Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Lenaco


    Kitty, are you sure about this?
    On a server we had, at one point, a completely chiseled roof and if was almost impossible to to move around in that area, while we have a lot of lumber roofs and we notice no notable difference in lag.

    To be a little more specific, the chiseled roof was done in detail mode, not in slab or stairs mode. When done in slab or stairs mode, we see no notable difference in lag either.

    AS you can see in these pictures our basic design is to try and get a roof as smooth as possible with the use of lumber, where, regardless of the slope, usually 8 pieces of lumber are used per block. We also tend to stick to one color.


  2. Your best bet would be to join one of the servers in the server thread, an intelligent lad as yourself shouldn't have to much trouble figuring out how to join a server. ;)

    Just in case, a few links...
    Mojang | How do I play on a multiplayer server?
    How to Join a Minecraft Multiplayer Server (PC and Mac) - YouTube

    The server information you need can be found in the above mentioned server threads.

    Good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for!


  3. I have seen the same on other server. People don't see the nuggets and start complaining about the lack of ore.

    Even after 6 months of continuous mining by hundreds of players I was still able to find ore within a 200 block radius of spawn.


    But a lot of the people who complain about the lack of ore don't want to look for it, they don't want to search for ore, they want it handed to them on a silver platter. I agree with InsaneJ TFC might not be the right mod for them.

    Then again, if those people don't mind trading for ore, there will always be people who are able to find ore and are willing to trade it away.


    I like the suggestions made here, and I would most definitely like to see configuration options for them, so they can be implemented gradually so the people who are good at finding ore do not loose their edge.


  4. There are several different ways you can join a server, have a look in the different server threads, it is all explained there.

    For some you have to fill in a small questionnaire, for some you have to join a website, some you can join without doing anything.


    Good luck finding a nice server!


  5. Harvesting those crops will not only give you food, but also seeds, those seeds can be planted at your base for a more readily available  food supply.


  6. @InsaneJ: Thx!


    @Tony: Thx! for the suggestion, I had not thought of that.


    Although I would love to give you access to check out the build on our server, this would not be fair towards other people who might want to sneak a peak. I am not sure if breaking the rules on the day of the launch is the way we want to go... ;)


    P.s. Tony, clean up your personal messages, I was trying to send you something but you cant receive anymore messages. :P


  7. 4509129.png

    EternityTFC aims to create a pure TFC experience and we will keep the server updated with the latest stable TFC version. We are a whitelisted server, but due to serious time constraints we are not actively seeking new members at this time, we will change this post the moment we are.
    Please be friendly to other players and the staff, read through the information and follow the rules.

    As a server we cater primarily to builders and players who prefer to keep playing for a longer period of time. We will keep a map reset at bay for as long as is technically possible and we have set up the server in such a way that progress is more in line with SMP. This does not mean you can not play regular survival, we have vast empty planes and many unexplored forests!

    Server IP:

    Useful pages:
    Price list:
    Server Guidelines and Information
    Protecting your stuff: Towny and Lockette

    - Large 15.000 x 10.000 pre-generated map.
    - No limitations on animals, farmland, bushes, trees or anvils.
    - Use Towny to protect your builds.
    - Your Towny town will never be deleted.
    - Use Lockette to protect your things.
    - All block and inventory interactions are logged, griefing and stealing is pointless.
    - A very dedicated, loyal and experienced crew.
    - Protect an area outside of town with an outpost.
    - Use Dynmap to plan your builds or routes.
    - Many lag-reducing measures.
    - Absolutely no pay-to-win.
    - And much, much more!
    Some more pictures:
    The city of Illian
    My village (Baerlon)




  8. There's two types of tile entities in Minecraft. Ticking, and non-ticking. Slabs and stairs are non-ticking, because they don't need to constantly update any of their data. Non-ticking tile entities cause pretty much no more lag than a normal block.


    You don't happen to have a list handy of the ticking tile entities?


