

    I like this feature but it would be nice if lit torches in your inventory would also burn out, but I'm not really sure if thats possible. Also would be nice if we could pick up unlit torches instead of just having them disappear when broken. Using steel & flint or a firestar to relight them would also be a plus.
  9. I'm all for the 2nd option.
  10. More Acheivements.

    I agree, we need an achievement system that'll give you a step by step guide of how to advance in the game. I've ran into plenty of road blocks, not knowing what I should do next. While the Wiki helps, it mainly just gives you a whole lot of information of things you aren’t even capable of doing yet. I mean it took me awhile to figure out how to get copper and how to convert it to liquid with pottery. That is something that should be found in the achievement system.
  11. Thatch as of Build 79

    Requiring us to use wood along with thatch kind of defeats the whole purpose of even using it. The only difference between thatch and a log roofing is that thatch is easier to break but it lacks the security which is crucial in this game. Even as we speak I had a mob go through my roof so now I’m rebuilding it out of logs. Sure thatch is good as a form of storage and for aesthetic purposes, but it’s not a very effective roof at all. I rather use that extra straw for kiln pits.
  12. Thatch as of Build 79

    I see the purpose behind this update for thatch but I don’t agree with it. If it’s for the sake of believability, it really doesn’t make sense. If you really wanted to go through thatch, it will fall apart. Thatch is also a solid roofing, regardless if it’s fragile. Roofs are not only intended to keep rain out, but also pests such as spiders. Allowing us to go through it will make us resort to other roofs and thatch will no longer be used for buildings. That is a shame because it’s a very atheistically appealing roof.
  13. BetterGrass Causes Lag

    Well it looks like it's pointless to get proof, if you open up more RAM everything should be fine as well as just turning off the feature.
  14. BetterGrass Causes Lag

    Version #: (Single/MultiPlayer): BothSuggested Name: BetterGrass Causes LagSuggested Category: SevereDescription: The BetterGrass feature causes client lag, both on a high end and a low end computers. I've went out of my way to personally test this. Now I could understand a low end computer lagging more from a feature like this, but definitely not a high end one. My high end computer spec is as follows...Processor: Intel Core i7 3.40GHzRAM: 16 GBSystem: 64-bit Windows 8.1, x64-based processorGraphics: GeForce GTX 660It may not be the complete best, but it's definitely WAY above average. You can't tell me that I should be lagging on Minecraft with those specs. After removing this feature all lag was removed from BOTH computers, entirely.Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No
  15. BetterGrass Causes Lag

    @Override public IIcon getIcon(IBlockAccess access, int x, int y, int z, int side) { if (side == 1) return GrassTopTexture; else if (side == 0) return TFC_Textures.InvisibleTexture; else if (side == 2) //-Z { if(TFCOptions.enableBetterGrass == true && TFC_Core.isGrass(access.getBlock(x, y - 1, z - 1))) return isSnow(access, x, y - 1, z - 1) ? Blocks.snow.getBlockTextureFromSide(0) : GrassTopTexture; } else if (side == 3) //+Z { if(TFCOptions.enableBetterGrass == true && TFC_Core.isGrass(access.getBlock(x, y - 1, z + 1))) return isSnow(access, x, y - 1, z + 1) ? Blocks.snow.getBlockTextureFromSide(0) : GrassTopTexture; } else if (side == 4) //-X { if(TFCOptions.enableBetterGrass == true && TFC_Core.isGrass(access.getBlock(x - 1, y - 1, z))) return isSnow(access, x - 1, y - 1, z) ? Blocks.snow.getBlockTextureFromSide(0) : GrassTopTexture; } else if (side == 5) //+X { if(TFCOptions.enableBetterGrass == true && TFC_Core.isGrass(access.getBlock(x + 1, y - 1, z))) return isSnow(access, x + 1, y - 1, z) ? Blocks.snow.getBlockTextureFromSide(0) : GrassTopTexture; } return iconGrassSideOverlay; } So there is simply a single check of the nearby block to pick which texture, which is hardly resource intensive. Unless you can prove that this is an extremely serious issue that is causing an excessive amount of lag making the game unplayable, there will be no change. Edit: There are a great many things in TFC that cause lag, but having the feature and the lag was decided to be better than not having the feature. Just a few examples: terrain generation above y=128, being able to walk through leaves, a very large variety of blocks and item IDs, custom ore generation, custom chunk generation, etc. I'll try to get the proof by tomorrow since today I'm a little bit too busy. I do understand that I'm a little biased with this feature since it's VERY clear that I don't like it, but I'm almost certain that it's caused lag for me and my fiance.
  16. BetterGrass Causes Lag

