Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by NegiMagica209

  1. Mortar and pestle: uses for some materials

    Oh yes! This could be the start of a much better alchemy section the what vanilla has.
  2. A new precursor age

    My cooking suggestion could start hear. The beginnings of gathering and hunting leading up to early aged meals and then into the full blown fireplace, oven, hand pump and icebox section once you do reach the metal age. Hurray progression!!! (my post is half bump sorry. I'd like to see more talk of leather so I also wanted to bring it to the first page.)
  3. Mechanics

    Well if that's the case then forget Flowerchild let's have at it shall we!
  4. World Height - more room underground?

    Anyone new to this thread: The height for the Pre-Beta 2 has been increased to 145, but at the moment there are problems with it. See the thread about the unfair cave generation in the suggestions to see what I mean.
  5. Cooking (Hunter-Gatherer)(Beekeeping)

    (dude btw) My apologies. I reread the OP and realized I made some confusing mistakes. I will change them and make the entire section that contained the errors bold because of the extent of the errors. Edit: Done.
  6. Cooking (Hunter-Gatherer)(Beekeeping)

    hahah nice. We did think alike. I hope our idea will make it through. My original idea included a fridge as well and a blender, along with a cuboard version of chests for looks. I wanted it to be a tie in mod with Industrial and Biuld, but since I know diddly squat about modding myself and that I find TFC to have an amazing consept to ghow survival should be played and wanted to suggest this to Bioxx. It's good that cookin will be added in some way. I'm still trying to add beekeeping, which doesn't really have much to do with cooking, but the honey could be used to candy meat and friuts for long trips in the new 145 surface height. Brewing on the other hand can be optional though.
  7. At what level ores would start spawning in the world?

    If you are currently playing the latest Pre, I believe they are more spread out now that the height of the surface level has been increased to 145.
  8. IC2 integration as "era"?

    Could be added to a way later section through advancements of metal and mechanics similar to BTW and onto steam power and pipes like BC all the way to stuff similar to IC. Yes I have thought about this and I'd love to see something like this unfold.
  9. Cooking (Hunter-Gatherer)(Beekeeping)

    I'd love your input. If you have any ideas that i didn't I can add it if its TFC friendly. The more stuff the merrier. At the moment I am doing research on Beekeeping and Brewing beer the old fasioned ways. Beekeeping may not seem like something for cooking but candied foods can also last a long time as well as the bees pollenating the crops. And I will add more on satchels, pouches and backpacks that'll fall into this suggestion and I'll explain why as well. Along with more information on perishing foods and a use for rotten food. Weither or not it's already being implemented. I'd also like to add a senario section that'd explain early hunting and gathering that you;d do before farming, herding, and cooking. I also changed the name of the thread to something more apropriate.
  10. Cooking (Hunter-Gatherer)(Beekeeping)

    For the kettle; place the kettle And what you want the boiled(filtered) water to go in in a simple shapeless recipe in your inventory interface. The kettle returns to your inventory(empty) and the other is filled with filtered water. Edited OP : Made more changes to make it TFC friendly. Cup to goblet. Cookbook to recipe table and uses markings with scribing table interface. Counter uses recipes made similar to plans in the anvil. Stove grill and oven to oven and fireplace. Removed frying pan. Plates to be used similar to mouldings to hold meals. Ice pick for ice for the ice box. Drying rack for drying meat and various other things.
  11. Cooking (Hunter-Gatherer)(Beekeeping)

    Oh, I like the Hand pump idea better than a sink. And the meals for multiple people would be useful for SMP. Edited OP: Changed items to make it more TFC friendly. Thanks for your ideas guys keep it up.
  12. Cooking (Hunter-Gatherer)(Beekeeping)

    All true. It is suppose to be a stone age type game, at least as is. Steam punk type tech would be nice and will fit in with most of the metallurgy. But, I guess we will just have to wait and see we're Bioxx takes TFC before adding stuff like this. I just thought it'd be a good tie in for the agricultural part. At least some of it can be used like the counter and cookbook along with a grill stove and oven builds. Also early cooking in the campfire and maybe a fireplace. This is more like me throwing my own mod idea and slowly but surely molding it into something that's more like TFC. I'd love to see this develop into something that can be added regardless of pipe and energy usage. I'll even add pictures of makeshift constructs once I can. I already have an idea for the grill: Bottom layer: three long, two wide stone. Top layer: stone in shape of a C with iron bars placed in the remaining space.
  13. Block Identification (Prospector Pick Alteration)

    This is true. Bioxx wants it to be a learning experience. Something you gain over time with constant playing. It is a good idea and it does add a sence of your character learning rather than just you, so I kind of agree with it do long as continuous use leads to posting what block or ore you're looking at on the screen. Edit: Something vanilla is lacking as well.
  14. regrowing leaves

    I agree with this. As far as I've seen about 50% say it's hard to get saplings and 50% say it's easy. And, leaves regrowing makes sence realistically.
  15. Basic protection/armor

    Add in early ( before a tanning rack) fur armor made from unchanged mob furs.
  16. Early power systems

    To tie-in this with burning out torches and adding gas lamps, add a craft able socket attached to the wiring that allows you to place some kind of early light bulb as if you're placing a torch, but it can only be placed on the socket. As for torches going out and bulbs burning out, there wouldn't have to be an interface to know when they'll burn out because IRL you're not able to. The only one that'd have an interface would be the gas lamp for refueling.