  9. I have been wondering what exactly causes TFC to use memory and CPU power.


    I know that MC can only use one thread so a multithreaded CPU has very limited advantages, better to go with a high speed one.

    I know TFC has an increased ceiling, 256 instead of the MC 128 blocks.

    I know that chiseling increases the amount of block sides that need to be rendered (theoretically up to 256 times as many sides per block).

    I know that entities take up recourses.


    When exactly is something loaded and unloaded?

    How does this exactly work together with teleporting?


    To what extend does the map size dictates memory usage (disk space is not an issue).


    I have seen server admins do a lot of things and sometimes I really wonder what they are thinking, do they know something I do not or are they just completely bonkers...


    I think it would be nice to clearly understand the what and the how, so that (aspiring) server admins can take a little bit of a closer look as to how they are using their recources or how to get as much as possible out of the limited recourses they have available.


    Thanks in advance!


  10. 32*32*32=32768 blocks per chunk.

    16*16*256=66536 blocks per chunk.


    Is the render distance the same in chunks, blocks or not the same at all?

    Also, what is happening in the background?


    You are comparing apples and oranges.


  11. I'm not sure why people are construing this as telling people how to play TFC.


    Could that perhaps have anything to do with an argument that keep popping up about how one group of people will not enjoy playing the game anymore if another group of people uses certain advantages?


  12. I am sorry, I just can not help myself.


    Take a look at it this way. You have two players:

    • Player 1 - The resident blackmsmith. He has taken the time and effort to figure out the smithing system in a way other than just using the numbers. He has a sense of accomplishment in doing so, and therefore is often willing to smith tools and armor for his fellow players either for free or for a fair trade. He has decided that this is his specialty on the server, and generally speaking when he is logged in the majority of his time is spent smithing, because he enjoys it and enjoys the sense of accomplishment. This player possibly does not enjoy many of the other mechanics of TFC, and if he wasn't the resident smith for his fellow players, would likely stop playing. His smithing skill levels are likely higher than all the other players on the server, but possibly not completely maxed out because he still has to put effort into smithing all the different things.
    • Player 2 - The app user. This player possibly is brand new to TFC and the server that he has joined. Rather than trade with the resident blacksmith, this player has decided that he's just going to make all of his stuff himself, because it's such an extremely easy task to do with the help of this spoiler app. They decide that the increased durability for the higher skill level of Player 1 isn't worth the effort of travelling on the server and trading goods. He'd rather just make his stuff at home since he can do so quickly and easily, which also means that with the help of the app he can very quickly level up his smithing skill to be on the same level if not higher as Player 1, with little to no thought on his part since the app is doing all the logic for him.  This player then goes and tells his friends about this app, and they start using it too instead of trading goods with the resident blacksmith, or perhaps now go to Player 2 for their tools since he is faster, and his prices are cheaper due to the fact that he doesn't have to do nearly as much thinking when smithing as Player 1.

    In essence, the app has completely replaced the functionality of player 1. All of his hard work is for nothing and unless he also starts using the app, his role on the server is gone. For many players, having their key role taken away from then will likely mean that they just quit the server, and have a very bitter feeling towards the mod as a whole.


    Edit: By allowing these types of addons to be posted on this forum, even just in a subforum, it implies that the developers of this mod are ok with the players using it, or even that we encourage players to use it. This is the mod's official forum, whether we like it or not, that means that everything on it has a sense of being "official" and endorsed by the developers. Because of this, players who feel wronged due to an addon that is publicly distributed on this official forum will likely get mad at us, the official TFC staff, for allowing it to be posted in the first place, and less so at the actual author of the addon, or the other players who decided to start using it.


    And this is entire the problem, your example is faulty.


    P1 will be angry anyway, no matter if P2 will use a legitimate way of smithing or is cutting corners.

    There is no way for anyone to tell if P2 is using an app/website/pen & paper or just trial and error.


    This app will not help you level up, you still have to put in the effort of making a whole lot of tools for that.