    Changing your video settings in Minecraft is easy to do and easy to find, unlike changing options in TerraFirmaCraft which was completely unknown to me until I found out recently. Knowing that Minecraft defaults to 1GB of RAM, I don't see why you would implement or default a very minor feature that barely contributes to gameplay at all, which requires more RAM and overly complicates things. For example, I remember getting GTA IV and the game came out optimized very horribly. There were ways to go around this, some ways didn’t work, but some did. All that complication pretty much killed that game one can argue. Some people don’t comprehend even the most basic programming.You can have the best game or Mod you could ever have, but all that people really care about is stability. Stability is what will keep a product alive and has everything to do with its reputation. I’m just saying, it would be better to keep things as simple as possible in the beginning so people can experience a stable client and change their experience if they like, rather than one that gives the impression that the Mod isn’t optimized properly.
  17. BetterGrass Causes Lag

    Well that explains it. I guess Minecraft in general is to be blamed. However if Minecraft restricts the amount of RAM we could use, why is this 'BetterGrass' feature defaulted so it can gaurentee lag for new players? Not a very good first impression...
  18. BetterGrass Causes Lag

    I've updated my post so it could be in the appropriate format. I'm not sure why some don't lag with this feature, but I know for a fact that it caused unnecessary lag for me and my fiancé. I just don’t see a reason to keep something that really doesn’t add little to anything to the game and additionally causes unnecessary lag. This can lure people away from the modification and cause a worse gaming experience. Yet I’d still be fine if this feature was only to be better optimized, but it shouldn’t be a defaulted feature currently since people like me and my fiancé, have experienced issues with it. I also personally believe that people would rather choose to have no lag than keeping a senseless feature.
  19. Remove Side Grass

    I like how there is so many interesting Mods out there that are impossible to find. Even with TerraFirmaCraft I had to search days and days to find some real wilderness survival Mod for Minecraft. The Mod you suggested looks really cool but I think it's overdoing it a little, still it’s worth a try. I just think Minecraft should be blocky, but a slope to me is no different than a stair. Also are these Mods actually supported to work with TerraFirmaCraft?
  20. Remove Side Grass

    I'm new to using this mod and so far it's been an amazing experience. The only reason I bought Minecraft is so the developers could make a plugin API and support mods like these, though it seems like Mojang is taking awhile to go through with that.Anyway, back to the actual suggestion. I see that your mod isusing the same feature that the "BetterGrass" mod uses and it's really unappealing in my opinion. It also makes things more difficult to see what's under grass. Now I would understand if Minecraft's hills were made up of slopes rather than blocks, but unfortunately that isn't the case. So basically what I'm suggesting is if we can have the old Minecraft style of grass blocks, where grass isn't capable of growingat a90 degree angle.Update 1: I've just recently discovered that the 'BetterGrass' feature creates lag within the game. This suggestion is no longer based on personal preference, being that this feature actually negatively impacts your gameplay. I’ve tested this with a high end computer and a low end one. Both computers experienced lag, unlike vanilla Minecraft. My fiancé, the one with the low end computer, was barely handling the Mod, having a lot of client freezes until I removed the ‘BetterGrass’ feature through options.In fact, I stopped playing TerafirmaCraft a very long time ago because she couldn’t handle it very well, so I was waiting for version 0.79 hoping it would fix this, which it actually did not. My computer, the extremely high end computer, has specs such as 16GB of ram, 3.40GHZ i7 intel core processor, Windows 8.1 that’s a 64-bit, with a GeForce GTX 660 graphics card, had some stuttering which is very much unlike vanilla. Removing this feature eliminate all lag from both computers, I highly suggest others to try this as well to confirm that something is wrong. Not sure if this is known, but if it is, why default or even have a feature that negatively impacts your gameplay.Update 2: Looks like the lag is due to Minecraft limiting the amount of RAM you're capable of using with it's client. While this can be fixed, it's not a very good impression for new players, therefore I suggest this feature not to be defaulted for us since it can lure new players away...
  21. Remove Side Grass

    I've edited my original post, I strongly believe that this feature is linked to client lag which only emphasizes the removal or at least improvement of the feature. @Caveman Thanks for the tip, that Mod looks great!
  22. Remove Side Grass

    Oh sorry, I misread that. Oh well, it's just my two cents. To each their own. Both me and my fiancé were frustrated with the BetterGrass modification so I felt like mentioning it. Though I don't agree with the feature, I'm glad Iwas capable of removing it. I'm just so used to Minecraft's terrace concept that it's really hard for me to switch over. It would be really interesting seeing actual slopes in the game though.
  23. Remove Side Grass

    Awesome, thanks! I honestly would recommend this feature to be set to false by default or removed altogether. However that's just my opinion, but it's great that I was capableof changing this by myself. Seeing that you guys like to go by accuracy, it reallywould make sense for grass to not be able to grow at a 90 degree angle.