Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by transcengopher

  1. Advancing Ages : Making it Harder

    Can Don't Starve-like perishable food help the issue? Food has freshness points, that tick down at a rate dependant on container food resides in. Different food have different volume of points, as in: fresh apple has 500, fresh raw meat has 200, food is considered stale when it has a certain percentage of points ticked away compared to the fresh item, and so on. Stack of food has the same amount of points as a single food item. Merging stacks produces a stack that has arithmetical mean from both stacks with applied weight ratio, so adding a single apple to the stack of 20 apples has lesser effect than stacking two apples. Cooking food adds a percentage to the amount of points this food has. Cooking a meal, again, uses this arithmetical mean mechanic, possibly adds some points just for the sake of it as well. I can see how, know how and do abuse this mechanic in Don't Starve to some degree, but it's about the extent of what can be done in terms of food spoiling without getting rid of food stacking. Or at least I think so.
  2. Fishing

    Fish net is in no way a primitive device though. This already requires access to ropes, which is tech.
  3. stacking food

    So, a single apple takes up the same amount of space as a stack 64 rocks or 32 dirt blocks. Does this make sense to you?
  4. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    You say that, but mongol forces used flaming arrows in sieges of walled in towns. Arrow wrapped in rags is indeed travels not as far as normal, but it's still more than enough to bypass a wall and light on fire hay-like roofs of nearby buildings. Not to mention that oils were used to soak wood to make it water-resistant, and some of those oils are flammable.In fact, flaming arrow travels about as much as normal arrow in minecraft now - bows in minecraft is not particularly ranged weapon.
  5. Terraria

    This exact thing alone is enough to tip me into playing. Although me and Ditto have like 9 hours difference, because I'm on Moscow time, which is UTC+4 (or UTC+3).So. Character Name: (Can't decide ATM. Maybe) Gopher Time Played: No real idea. A lot. Although I've never reached hardmode. Time Zone: UTC+4 Free Time: Can't tell now. Summer is quite crazy usually for me. Skype: transcengoper 18+: √
  6. Differences between TFC and MC - HELP

    Not true, except for dyes, which do exist, but are indeed mostly useless.
  7. Regenerating rocks (like tall grass and tree sapplings)

    Isn't there a way to limit regeneration of rocks to spawn chunk only? Walking is one thing, but I've seen servers with completely barren landscapes for a day worth of walking in every direction. In which case freshly spawned player is just screwed, because every death will throw him back to the spawn.
  8. Differences between TFC and MC - HELP

    Should definitely mention mining and ore generation changes. Ores almost never spawn in cliffs, clusters of ore grow bigger the deeper you dig, they are also becoming more spaced out. Maybe mention that dirt layer is thicker than vanilla's. Which is a tiny thing, but who knows. For agriculture it needs to be mentioned not only about seasons, but for temperature in general.
  9. Terraria

    I'm not sure. It's my final finals over here, so I'm, technically, busy until somewhere close to the middle of June. But I'd like to play then. Oh, and this.
  10. Revamp: "Treecapitator" effect on trees

    How often did you get injured while breaking a branch?
  11. Greenhouse...

    I don't know about anything of the sort. Except water loss is indeed dependant on how cold/hot it is outside.But buildings do not affect ambient temperature, nor do the fires and forges.
  12. Revamp: "Treecapitator" effect on trees

    Just no. Unless you managed to bruise yourself with a leaf at some point.
  13. Greenhouse...

    Well, you aren't supposed to plant crops in winter, for one thing. The next thing is that crop seem to be able to die off if it ran out of nutrients in soil, which amount you can check using metal hoe. Also, there's temperature dependence.Greenhouse in TFC protects only from snow. All other protection is not included, because there's no such thing as proper greenhouse in TFC at the moment, because there's no way to reliably tell if room is enclosed or not in minecraft. Although it'll be nice to see at least a set multiblock structure for that.
  14. A question about farming..