    99% of the people using this app are not willing to put in the effort to learn how to smith the hard way, what gives you the idea they will put in the effort to make all those tools needed to get to the master level?


    And also, dont sell your players short, there is such a thing as loyalty, just because there is a slightly cheaper smith out there doesnt mean all of a sudden people are going to change there minds about which smith to use.

    Another point, a lot of players are lazy (not meant in a bad way), when they find something that works they tend to stick with it, so if they have a smith that they work well with it is actually easier to keep using that person.


    I think we all agree that this can not be stopped, and a website like the one mentioned above cant even be monitored or bocked by an app black/white list.


    By banning these things from the forum you are sticking your head in the sand, because people who are inclined to utilze advantages will do so anyway, a simple Google search will reveal the app or website. You are actually depriving players, moderators and admins from the information.

    Have you considered that it might actually be benificial for server admins to know what is out there, where it can be found, how it works and the abbility to talk about this?


    As with so many things, people who want to do bad will always do bad, they can not be stopped, but by blocking the information actually deprives people of the information they need to understand and possibly fight these apps or websites.


  13. How do you expect to change my mind by saying I haven't fully understood what it is about and repeating the same arguments again and again.

    I have only seen the same arguments I have been seeing on this forum ever since I joined, no matter what counter argument was used, so you guys are as dug in as I am.


    The poll is a very good and clear way to see what the community really feels, because it is anonymous.

    Now look at the amount of votes, and then took at the amount of unique posters in this thread...


    My opinion in this is pretty much made up but not set in stone mind you. But that has more to do with the fact that I am not defending my personal opinion but that I am defending the right for people to enjoy a community that does not suppresses any information.


    As requested I will not post in this topic again.


    P.s. Just to clarify, with 'you' I do not mean you personal Kitty or Bunsan, I am merely referring to the opposite side in this discussion.


  14. Why not just accept that there are people who do not share your views?

    I understand your point of view, I just disagree with it.


    If you want a democratic decision, you should go with the 70ish % that say sub forum.

    If you don't want anything of the like on this forum, take a developers decision to not allow it, you would be fully within your rights.


    But if you want us to change our opinions, don't bother because that is not going to happen, just as we will not be able to change your mind.


    The only thing I have been trying to say is that there are a lot of people with different opinions, and some of these views will be directly opposed to your views.


    What kind of community do we want to be, one that accepts all based on the mutual respect and admiration for this wonderful game or one that restricts people that do not share a particular point of view?


    I am very sorry for stating it this bluntly, but that is what it eventually boils down to.


  15. We're not stopping anybody from playing the game the way they want to. What we're stopping is players sharing information that ruins gameplay for everybody else. The mod is open source and players are more than welcome to use the code to figure things out for themselves.


    I have never said anything of the like, I am saying that we are depriving people who have a particular interest from a community.


    This is the official TFC community, in my oppinion it should cater to every single type of playing style, also the ones one did not think of at first or that one disapproves of.

    Also, when you ban this type of sharing, eventually other communities might pop up, diluting the information you and others are able to get from this one.


    There is nothing wrong with wanting to mark these toppics and/or add-ons, either by the use of tags or the use of a sub forum, but banning them is wrong in my oppinion.



    We already do that. The problem is that these addons and applications take that into consideration, and just ask for the user to input their world seed, which is easily obtainable in single player by just using the /seed command, and is public knowledge on a fair amount of servers.


    As soon as a player has to find out the seed and input it elsewhere where is not at all accidental more.

    One of your mayor points, people accidentally seeing something and not being able to unsee it, is not even close to the above mentioned deliberate action.



    Communities are a diverse group of people, diversity is where its strength comes from, pushing away any part of that community makes the community as a whole weaker.


    We all know you have a strong oppinion on the matter, and If you will not change your mind on the merrit of a discussion, why not just adhere to the following saying; Keep your friends close and your enimies closer.
