Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Urist McStout-Horn

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Everything posted by Urist McStout-Horn

  1. Beta 56 - Graphical wonkiness (water, clouds)[now with video]

    Seems when the water/clouds glitch out, your inventory disapears as well. I'll go poke the optifine guys and see if there's anything on their end that can be done.
  2. Some folks are saying this is a conflict between TFC and optifine. I can deal with it, but it's funky. Also: when the clouds and water are tilted (they tilt at the same time it seems) they wobble. I'll try to take a video of it if I can. -=edit=- Alright. Tried to survive the night by going and taking down some sheep. Don't know why that wasn't priority one, but eh. The water disappearing and suddenly slowly moving into my field of vision before popping back into place scared the hell out of me. Thought it was a Huge ass creeper. And skeletons are wielding endermen as bows during this time. Again, I'll try for some video now that I've gotten the scary out of the way. -=edit again=- Video has been recorded, working on uploading to YouTube now. -=edit the third=- And I got the video uploaded. Here
  3. Beta 56 - Graphical wonkiness (water, clouds)[now with video]

    Updated first post with video.
  4. I've noticed a few things. -=edit - I've only personally tested b55, just a heads up=- Thought I'd make a thread to help out after seeing several of the same question/issue pop up. Yes, mob health has been tweaked to allign with player health. Yes, zeds and skeletons take FOREVER to die in the sunlight due to this. Yes, skeletons are rendered harmless because they use bows and bow damage isn't scaled yet. Same thing seems to go for zombies since they "punch" at you. HOWEVER Some things to remember: Spiders are DANGEROUS as all get out now A simple stone knife puts you on even ground to kill all mobs fall damage has not been scaled either, so don't throw mobs off cliffs, it'll do no good Bows and javelins just make the hostile mobs more angry, like the hulk - avoid for now Hunger damage seems to kick in where vanilla hunger damage would, number wise - annoying, but the damage is not yet scaled either Some people have reported a hang at "shutting down internal server" when saving/exiting a single player world. Not sure of the ramifications of this, but if you're getting this, you are not alone.Meals can not be made with JUST two of the same food itemI'll add to this list as I discover more bits/if need be. -=edit=- Also: if anyone cares, this is the MultiMC console readout as it hangs for me 2012-10-29 03:17:26 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.NullPointerException2012-10-29 03:17:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at bw.b( 03:17:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at bw.a( 03:17:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at im.b( 03:17:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at im.c( 03:17:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at ge.r( 03:17:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.k( 03:17:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at bcb.k( 03:17:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at 03:17:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at
  5. This is mostly moot now thanks to b56. Thanks Bioxx! *^_^*

    Well, it would appear that Bioxx and his awesome response time on bugfix releases has made most of this thread moot. Thanks Bioxx, you rock man.
  6. This is mostly moot now thanks to b56. Thanks Bioxx! *^_^*

    Since it's happened in my single player, in addition to a server I was playing on, and after reading through several responses to peoples issues on the same thing, I'm going to make an educated guess and say that it's everyone. Though I should probably note and edit my first post to say that I've only personally tested on b55.
  7. [Offline] Protectionless New Lagfree Beta 2 Build 57

    Not too shabby for a fresh out of the water server. Just a heads up, the knife is your BEST FRIEND now.
  8. Lighting System Revamp

    This would be a lovely idea, however it would require a COMPLETE tear out of the current lighting code as far as I'm to understand it. One of the Mojang guys was working on "fixing" the engine for the new update and gave up in the process because of how broken it is currently. This is also the same code that is preventing stained glass/colored lights/etc. If someone has the knowledge and gusto to go in and rework the shoddy code from the ground up, I heartily approve, and would LOVE to see it. However, I've sadly given up hope on that for quite some time now.
  9. [Offline] TerraCraft - New, whitelist-based SMP Server (LF 1-2 Moderators)

    Good, good. Family is important, and the server didn't blow up. All good things. Thank you for responding now that you've returned. I've just attempted to add you to Gtalk, as that would probably be simpliest for me. I'll probably be on the server all night from this time on, to greet folks and such if need be.
  10. Requesting help with some info regarding texture packs

    Thank you for that suggestion. The fact that I've got NEI installed with TFC (though hidden unless I choose to bring it up, which would explain some things) should help instead, I think. I... have an aversion to creative mode, however in order to get this layout thingie, it may be my only option. I'll be really fucked when there's a bunch of tiles labled "unnamed" for one reason or another though. I think I'll try to compile my own for now then, and I'll probably return when I've got more questions. However, at that point, I'll probably move over to the Texture Pack Subforum since it would be much less "support" at that point.
  11. I'd like to take a texture pack I like and fiddle with it to make it TFC compatable, make things... flow better, and I'm having a bit of a time. Does anyone have, or can easily/quickly enough whip up an outline as to which textures are which in the base textures? Something perhaps along the lines of this but for all the TFC stuff?
  12. [Offline] TerraCraft - New, whitelist-based SMP Server (LF 1-2 Moderators)

    If I may enquire as to the owner of the server, a few things... Is there a better way to contact you aside from this thread? Also: as a small point of interest, your MOTD message is HUGE. I've got a decent sized screen, and it runs over the player count, plus some on my "choose server" screen. Other than those bits... server's great. The lag is tollerable, and we don't have a bunch of "lol i griff u, umad?" kiddies running around. My only problem is I know I'm going to have to travel a ways to find copper, since NONE of the sluices/surface rocks (buttons) I, or Brazilboy have found so far have been copper. But that's all part of the fun. **
  13. Requesting help with some info regarding texture packs

    Yeah, I've extracted most anything that was an image file from the zip and looked at them. I'm still confused by what some of the textures are. I've not gotten too deep into the game, so I don't have quite the intimate knowledge of the stones and ores and such. Plus the lack of Microline throws me off a bit, but that's neither here nor there. ** I've been trying to gimp together something similar to what I linked to in the OP, but if someone already has something done up in that vein, I'd rather rely on that, than my own (possibly innacurate) guesswork. But thanks for answering so quickly. I appreciate the help.
  14. [Offline] TerraCraft - New, whitelist-based SMP Server (LF 1-2 Moderators)

    Most TFC tools are larger than what a chest is now able to hold. This might help though.
  15. [Offline] TerraCraft - New, whitelist-based SMP Server (LF 1-2 Moderators)

    Howdy there, I'm new-ish to TerraFirmaCraft in general, but would like to join a nice community, any chance I could come check out what you guys have going? In game name: sanketsu
  16. So, I'm rather new... and yours is the highest res texture pack, I'm used to sphax... Any chance I could request the picture from the OP with all the different stone types, but labled? Edit: I've found where the standard textures are and have compared them, so this request is moot now. Edit again, since I don't want to double post and no one else is talking: This riverbed... ...has both dirt and gravel in it. Very good texture pack, amazing to find such a fleshed out x128 pack for TFC, but this is the one thing that is killing me right now. Any chance there might be some sort of... something, to make the gravel not blend quite so well?