    Animals require grass to eat. I think - and don't quote me on it - that rainfall value affects how fast the grass spreads back to dirt. Now, to get rid of this exact dry grass texture you can place some water nearby, but I'm not sure if it will affect grass spread in any way.
  15. [TFC 0.76.X] Terra Bow Mod (Abandoned)

    If you fancy installing another mod, try Bibliocraft. It has a pretty ability to store stuff in shelves and its toolracks, while having a recipe that requires you to mess with configs of TFC, allowing vanilla iron conversion, are able to be configured to store TFC tools and weapons. And shelves are pretty themselves.
  16. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    You really don't need to leave a post per picture.
  17. I want to tell you a story

    I was minding my business today when I remembered weird and somewhat creepy thing that happened to me once in my TFC playthrough. I will try to explain what happened as thorough as I can. It was the time, when TFC was SSP-only mod overriding minecraft.jar files directly, TFC world was generated using vanilla biome generator with ocean level of 65, snowfall would generate snow slabs of various height that would slow player's movement, ore could generate in very small pockets, so you could find Garnierite vein in open cliff face, and hammers were so OP they could kill an enderdragon in one hit. It was the time our story takes place. I'm no storyteller, so I'll probably butcher the whole thing, but what can I do. It started pretty normal - although I spawned in the hickory forest, there was schist stone around, so I gathered some materials and saplings and set on expedition to find the surface granite layer stone. I lucked out, and it was somewhat close - in the forest biome which happened to generate close to 0, 0 coordinates (with vanilla spawning system in place it was near-500 block travel, which is nothing special even in vanilla, not to mention current TFC states) I ran into steep hills built out of granite. This was a perfect place to throw my bones at, so I occupied a nearby hill, where I built me a shack, setup some sluices in all nearest ponds, crafted a hotbar worth of stone picks and started to dig a mine. Long story short, I had a nice established house with storage and basic smithing area built into a hill, a pen with cows and a descent wheat field which I made in the nearby swamp biome. I progressed through up to the steel tools and even found some gold, so I was able to make a black steel as soon as my old steel tools were to break - I was doing fantastic, basically. House Inside, first floor. Storage and crafting Smelting Smithing Interesting part happened when I was building a road. I don't remember why I was doing that - probably, to haul resources from one of the mines without needing to jump up and down the hills surrounding my home valley. So, in doing that at one of the nights, I ran past the lake and noticed a faint glow behind the trees in the middle of the lake. Upon approaching I saw a nether portal. An effing nether portal, generated in TFC world, at almost exactly 0, 65, 0 coordinates (while I said my home snow forest biome generated near 0, 0, my house was located at -200 something, and this was the first time I visited the center of my world). It may sound like I built the portal myself, but I assure you - I didn't do such things, it is indeed was generated by itself - I think so, anyway. Portal Preparing for expedition inside Nether. Looked completely normal, which is both soothed me and surprised a bit, as I expected something to be happening there. I got out with a good haul of glowstone and netherrack and a single ghast tear. Netherrack is placed by me to make it look more like I felt about it. Spruced my house afterwards with the spoils of my efforts.
  18. 1.6 snapshot

    They should've been making some sense from the spawning as a whole a long-ass time ago, we all know that. Making it spawn on player damage will work in some kind of cemetery mini-biome and that's about it, I think.
  19. What do you think?

    Rooftops gotta eat.
  20. Brewing and beverages

    More importantly, are we getting grapes by any chance soon? Growing upwards on the sides of the block or on fences?
  21. 1.6 snapshot

    So, as of latest snapshot, when zombie is taking damade, more zombies spawn around him in certain radius (the radius spawner block spawns, most likely) regardless of light level. Mojang is clearly out of their minds, though I can kind of see what they were trying to achieve.
  22. Spumwack's Dropping TFC

    Wait, they are doing it again?
  23. It works with any solid true blocks. Doesn't work with anything more complicated, like slabs or stair blocks. It works on scribing and metallurgy tables if it works on vanilla crafting table, which I doubt it is.
  24. [TFC 0.76.X] Terra Bow Mod (Abandoned)

    No, it doesn't. Glue bottle has multiple uses, how much exactly - I can't tell for now.
  25. Before you are able to make and power a single quarry, you should go through almost entire TFC progression curve - that's a good enough balancing in my books and a sink for an excess of ore. Besides, quarry wouldn't have the same amount of output comparing with vanilla quarrying because of the way ore spawns.